The main job of a leader is to help his or her people succeed in accomplishing their goals. And when people accomplish their goals and win, everyone wins.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Being responsive to your people's needs sets them free to be responsible (able to respond) for getting the job done.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
It's more important as a manager to be respected than to be popular.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Good thoughts in your head that are not communicated "mean squat."
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Habiendo tenido un <> en cuanto a los principios de un liderazgo de servicio, he tratado de llevar este mensaje a otros lideres y practicarlo en todas mis actividades.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Gracia es la moneda corriente en toda verdadera relacion>>.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Una vez que se ha fijado la vision puede establecer las metas para responder a la pregunta: <>
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Our Manager works with us to make it clear what our responsibilities are and what we are being held accountable for.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Our Manager makes sure we know what good performance looks like because he shows us. In other words, expectations are clear to both of us.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
After all, how can you be an effective manager unless you and your team are clear about goals and what good performance looks like?
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Disagreement can actually be healthy as long as we're dealing with conflicting ideas, not conflicting people.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Help People Reach Their Full Potential. Catch Them Doing Something Right.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Goals make clear what is most important to focus on, Praisings build confidence that helps you succeed, and Re-Directs address mistakes. And all three of these help people feel better about themselves and produce good results.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
El Plan del Nuevo Manager al Minuto
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
One of the primary mistakes that leaders today make, when called to lead, is spending most of their time and energy trying to improve things at the organizational level before ensuring that they have adequately addressed their own credibility at individual, one-on-one, or team leadership levels.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Para quienes siguen a Jesus de Nazaret, el mandato para cada uno ya ha sido establecido y comunicado por el Padre a todos sus hijos: <> y <> (Marcos 12.30-31).
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Antes de tratar de influenciar y reclutar a otros para que trabajen con usted en la creacion de una vision convincente necesita estar claro acerca de su proposito personal. El proposito personal del lider debe guiar y alinear los esfuerzos de quienes le seguiran; en caso contrario, toda su relacion se habra levantado sobre un fundamento falso. Motivos escondidos y agendas ocultas sabotearan la confianza y la confianza es el ingrediente clav..
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
El fruto del gran liderazgo de servicio se hace realidad cuando un lider busca traspasar a la generacion siguiente de lideres los desafios de su epoca con toda la sabiduria, conocimiento y recursos espirituales que pueda proveer.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |
Seguir a Jesus y guiar como El significa que esta sirviendo a un proposito superior y que debe ser responsable a un nivel de esa altura en una manera que no todos entenderan ni aplaudiran. Al mismo tiempo, usted hara como El hizo y se enfocara en servir a los demas ayudandoles a crecer y a desarrollarse.
Kenneth H. Blanchard |