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b49c896 When we're married and he looks at me sitting beside him at the table, he should feel as if he's fought a great battle and accomplished something--namely, winning me. He'll treasure me more. I like being treasured. Linda Howard
47a80e4 I'll need a house key," she said as she followed him into the house. "Why?" The question so stupefied her that she stopped in her tracks and stared at him. "So I can get in when you aren't here," she explained as slowly and carefully as if he were just now learning English. In response he said, "Let me show you something," in almost exactly the same tone she'd used. He pulled the door shut with a bang. "See that round thing? We call it a do.. Linda Howard
b5c99c7 She'd wanted love, a husband and children, a home filled with laughter and security, the things she'd never had as a child. She'd stopped even dreaming about them, she realized, and that was the saddest thing of all. But then she'd never really had a chance; she'd fallen in love with the one man she couldn't have, and it appeared that she was one of those women who loved on once in their lifetime sad-romance Linda Howard
93bf698 Orgasms, for her, had been what she faked with a man and provided herself when she was alone, Linda Howard
5f5e222 One morning just after Joe had left to drive to his class, Mary walked out to the barn and reflected on her state of hussiness. All in all, she was satisfied with it. Being a hussy had its advantages. Linda Howard
535c2d5 If only gossip weren't so titillating. Sweeney tried to control an avid desire to know more, to dig for all the dirty details. The temptation was great. Dirt was like fat; it made life more delicious. Linda Howard
78cecdd Everything feels like the end of the world, and you can't reason with someone who can't see tomorrow. Linda Howard
c3fd8e9 You didn't think I'd let the backstabbing little hussy get away with it, did you? Not that I don't love Jenni, but she's the baby of the family, and she thinks she should get anything and everything she wants. Occasionally she has to be shown differently. Linda Howard
1c3ceac I don't argue, waste of time and effort. I listen to opinions, though Linda Howard
ec16f93 Jason is one of those people who is like a Slinky; you always smile when you think of watching him fall down the stairs. Linda Howard
6507a3c Jumping from a high altitude required oxygen. Jumping at night required night-vision goggles. Jumping at all required either nerves of steel or the brain of a hamster. Her nerves definitely weren't steel, so Jina figured her brain was rodentlike. Linda Howard
6c98d72 She hadn't been broken; she'd been furious and hurt, but never broken... Linda Howard
4f09aef Faithfulness." She thought of her second fiance, the bastard. "Life's too short to waste it on someone you can't trust. You should be able to depend on the man you love not to lie to you or cheat on you. If you have that as a base, you can work on the other stuff." mr-perfect faithfulness Linda Howard
f05d29b Me abruma su amabilidad. --Si, lo se. Solo superada por el tamano de mi... ego. Linda Howard
5e52ea9 The old ladies were dressing up, she thought; the clouds draped around the mountains' shoulders like a dirty boa, with the snowcaps jutting above and the broad green bases below. Linda Howard
a2e0d49 No matter how many orgasms you have, if you have any common sense to begin with, it always comes back. Linda Howard
05e152f This life wasn't all there was; there was more, much more, and when people spoke of death as "passing" they were exactly right, because the spirit passed on to that other level of existence. Knowing that was the most comforting thing she could imagine." inspirational redemption Linda Howard
fe28f71 The only choice you have right now is the color you want the house painted, and your choices are white and white." She was yelling by the time she finished, her face flushed." favorite-heroine Linda Howard
bef9f9d It was amazing how flowers could grow in the damnedest places Linda Howard
e2772ad I'm not good at games, Robert. Don't kiss me unless it's for read. Don't come around unless you mean to stay." "Do you mean marriage?" he asked coolly, his expressive eyebrows lifting. ..."if you're looking for a summer affair, I'm not your woman." His mouth twisted as an unreadable expression crossed his face. "Oh, but you are. You just haven't admitted it to yourself yet." Linda Howard
443b041 The lessons learned hardest were the lessons learned best. Linda Howard
a3b8c0a He stood looking down at her for a moment, then walked to the window and raised it. "Let's let the storm in," he said, and then it was with them, filling the half-dark room with sound and vibration. The rain-chilled air washed over her, cool and fresh on her heated skin. She sighed, the small sound drowned out by the din of thunder and rain. There by the window, with the dim grey light outlining the bulge and plane of powerful muscle, Wolf .. Linda Howard
0565ed3 Mientras tanto, en este lado de la mesa se siente mucha atraccion. ?Que se siente en el suyo? Linda Howard
2eef265 Not so wide that a woman would feel as if she might fall in, and not so small it looked as if he'd just sucked a lemon like Ronald Trump's, or whatever his name was. All in all, Richard's lips looked just right. lips-and-lemons lips-wise Linda Howard
9e14c2f And if you do anything to hurt my mom's cat, I'll take you apart cell by cell. I'll mutilate your DNA so it can never reproduce, which would probably be a good thing for the world. Linda Howard
bce8bf8 Never run if you can walk, never walk if you can stand, never stand if you can sit, and never sit if you can lie." "Never talk if you can listen," -- Linda Howard
e447a5c Do you want me?" she whispered, licking him again. She felt very warm, and slightly drunk with her feminine power. Desire was unfurling inside her, opening like a flower. Her breasts throbbed, and she rubbed them against his leg. He gave a strangled laugh, almost undone by her natural sensuality. "Look a few inches to your right and tell me what you think." Linda Howard
5847ca9 hurting was better than dying. Linda Howard
519c318 How do you function when your entire body has been overtaken by searing emotional pain? How do you function when a huge hole had been ripped in your life? How do you ever smile again, laugh again, feel joy again? You just do it...Because you have no choice. Linda Howard
5381c74 He was a man who evidently felt very little; she was a woman who felt, perhaps, too much. Linda Howard
97bbf04 Luca had many strengths and powers; as a rare blood born, conceived and born to a vampire mother and father, he was much stronger than those who'd been turned to the life. vampires Linda Howard
c3f8301 He was different from every other man she knew. He was capable of loving; he was at once a laughing daredevil and a hard-hitting businessman. But most of all, he needed her. Other patients had needed her, but only as a therapist. Blake needed her, the woman she was, because only her personal strengths had enabled her to help him with her trained skills and knowledge. She couldn't remember anyone ever needing her before. romance Linda Howard
2de62e9 I'll be on another case soon. You won't need me anymore. You'll be walking, though I think you should wait a while before climbing another mountain." "You're my therapist," Blake snapped. Dione gave a little laugh. "For months you've depended on me more than any other person in your life. Your perspective is distorted now. Believe me, by the time I've been gone a month, you won't even think about me." 'Do you mean you'd just turn your back .. romance Linda Howard
427ff42 Think of it as therapy," he encouraged. "A sort of repayment for your own therapeutic knowledge. You gave me a reason to live, and I'll show you how to live." Linda Howard
5a35254 Once outside, the man stopped, lifted his head, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, as if the air smelled wonderful to him. Then he turned to Jimmy, his expression hard and serious. "We will need an army." "Uh, I don't exactly have one of those handy." vampires Linda Howard
4ba16e8 Your eyes are like melted gold," he whispered. "Cat eyes. Do they shine in the dark? A man could get lost in them," he said, his voice suddenly rough. --- "You're the loveliest thing I've ever seen," he murmured. "As exotic as Salome, as graceful as a cat, as simple as the wind... and so damned mysterious. What goes on behind those cat eyes? What are you thinking?" She couldn't answer; instead she shook her head blindly as fresh tears made .. romance Linda Howard
22ae8cc Blake filled her world. The sweaty male scent of him was in her nostrils, the slippery texture of his hot skin under her hands; the unbearably erotic taste of his mouth lay sweetly on her tongue. At some unknown point his kisses had slipped past celebration and become intensely male, demanding, giving, thrilling. Perhaps they'd never been celebration kisses at all, she thought fuzzily. Suddenly he removed his mouth from hers and buried his .. romance physical-therapy Linda Howard
442597d Lady, what you do to me is almost criminal," he groaned in a shaky voice. An odd tightening in her breasts made her close her eyes. "I've got to go," she said weakly, but for the life of her she couldn't make herself move. "No, don't go," he pleaded. "Let me touch you... my God, I've got to touch you!" romance Linda Howard
f2a2a62 You can't miss what you've never had. Linda Howard
3e228f3 He sat with his arm still around her, watching her face and smiling as she fumbled with the elegant gold wrapping, her agile fingers suddenly clumsy. She lifted the lid off and stared speechlessly at the simple pendant that lay on satin lining like a cobweb of gold. A dark red heart, chiseled and planed, was attached to the chain. "That's a ruby," she stammered. "No," he corrected gently, lifting it from the box and placing it around her ne.. romance Linda Howard
51df6ed No!" he roared. "I've had enough for today! A little of you goes a long way, lady!" "Please, call me Dione," she murmured. "I don't want to call you anything! My God, would you just leave me alone!" "Of course I will, when my job is finished. I can't let you ruin my record of successful cases, can I?" romance Linda Howard
f9a4a81 She knew better than to lose her head over a man. That was what was so humiliating: she knew better. Three broken engagements had taught her that a woman needed to keep her wits about her when dealing with the male species, or she could get seriously hurt. travel sadness escapism wanderlust Linda Howard
4a23e22 The bar lights glittered on the wet pavement, and jazz wailed out of the open doors of the bars, collinding with the more discordant, driving beats coming from the strip joints, where bored-looking dancers, both male and female, gyrated their hips and humped poles and pretended to be sexy. humorous Linda Howard
ee0f3c5 God save me from a woman's way of thinking. What the hell kind of logic is that? One has nothing to do with the other." "Maybe not to you, but let's face it, you're plankton, and I'm a higher life form. Details matter to me." Linda Howard
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