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bb51927 Never think that by releasing me you will be free. You would only condemn us to an ultimate hell on earth. You would only free something else to destroy us both. Malcolm Lowry
44914c1 Under the volcano! It was not for nothing the ancients had placed Tartarus under Mt. Aetna, nor within it, the monster Typhoeus, with his hundred heads and--relatively--fearful eyes and voices. Malcolm Lowry
37c714d In the war to come correspondents would assume unheard of importance, plunging through flame to feed the public its little gobbets of dehydrated excrement. journalist war world-war-2 ww2 Malcolm Lowry
b6da052 The dead. Do they sleep? Why should they, when we cannot? Malcolm Lowry
46f45e2 To-night, as ages hence, people would say this, or shut their doors on them, turn in bereaved agony from them, or toward them with love saying: "That is our star up there, yours and mine"; steer by them above the clouds or lost at sea, or standing in the spray on the forecastle head, watch them, suddenly, careen; put their faith or lack of it in them; train, in a thousand observatories, feeble telescopes upon them, across whose lenses swam .. Malcolm Lowry
0acb63c But there was no mistaking, even in the uncertain light, the hand, half crabbed, half generous, and wholly drunken, of the Consul himself, the Greek e's, flying buttresses of d's, the t's like lonely wayside crosses save where they crucified an entire word, the words themselves slanting steeply downhill, though the individual characters seemed as if resisting the descent, braced, climbing the other way. Malcolm Lowry
40230d1 Love is the only thing which gives meaning to our poor ways on earth soulmate Malcolm Lowry
44bbab8 Meantime do you see me as still working on the book, still trying to answer such questions as: Is there any ultimate reality, external, conscious and ever-present etc. etc. that can be realised by any such means that may be acceptable to all creeds and religions and suitable to all climes and countries? Or do you find me between Mercy and Understanding, between Chesed and Binah (but still at Chesed)--my equilibrium, and equilibrium is all, .. Malcolm Lowry
62b36cb Not that it was not a nightmare. It was, but of a very special kind he was scarcely old enough to appreciate. Malcolm Lowry
2112027 Hugh concentrated upon different objects in the camion; the driver's small mirror with the legend running round it--Cooperacion de la Cruz Roja, the three picture postcards of the Virgin Mary pinned beside it, the two slim vases of marguerites over the dashboard, the gangrened fire extinguisher, the dungaree jacket and whiskbroom under the seat where the pelado was sitting--he watched him as they hit another bad stretch of road. Swaying fro.. Malcolm Lowry
7f49861 Ah, the harbour bells of Cambridge! Whose fountains in moonlight and closed courts and cloisters, whose enduring beauty in its virtuous remote self-assurance, seemed part, less of the loud mosaic of one's stupid life there, though maintained perhaps by the countless deceitful memories of such lives, than the strange dream of some old monk, eight hundred years dead, whose forbidding house, reared upon piles and stakes driven into the marshy .. Malcolm Lowry
6332905 Even almost bad poetry is better than life Malcolm Lowry
55c4734 And in the town too were innumerable white cantinhas, where one could drink forever on credit, with the door open and the wind blowing. Malcolm Lowry
30d14f2 SCARED TO DEATH In Arizona, a 1000-acre forest of junipers suddenly withered and died. Foresters are unable to explain it, but the Indians say the trees died of fear but they are not in agreement as to what caused the fright. Malcolm Lowry
067afcd Journalism equals intellectual male prostitution of speech and writing, Malcolm Lowry
fc2bd47 Nothing is altered and in spite of God's mercy I am still alone. Though my suffering seems senseless I am still in agony. There is no explanation of my life." Indeed there was not, nor was this what he'd meant to convey." Malcolm Lowry
839d3f7 And the earth itself still turning on its axis and revolving around that sun, the sun revolving around the luminous wheel of this galaxy, the countless unmeasured jewelled wheels of countless unmeasured galaxies, turning, turning, majestically, into infinity, into eternity, through all of which all life ran on--all this, long after she herself was dead, men would still be reading in the night sky, and as the earth turned through those dista.. Malcolm Lowry
82a96d7 British Columbia, the genteel Siberia, that was neither genteel nor a Siberia, but an undiscovered, perhaps an undiscoverable Paradise Malcolm Lowry
5196c1d The Consul looked at the sun. But he had lost the sun: it was not his sun. Like the truth, it was well-nigh impossible to face; he did not want to go anywhere near it, least of all, sit in its light, facing it. truth Malcolm Lowry
ef0502c Black Flowers is the name of that song." Cervantes was about to beckon the man to come in. "It say:--I suffer, because your lips say only lies and they have death in a kiss." Malcolm Lowry
a0580aa Why am I here, says the silence, what have I done, echoes the emptiness, why have I ruined myself in this wilful manner, chuckles the money in the till, why have I been brought so low, wheedles the thoroughfare, to which the only answer was--The square gave him no answer. Malcolm Lowry
1af63f8 Indeed, on the face of it, this man of abnormal strength and constitution and obscure ambition, whom Hugh would never know, could never deliver nor make agreement to God for, but in his way loved and desired to help, had triumphantly succeeded in pulling himself together. Malcolm Lowry
6c1a080 Ah, in how many rooms, upon how many studio couches, among how many books, had they found their own love, their marriage, their life together, a life which, in spite of its many disasters, its total calamity indeed -- and in spite too of any slight element of falsehood in its inception on her side, her marriage partly into the past, into her Anglo-Scottish ancestry, into the visioned empty ghost-whistling castles in Sutherland, into an eman.. Malcolm Lowry
fd28d12 And yet, he was thinking all over again, and all over again as for the first time, how he had suffered, suffered, suffered without her; indeed such desolation, such a desperate sense of abandonment bereavement, as during this last year without Yvonne, he had never known in his life, unless it was when his mother died. But this present emotion he had never experienced with his mother: this urgent desire to hurt, to provoke, at a time when fo.. Malcolm Lowry
07fe6e2 Far too soon it had begun to seem too much of a triumph, it had been too good, too horribly unimaginable to lose, impossible finally to bear: it was as if it had become itself its own foreboding that it could not last, a foreboding that was like a presence too, turning his steps towards the taverns again. And how could one begin all over again, as though the Cafe Chagrin, the Farolito, had never been? Malcolm Lowry
3f7b8f0 I am the chief steward of my fate, I am the fireman of my soul. Malcolm Lowry
a9f51e8 Closing his eyes again, standing there, glass in hand, he thought for a minute with a freezing detached almost amused calm of the dreadful night inevitably awaiting him whether he drank much more or not, his room shaking with daemonic orchestras, the snatches of fearful tumultuous sleep, interrupted by voices which were really dogs barking, or by his own name being continually repeated by imaginary parties arriving, the vicious shouting, th.. Malcolm Lowry
09e9096 The slow darkening of the murals as you look from right to left. It seems somehow to symbolise the gradual imposition of the Spaniards' conquering will upon the Indians. Do you see what I mean? Malcolm Lowry
5268aef The broken pink pillars, in the half-light, might have been waiting to fall down on him: the pool, covered with green scum, its steps torn away and hanging by one rotting clamp, to close over his head. The shattered evil-smelling chapel, overgrown with weeds, the crumbling walls, splashed with urine, on which scorpions lurked - wrecked entablature, sad archivolt, slippery stones covered with excreta - this place, where love had once brooded.. love nightmare ruins stones Malcolm Lowry
eb90fb0 Th soul! Ah, and did she not too have her savage and traitorous Tlaxcalans, her Cortes and her noches tristes, and, sitting within her innermost citadel in chains, drinking chocolate, her pale Moctezuma? Malcolm Lowry
5d338f9 Fitzgerald's] latter work represents essentially best qualities of chivalry and decency now too often lacking in the English themselves. decency fscottfitzgerald inspirational literature malcolmlowry scottfitzgerald Malcolm Lowry
7eac382 Strange Type I wrote: in the dark cavern of our birth. The printer had it tavern, which seems better: But herein lies the subject of our mirth, Since on the next page death appears as dearth. So it may be that God's word was distraction, Which to our strange type appears destruction, Which is bitter. misprint typo Malcolm Lowry
2aa2bd9 But who could agree with someone who was so certain you were going to be sober the day after to-morrow? Malcolm Lowry
319e306 Voda je jos cureci u bazen - Boze, kako umrtvljujuce sporo - ispunjavala tisinu izmedu njih...Bilo je tu jos nesto: Konzulu se cinilo da jos cuje glazbu plesa sto mora da je vec davno prestao, i kao da je tu tisinu prozimao uminuli tutanj bubnjeva. Parija: to je znacilo i bubnjeve. Parian. Ta je gotovo opipljivo odsutna glazba bez dvojbe stvarala tako neobicnu iluziju da su se stabla naizgled tresla u taktu s njom, iluziju sto je ne samo vr.. Malcolm Lowry
5429515 For the Love of Dying The tortures of hell are stern, their fires burn fiercely. Yet vultures turn against the air more beautifully than seagulls float downwind in cool sunlight, or fans in asylums spin a loom of fate for hope which never ventured up so high as life's deception, astride the vulture's flight. If death can fly, just for the love of flying, what might not life do, for the love of dying? Malcolm Lowry
c819d64 The Consul stood up. He gave two short whistles while below him the cat's ears twirled. "She thinks I'm a tree with a bird in it," he added." Malcolm Lowry
6c9f4ff Night: and once again, the nightly grapple with death, the room shaking with daemonic orchestras, the snatches of fearful sleep, the voices outside the window, my name being continually repeated with scorn by imaginary parties arriving, the dark's spinets. As if there were not enough real noises in these nights the color of grey hair. Not like the rending tumult of American cities, the noise of the unbandaging of great giants in agony. Malcolm Lowry
3cbcd90 word Malcolm Lowry
b45f884 McGoff didn't have much use for modern Vancouver. According to him, it has a sort of Pango Pango quality mingled with sausage and mash and generally a rather Puritan atmosphere. Everyone fast asleep and when you prick them a Union Jack flows out of the hole. But no one in a certain sense lives there. They merely as it were pass through. Mine the country and quit. Blast the land to pieces, knock down the trees and send them rolling down Burr.. Malcolm Lowry
2adee80 With means, if more than a little diminished means, of his own Ethan had done what his father before him, likewise a lawyer, had done, and had once in days past counselled him to do before it was too late, before this might spell an irrevocable retirement. He made a Retreat. (To be sure he had not been bidden so far afield as had his father, who'd spent the last year of peace before the First World War as a legal adviser on international co.. Malcolm Lowry
7efded4 ronyons Malcolm Lowry
d467ceb The more even sounds of the bus wove into Hugh's brain an idiotic syllogism: I am losing the Battle of the Ebro, I am also losing Yvonne, therefore Yvonne is... Malcolm Lowry
5ecaccf I can see him and I hate the bastard already: short-sighted and promiscuous, six foot three of gristle and bristle and pathos, of deep-voiced charm and casuistry. . . Business-like, inept and unintelligent, strong and infantile, like most American men, quick to wield chairs in a fight, vain, and who, at thirty still ten, turns the act of love into a kind of dysentery... Malcolm Lowry
7d4b376 Le gusta este jardin, que es suyo? !Evite que sus hijos lo destruyan! Malcolm Lowry
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