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24d4be6 Se me ocurre que, incluso aunque Zoya y yo aun seguimos vivos, mi vida ha concluido ya. No tardare en perderla y no habra razon para que continue sin ella. Veran, es que somos una sola persona. Somos GeorgiZoya. John Boyne
5a04eee I didn't blow anyone!' he roared. 'If anyone was getting blown it was me. Although, of course, it wasn't me anyway, as it never happened.' 'That's a great quote,' said Mr Denby-Denby. 'We should definitely put that into the press release. I don't blow teenage boys. They blow me. John Boyne
c06929e There was a huge wire fence that ran along the length of the house and turned in at the top, extending further along in either direction, further than she could possibly see. The fence was very high, higher even than the house they were standing in, and there were huge wooden posts, like telegraph poles, dotted along it, holding it up. At the top of the fence enormous bales of barbed wire were tangled in spirals, and Gretel felt an unexpect.. John Boyne
c53a427 He tells a story, and that's what I like. Does this fella tell a story? He doesn't spend twenty pages describing the colour of the sky?' 'He hasn't so far.' 'Good. Jeffrey Archer never talks about the colour of the sky and I like that in a writer. I'd say Jeffrey Archer has never even looked up at the sky his entire life.' 'Especially now that he's in prison,' I suggested. writing-quotes John Boyne
470c6d3 Please don't embarrass yourself by offering an opinion. John Boyne
bd8adf2 Situations like that always made Bruno feel very uncomfortable because, in his heart, he knew that there was no reason to be impolite to someone, even if they did work for you. There was such a thing as manners after all. John Boyne
ead816b You fought in the Great War?" a journalist from The Guardian asked me in a long interview to coincide with the presentation of the prize. "I didn't think it was all that great." I pointed out. "In fact, if memory serves, it was bloody awful." "Yes, of course," said the journalist, laughing uncomfortably. "Only you've never written about it, have you?" "Haven't I?" "Not explicitly, at least." He said, his face taking on an expression of .. John Boyne
d9d874e I said my goodbyes to Madge at the front door and watched her for a few moments as she made her way down the driveway before closing it again. At first I rested my forehead against the woodwork, wondering what I might do next, but as I turned, a hand grabbed me by the neck and threw me across the floor. I hit the wall of the hallway with a scream and felt a body, invisible, rushing towards me. Before it could reach me, however, another pres.. John Boyne
05d7d40 Did I ever tell you that they nearly cut my dick off?' 'No,' I said, uncertain whether this was something that had really happened or something he was misremembering in his delirium. 'It's true,' he said. 'The night before the Gardai found me. They said that I had a choice. That they'd either pop one of my eyes out or cut my dick off. They told me I could choose which.' 'Jesus,' I said. 'I mean I would have said my eye, of course. Probably .. John Boyne
c5d8814 Hay veces en que le envidio su juventud, pero trato de no pensar mucho en eso. Un anciano no debe tener celos de aquellos que vienen a ocupar su puesto, y recordar el tiempo en que era joven, sano y viril es un acto de masoquismo que no sirve de nada. John Boyne
cf74c8c no man with any sense should marry the girl to whom he loses his virginity. It's like learning to drive in some clapped-out old banger and then holding on to it for the rest of your life when you've developed the skill to handle a BMW in rush-hour traffic on a busy Autobahn. John Boyne
4da8af0 Let's just hope we get to come back here someday when all this is over John Boyne
2555f0c Insa, in timp ce reflecta astfel, picioarele il dusera pas cu pas din ce in ce mai aproape de punctul din departare, care intre timp devenise o pata, apoi se transforma intr-un strop. Si in curand dupa aceea, stropul deveni o silueta. Dupa care, cand Bruno se apropie si mai mult, vazu ca nu era nici punct, nici pata, nici strop, nici silueta, ci o faptura. De fapt, era un baiat. John Boyne
a019ed9 Here's a tip though', he told me, leaning over and pressing a hand into my shoulder. 'If you want to improve your time, run faster. John Boyne
ba33f6b Actually, they were very strange parents,' I told her. 'Neither of them were what you might call conventional people. And they had an extremely peculiar approach to parenting. Sometimes I felt as if I were little more than a tenant in their house, as if they weren't entirely sure what I was doing there. But they never mistreated me, nor did they ever do anything to hurt me. And perhaps they loved me in their own way. The concept itself migh.. parents-and-children John Boyne
7778b9a Catherine on her relationship with Kenneth (and a great quote in the wake of International Women's Week - and remember this is written by a male author even if it's put in the mouth of a woman): 'And what did I do, only slip my hand inside his own and say that maybe he should hold my hand instead for a while, and I can see the look on his face even to this day. The shock and the desire. Oh, I loved the power I had over him! The power I coul.. sex love men-as-weak women-s-strength men-and-women power John Boyne
43790a2 And I am not one of these long-living fictional characters who prays for death as a release from the captivity of eternal life; not for me the endless whining and wailing of the undead. living immortal John Boyne
61ed4fc He looked the boy up and down as if he had never seen a child before and wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to do with one: eat it, ignore it or kick it down the stairs. John Boyne
853f223 Nao", disse Bruno rapidamente, pois sempre tentava ser honesto e sabia que, se hesitasse mesmo que por um momento, nao teria mais coragem de dizer o que pensava." John Boyne
6e90a36 Que uno contemple el cielo por la noche no lo convierte en astronomo. John Boyne
3f64934 Some things are just sitting there, waiting to be discovered. Other things are probably better off left alone' Nine-year-old John Boyne
08a914c O John Boyne
c897de5 it seemed like a great adventure, at least at the start. John Boyne
d08d9ca Berlin, John Boyne
e4fe175 I never really noticed it any more, in the way that one often ignores familiar things, like seat cushions or loved ones. John Boyne
466b57e But there was something about the new house that made Bruno think that no one ever laughed there; that there was nothing to laugh at and nothing to be happy about. John Boyne
63755e0 The people are behind him for now. He has infected them with his hatred. He demands absolute loyalty, and when anyone dares to criticize him, they lose their position. I think he will lead a great army, but what will be the result? John Boyne
3cb7971 He put his face to the glass and saw what was out there, and this time when his eyes opened wide and his mouth made the shape of an O, his hands stayed by his sides because something made him feel very cold and unsafe. John Boyne
e1cd7b1 You have many years ahead of you to come to terms with your complicity in these matters. Just don't ever tell yourself that you didn't know." She released him now from her grip. "That would be the worst crime of all." John Boyne
0b3f781 Something must be done. Not just for him but for all the Pierrots out there. The Fuhrer will destroy the whole country if he's not stopped. The whole of Europe. He says that he is illuminating the minds of the German people--but no, he is the darkness at the center of the world. John Boyne
05fbde5 if you ask me we are all in the same boat and it's leaking John Boyne
8531e76 Is it really that easy for the innocent to be corrupted? John Boyne
c902ab7 irritated by the fact that the rules that always applied to children never seemed to apply to grown-ups at all (despite the fact that they were the ones who enforced them). John Boyne
d8be2a8 his head and said that he didn't want to talk about it. Bruno assumed that there were bullies all over the world, not just in schools in Berlin, and that one of them had done this to Shmuel. He felt an urge to help his friend but he couldn't think of anything he could do to make it better, and he could tell that Shmuel wanted to pretend it had never happened. Every day Bruno asked Shmuel whether he would be allowed to crawl underneath the w.. John Boyne
215cb4f When you sit down with a book, you are separating yourself out of your world for a few hours and getting lost in the story. John Boyne
bfbc7b0 all - were wearing the same clothes as each other: a pair of grey striped pyjamas with a grey striped cap on their heads. John Boyne
0adf3d1 I had told the truth, or a version of it, anyway. John Boyne
88df390 I don't drink coffee," she said, taking a sip from her tea. "Coffee is for Americans and Protestants. Irish people should drink tea. That's how we were brought up after all. Give me a nice cup of Lyons and I'm content." "I don't mind the occasional cup of Barry's myself." "No, that's from Cork." John Boyne
3af0c32 Fury John Boyne
65f9b3a before we learn to feel afraid of things, our bodies know how to do them anyway. It's one of the more disappointing aspects of growing older. We fear more so we can do less. John Boyne
38ecb62 Es muy bueno fingiendo ser alguien que no es -le comente despues a Zoya en el vestibulo, cuando esperabamos para felicitarlo, sin saber muy bien si con esas palabras pretendia o no halagarlo-. No se como lo hace. - Yo si -repuso ella, sorprendiendome. John Boyne
18f7c8d Tengo la sensacion de que solo me limito a respirar. Y existe una diferencia entre respirar y seguir viviendo. John Boyne
b41db14 But they'd never once invited any of the striped pyjama people to dinner. John Boyne
ddc8181 No woman will ever take care of my children but me, she said. I will not allow it, do you understand? And after I am gone Madge Toxley, if you try to make them yours, then you will live to regret it. thriller John Boyne
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