Rognons de Veau a la Bordelaise is simplicity itself to make; no different, essentially, from Poulet Saute, and no different, especially, from Bifteck Saute Bercy. In fact, making it that night felt like falling into a time warp- I stood before the stove, melting butter and browning meat and smelling the smells of wine deglazing and shallots softening- but the dishes changed before my eyes, and I heard Julia warbling, "Boeuf Bourguignon is ..
Julie Powell |
The crunch of the mustard-spiked crust somehow brings the unctuous smooth richness of the liver into sharp relief. It's like the silky soul of steak. You have to close your eyes, let the meat melt on your tongue, into your corpuscles.
Julie Powell |
At the end I am always alone.
Julie Powell |
Mas o cinismo persistente deixa uma pessoa rabugenta e, em demasia, pode provocar estragos duradouros no nosso coracao.
Julie Powell |
Somewhere along the way, I discovered that in the physical act of cooking, especially something complex or plain old hard to handle, dwelled unsuspected reservoirs of arousal both gastronomic and sexual. If you are not one of us, the culinarily depraved, there is no way to explain what's so darkly enticing about eviscerating beef marrowbones, chopping up lobster, baking a three-layer pecan cake, and doing it for someone else, offering someo..
Julie Powell |
When I got home I peered down at the lobster to see how he was doing. The inner plastic bag was sucked tight around him and clouded up. It looked like something out of an eighties made-for-TV movie, with some washed-up actress taking too many pills and trying to off herself with a Macy's bag.
Julie Powell |
The good thing about starting your Thanksgiving feast with Oeufs en Gelee is that everything afterward is going to taste pretty goddamned great by comparison, and by the time we'd gotten through the gorgeously crisp and moist goose, the prunes stuffed with duck liver mousse, the cabbage with chestnuts, the green beans, and the creamed onions, aspic was largely forgotten, and we didn't even mind much that I had begun the Thanksgiving prepara..
Julie Powell |
It was 10:30 in the morning and I was already running behind. This is hardly unusual, but it pisses me off every single time.
Julie Powell |
Ma o cinismo persistente deixa uma pessoa rabugenta e, em demasia, pode provocar estragos duradouros no nosso coracao.
Julie Powell |
Salome...possibly the least successful play in history.
Julie Powell |
Bo czasami ma sie takie uczucie, kiedy widzi sie, jak ktos sie zakochuje - moze zwlaszcza w przypadku kogos smutnego, trudnego lub z jakiegos innego powodu niedopasowanego do swiata. Uczucie ulgi, prawdziwej, jakbys mogla pozbyc sie ciezaru, ktory nioslas, nie zdajac sobie z tego sprawy. Tak sie wlasnie czulam, patrzac na slub Isabel i Martina. "No, przynajmniej ta sprawa z glowy". Dwoje ludzi, ktorzy mogli sie nie odnalezc. Wydawalo sie, z..
Julie Powell |
How much more interior can you get, after all, than the interior of bones? It's the center of the center of things. If marrow were a geological formation, it would be magma roiling under the earth's mantle. If it were a plant, it would be a delicate moss that grows only in the highest crags of Mount Everest, blooming with tiny white flowers for three days in the Nepalese spring. If it were a memory, it would be your first one, your most pai..
Julie Powell |
If Daisy Buchanan's laugh is the sound of money, then a gimlet, well executed, is the color of it. It is just the thing when you are feeling impoverished, financially or spiritually.
Julie Powell |
It did not seem possible, much as he craved the comfort of a woman of intelligence, of humor and balance and perception.
Julie Powell |
For the weekend before, we had had a blowout of tarts, a tart bender, tart madness- even, I dare say, a Tart-a-pa- , if you will forgive one final usage of the construction before we at last bury that cruelly beaten dead pop-culture horse. Tarte aux Peches, Tarte aux Limettes, Tarte aux Poires, Tarte aux Cerises. Tarte aux Fromage Frais, both with and without Pruneaux. Tarte aux Citron et aux Amandes, Tarte aux Poires a la Bourdalue, and Ta..
Julie Powell |
We ate our liver and spinach while watching the right honorable gentlemen of the British House of Commons yelling at each other about the Iraq invasion on C-SPAN. And it was damned good. It was good because it was liver and spinach with cheese, but mostly it was good because I didn't have to make it. Sometimes I want to beat Eric's head repeatedly against a sharp rock, but other times he knows just the right thing to do to make me forget ab..
Julie Powell |
My husband cooed as he dug into his plate of delicious flambeed crepes. If there's a sexier sound on this planet than the person you're in love with cooing over the crepes you made for him, I don't know what is.
Julie Powell |
Chris- the one who wrote the halfway creepy thing about missing me so much when I didn't post and thinking I was dead- found it mind-boggling that before the Julie/Julia Project began, I had never eaten an egg. She asked, "How can you have gotten through life without eating a single egg? How is that POSSIBLE???!!!!!" Of course, it wasn't true that I hadn't eaten an egg. I had eaten them in cakes. I had even eaten them scrambled once or tw..
Julie Powell |
A couple of salmon steaks I'd bought for a shocking amount of money at the Turkish grocery near my office sat on the counter, waiting to be broiled and napped in Sauce a la Moutarde, which is a sort of fake (Julia calls it "mock," but let's call a spade a spade, shall we?) hollandaise sauce, with some mustard stirred in for interest. Slumped beside the fish was a bag of slightly wilted Belgian endive, which I was just going to be braising i..
Julie Powell |
For nearly a week I neither cooked nor grocery shopped. Instead, all of our various families took Eric and me out for Mexican food, for barbecue, for beignets. We ate cheese biscuits with Rice Krispies, and spiced pecans, and red beans and rice, and gumbo, and all those other things that New Yorkers would turn up their noses at, but New Yorkers don't know everything, do they? This is what Texas, and family, are for.
Julie Powell |
reading was how I got my ya-yas out.
Julie Powell |
Oggigiorno, chiunque disponga di uno scalcinato laptop e di un accesso a Internet puo fare sentire il proprio grido barbarico, qualunque sia il suo motore propulsore. Ma, sorpresa!, per ogni persona che ha qualcosa da dire sembra ci sia almeno qualcun altro disposto ad ascoltare. E, in qualche caso, non si tratta nemmeno di parenti.
Julie Powell |
The thing I keep learning about endings is that they aren't a long time coming, and that they don't sneak up on you either, because endings just don't happen.
Julie Powell |
Do you know ? You must, at least, know it- it's a cultural landmark, for Pete's sake. Even if you just think of it as the book by that lady who looks like Dan Aykroyd and bleeds a lot, you know it. But do you know the book itself? Try to get your hands on one of the early hardback editions- they're not exactly rare. For a while there, every American housewife who could boil water had a copy, or so I've heard. It's not lushly illustrate..
Julie Powell |
Once the leeks and potatoes have simmered for an hour or so, you mash them up with a fork or a food mill or a potato ricer. All three of these options are far more of a pain in the neck than the Cuisinart- one of which space-munching behemoths we scored when we got married- but Julia Child allows as how a Cuisinart will turn soup into "something un-French and monotonous." Any suggestion that uses the construction "un-french" is up for debat..
Julie Powell |
It had started so well. The night after I wrote my first-ever blog entry, I made Bifteck Saute au Beurre and Artichauts au Naturel- the first recipes in the meat and vegetable chapters of , respectively. The steak I merely fried in a skillet with butter and oil- butter and oil because not only did I not have the beef suet that was the other option, I didn't even know what beef but . Then I just made a quick sauce out of the juices from th..
Julie Powell |
Eric had to make me wake up for long enough to take out my contacts.
Julie Powell |
Something about knowing exactly what you're doing, and why.
Julie Powell |
Lulled by the calming music of ice clattering in the cocktail shaker, I began to ponder; this life we had going for ourselves
Julie Powell |
The Rognons de Veau a la Bordelaise did not taste like piss, no matter what my mother says, because I cleaned them with my deadly boning knife, and because the beef marrow conducted a two-pronged attack with the finishing sprinkling of parsley on any holdout pissiness- extinguishing it between fatty, velvety richness and sharp, fresh greenness. We ate it with a wine that I bought in the city that is cloudy and dark and tastes a little like ..
Julie Powell |