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4e76d18 In the old days, if a king didn't like the message he was given, he would sometimes have the messenger killed. This is tantamount to suppressing your symptoms or your feelings because they are unwanted. Killing the messenger and denying the message or raging against it are not intelligent ways of approaching healing. The one thing we don't want to do is to ignore or rupture the essential connections that can complete relevant feedback loops.. Jon Kabat-Zinn
03f9b38 Oh, I've had my moments, and if I had to do it over again, I'd have more of them. In fact, I'd try to have nothing else. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day. --NADINE STAIR, EIGHTY-FIVE YEARS OLD, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Jon Kabat-Zinn
cdb5262 One small shift in the way we each conduct ourselves, and the crystal lattice structure of the world is already different. In this way, we are the world, and when we take responsibility for our small but not insignificant part of it, the whole is already different--the flowering we manifest emotionally and in every other way of some importance, potentially enormous. Jon Kabat-Zinn
66f2280 Meditace je opravdu jedina lidska cinnost, ve ktere se nesnazite dostat nekam jinam, ale proste si dovolite zustat tam, kde jste, a takovi, jaci jste. Je to horka medicina, ktera se spatne polyka, kdyz se vam nelibi, kde jste a co se kolem vas deje, ale v takovych pripadech je jeji uzivani obzvlast uzitecne. meditation Jon Kabat-Zinn
9ae726e For mindfulness is the knowing quality of awareness, the core property of mind itself. It is strengthened by sustaining, and it is self-sustaining. Mindfulness is the field of knowing. When that field is stabilized by calmness and one-pointedness, the arising of the knowing itself is sustained, and the quality of the knowing strengthened. Jon Kabat-Zinn
3d9209c friends Jon Kabat-Zinn
f143722 The challenge for each of us is to find out who we are and to live our way into our own calling.we do this by paying close attention to all aspects of life as they unfold in the present moment. present-momentent Jon Kabat-Zinn
73acb6b Z hlediska trpelivosti se veci stanou proto, protoze se stanou jine veci. Nic neni oddelene nebo izolovane. Neexistuje zadna absolutni, konecna, prapuvodni pricina. Pokud vas nekdo uderi holi, nebudete se hnevat na hul nebo na pazi, ktera ji drzi. Rozhnevate se na osobu, ktere ta paze patri. Ale pokud se zamyslite trochu hloubeji, zjistite, ze neexistuje zadny uspokojivy duvod hledat duvod sveho hnevu v dane osobe, ktera ve skutecnosti nevi.. Jon Kabat-Zinn
97536b6 To, co vypada jako slabost, je ve skutecnosti vase sila. A to, co vypada jako sila, je casto slabost, snaha skryt strach. Je to jen hra nebo fasada, at pusobi sebepresvedciveji na ostatni, nebo dokonce i na vas. Jon Kabat-Zinn
9623e6b Consume my heart away; sick with desire And fastened to a dying animal It knows not what it is, ... W. B. YEATS, "Sailing to Byzantium" Jon Kabat-Zinn
8e26cbb even and especially as we are being confronted with the law of impermanence and the inevitability of change, conditions we are subject to as individuals regardless of how much we resist or protest or try to control outcomes. If we wish to make a quantum leap to greater awareness, there is no getting around the need for us to be willing to wake up, and to care deeply about waking up. Jon Kabat-Zinn
0e0d71c Coming to our senses involves cultivating an overarching awareness of all our senses, including our own minds, and their limitations, including the temptation when we feel deeply insecure and have a lot of resources, to try to control as rigidly and as tightly as possible all variables in the external world, an impossible and ultimately depleting, intrinsically violent, Jon Kabat-Zinn
564680c Coming to our senses involves cultivating an overarching awareness of all our senses, including our own minds, and their limitations, including the temptation when we feel deeply insecure and have a lot of resources, to try to control as rigidly and as tightly as possible all variables in the external world, an impossible and ultimately depleting, intrinsically violent, and self-exhausting enterprise. Jon Kabat-Zinn
6a9b33d You might become aware of how addicted we can be to our devices, and to that 24/7 connectivity that has us always available and immediately responsive to everybody else, clutching our phones as if they were our oxygen line to life itself, and in the process, perhaps losing touch more and more with ourselves and with our moments--so that, ironically, some of the most important connections of all, namely, with our own deepest analog self, wit.. Jon Kabat-Zinn
2b94bc2 Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms--to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." MBSR," Jon Kabat-Zinn
52f8fd8 Remember, now is the only time you have for anything. You have to accept yourself as you are before you can really change. Your choosing to do so becomes an act of self-compassion and intelligence. When Jon Kabat-Zinn
bc59cde Meditation is a way of being, not a technique. Jon Kabat-Zinn
e98624e In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few. Jon Kabat-Zinn
60bbca8 comes up with. This is the flavor of true intentionality and inner discipline. You do it simply Jon Kabat-Zinn
b70e361 Here is Eliot, again from "Burnt Norton": Time past and time future Allow but a little consciousness. To be conscious is not to be in time ..." Jon Kabat-Zinn
fd9c4c9 Por el mismo motivo, cada vez que nos ensimismamos, no nos damos cuenta de las cosas o nos sentimos ansiosos, ejercitamos y reforzamos la capacidad de ensimismarnos, de tornarnos inconscientes y de estar ansiosos, respectivamente, porque, como dice el refran, "la practica hace el musculo". Si no somos conscientes de la ira, del ensimismamiento, del aburrimiento o de cualquier otro estado mental que pueda desbordarnos, acabaremos consolidand.. Jon Kabat-Zinn
879b1ab If you can't entirely trust what you think, what about trusting awareness? What about trusting your heart? What about trusting your motivation to at least do no harm? What about trusting your experience until it's proven to be inaccurate -- and then trusting that discovery? Jon Kabat-Zinn
611419c are using the word practice here in a special way. It does not mean a rehearsal or a perfecting of some skill so that we can put it to use at some other time. In the meditative context, practice means "being in the present on purpose." The means and the end of meditation are really the same. We are not trying to get somewhere else, only working" Jon Kabat-Zinn
aa24fc6 any change that comes about in your life will be primarily because of your own efforts Jon Kabat-Zinn
f343eb5 Time past and time future Allow but a little consciousness. To be conscious is not to be in time ... You Jon Kabat-Zinn
b8832a2 Personal motivations to live are known to sometimes influence survival. Jon Kabat-Zinn
6694d10 now. When Jon Kabat-Zinn
60cd2b6 When we don't automatically take them (thoughts) personally or believe the stories about "reality" that we build from them,when we can simply hold them in awareness with a sense of curiosity and wonder at their amazing power given their insubstantiality, their limitations,and inaccuracies,then we have a chance right in that moment,in any moment really,to not get caught in their habitual patterning,to see thoughts for what they are,impersona.. mindfulness present-moment thoughts Jon Kabat-Zinn
0c27f9c look at other people and ask yourself if you are really seeing them or just your thoughts about them. Jon Kabat-Zinn
2145623 Fui a vivir al bosque porque queria vivir despierto, enfrentarme tan solo a los hechos esenciales de la vida y aprender lo necesario para no verme obligado, cuando estuviera postrado en mi lecho de muerte, a reconocer que no habia vivido. Jon Kabat-Zinn
5910369 Dr. Lown's story graphically illustrates the enormous power that strongly held beliefs, which are in actuality just thoughts, can have on our health. Jon Kabat-Zinn
ae3157a Los terminos "medicina" y "meditacion" proceden de la misma raiz latina mederi, que significa "curar". La raiz indoeuropea profunda de mederi transmite, ademas, el significado esencial de "medir" pero, en este caso, no se refiere tanto a la nocion habitual de "medida" como una relacion cuantitativa con el criterio establecido de una determinada propiedad como la longitud, el volumen o el area, sino a la nocion platonica de que todas las cos.. Jon Kabat-Zinn
df6f8c4 In all the meditative traditions of the world, visualizations and imagery are used to invoke particular qualities of mind and heart. Jon Kabat-Zinn
32a40b9 cannot be imposed, legislated, or decreed. They can only be cultivated, and Jon Kabat-Zinn
5028fca Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink, I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars. THOREAU, Walden Jon Kabat-Zinn
5098cac Voluntary simplicity means going fewer places in one day rather than more, seeing less so I can see more, doing less so I can do more, acquiring less so I can have more. It all ties in. It's not a real option for me as a Jon Kabat-Zinn
63c3958 Patience is an ever present alternative to the mind's endemic restlessness and impatience. Scratch the surface of impatience and what you will find lying beneath it, subtly or not so subtly, is anger. It's the strong energy of not wanting things to be the way they are and blaming someone (often yourself) or something for it. Jon Kabat-Zinn
d505e15 Awareness requires only that we pay attention and see things as they are. It doesn't require that we change anything. Jon Kabat-Zinn
5d07a74 Perhaps over time we can adjust our default setting to one of greater mindfulness rather than of mindlessness and being lost in thought. As Jon Kabat-Zinn
d7a1f7f We can learn to work with them, understand them, find meaning in them, make critical choices, and use their energies to grow in strength, wisdom, and compassion. Jon Kabat-Zinn
2876f75 L]ive life as if each moment was important, as if each moment counted and could be worked with, even if it was a moment of pain, sadness, despair, or fear. This "work" involves above all the regular, disciplined practice of moment-to-moment awareness or mindfulness, the complete "owning" of each moment of your experience, good, bad, or ugly. This is the essence of full catastrophe living." Jon Kabat-Zinn
c681ee8 M]indfulness does not involve trying to get anywhere or feel anything special. Rather it involves allowing yourself to be where you already are, to become more familiar with your own actual experience moment by moment. Jon Kabat-Zinn
179208c ultimately, mindfulness is intimacy--with ourselves and the world--underneath any apparent separation between the two. The Jon Kabat-Zinn
cb77f6c In this regard, cultivating mindfulness is not unlike the process of eating. It would be absurd to propose that someone else eat for you. And when you go to a restaurant, you don't eat the menu, mistaking it for the meal, nor are you nourished by listening to the waiter describe the food. You have to actually eat the food for it to nourish you. In the same way, you have to actually practice mindfulness in order to reap its benefits and come.. Jon Kabat-Zinn
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