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59b1898 uboga siedziba mej zmarnowanej mlodosci. Ken Kesey
d3a2f79 Rany, nawet chinscy komunisci niejednego by sie mogli od siostry nauczyc! Ken Kesey
158b681 Sweeping the dorm soon's it's empty, I'm after dust mice under his bed when I get a smell of something that makes me realize for the first time since I been in the hospital that the big dorm full of beds, sleeps forty grown men, has always been sticky with a thousand other smells - smells of germicide, zinc ointment, and foot powder, smell of piss and sour old-man manure, of Pablum and eyewash, of musty shorts and socks musty even when they.. descriptive-prose ken-kesey machismo odors one-flew-over-the-cuckoo-s-nest smells Ken Kesey
519ea5e But in spite of her efforts to stop the words she can feel some of the need getting through: he doesn't need me that much, he couldn't-- Ken Kesey
1370ea3 and as this need grows more intense so does a sensation of movement, speed to come, impending declaration--"The past is funny, Viv; it never seems to let things lie, finished. It never seems to stay in place as it should"--until she feels that she is beginning to run down an ever steepening hill and she must stop before the hill gets too steep and she gets going too fast to stop:" Ken Kesey
65ee9e7 Ha um morcego de papel da festa das bruxas pendurado num cordao acima de sua cabeca; ele levanta o braco e da um piparote no morcego, que comeca a girar. - Dia de outono bem agradavel - continua ele. Fala um pouco do jeito como papai costumava falar, voz alta, selvagem mesmo, mas nao se parece com papai; papai era um indio puro de Columbia - um chefe - e duro e brilhante como uma coronha de arma. Esse cara e ruivo, com longas costeletas v.. humor humorous laughs mental-illness Ken Kesey
76ec269 mthl `lm krtwny, Hyth lshkh@S msTH@ wmkhTT@ bl'swd, ttrqS fy qS@ hzly@ kn ymkn lh 'n tkwn mDHk@ Hqan lwl 'n shkhwSh lysw mn lkrtwn bl hm bshr Hqyqywn Ken Kesey
5dc6bb7 Pagina 45) "A enfermaria zumbe da maneira como ouvi uma fabrica de tecido zumbir uma vez, quando o time de futebol jogou com a escola secundaria na California. Depois de uma boa temporada, s promotores da cidade estavam tao orgulhosos e exaltados que pagavam para que fossemos de aviao ate a California para disputar um campeonato de escolas secundarias com o time de la. Quando chegamos a cidade tivemos de visitar um industria local qualquer.. insight life perspective rotina routine Ken Kesey
a1de62c Cont.. Pagina 46) O seu rosto negro, bonito, cintilava ali na minha frente. Fiquei boquiaberto, tentando pensar em alguma maneira de responder. Ficamos juntos, enlacados daquela maneira durante alguns segundos; entao o som da fabrica saltou num arranco, e alguma coisa comecou a puxa-la para tras, afastando-a de mim. Um cordao em algum lugar que eu nao via se havia prendido naquela saia vermelha florida e a puxava para tras. As unhas dela f.. mental-illness perspectiva ponto-de-vista prensas-sobre-a-vida rotina routine sociedade society vida Ken Kesey
fedaa55 Lufa drgala mi jak pies srajacy pestkami brzoskwin Ken Kesey
33171ee wy, dziwki, nawet sie nie pchajcie, chyba ze macie cycki jak melony i mocne, zgrabne, biale nogi dostatecznie dlugie, zeby owinac nimi jego potezne plecy, a cipy gorace, soczyste i slodkie jak miod... Ken Kesey
40a167d He wants something from me. He doesn't know that the only thing I have left is the hollow of something gone Ken Kesey
c9e11c5 I was seeing him different than when he first came in; I was seeing more to him than just big hands and red sideburns and a broken-nosed grin. I'd see him do things that didn't fit with his face or hands, things like painting a picture at OT with real paints on a blank paper with no lines or numbers anywhere on it to tell him where to paint, or like writing letters to somebody in a beautiful flowing hand. How could a man who looked like him.. Ken Kesey
c96b968 He raced the motor, urging the car to decide which way to turn onto the street. "Come on, man . . . be serious." Gearshift hot as a poker, and ears ringing . . . finally, palm to face to somehow press away the ringing--I seemed to feel a tendoned hand playfully squeezing my knee, and a bagpipe's whirling skirl wheezing in my throat--and discovers that he is weeping again; squeezing, wheezing and rattling the scene . . . and it is then--"Or .. Ken Kesey
a4104ec Tata zicea ca, daca nu iei seama, oamenii te silesc, intr-un fel sau altul, sa faci ce socotesc ei ca trebuie sa faci, ori sa te indaratnicesti ca un catar si sa faci toate pe dos, in ciuda lor. Ken Kesey
0ff1f76 Si-aproape ca zaresc masinaria din ei preluand cuvintele pe care tocmai le-am rostit si-incercand sa le potriveasca ici sau colo, intr-un loc sau altul, si cand constata ca acele cuvinte n-au un loc dinainte stabilit unde sa se aseze, masinaria din ei se leapada de cuvinte de parca nici n-ar fi fost rostite. Ken Kesey
a2d83eb younger patients, known as 'Acutes' because the doctors figure them still sick enough to be fixed... Ken Kesey
f4e0e6f Mi-a zis ca un om care-a tacut atata amar de vreme avea pesemne multe de spus, dupa care se intinse la loc pe perna si astepta. Eu ma straduii un minut sa-i zic ceva, dar singurele lucruri care-mi venira in minte erau din acelea pe care un om nu le poate spune altuia in cuvinte. Ken Kesey
2566c1f When a guy's getting screwed he's got a right to holler. And we've been damn well screwed. Ken Kesey
01f905c You got to understand that as soon as a man goes to help someone, he leaves himself wide open. Ken Kesey
4abe17c You got to understand that as soon as a man goes to help somebody, he leaves himself wide open. Ken Kesey
8176f47 It's gonna burn me just that way, finally telling about all this, about the hospital, and her, and the guys- and about McMurphy. I been silent so long now it's gonna roar out of me like floodwaters and you think the guy telling my God; you think this is too horrible to have really happened, this is too awful to be truth! But, please. It's still hard for me to have a clear mind thinking about it. But it's the truth even if it didn't happen. Ken Kesey
53ff1e5 Poate ca omul, cu cat e mai nebun, cu atat poate deveni mai puternic. Ken Kesey
3178ba9 Han het len. Giay phut cuoi, khi han nga ngua ra, va trong giay lat, truoc luc nguoi ta chon han duoi nhung bo quan ao trang, chung toi con kip nhin thay bo mat tenh henh cua han, han da cho phep minh la het. Tieng thet cua con thu bi san duoi xen lan ve kinh hoang, su thu dich, noi bat luc va su tu ve, neu nhu anh luc nao do lan theo mot con gau, con bao hay con linh mieu bi thuong, thi anh se nghe thay tieng keu cuoi cung do cua con thu .. Ken Kesey
0218756 Something moved on the grounds down beneath my window -- cast a long spider of shadow out across the grass as it ran out of sight behind a hedge. When it ran back to where I could get a better look, I saw it was a dog, a young, gangly mongrel slipped off from home to find out about things went on after dark. He was sniffing digger squirrel holes, not with a notion to go digging after one but just to get an idea what they were up to at this .. night Ken Kesey
5e2d999 A wind came up and broke the sea into green and silver chunks, like a field of glass and chrome, and the boat began to rock and pitch about more...The waves got bigger as we got closer to shore, and from the crests clots of white foam blew swirling up in the wind to join the gulls. Ken Kesey
24ac6d4 Gandeste-te la chestia asta: poate ca omul, cu cat e mai nebun, cu atat poate deveni mai puternic. Vezi exemplul lui Hitler. Viciul da avant mintii, nu-i asa? Hrana pentru cugetari viitoare. Ken Kesey
c21a8a3 And consummated there a month of quick looks, guarded smiles, accidental brushings of body too open or too secret to be mere accident, and all the other little unfinished vignettes of desire . . . and, perhaps most of all, consummated the shared knowledge of that desire, Ken Kesey
ce37861 Now I don't know what I love any more. I don't know where the thing I make-pretend leaves off and the thing that's really there starts up. Ken Kesey
e240eb2 I was beginning to care for them. And as that cancerous emotion swelled within my heart so did my poor heart's fear. Swollen heart. This is an insidious malady chiefly common in that mythical organ that pumps life through the veins of the ego: care, coronary care, complicated by galloping fear. The go-away-closer disease. Starving for contact and calling it poison when it is offered. We learn young to be leery of contact: Never open up, we .. Ken Kesey
4f7517d I sighed, surrendering speech, but held on to her arm. "Viv . . . ?" If this was the last of it, I wanted the last look of good-by." Ken Kesey
f311b20 When this is all over, I told myself, you will hate yourself for wasting so much time . . Ken Kesey
3b30ef1 And becomes aware of her image once more, vaguely reflected in the dirty attic window: what does it mean, all this concern about our images? It means this is the only way we ever see ourselves; looking out, at others, reflected through cobwebs from an attic window Ken Kesey
43d5051 I figured, There's no sense doing anything when everything's already been done Ken Kesey
2f583dd For there is always a sanctuary more, a door that can never be forced, whatever the force, a last inviolable stronghold that can never be taken, whatever the attack; your vote can be taken, your name, your innards, even your life, but that last stronghold can only be surrendered. And to surrender it for any reason other than love is to surrender love. Hank had always known this without knowing it, and by making him doubt it briefly I made i.. Ken Kesey
5da5095 But even then, with her prize in tow as she weaves out of the bar, the shield never changes, the expression stays, still somewhere between blunt ferocity and brute pathos. Ken Kesey
482bc9e but mostly, I guess, I want to really mean something to somebody, Ken Kesey
0ba060c This kept happening, off and on. It'd be bright for a little bit, everything shining like chrome, waxy-looking, polished, then go dark as muddy water. Ken Kesey
c88f8af He'd traveled in a straight line and completed a circle. Ken Kesey
2c762cb Two whores on their way down from Portland to take us deep-sea fishing in a boat! It made it tough to stay in bed until the dorm lights came on at six-thirty, ken Kesey
19b528d What? Oh, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to come on so jaded. What scene? This one, the rain, those geese up there with their hard-luck stories . . . this, this same world. They all tried to do something with it. Dante did his best to build himself a hell because a hell presuppose a heaven. Baudelaire scarfed hashish and looked inside. Nothing there. Nothing but dreams and delusion. They all were driven by the need for something else. But when th.. Ken Kesey
2a5f9fa Is it that?" she asked in a soft voice, once more examining her hands, "not being sure of that 'someday'? Or is it not being sure of having that 'somebody'?" Ken Kesey
9f2d901 I understand perfectly; it's like the madman who goes over Niagara Falls in a coffee can because that's as good a way as any to get dead." "That's right," I tell him, knowing he don't understand it at all--that it's more because it's as good a way as any to stay alive. . . ." Ken Kesey
2775193 Little of God, then a little of ghosts, is that it, bub?" as though our unfortunate argument were forgotten. "Well . . . keep a tight hold on it." -- Ken Kesey
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