The truth of war is not always easy. The truth is always more heroic than the hype.
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Rape and war, she explained, are among the most common causes of post-traumatic stress disorder, and survivors of sexual assault frequently exhibit many of the same symptoms and behaviors as survivors of combat: flashbacks, insomnia, nightmares, hypervigilance, depression, isolation, suicidal thoughts, outbursts of anger, unrelenting anxiety, and an inability to shake the feeling that the world is spinning out of control.
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We tell ourselves stories in order to live.... We look for the sermon in the suicide, for the social or moral lesson in the murder of five. We interpret what we see, select the most workable of the multiple choices. We live entirely, especially if we are writers, by the imposition of a narrative line upon disparate images, by the "ideas" with which we have learned to freeze the shifting phantasmagoria which is our actual experience."
Jon Krakauer |
For children are innocent and love justice, while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy. G. K. CHESTERTON
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McCandless's contrived asceticism and a pseudoliterary stance compound rather than reduce the fault. . . . McCandless's postcards, notes, and journals . . . read like the work of an above average, somewhat histrionic high school kid--or am I missing something?
Jon Krakauer |
How much of the appeal of mountaineering lies in its simplification of interpersonal relationships, its reduction of friendship to smooth interaction (like war), its substitution of an Other (the mountain, the challenge) for the relationship itself? Behind a mystique of adventure, toughness, footloose vagabondage--all much needed antidotes to our culture's built-in comfort and convenience--may lie a kind of adolescent refusal to take seriou..
Jon Krakauer |
This forms the nub of a dilemma that every Everest climber eventually comes up against: in order to succeed you must be exceedingly driven, but if you're too driven you're likely to die.
Jon Krakauer |
I had been granted unusual freedom and responsibility at an early age, for which I should have been grateful in the extreme, but I wasn't. Instead, I felt oppressed by the old man's expectations. It was drilled into me that anything less than winning was failure. In the impressionable way of sons, I did not consider this rhetorically; I took him at his word. And that's why later, when long-held family secrets came to light, when I noticed t..
Jon Krakauer |
I knew that people sometimes died climbing mountains. But at the age of twenty-three, personal mortality--the idea of my own death--was still largely outside my conceptual grasp. When I decamped from Boulder for Alaska, my head swimming with visions of glory and redemption on the Devils Thumb, it didn't occur to me that I might be bound by the same cause-and-effect relationships that governed the actions of others. Because I wanted to climb..
Jon Krakauer |
Chris answered that careers were demeaning "twentieth-century inventions," more of a liability than an asset, and that he would do fine without one, thank you."
Jon Krakauer |
Seemingly by design, the American legal system encourages defense counsel to be as mendacious as possible. As Monroe Freedman, a legal ethicist and former dean of Hofstra Law School, has written, "The attorney is obligated to attack, if he can, the reliability or credibility of an opposing witness whom he knows to be truthful." It's an essential component of our adversarial system of justice, based on the theory that justice is best achieve..
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how the powers of government were being improperly used through improper warrants of arrest--how it was unconstitutional to stop a person on the freeway and arrest them.
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Mountaineering, she understood, was an essential expression of some odd, immutable aspect of my personality that I could no sooner alter than change the color of my eyes. Then, in the midst of this delicate rapprochement, Outside magazine confirmed it was sending me to Everest. At first I pretended that I'd be going as a journalist more than a climber--that I'd accepted the assignment because the commercialization of Everest was an interest..
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Ed Smart, even before he called the police, phoned the president of his local LDS stake,
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going to have to be real careful not to accept any gifts from them in the future because they will think they have bought my respect. Chris
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Jack London es el Rey Alexander Supertramp Mayo 1992 [Inscripcion
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Chris McCandless was at peace, serene as a monk gone to God.
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By design McCandless came into the country with insufficient provisions, and he lacked certain pieces of equipment deemed essential by many Alaskans: a large-caliber rifle, map and compass, an ax. This has been regarded as evidence not just of stupidity but of the even greater sin of arrogance.
Jon Krakauer |
Those who would assail The Book of Mormon should bear in mind that its veracity is no more dubious than the veracity of the Bible, say, or the Qur'an, or the sacred texts of most other religions.
Jon Krakauer |
Above 26,000 feet, moreover, the line between appropriate zeal and reckless summit fever becomes grievously thin. Thus the slopes of Everest are littered with corpses. Taske,
Jon Krakauer |
You are still going to live a long time, Ron, and it would be a shame if you did not take the opportunity to revolutionize your life and move into an entirely new realm of experience. You
Jon Krakauer |
Climbing mattered. The danger bathed the world in a halogen glow that caused everything--the sweep of the rock, the orange and yellow lichens, the texture of the clouds--to stand out in brilliant relief. Life thrummed at a higher pitch. The world was made real.
Jon Krakauer |
That guy, he has done some bad things against me. If someone is bad to me, I must be bad to them. You know why? Because if you didn't, that guy will think you are a pussy guy. And then he will be bothering you all the time. You have to go against him back, you know?
Jon Krakauer |
My life was falling apart. But somehow I stuck it out.
Jon Krakauer |
mii`yaanghnuengthiichan`yaakb`keth`aiw hlangcchaakaidyineruue`ngph`aemkhr`bkhrawaelakaartadsinaicchkh`ngeth`thanghmdaelw chan`yaakcchab`kkabeth`waakaaraih`phayepneruue`ngsamkhayna emuue`eth`aih`phayeth`kccharak
Jon Krakauer |
A trancelike state settles over your efforts; the climb becomes a clear-eyed dream. Hours slide by like minutes. The accumulated clutter of day-to-day existence--the lapses of consciousness, the unpaid bills, the bungled opportunities, the dust under the couch, the inescapable prison of your genes--all of it is temporarily forgotten, crowded from your thoughts by an overpowering clarity of purpose and by the seriousness of the task at hand.
Jon Krakauer |
A trancelike state settles over your efforts; the climb becomes a clear-eyed dream. Hours slide by like minutes. The accumulated clutter of day-to-day existence--the lapses of consciousness, the unpaid bills, the bungled opportunities, the dust under the couch, the inescapable prison of your genes--all of it is temporarily forgotten, crowded from your thoughts by an overpowering clarity of purpose and by the seriousness of the task at hand ..
Jon Krakauer |
A rapist, by definition, is only interested in gratifying his own desires. A rapist doesn't care what a woman wants. If he did, he wouldn't rape. --
Jon Krakauer |
Suddenly, [Cecilia Washburn] was getting a lot of attention from her friends," Pabst explained to the jury. "Attention from the dean of the pharmacy school....Attention by Dean Charles Couture, the then dean of students; by the Crime Victim Advocate office; by the nurse, [Claire] Francoeur....Miss Washburn got attention by the investigator and by the prosecutor. Her regret was replaced by sympathy, attention, and support, and a little bit o..
Jon Krakauer |
When cops and prosecutors fail to aggressively pursue sexual-assault cases, Kevin argued, it sends a message to sexual predators that women are fair game and can be raped with impunity. On
Jon Krakauer |
Using his gift for fundamentalist rhetoric and adroitly manipulating the religious indoctrination Elizabeth had received since she was old enough to talk, Mitchell cowed the girl into becoming an utterly submissive polygamous concubine--buttressing his powers of theological persuasion with threats to kill her and her family.
Jon Krakauer |
We're disinclined to believe that someone who's an attentive student or a congenial athlete could also be a serial rapist.
Jon Krakauer |
If you want to get more out of life, Ron, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty.
Jon Krakauer |
As Katie J. M. Baker observed in her Jezebel article, "In Missoula...drunk guys who may have 'made mistakes' nearly always get the benefit of the doubt. Drunk girls, however, do not."
Jon Krakauer |
ways--raw, boiled, baked, or fried--and enjoy it
Jon Krakauer |
If the day and the night are such that you greet them with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet-scented herbs, is more elastic, more starry, more immortal,--that is your success. All nature is your congratulation, and you have cause momentarily to bless yourself. The greatest gains and values are farthest from being appreciated. We easily come to doubt if they exist. We soon forget them. They
Jon Krakauer |
Se essa aventura se revelar fatal e nunca mais tiver noticias de mim, quero que saiba que voce e um grande homem. Caminho agora para dentro da Natureza Selvagem
Jon Krakauer |
Ich mochte aber gern noch einmal auf meinen Ratschlag zuruckkommen; ich finde namlich, dass du dein Leben radikal andern und ganz mutig Dinge in Angriff nehmen solltest, die dir fruher nie in den Sinn gekommen waren oder vor denen du im letzten Moment zuruckgeschreckt bist. So viele Leute sind unglucklich mit ihrem Leben und schaffen es trotzdem nicht, etwas an ihrer Situation zu andern, weil sie total fixiert sind auf ein angepasstes Leben..
Jon Krakauer |
He had fled the claustrophobic confines of his family. He'd successfully kept Jan Burres and Wayne Westerberg at arm's length, flitting out of their lives before anything was expected of him. And now he'd slipped painlessly out of Ron Franz's life as well.
Jon Krakauer |
The Slabs functions as the seasonal capital of a teeming itinerant society--a tolerant, rubber-tired culture comprising the retired, the exiled, the destitute, the perpetually unemployed. Its constituents are men and women and children of all ages, folks on the dodge from collection agencies, relationships gone sour, the law or the IRS, Ohio winters, the middle-class grind.
Jon Krakauer |
Like not a few of those seduced by the wild, McCandless seems to have been driven by a variety of lust that supplanted sexual desire. His yearning, in a sense, was too pow!erful to be quenched by human contact. McCandless may have been tempted by the succor offered by women, but it paled beside the prospect of rough congress with nature, with the cosmos it!self
Jon Krakauer |
He was right in saying that the only certain happiness in life is to live for others....
Jon Krakauer |
The United States Violence Against Women Act of 2005 requires that all victims of sexual assault be given free access to an evidence collection kit,
Jon Krakauer |
But there are men for whom the unattainable has a special attraction. Usually they are not experts: their ambitions and fantasies are strong enough to brush aside the doubts which more cautious men might have. Determination and faith are their strongest weapons. At best such men are regarded as eccentric; at worst, mad. . . . Everest
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