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22ba06d She even tried to teach us the difference between active voice--"I snarfed the Oreos"--and passive voice--"The Oreos got snarfed." Laurie Halse Anderson
cf01d85 They keep asking questions like "What is wrong with you?" and "Do you think this is cute?" How can I answer? I don't have to. They don't want to hear anything I have to say." Laurie Halse Anderson
e959b94 I lean into the mirror. Eyes after eyes after eyes stare back at me. Am I in there somewhere? A thousand eyes blink. Laurie Halse Anderson
93e81b9 If you don't learn art now, you will never learn to breathe!!! Laurie Halse Anderson
245825a My goal is to go home and take a nap. Laurie Halse Anderson
a30c72d I have survived. I am here. surviving Laurie Halse Anderson
6450cc5 You can only be brave if you're scared. Laurie Halse Anderson
35a774b I don't know what I'm doing in the next five minutes and she has the next ten years figured out. Laurie Halse Anderson
89ed0d7 want to go out with me? ??? chill, im not gay ???? r u shur you're not my type G wats yr typ? people who can spell Laurie Halse Anderson
7ca349e The word ghost sounds like memory. The word therapy means exorcism Laurie Halse Anderson
f694167 clinic, Laurie Halse Anderson
e2d6b64 Dad: "And that tree is sick. See how the branches on the left don't have any buds? I should call someone to take a look at it. Don't want it crashing into your room during a storm." Thanks, Dad. Like I'm not already having a hard time sleeping. Worry #64 : flying tree limbs.(...)" Laurie Halse Anderson
f4a5eaa Don't let the hardness of the world steal the softness of your heart. Laurie Halse Anderson
f97127e That fellow was like all of us: descended from good people who were stolen from their families and country, sailed over the sea, and forced into slavery. 'We don't let them steal our dignity,' that preacher said. Richard, his name was. He said they cannot steal our honor, our strength, or our love." "True words," I said. "Do you know what he said about this America?" Henry asked. I shook my head. "Remember, lads?" Henry asked his mates. "Jo.. Laurie Halse Anderson
be55cfe She's packing at least five grand worth of orthodontia, but has great shoes. Laurie Halse Anderson
b96c2e3 You never think about the mall being closed. It's always supposed to be there, like milk in the refrigerator or God. Laurie Halse Anderson
741390b Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance. Our children cannot afford to have the truth of the world withheld from them. They need us to be brave enough to give them great books so they can learn how to grow up into the men and women we want them to be. Laurie Halse Anderson
918fbfe Where did you live before you came here?" I asked. "The moon," he said smoothly. "We left because the place had no atmosphere." Laurie Halse Anderson
6a8a777 It is easier not to say anything. Shut your trap, button your lip, can it. All that crap you hear on TV about communication and expressing feelings is a lie. Nobody really wants to hear what you have to say. Mr. Laurie Halse Anderson
8328f34 I get out of bed and take down the mirror. I put it in the back of my closet, facing the wall. OUR Laurie Halse Anderson
605e101 Now you are burnt-out husks, your spirits haggard, sere, always breeding over your wanderings long and hard, your hearts never lifting with any joy - you've suffered far too much. Laurie Halse Anderson
19656d9 Life was a battle, and Mother a tired and bitter captain Laurie Halse Anderson
d14e4a1 The rest of the class looked away. He [Jonas} was a quiet freak, not a zombie. The horde would not protect him. They'd stand by and watch the culling. Laurie Halse Anderson
03d9d91 She wants to hear all about our day, how long I've lived in town, and asks little sideways questions about my parents, so she can figure out if I'm the kind of friend she wants for her daughter. I don't mind. I think it's nice that she cares. Laurie Halse Anderson
8b5be20 My job is to nod or shake my head, to say "I know what you mean," when I don't, and "That is so unfair," when it isn't." Laurie Halse Anderson
d316090 Every single day, someone asks Mr. Stetman why we have to learn algebra. You can tell this causes him great personal pain. Mr. Stetman loves algebra. He is poetic about it, in an integral-number sort of way. He talks about algebra the way some guys talk about their cars. Ask him why algebra and he launches into a thousand and one stories why algebra. None of them makes sense. Laurie Halse Anderson
52b10c1 Quote from Ashes-pg. 39 Don't let the hardness of the world steal the softness of your heart. The greatest strength of all is daring to love. Laurie Halse Anderson
53ff8c7 It's harder to take a punch than to give one. Laurie Halse Anderson
19f0f73 It's an antique mirror with little waves on the surface of it. Sometimes it can make you look like an elegant princess trapped in time. Other times, it makes you look like a pig. Laurie Halse Anderson
e2e37d7 To be the best, you have to give everything all the time, then you have to give some more... Laurie Halse Anderson
91fc071 It is a pretend question, one he asked so he could give the answer. I relax. This is like when my father complains about his boss. The best thing to do is to stay awake and blink sympathetically. Laurie Halse Anderson
d6b9f9f Mr. Neck writes on the board again: "DEBATE: America should have closed her borders in 1900." That strikes a nerve. Several nerves. I can see kids counting backward on their fingers, trying to figure when their grandparents or great-grandparents were born, when they came to America, if they would have made the Neck Cut. When they figure out they would have been stuck in a country that hated them, or a place with no schools, or a place with .. Laurie Halse Anderson
5dde9cf I bet they'd be divorced by now if I hadn't been born. I'm sure I was a huge disappointment. I'm not pretty or smart or athletic. I'm just like them--an ordinary drone dressed in secrets and lies. I can't believe we have to keep playacting until I graduate. It's a shame we can't just admit that we have failed family living, sell the house, split up the money, and get on with our lives. Laurie Halse Anderson
7172fad Principal Principal stormed in yesterday, smelling pleasure. His mustache moved up and down, a radar sweep for all things unruly. An unseen hand turned off the radio as he crossed the threshold, and bags of potato chips vanished, leaving the faint scent of salt to mix with vermilion oil paint and wet clay. Laurie Halse Anderson
b453165 For one moment we are not failed tests and broken condoms and cheating on essays; we are crayons and lunch boxes and swinging so high our sneakers punch holes in the clouds. For one breath everything feels better. Then Laurie Halse Anderson
4a53fce Thanksgiving was in trouble. It needed... A SUPERHERO! No, not that kind. Thanksgiving needed a superhero, someone bold and brave and stubborn and smart. Thanksgiving needed Sarah Hale. Now, I know what you're thinking. She doesn't look like a superhero. She looks like a dainty little lady. Never underestimate dainty little ladies. Laurie Halse Anderson
55742fb Never underestimate dainty little ladies. Laurie Halse Anderson
89a18d3 Sarah Hale was every inch a superhero. Not only did she fight for Thanksgiving, she fought for playgrounds for kids, schools for girls, and historical monuments for everyone. She argued against spanking, pie for breakfast, dull stories, corsets and bloomers and bustles, and very serious things like slavery. As if that weren't enough, she raised five children; wrote poetry, children's books, novels, and biographies; was the first female mag.. Laurie Halse Anderson
da90b70 How did she do all of these things? She was bold, brave, stubborn, and smart. And Sarah Hale had a secret weapon... Laurie Halse Anderson
7320d6f How did she do all of these things? She was bold, brave, stubborn, and smart. And Sarah Hale had a secret weapon... When Sarah saw something she didn't like, she picked up her pen and wrote about it. She wrote letters. She wrote articles. She wrote and wrote and wrote until she persuaded people to make the world a better place. Nothing stopped Sarah. Sarah Hale loved Thanksgiving. She wanted the whole country to celebrate it on the same day.. Laurie Halse Anderson
5db4a82 There is a beast in my gut, I can hear it scraping away at the inside of my ribs. Laurie Halse Anderson
47a3995 Sometimes I think high school is one long hazing activity: if you are tough enough to survive this, they'll let you become an adult. I hope it's worth it. Laurie Halse Anderson
b583063 Sarah wrote to the president himself, Zachary Taylor. He refused. Did that stop Sarah? No! She waited for the next election and wrote to the new president, Millard Fillmore. He said no, too. Did that stop Sarah? No! She was bold, brave, stubborn, and smart. Sarah wrote to the next president, Franklin Pierce. Wouldn't a national day of thanksgiving be wonderful? No, Pierce grumped. Sarah penned an elegant letter to President James Buchanan.. Laurie Halse Anderson
8f2db58 Superheroes work the hardest when things get tough. Laurie Halse Anderson
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