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d5eafa0 How, unless you drink as I do, could you hope to understand the beauty of an old Indian woman playing dominoes with a chicken? Malcolm Lowry
408daa2 the fallen leaves in the forest seemed to make even the ground glow and burn with light foliage forest forests halloween october woods Malcolm Lowry
46197b3 Bad, or good, as it happens to be, that is what it is to exist! . . . It is as though I have been silent and fuddled with sleep all my life. In spite of all, I know now that at least it is better to go always towards the summer, towards those burning seas of light; to sit at night in the forecastle lost in an unfamiliar dream, when the spirit becomes filled with stars, instead of wounds, and good and compassionate and tender. To sail into a.. growth inspiration moving moving-forward sailing sea searching-and-finding travel Malcolm Lowry
309ef3c No se puede vivir sin amar Malcolm Lowry
9f23378 I have no house only a shadow. But whenever you are in need of a shadow, my shadow is yours. Malcolm Lowry
fbe8701 To say nothing of what you lose, lose, lose, are losing, man. You fool, you stupid fool ... You've even been insulated from the responsibility of genuine suffering ... Even the suffering you do endure is largely unnecessary. Actually spurious. It lacks the very basis you require of it for its tragic nature. You deceive yourself. Malcolm Lowry
c718a58 The Consul felt a pang. Ah, to have a horse, and gallop away, singing, to someone you loved perhaps, into the heart of all the simplicity and peace in the world; was that not like the opportunity afforded man by life itself? Of course not. Still, just for a moment, it had seemed that it was. Malcolm Lowry
7dc0030 A little self-knowledge is a dangerous thing. Malcolm Lowry
49abaac Somebody threw a dead dog after him down the ravine. Malcolm Lowry
871f095 Adios," she added in Spanish, "I have no house only a shadow. But whenever you are in need of a shadow, my shadow is yours." "Thank you." "Sank you." "Not sank you, Senora Gregorio, thank you." "Sank you." Malcolm Lowry
3c64d58 Try persuading the world not to cut its throat for half a decade or more...and it'll begin to dawn on you that even your behavior's part of its plan. doom Malcolm Lowry
d8926e0 Now you see what kind of creatures we are, Hugh. Eating things alive. That's what we do. How can you have much respect for mankind, or any belief in the social struggle? nature nature-of-man power Malcolm Lowry
8c60964 and as they stood in silence before her, prayed again. "Nothing is altered and in spite of God's mercy I am still alone. Though my suffering seems senseless I am still in agony. There is no explanation of my life." Indeed there was not, nor was this what he'd meant to convey. "Please let Yvonne have her dream -- dream? -- of a new life with me -- please let me believe that all that is not an abominable self-deception," he tried... "Please l.. Malcolm Lowry
3ba9454 The movements of some more little red birds in the garden, like animated rosebuds, appeared unbearably jittery and thievish. It was as though the creatures were attached by sensitive wires to his nerves. birds hangover nerves Malcolm Lowry
d689c80 But who could agree with someone who was so certain you were going to be sober the day after tomorrow? Malcolm Lowry
f29f309 Hugh put one foot up on the parapet and regarded his cigarette that seemed bent, like humanity, on consuming itself as quickly as possible. Malcolm Lowry
e2aafc9 What use were his talons and fangs to the dying tiger? In the clutches, say, to make matters worse, of a boa-constrictor? But apparently this improbable tiger had no intention of dying just yet. On the contrary, he intended taking a little walk, taking the boa-constrictor with him, even to pretend, for a while, it wasn't there. life psychology suffering Malcolm Lowry
1391313 Yes, it struck her now that this whole business of the bull was like a life; the important birth, the fair chance, the tentative, then assured, then half-dispairing circulations of the ring, an obstacle negotiated - a feat improperly recognized - boredom, resignation, collapse: then another, more convulsive birth, a new start; the circumspect endeavours to obtain one's bearings in a world now frankly hostile, the apparent but deceptive enco.. Malcolm Lowry
2433e4d I have resisted temptation for two and a half minutes at least: my redemption is sure. redemption temptation-alcohol Malcolm Lowry
80850ab Ah, guilt and sorrow had dogged Juan's footsteps too, for he was not a Catholic who could rise refreshed from the cold bath of confession. Yet the banality stood: that the past was irrevocably past. And conscience had been given man to regret it only in so far as that might change the future. For man, every man, Juan seemed to be telling him, even as Mexico, must ceaselessly struggle upward. What was life but a warfare and a stranger's sojo.. Malcolm Lowry
70163fe For with another part of his mind he felt the encroachment of a chilling fear, eclipsing all other feelings, that the thing they wanted was coming for him alone, before he was ready for it; it was a fear worse than the fear that when money was low one would have to stop drinking; it was compounded of harrowed longing and hatred, fathomless compunctions, and of a paradoxical remorse, for his failure to attempt finally something he was not go.. Malcolm Lowry
c6adf91 Can't you see there's a determinism about the fate of nations? They all seem to get what they deserve in the long run. determinism fate geopolitics history just-desserts karma nations politics Malcolm Lowry
5f98f8f Far above him a few white clouds were racing windily after a pale gibbous moon. Drink all morning, they said to him, drink all day. This is life! alcoholism drink moon Malcolm Lowry
00383a0 They were the cars at the fair that were whirling around her; no, they were the planets, while the sun stood, burning and spinning and guttering in the centre; here they came again, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto; but they were not planets, for it was not the merry-go-round at all, but the Ferris wheel, they were constellations, in the hub of which, like a great cold eye, burned Polaris, and round and r.. Malcolm Lowry
9fbed31 Interchangeable ever were the terms of abuse with which the aggressor discredits those about to be ravaged! Malcolm Lowry
a3dd419 It's amazing when you come to think of it how the human spirit seems to blossom in the shadow of the abattoir! Malcolm Lowry
15ca3b6 My lover. Oh come to me again as once in May. Malcolm Lowry
6cd4027 l tHS~ lmzy lt~ jlbth ln lHDr@ wl t`d lTq@ lmntj@ lkl nw` lthr lt~ 'wjdth btkrt l`lm wktshfth. wl ttSwr lbd`t lry'`@ lljns lnsn~ mn jl 'n ykwn lbshr 'kthr s`d@, 'kthr Hry@ w'kthr kml. .wl mthyl llmnb` lSfy@ wlkhSb@ llHy@ ljdyd@ Malcolm Lowry
4ac6d51 Hell," he finished absurdly. "Because--" He produced a twenty-peso note and laid it on the table. "I like it," he called to them, through the open window, from outside. Cervantes stood behind the bar, with scared eyes, holding the cockerel. "I love hell. I can't wait to get back there. In fact I'm running, I'm almost back there already." Malcolm Lowry
f89d2b0 He was safe here; this was the place he loved - sanctuary, the paradise of his despair. Malcolm Lowry
f887b8f Bent double, groaning with the weight, an old lame Indian was carrying on his back, by means of a strap looped over his forehead, another poor Indian, yet older and more decrepit than himself. He carried the older man and his crutches, trembling in every limb under this weight of the past, he carried both their burdens. indian méxico Malcolm Lowry
b522be1 Under the Volcano" embraces everything from Dante to Freud to the cabala. Here it shambles like Cervantes, there it rages like Ahab, and every page of it pulsates on Out of Body Auto-Reply, that style of pure Lowry that points at once backward, to all European literature, and forward, to the mother of all nervous breakdowns." Malcolm Lowry
d9fddd7 When I should have been producing obscure volumes of verse entitled the Triumph of Humpty Dumpty or the Nose with the Luminous Dong! Or at best, like Clare, "weaving fearful vision" ... A frustrated poet in every man. Though it is perhaps a good idea under the circumstances to pretend at least to be proceeding with one's great work on "Secret Knowledge," then one can always say when it never comes out that the title explains the deficiency... Malcolm Lowry
8829e79 He felt rather like someone lying in a bath after all the water has run out, witless, almost dead. Malcolm Lowry
c4465c7 The will of man is unconquerable. Even God cannot conquer it. Malcolm Lowry
d83461c And I'm afraid it really is a jungle too," pursued the Consul, "in fact I expect Rousseau to come riding out of it at any moment on a tiger." "What's that?" Mr Quincey said, frowning in a manner that might have meant: And God never drinks before breakfast either. "On a tiger," the Consul repeated. The other gazed at him a moment with the cold sardonic eye of the material world. "I expect so," he said sourly. "Plenty tigers. Plenty elephants.. Malcolm Lowry
1dce754 Mira, Frijolillo -el Consul oia sus propias palabras-, tener en tu contra a Franco o a Hitler es una cosa, pero tener a Actinio, Argon, Berilio, Disprosio, Niobio, Paladio, Praseodimio... -Mira, Geoff... -...Rutenio, Samario, Silicon, Tantalo, Telurio, Terbio, Torio... -Mira... -Tulio, Titanio, Uranio, Vanadio, Virginio, Zenon, Iterbio, Circonio, por no hablar de Europio y Germanio... !Hip!... !Y Columbio!... Contra ti y contra todos los de.. Malcolm Lowry
18c8dd1 Please let me make her happy, deliver me from this dreadful tyranny of self. I have sunk low. Let me sink lower still, that I may know the truth. Teach me to love again, to love life." That wouldn't do either ... "Where is love? Let me truly suffer. Give me back my purity, the knowledge of the Mysteries, that I have betrayed and lost.--Let me be truly lonely, that I may honestly pray. Let us be happy again somewhere, if it's only together, .. Malcolm Lowry
a661531 They were galloping...Bare level plain had taken the place of the scrub and they'd been cantering briskly, the foals prancing delightedly ahead, when suddenly the dog was a shoulder-shrugging streaking fleece, and as their mares almost imperceptibly fell into the long untrammelled undulating strides, Hugh felt the sense of change, the keen elemental pleasure one experienced too on board a ship which, leaving the choppy waters of the estuary.. Malcolm Lowry
93f7824 Good God, if our civilization were to sober up for a couple of days, it'd die of remorse on the third-- remorse Malcolm Lowry
a7cc98b Haven't you got any tenderness or love left for me at all?" Yvonne asked suddenly, almost piteously, turning round on him, and he thought: Yes, I do love you, I have all the love in the world left for you, only that love seems so far away from me and so strange too, for it is as though I could almost hear it, a droning or a weeping, but far, far away, and a sad lost sound, it might be either approaching or receding, I can't tell which. "Don.. Malcolm Lowry
c8b0c6f All of them, you see, misfits, all good for nothing, cowards, baboons, meek wolves, parasites, every man jack of them, people afraid to face their own responsibilities, fight their own fight, ready to go anywhere, as Tolstoy well perceived-- Malcolm Lowry
12e599b Every man must ceaselessly struggle upwards. What was life but a warfare and a stranger's sojourn? Malcolm Lowry
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