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e8d3f38 And you will have greater credibility with your leader if you admit your shortcomings and refrain from making excuses. John C. Maxwell
b2a4e2a It's easier to move from failure to success than from excuses to success. John C. Maxwell
bea2faf Algunas veces no estan importante que tan fuerte usted reme el bote, sino que tan rapida es la corriente>>. --WARREN John C. Maxwell
a290847 people don't function like machines. They have feelings. They think. They have problems, hopes, and dreams. Though people can be managed, they would much rather be led. And when they are led, they perform at a much higher level. John C. Maxwell
620cdb5 Leadership is more than management. Leadership is: * People more than projects * Movement more than maintenance * Art more than science * Intuition more than formula * Vision more than procedure * Risk more than caution * Action more than reaction * Relationships more than rules * Who you are more than what you do If you want to influence others, then you must learn to lead. John C. Maxwell
eb0d3cb One of the reasons that problem solving is so difficult is that we are often too close to the problems to truly understand them. John C. Maxwell
2c6ef54 Novelist Victor Hugo believed, "He who every morning plans the transactions of the day and follows out that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life . . . But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incident, chaos will soon reign." John C. Maxwell
cb61148 The rewards leaders give are counterbalanced by the results that their people give in return. John C. Maxwell
a99474d El liderazgo es influencia, nada mas y nada menos. John C. Maxwell
7a94798 1. Cop-outs. People who have no goals and do not commit. 2. Holdouts. People who don't know if they can reach their goals, so they're afraid to commit. 3. Dropouts. People who start toward a goal but quit when the going gets tough. 4. All-outs. People who set goals, commit to them, and pay the price to reach John C. Maxwell
465e4a3 There's a world of difference between a person who has a big problem and a person who makes a problem big. John C. Maxwell
ed38188 si hay poca o ninguna confianza, no hay fundamento para el exito permanente. John C. Maxwell
50f93eb Ninguna cantidad de titulos, grados, oficios, designaciones, premios, licencias, u otra credencial puede sustituir la integridad basica cuando hablamos del poder de influir en otros. John C. Maxwell
7c3fc10 Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men to win them. John C. Maxwell
7c2b74b rey del antiguo Israel, declaro: <>.2 Pero la buena reputacion es el reflejo del caracter de la persona. Si la reputacion es como el oro, entonces tener integridad es como ser dueno de la mina. Preocupese menos por lo que otros piensan y prestele atencion a su caracter interno. John C. Maxwell
2ea4809 La ansiedad y el temor son emociones debilitantes para el corazon humano, y tambien lo son las perdidas. Pueden debilitarnos, encarcelarnos, paralizarnos, desalentarnos y enfermarnos. Para ser exitosos, necesitamos encontrar maneras de desatascarnos emocionalmente. John C. Maxwell
53dd855 Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. John C. Maxwell
cc40c2e All true leaders have learned to say no to the good in order to say yes to the best. John C. Maxwell
cb879a4 Holding a grudge is never positive or appropriate. John C. Maxwell
b41aeca En el control de calidad no nos preocupa el producto, nos preocupa el proceso. Si el proceso es correcto, el producto esta garantizado>>. Lo mismo se aplica a la integridad: garantiza la credibilidad. John C. Maxwell
f127f68 William King will help you. He said, "A gossip is one who talks to you about other people. A bore is one who talks to you about himself. And a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself." John C. Maxwell
fb684c7 Ayude a muchas personas a tener exito, y usted tambien lo tendra>>. John C. Maxwell
656a54b Uno no puede enemistarse con las personas e influir en ellas al mismo tiempo>>. John C. Maxwell
b12c3a5 I remember looking at myself in the mirror one morning and thinking, I am not a handsome guy. What am I going to do with a face like this? Then I smiled. And I thought, That helps. John C. Maxwell
67f1c90 If you tend to focus on the particular events in your life, try to put things into perspective. When you do, you'll be able to share the philosophy of someone such as the apostle Paul, who was able to say, "I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content."3 And that was saying a lot, considering that Paul had been shipwrecked, whipped, beaten, stoned, and imprisoned. Throughout everything, his faith enabled him to maintain perspective... John C. Maxwell
0a93f7a Las personas no quieren ser manejadas. Quieren ser dirigidas. ?Alguien ha oido de un administrador mundial? De un lider mundial, si. De un lider educativo, si. De un lider politico, religioso, explorador, comunitario, laboral, empresarial. Si, ellos dirigen, no administran. La zanahoria siempre logra mas que el latigo. Preguntele a su caballo. Usted puede dirigir su caballo hacia donde hay agua, pero no puede obligarlo a beberla. Si usted q.. John C. Maxwell
a7a169e Improving your abilities in high-priority areas is always a good investment in yourself that will pay off in the long run. John C. Maxwell
c88d527 Before you get out of bed every morning, say 'do it now' fifty times. At the end of the day before you go to sleep, the last thing you should do is say 'do it now' fifty times. John C. Maxwell
6144f4b Most people's natural inclination is to judge themselves according to their best qualities while they measure others by their worst. As a result, they point to areas where their teammates need to grow. But the truth is that every person is responsible for his own growth first. John C. Maxwell
e3ca11b Un fracasado es una persona que hace las cosas mal pero que no es capaz de sacar beneficio de la experiencia.. --ELBERT HUBBARD John C. Maxwell
ec7aa9a Successful people are good in four areas: relationships, equipping, attitude, and leadership. Those John C. Maxwell
cf58f08 Quando entendemos o ponto de vista do proximo -- entendemos o que ele esta tentando fazer nove entre dez vezes ele esta tentando fazer o que e certo. John C. Maxwell
f16692b Cuando uno hace que las personas se sientan seguras, importantes y apreciadas, no necesitan menospreciar a los demas para aparentar que ellas son mejores>>. John C. Maxwell
a90b741 When you give of yourself, it benefits you, the organization, and the receiver. John C. Maxwell
dadb472 Los cerebros son como los corazones, van donde se les aprecia>>. John C. Maxwell
7d8de0e people with a positive attitude focus their time and attention on solutions, not problems. Just about anybody can see problems. John C. Maxwell
3cf975a UCLA basketball coach John Wooden told players who scored to give a smile, wink, or nod to the player who gave them a good pass. "What if he's not looking?" asked a team member. Wooden replied, "I guarantee he'll look." Everyone values encouragement and looks for it." John C. Maxwell
e615b14 Pocas cosas ayudan a una persona como el animo. George M. Adams lo llamo <>. John C. Maxwell
be7226e Se dice que un individuo puede vivir cuarenta dias sin comida, cuatro dias sin agua, cuatro minutos sin aire, pero solo cuatro segundos sin esperanza. John C. Maxwell
4e17514 El crecimiento personal es como una inversion; no es cuestion de oportunidad sino de tiempo. John C. Maxwell
90c0f30 It's not the position that makes the leader; it's the leader that makes the position."," John C. Maxwell
1811253 Almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not possess. John C. Maxwell
5a75409 Don't look--you might see. Don't listen--you might hear. Don't think--you might learn. Don't make a decision--you might be wrong. Don't walk--you might stumble. Don't run--you might fall. Don't live--you might die. I would like to add one more thought to this depressing list: Don't change--you might grow. John C. Maxwell
fa8f0c1 It isn't hard to be good from time to time in sports. What's tough is being good every day. John C. Maxwell