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6d085a3 traumatized people find themselves reenacting some aspect of the trauma scene in disguised form, without realizing what they are doing....There Jon Krakauer
b5383ce Many traumatized people expose themselves, seemingly compulsively, to situations reminiscent of the original trauma....Freud thought the aim of repetition was to gain mastery, but clinical experience has shown that this rarely happens; instead, repetition causes further suffering for the victims or for people in their surroundings. In Jon Krakauer
2cb0fa8 la felicidad solo es real cuando es compartida.>> Es Jon Krakauer
b8f39ea When you forgive, you love. love Jon Krakauer
8b59449 We understand that honor, truth and hard work win in the end. We are Montana. Jon Krakauer
0da0127 T]his is a bad thing that's going on," she told Moore, "and we all need to do something to try to fix it." On" Jon Krakauer
63a88d2 Most women are all too familiar with men like Calvin Smith. Men whose sense of prerogative renders them deaf when women say, "No thanks," "Not interested," or even "Fuck off, creep." Smith" Jon Krakauer
853f856 The eight-man expedition was pinned down in a ferocious blizzard high on K2, waiting to make an assault on the summit, when a team member named Art Gilkey developed thrombophlebitis, a life-threatening altitude-induced blood clot. Realising that they would have to get Gilkey down immediately to have any hope of saving him, Schoening and the others started lowering him down the mountain's steep Abruzzi Ridge as the storm raged. At 25,000 fee.. Jon Krakauer
fde46e9 they share this common idea that a rapist is a guy in a ski mask, wielding a knife, who drags women into the bushes. But these undetected rapists don't wear masks or wield knives or drag women into the bushes. So they had absolutely no sense of themselves as rapists and were only too happy to talk about their sexual behaviors. Jon Krakauer
2d5a829 among Jon Krakauer
cd50639 In drum spre varf, Viesturs a trecut pe langa cadravele inghetate ale lui Fischer si Hall. -Jean (sotia lui Fischer) si Jan(sotia lui Hall) m-au rugat sa le aduc obiecte personale, poveste rusinat Viesturs. Stiam ca Scott isi poarta verigheta atarnata la gat si voiam sa i-o duc lui Jeannie, dar n-am putut sa sap pe langa corpul lui neinsufletit. Pur si simplu nu am fost in stare. In loc sa ia suvenire, la coborare Viesturs s-a asezat langa .. Jon Krakauer
3c630e6 It is easy when you are young to believe that what you desire is no less than what you deserve, to assume that if you want something badly enough it is your God-given right to have it... I was a raw youth who mistook passion for insight and acted according to an obscure, gap-ridden logic. I thought climbing the Devil's Thumb would fix all that was wrong in my life. In the end, of course, it changed almost nothing...I came to appreciate that.. dreams risk travel Jon Krakauer
e38b75b 7. Jon Krakauer
25dc282 answer Jon Krakauer
e3cc2d8 He was right in saying that the only certain happiness in life is to live for others. . . Jon Krakauer
eba8fd5 drawn to a pursuit considered reckless by his elders; Jon Krakauer
37e3d8a Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. I sat at a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, an obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not; and I went away hungry from The inhospitable board. the hospitality was a cold as the ices. Jon Krakauer
f66bc63 Early on a difficult climb, especially a difficult solo climb, you're hyperaware of the abyss pulling at your back. You constantly feel its call, its immense hunger. To resist takes a tremendous conscious effort; you don't dare let your guard down for an instant. The siren song of the void puts you on edge, it makes your movements tentative, clumsy, herky-jerky. Bus as the climb goes on, you grow accustomed to the exposure, you get used to .. Jon Krakauer
99f1f65 the romantic waste places of the world. Jon Krakauer
745c4ce Happiness only real when shared Jon Krakauer
6413d9c By and by your attention becomes so intensely focused that you no longer notice the raw knuckles, the cramping thighs, the strain of maintaining nonstop concentration. A trancelike state settles over your efforts; the climb becomes a clear-eyed dream. Hours slide by like minutes. The accumulated clutter of day-to-day existence-- the lapses of conscience, the unpaid bills, the bungled opportunities, the dust under the couch, the inescapable .. Jon Krakauer
555636f Ai esta o no do dilema que todo alpinista no Everest acaba tendo que enfrentar: para ter sucesso, voce precisa estar bastante motivado, mas, se a motivacao for excessiva, e provavel que voce morra. everest mountaineering Jon Krakauer
b9e0732 Gallien cu ban khoan khong hieu lieu co phai anh da nhat o cuoi bang thu bon muoi tam mot trong nhung ga khung muon len phia Bac de song nhu trong nhung cau chuyen tuong tuong xoc noi kieu Jack London hay khong. Alaska tu lau da la mot thoi nam cham doi voi cac anh chang mo mong va khong thich nghi duoc voi xa hoi, nhung ke cho rang su khac nghiet cuc do cua chon tham son cung coc se lap day nhung ho tham trong cuoc doi ho. Jon Krakauer
ade07c7 finds Mexicans to be warm, friendly people. Much more hospitable than Americans.... Jon Krakauer
579fe85 Os papar nao arriscaram suas vidas - e perderam-nas em recuas nao registradas - em busca de riqueza ou gloria pessoal, ou para reivindicar novos territorios em nome de algum despota. Como salienta o grande explorador do Artico e premio Nobel Fridjof Nansen, 'essas viagens notaveis foram motivadas principalmente pelo desejo de encontrar lugares solitarios, onde esses anacoretas poderiam viver em paz, longe do turbilhao e das tentacoes do mun.. Jon Krakauer
79ab443 the vast majority of rapes, well over eighty percent, are actually non-stranger rapes." One of the other myths, he added, was the widely held belief that "a non-stranger assault is less serious and has less serious harm," Jon Krakauer
0ca8f3b It may, after all, be the bad habit of creative talents to invest themselves in pathological extremes that yield remarkable insights but no durable way of life for those who cannot translate their psychic wounds into significant art or thought. THEODORE ROSZAK, "IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS" -- Jon Krakauer
88abfb6 A lot of us are like that--I'm like that, Ed Abbey was like that, and it sounds like this McCandless kid was like that: We like companionship, see, but we can't stand to be around people for very long. So we go get ourselves lost, come back for a while, then get the hell out again. companionship independence isolation people social Jon Krakauer
28229ce According to this mind-set, there can only be two precursors to rape: (1) A stranger jumps out from the bushes; (2) There is no rape unless the woman puts up a fight, to the death if necessary. Jon Krakauer
2a2e8cd a challenge in which a successful outcome is assured isn't a challenge at all. Jon Krakauer
314952f Surprisingly, once she started working with professional counselors and advocates, Natasha's opinion about the desirability of reporting rapes to the police changed. Her colleagues pointed out that for some victims of sexual assault, engaging with the criminal justice system could traumatize them severely all over again, so the staff at SFTS didn't necessarily recommend it. Her colleagues definitely urged every victim to get counseling, how.. Jon Krakauer
a0e50f8 As she studies the pictures, she breaks down from time to time, weeping as only a mother who has outlived a child can weep, betraying a sense of loss so huge and irreparable that the mind balks at taking its measure. Jon Krakauer
f472dbe according to Fukuyama, modern liberal democracies produced men composed entirely of desire and reason, clever at finding new ways to satisfy a host of petty wants through the calculation of long-term self-interest.... It is not an accident that people in democratic societies are preoccupied with material gain and live in an economic world devoted to the satisfaction of the myriad small needs of the body.... The last man at the end of histor.. Jon Krakauer
186d068 In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche introduced the concept of the Ubermensch: an exemplary, transcendent figure who is the polar opposite of "the last man" or "men without chests." The Ubermensch is virtuous, loyal, ambitious and outspoken, disdainful of religious dogma and suspicious of received wisdom, intensely engaged in the hurly-burly of the real world. Above all he is passionate--a connoisseur of both "the highest joys" and "the dee.. Jon Krakauer
011559f I have been thinking more and more that I shall always be a lone wanderer of the wilderness. God, how the trail lures me. You cannot comprehend its resistless fascination for me. After all the lone trail is the best....I'll never stop wandering. And when the time comes to die, I'll find the wildest, loneliest, most desolate spot there is. Jon Krakauer
0ab70f2 Everything had changed suddenly--the tone, the moral climate; you didn't know what to think, whom to listen to. As if all your life you had been led by the hand like a small child and suddenly you were on your own, you had to learn to walk by yourself. There was no one around, neither family nor people whose judgment you respected. At such a time you felt the need of committing yourself to something absolute--life or truth or beauty--of bei.. Jon Krakauer
e2fdcab It's the police, for the most part, who decide whether a suspect should be arrested, and prosecutors who ultimately determine whether a conviction should be pursued. Jon Krakauer
5f7d272 Above 26,000 feet, moreover, the line between appropriate zeal and reckless summit fever becomes grievously thin. Thus the slopes of Everest are littered with corpses. Jon Krakauer
d84efc1 So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes .. Jon Krakauer
374d790 Still, the last sad memory hovers round, and sometimes drifts across like floating mist, cutting off sunshine and chilling the remembrance of happier times. There have been joys too great to be described in words, and there have been griefs upon which I have not dared to dwell; and with these in mind I say: Climb if you will, but remember that courage and strength are nought without prudence, and that a momentary negligence may destroy the .. Jon Krakauer
19b8b8e We sleep to time's hurdy-gurdy; we wake, if we ever wake, to the silence of God. And then, when we wake to the deep shores of time uncreated, then when the dazzling dark breaks over the far slopes of time, then it's time to toss things, like our reason, and our will; then it's time to break our necks for home. There are no events but thoughts and the heart's hard turning, the heart's slow learning where to love and whom. The rest is merely .. Jon Krakauer
a94ab35 He was alone," as James Joyce wrote of Stephen Dedalus, his artist as a young man. "He was unheeded, happy, and near to the wild heart of life. He was alone and young and wilful and wildhearted, alone amid a waste of wild air and brackish waters and the seaharvest of shells and tangle and veiled grey sunlight." Jon Krakauer
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