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e6a65f6 She had no sense of time, of what day it was, or anything beyond the bed she was on and the unceasing battle she fought with the Great Bitch of Pain. The nurses talked to her, too, explaining over and over what had happened to her, what they were doing, why they were doing it. She didn"t care, so long as they delivered the drugs that kept the Great Bitch at bay. Of course, there came a time--way too soon, by her way of thinking-- when her s.. Linda Howard
5879127 She started to tell him so, but the words vanished unsaid when he abruptly thrust his hands under her skirt, all the way to her waist. Mary gave a startled shriek and jerked back, almost oversetting the chair. He glared at her, his eyes like black ice. "You don't have to worry," he snapped. "This is Saturday. I only rape on Tuesdays and Thursdays." Linda Howard
547bad5 You have underwear." "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Did you try it on?" "Nah. Just rubbed it against my face." Linda Howard
1ea8b79 Well, you've done it now," was her sisterly opening shot. Jaine rubbed between her eyebrows; a definite headache was forming. After the exchange with David, she waited to see where this one was going. "I won't be able to hold up my head in church." "Really? Oh, Shelley, I'm so sorry," Jaine said sweetly. "I didn't realize you have the dreaded Limp Neck disease. When were you diagnosed?" Linda Howard
31ebb30 I told you, we haven't had sex! It was just a kiss." Like the Viper was just a car, and Mount Everest was just a hill." Linda Howard
3954e60 He supposed he knew, rationally, that she wasn't the prettiest woman in the world, but if his eyes saw any imperfections, his heart didn't care. Linda Howard
3141164 God, I love you," he said, and laid his head on her belly, his arms locked around her hips. Madelyn slid her fingers into his hair. "It took you long enough," she said gently. "What I lack in quickness, I make up in staying power." "Meaning?" Linda Howard
ac3c2cf What are you doing?" she cried in protest. "Playing," he said, the single word rough, almost guttural." mind-blowing cam sexy Linda Howard
97c915e She was flustered; he could see it in the way she kept twisting her fingers together. Did she think he was going to throw her down on the seat and rape her? After all, he was a renegade Indian, and capable of anything. Then again, the way she looked, maybe this was the most excitement she'd ever had. Linda Howard
920809e She had always enjoyed her sense of being alone, envisioning herself as a ball that rolled through life, bumping into other lives but not stopping. lone-wolf rolling-stone Linda Howard
f6fbe64 What good is having a friend who's a cop if he won't give me inside information?" "So you can ask him to look at a piece of shit pistol after you've already bought it, and pronounce it a piece of shit." linda-howard Linda Howard
dba3989 I'm Sam Donovan." "I know who you are. Mrs. Kulavich told me. I'm Jaine Bright." "I know. She told me. She even told me how you spell your name." Now, how on earth had Mrs. Kulavich known that?" Linda Howard
ab10e04 He needed a woman. Bad. Linda Howard
d133915 We have seven people who knew the skewers were there: the wedding planner, the reception hall manager, the dressmaker, the florist, the veil-maker, the cake-maker, and the caterer. I haven't ruled out the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker, either. Linda Howard
b6f48f0 Luna was remote and ladylike. The only time anyone had ever seen Luna angry was when someone referred to her as 'African-American'. "I'm an American," she had snapped, whirling on the offender. "I've never even been to Africa. I was born in California, my father was a major in the Marine Corps, and I'm not a hyphenated anything. I have a black heritage, but I also have a white one." She had held out one slim arm and studied the color of it... Linda Howard
6f309ca Don't you want it?" "Want what?" "The engagement ring." "Oh, is that what's in the box? You threw my engagement ring at me?" Boy, this was such a big transgression I would have to write it in block letters on its own page, and show it to our children when they grew up as an example of how not to do something." Linda Howard
3b3260d I have a rule: Walk out, crawl back. If a man does the first, then he has to do the second to get back on good terms with me. Linda Howard
a294f7f Before you know it, you'll be smiling at her across the breakfast table." "I don't smile," Cahill said, though he was having to fight his amusement. "So you'll be scowling at her across the breakfast table. That isn't my point." linda-howard Linda Howard
31cf302 I was raised by a woman who knows her own worth, and her daughters firmly believe that life is much better for a woman when a man has to work really hard to get her. It's human nature to take better care of something you've worked for, whether it's a car or a wife. Linda Howard
b5fb69c By morning, she was raw and sore, and knew walking would be an effort. By morning, she could barely remember what it had been like to not know his body, not to have felt him inside her and held him in her arms and absorbed the power of his thrusts as he came. By morning, she was his. Linda Howard
58f87ec He whirled her against the refrigerator, his hands hard on her waist. Startled, she dropped her purse and keys to the floor and looked up at his set face and narrowed savage eyes. "Don't ever do that to me again," he said with clenched teeth. She didn't have to ask what he meant. Those moments when Pavon's pistol had been trained directly at her head had been long and terrifying. "I stayed in the--" she began, but he cut her off with a kiss.. Linda Howard
c65f03e But never had he felt more enthralled than he was right now, sitting beside Evie on a weathered old dock, with a blazing afternoon sun, almost brutal in its clarity, bathing everything in pure light. Sweat trickled down his back and chest from the steamy heat, and his entire body pulsed with life. Even his fingertips throbbed. It took all of his formidable self-control to prevent himself from pushing her down on the dock and spreading her l.. steamy-heat-of-summer Linda Howard
012ee55 Just as he'd done to her, she slowly moved up and down, caressing him with her body, drawing out his response. He ground his teeth together, fighting not to come when she was just as determined he would. Frustrated, she wondered why he was holding back--until she heard herself moan, and realized the friction was working on her, too. The battle there in the shower was in close-combat conditions. With the clinging grip of her body she tried t.. Linda Howard
2dabe13 Okay, you're right; she's so hot I could walk on three legs every time I see her." "Now you're talkin'." "I'll break your back and chop off your legs if you call her." "That's my boy!" linda-howard Linda Howard
fcf8e1c I personally don't think a woman should ever live with a man unless they're married. I guess there are some really great guys out there who wouldn't take advantage of having a live-in cook and maid, but guess how those arrangements usually turn out? Linda Howard
868bf4d Pleasure was a siren, luring her to experience more Linda Howard
df5e1c1 You look like you're about to puke," he observed, pushing his cart forward. With a quick, inner shake she gathered herself and cut him off to take her rightful position as lead cart. "I was trying to imagine you as a kid. It was horrifying." Linda Howard
59e0a6c It takes strength to participate in life. Linda Howard
a55542f It's not the heat," came his return mutter. "It's a critical buildup of sperm"." Linda Howard
abd06bc He didn't believe in miracles. If he'd had any philosophy in life in ran along the lines of the classic shit happens. Usually it was bad shit, sometimes it was good shit, but it was always random shit. You lived your life, & when the run was ended, that was it. Nothing. Linda Howard
7d09554 She glared down at the pan. And then she kicked it. The first kick sent it tumbling a couple of feet; something black and gooey came out. The second kick got better distance, maybe because it wasn't as heavy now. Evidently unsatisfied, she advanced on one of the pickups and grabbed a hammer from the back. Going down on one knee, she swung the hammer for all she was worth and beat the hell out of that pan, then she got up and kicked it one m.. Linda Howard
1865f37 You remember the 'be quiet' part of the rules? Embrace it. Linda Howard
14ed9c0 I read somewhere that flying is like throwing your soul into the heavens and racing to catch it as it falls." "I don't think mine would ever fall," he murmured, looking at the clear cold sky." inspirational-life Linda Howard
feec82e Milla put her hands on his ribs, holding on as he braced his weight on one arm while with his other hand he guided his penis to her and in the same rough motion pushed deep inside. He froze in place, his breath panting between his parted lips as they stared at each other. She couldn't move; the feel of him inside her was too sharp, almost painful in its intensity. Their gazes met in the mellow lamplight, and she was mesmerized by the tensio.. Linda Howard
3ba4dd5 Minor detail. I'm going to kiss you, Marlie--" "I'll bite you again," she swiftly warned. He shrugged. "I always have had more guts than sense," he said, and very gently brushed her mouth with his." Linda Howard
d68892c Just how many pairs of black shoes do you need?" he finally asked, staring at them lined up on the floor. Okay, shoes aren't a laughing matter. I gave him a cool stare. "One pair more than I have." "Then why didn't you get them?" "Because I would still need one pair more than I have." Linda Howard
c552ef8 Nice is good. It doesn't sound exciting, but think about it. I think Mr. Perfect would be kind to kids and animals, help old ladies across the street, not insult you when your opinion is different from his. Being nice is so important it's close to being number one. trust perfect-boyfriend nice Linda Howard
cbefd0f Love by itself isn't enough; it's never enough. There had to be other things, such as liking and respect, or love would get worn away by the realities of everyday life. reality-of-life Linda Howard
fa7298c She felt oddly safe with him, though not safe from him. Linda Howard
1cd1dbe She wasn't ready to give her real name to anyone, not until she knew exactly how Brad had found her the last time. Now that she didn't trust Kat; she'd simply learned that she really couldn't be too careful. Her gaze scanned the counter. A few feet away was a full bottle of ketchup, and inspiration struck. "Hunt," she said swiftly. "Carlin Hunt." Kat snorted as she ended the handshake. "Well, at least you didn't look at the floor and tell m.. Linda Howard
374b04f Know why PMS is called PMS?" "Don't you dare," she threatened. "Only women can tell PMS jokes." "Because 'mad cow disease' was already taken." Linda Howard
df654b5 C'mon! Anything over eight inches is strictly for show-and-tell. It's there, but you can't use it. It might look good in a locker room, but let's face it--those extra two inches are leftovers." "Leftovers," Luna gasped, holding her stomach and shrieking with laughter. "Let's hear it for l-leftovers!" Linda Howard
276d20a hay tu dung len bang chinh minh, hay tin vao ban nang va dung bao gio ban dung chinh minh. Linda Howard
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