Le hare una oferta que no podra rechazar.
Mario Puzo |
Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government. It is almost the equal of family. Never forget that.
Mario Puzo |
For justice we must go on our knees to Don Corleone.
Mario Puzo |
That night a bomb exploded in the Corleone Family mall in Long Beach, thrown from a car that pulled up to the chain, then roared away. That night also two button men of the Corleone Family were killed as they peaceably ate their dinner in a small Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village. The Five Families War of 1946 had begun.
Mario Puzo |
We are not responsible to the .90 calibers the pezzonovantis who take it upon themselves to decide what we shall do with out lives, who declare wars they wish us to fight in to protect what they own... And who are they then to meddle when we look after our own interests? Sonna cosa nostra...these are our own affairs. We will manage our world for ourselves because it is our world, cosa nostra
Mario Puzo |
Un hombre que no pasa el suficiente tiempo con su familia no merece ser llamado hombre.
Mario Puzo |
Narkotikas ir pestisana cilveka garam, patverums tiem izmisusajiem, kam liktenis lemis nabadzibu vai garigas slimibas.! Tas ir remdinajums tiem, kas alkst pec milestibas, zudusajam dveselem musu garigi pagrimusaja pasaule. Galu gala- ja cilveks vairs netic Dievam, sabiedribai, pats savai vertibai, kas tad vinam vel atliek.? Nonaveties.? Narkotikas lauj cilvekam dzivot sapnu un ceribu valstiba. Viss, kas nepieciesams, ir zinama mereniba. Gal..
Mario Puzo |
I would trust you with my whole fortune," he told the president. "I would trust you with my life and the welfare of my children. It is inconceivable to me that you would ever trick me or otherwise betray me. My whole world, all my faith in my judgment of human character would collapse."
Mario Puzo |
Yet he thought, if I die saying " Life is beautiful", then nothing else is important."
Mario Puzo |
If the Clericuzio Family was the Holy Church for the Mafia empires scattered over the United States, then the head of the Family, Don Domenico Clericuzio was the Pope, admired not only for his intelligence but for his strength.
Mario Puzo |
he had been a tough teenager in New York's Hell's Kitchen.
Mario Puzo |
Genius had its rewards.
Mario Puzo |
no longer fearing the cost. "For justice we must go on our knees to Don Corleone."
Mario Puzo |
He wanted the world to believe that he was a horse rider. So let him ride his horses at the bottom of the ocean.
Mario Puzo |
It was not necessary that he be your friend, it was not even important that you had no means with which to repay him. Only one thing was required. That you, you yourself, proclaim your friendship. And then, no matter how poor or powerless the supplicant, Don Corleone would take that man's troubles to his heart.
Mario Puzo |
Do not exercise power because it is easy to your hand. And do not get carried away with a certainty of victory when your intellect tells you there is even a hint of tragedy.
Mario Puzo |
He said to the cardinal, "I'm a peasant, not instructed in the ways of heaven. But I have never broken my word. And you, a Cardinal of the Catholic Church, with all your holy garments and crosses of Jesus, lied to me like a heathen Moor. Your sacred office alone will not save your life."
Mario Puzo |
You cannot say 'no' to the people you love, not often. That's the secret. And then when you do, it has to sound like a 'yes.' Or you have to make them say 'no.' You have to take time and trouble.
Mario Puzo |
The story you are holding was first published in 1969, which was, as you may know, a very interesting year.
Mario Puzo |
A man's primary duty in life is to earn his own living, but to what purpose if he did not have a wife and children?
Mario Puzo |
Did Jack Woltz have the balls to risk everything, to run the chance of losing all on a matter of principle, on a matter of honor; for revenge?
Mario Puzo |
Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government. It is almost the equal of family.
Mario Puzo |
destiny had decided that he was to become a Don and had brought Fanucci to him to set him on his destined path.
Mario Puzo |
Preparing the communal evening meal sometimes caused arguments. Every village in Sicily had a different recipe for squid and eels, disagreed on what herbs should be disbarred from the tomato sauce. And whether sausages should ever be baked.
Mario Puzo |
Bija prieks atkal pieversties rakstisanai ar galvu, kas skaidra no kokaina un patiesas milestibas.
Mario Puzo |
Vinas ista dzive bija lomas, ko vina teloja, vina jutas dzivaka, kad iedvesa dzivibu savos telos, nesaja tos sevi, kamer pati dzivoja savu parasto dzivi.
Mario Puzo |
Writing, like gambling, was always a big part of my life," he used to say. "Both gave me sanctuary from the world. And you never really had to kill someone to get what you wanted. You just had to beat fate."
Mario Puzo |
Viriesiem sekss vajadzigs, lai sagatavotos doties kauja ar pasapzinu. Sievietem sekss vajadzigs zaudejuma bedu remdesanai vai ka dala no uzvaras gandarijuma.
Mario Puzo |
Es rikojos ka man ir vislabak. Un vislabak ir but vienkarsam. Pavisam, pavisam vienkarsam. Un, kad vajag ko ipasu, tam jabut pavisam, pavisam ipasam.
Mario Puzo |
Walter Kaylin was great! He was outrageous, he just carried it off. He'd have this one guy killing a thousand other guys. Then they beat him into the ground, you think he's dead, but he rises up again and kills another thousand guys.
Mario Puzo |
I believe in friendship and I am willing to show my friendship first.
Mario Puzo |
The meeting would be safe as a wedding.
Mario Puzo |
This country has been good to me.
Mario Puzo |
Bet, ak vai, cik launa bija pasaule, kas lika cilvekam grekot.
Mario Puzo |
Mercy is a vice, a pretension to powers we do not have. Those who give mercy commit an unpardonable offense to the victim. And that is not our duty here on earth.
Mario Puzo |
Uxuriousness may be the last refuge of the honest man,
Mario Puzo |
For the first time the Don showed annoyance. He poured another glass of anisette and drank it down. He pointed a finger at his son. "You want to learn," he said. "Now listen to me. A man's first duty is to keep himself alive. Then comes what everyone else calls honor. This dishonor, as you call it, I willingly take upon myself. I did it to save your life as you once took on dishonor to save mine. You would have never left Sicily alive witho..
Mario Puzo |
We hope someday to be saints, but not martyrs
Mario Puzo |
Always remember that and live your life not to be a hero but to remain alive. With time, heroes seem a little foolish.
Mario Puzo |
El mayor de todos los males es el poder_ contesto el sumo pontifice_, y es nuestro deber borrar cualquier deseo de poder de los corazones y las almas de los hombres. Esa es la mision de la Iglesia, pues es la lucha por el poder lo que hace que los hombres se enfrentan unos a otros. Ahi radica el mal de nuestro mundo; siempre sera un mundo injusto, siempre sera un mundo cruel para los menos afortunados. Quien sabe,,, Es posible que dentro de..
Mario Puzo |
As bread is sweet to us," he said, "so is the blood of the poor to the rich who drink it." It"
Mario Puzo |
It was understood, it was mere good manners, to proclaim that you were in his debt and that he had the right to call upon you at any time to redeem your debt by some small service. Now
Mario Puzo |
Kay could see how Michael stood to receive their homage. He reminded her of statues in Rome, statues of those Roman emperors of antiquity, who, by divine right, held the power of life and death over their fellow men. One hand was on his hip, the profile of his face showed a cold proud power, his body was carelessly, arrogantly at ease, weight resting on one foot slightly behind the other. The caporegimes stood before him. In that moment Kay..
Mario Puzo |
It's more important that you grow up to be a man," he said, "than to be a genius."
Mario Puzo |