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1daf46a a new crutch to help you make excuses for your meaningless, impotent existence. John Kennedy Toole
8aaed1d Every difficult work presents us with a choice of whether to judge the author inept for not being clear, or ourselves stupid for not grasping what is going on. Montaigne encouraged us to blame the author. An incomprehensible prose-style is likely to have resulted more from laziness than cleverness; what reads easily is rarely so written... John Kennedy Toole
fa9a1ec I don't drive. Will you kindly go away? I am waiting for my mother. John Kennedy Toole
cb74b77 Do you think that I have a problem?" Ignatius bellowed. "The only problem that those people have anyway is that they don't like new cars and hairsprays. That why they are put away. They make the other members of the society fearful. Every asylum in this nation is filled with poor souls who simply cannot stand lanolin, cellophane, plastic, television, and subdivisions." "Ignatius, that ain't true. You remember old Mr. Becnel used to live dow.. John Kennedy Toole
1e1e973 You must realize the fear and hatred which my instills in people. John Kennedy Toole
1a5381b Whoa! If I'm gonna be a doorman, I gonna be the mos sabotagin doorman ever guarded a plantation. Ooo-wee. The cotton fiel be burn to the groun before I'm through. jones toole John Kennedy Toole
64012f4 Oh, my God!" Ignatius bellowed from the front of the house. "What an egregious insult to good taste." pretentious John Kennedy Toole
3330abc I would very much like to know what the Founding Fathers would say if they could see these children being debauched to further the cause of Clearasil. However, I always suspected that democracy would come to this . . . "A firm rule must be imposed upon our nation before it destroys itself. The United States needs some theology and geometry, some taste and decency. I suspect that we are teetering on the edge of the abyss"." John Kennedy Toole
7f3a4fe but who are we to question the motives of these giants of commerce whose whims rule the course of our nation. John Kennedy Toole
06a9e3b I doubt whether any hack, under pressure, could pen such atrocious melodrama, John Kennedy Toole
dc535d9 How come God has to make it so tough for you?" "We must not question His ways," Ignatius said. "Maybe not, but I still don't get it." "The writings of Boethius may give you some insight." "I read Father Keller and Billy Graham in the paper every single day." "Oh, my God!" Ignatius spluttered. "No wonder you are so lost." John Kennedy Toole
e2d9695 Look at that. She think I got siphlus and TB and a hard-on and I gonna cut her up with a razor and lif her purse. Ooo-wee. John Kennedy Toole
d002323 She ran into the bathroom and powdered her face and the front of her dress, drew a surrealistic version of a mouth beneath her nose, and dashed into her bedroom to find a coat. humor mother truth John Kennedy Toole
5534e57 Why did you step out of my life, you minx? Your new hair-do is fascinating and cosmopolitan." He snatched at her pigtail and pressed it to his wet moustache, kissing it vigorously. "The scent of soot and carbon in your hair excites me with suggestions of glamorous Gotham. We must leave immediately. I must go flower in Manhattan." John Kennedy Toole
6b1a40c She went up to his bedroom door and listened to the wildly twanging bed springs as they reached a crescendo as they built toward a finale worthy of Grieg's 'In the Hall of the Mountain King John Kennedy Toole
dde8ab9 This is a floral abortion,' Ignatius commented irritably and tapped the vase with his cutlas. 'Dyed flowers are unnatural and perverse and, I suspect, obscene also. I can see that I am going to have my hands full with you people. John Kennedy Toole
d6b4654 Oh, New Orleans is such freedom. John Kennedy Toole
1e93764 Your total ignorance of that which you profess to teach merits the death penalty. John Kennedy Toole
6087f71 Merchants and charlatans gained control of Europe, calling their insidious gospel "The Enlightenment." The day of the locust was at hand, but from the ashes of humanity there arose no Phoenix. The humble and pious peasant, Piers Plowman, went to town to sell his children to the lords of the New Order for purposes that we may call questionable at best. (See Reilly, Ignatius J., Blood on Their Hands: The Crime of It All, A study of some selec.. John Kennedy Toole
3a23906 All signs were pointing upward; his wheel was revolving skyward. John Kennedy Toole
0b294ea Clean, hard-working, dependable, quiet type.' Good God! What kind of monster is this that they want. I am afraid that I could never work for a concern with a worldview like that. John Kennedy Toole
1918e90 Here at any rate is Ignatius Reilly, without progenitor in any literature I know of--slob extraordinary, a mad Oliver Hardy, a fat Don Quixote, a perverse Thomas Aquinas rolled into one--who is in violent revolt against the entire modern age, lying in his flannel nightshirt, in a back bedroom on Constantinople Street in New Orleans, who between gigantic seizures of flatulence and eructations is filling dozens of Big Chief tablets with invec.. John Kennedy Toole
a860453 a block that had moved into the twentieth century carelessly and uncaringly--and with very limited funds. John Kennedy Toole
9843e0f What is it, Gus? A problem? Are you having a problem? That's one of your problems. You never tell me your problems. John Kennedy Toole
7c81fd9 Mr. Gonzalez watched Mr. Zalatimo probing his long index finger high into one of his nostrils. What would this one do? His feet tingled with fear. John Kennedy Toole
6aa7f27 I am thirty," Ignatius said condescendingly. "You got a job?" "Ignatius hasta help me at home," Mrs. Reilly said. Her initial courage was failing a little, and she began to twist the lute string with the cord on the cake boxes. "I got terrible arthuritis." "I dust a bit," Ignatius told the policeman. "In addition, I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century. When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I mak.. John Kennedy Toole
ea12744 Levy pantolonlarinin bulundugu semtte her kosebasinda bir bar var, bu da yoredeki maaslarin ne kadar dusuk oldugunun gostergesi. John Kennedy Toole
1158e11 Mother, when was this coffee dripped?" Ignatius demanded, flapping into the kitchen again. "Just about a hour ago. Why?" "It certainly tastes brackish." John Kennedy Toole
cfc9b2f Health note: My stomach is getting out of bounds; the seams of my vendor's smock are creaking ominously. John Kennedy Toole
8aa1fb1 She appears to have been knocked a bit in her life already. Up rather than down. If she ever nears me, however, the direction will be reversed. John Kennedy Toole
3a3477c This is clearly a case for the Civil Liberties Union," Ignatius observed, squeezing his mother's drooping shoulder with the paw. "We must contact Myrna Minkoff, my lost love. She knows about those things." John Kennedy Toole
72a1239 It would bring all of my latent anxieties to a head, and the result, I fear, would be very ugly indeed. John Kennedy Toole
829e30b Viens t'agenouiller avec moi pres de la fenetre, David, et prions pour que ta maman se sente bien demain, et que rien n'arrive a ton papa ce soir, et que toi et moi... que toi et moi ne souffrions pas trop, ni demain, ni jamais. Cela m'avait l'air d'une priere magnifique, alors j'ai regarde par la fenetre et j'ai commence, mais mes yeux sont tombes sur la Bible de neon, en dessous de nous, et je n'ai pas pu continuer. Et puis j'ai vu les et.. John Kennedy Toole
4c11bb5 Talc: You have been found guilty of misleading and perverting the young. I decree that you be hung by your underdeveloped testicles until dead. ZORRO threat John Kennedy Toole
043701c That fat freak a guarantee one hunner percen nucular bum. Shit. Drop him on somebody, everbody gettin caught in the fallout, gettin their ass blowed up. John Kennedy Toole
fdfca14 Pese a lo que han estado sometidos, los negros son una gente bastante agradable en general. Yo habia tenido poca relacion con ellos, en realidad, pues solo me relaciono con mis iguales, y como no tengo iguales, no me relaciono con nadie. John Kennedy Toole
d2afd48 Remember I'm from Dauphine Street. We useta put the kitchen chairs out on the banquette and set there till midnight sometimes waiting for the house to cool off. And the things the people down here say! Lord. John Kennedy Toole
fc5bdeb Over the years I have become very good at getting out of things I don't want to do. And if ever there was something I didn't want to do, this was surely it: to deal with the mother of a dead novelist and, worst of all, to have to read a manuscript that she said was great, and that, as it turned out, was a badly smeared, scarcely readable carbon. John Kennedy Toole
52bea94 Je suggere que tu mettes de cote une partie des sommes que tu investis a fonds perdus dans l'industrie des boissons alcooliques. french vin John Kennedy Toole
09a7fd3 Myrna was not astigmatic; the lenses were clear glass; she wore the glasses to prove her dedication and intensity of purpose. hipsters humor ironic John Kennedy Toole
6b9a09d What is your opinion of a society that considers "Turkey in the Straw" to be one of the pillars, as it were, of its culture?" John Kennedy Toole
0de670e Although the style of each varied in crudity, the subjects of the paintings were relatively similar: camellias floating in bowls of water, azaleas tortured into ambitious flower arrangements, magnolias that looked like white windmills. John Kennedy Toole
811d4ab Mercaderes y charlatanes se hicieron con el control de Europa, llamando a su insidioso evangelio "La Ilustracion". El dia de la plaga estaba proximo; pero de las cenizas de la humanidad no surgio ningun fenix. El campesino humilde y piadoso, Pedro Labrador, se fue a la ciudad a vender a sus hijos a los senores del Nuevo Sistema para empresas que podemos calificar, en el mejor de los casos, de dudosas. (...) El giroscopio se habia ampliado. .. John Kennedy Toole
09ebd8a Speeding along in that bus was like hurtling into the abyss. By the time we had left the swamps and reached those rolling hills near Baton Rouge, I was getting afraid that some rural rednecks might toss bombs at the bus. They love to attack vehicles, which are a symbol of progress, I guess. John Kennedy Toole
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