The Don sighed. "Well, then I can't talk to you about how you should behave. Don't you want to finish school, don't you want to be a lawyer? Lawyers can steal more money with a briefcase than a thousand men with guns and masks."
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Neri was content, satisfied that he lived in a world that properly rewarded a man who did his duty.
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The man who plays alone never loses.' " Guiliano"
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Life is so beautiful.
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Fari vagnari a pizzu." Pizzu means the beak of any small bird such as a canary."
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Anybody. She uses her body like I use the loose
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U kazhdogo nakhoditsia predlog dlia togo, chtoby postupit'sia svoei dobrodetel'iu. I lomaiut tebia, tol'ko kogda ty sam gotov slomat'sia.
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Revenge is a dish that tastes best when it is cold,
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Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government. It is almost the equal of family. Never forget that. If you had built up a wall of friendships you wouldn't have to ask me to help.
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Don Vito Corleone was a man to whom everybody came for help, and never were they disappointed. He made no empty promises, nor the craven excuse that his hands were tied by more powerful forces in the world than himself.
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V liuboi moment vremeni ni odin muzhchina ne imeet prava revnovat' bol'she chem odnu zhenshchinu... esli tol'ko on ne puertorikanets
Mario Puzo |
Michael looked around the beautiful garden with its many colored flowers, fragrant lemon trees, the old statures of the gods dug from ancient ruins, other newer ones of holy saints, the rose-colored walls across the villa. It was a lovely setting for the examination of twelve murderous apostles.
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Phap luat va trat tu la cai gieng than de cac thay uong tung gau quyen luc, thoa man cac thay giong het nhu quyen luc ca nhan thoa man hau het moi nguoi. Mat khac, trong long cac thay thuong xuyen am i mot su bat man doi voi nhung nguoi ma ho phai phuc vu. Voi cac thay, thang dan vua la nguoi duoc che cho, vua la doi tuong. La nguoi duoc che cho, no rat vo on, tho tuc, hay be hanh be toi. La doi tuong no lai khoe quanh co va nguy hiem, day ..
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this place is full of shit. It's run by aliens from outer space. Sure, they make the food look Italian, they make it smell Italian, but it tastes like goo from Mars.
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Great men have allied themselves with the angels at a terrible price to themselves. Evil men indulge their slightest whim for small satisfactions while accepting the fate of burning in Hell.
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Voi nhung nguoi ta yeu thuong thi khong the noi "khong" duoc, it ra la khong the noi thuong xuyen. Do la toan bo bi quyet. Con khi buoc phai noi thi can noi sao cho cai tu "khong" cua ta nghe nhu "co". Hoac lam sao de chinh nguoi khac phai noi voi ta cai tu "khong" do."
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Lawyers can steal more money with a briefcase than a thousand men with guns and masks.
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showing his gratitude.
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Su tra thu la mot man an cang de nguoi cang ngon.
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A life is sacred or it isn't. We can't adjust what we believe just because it causes us pain.
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I'll tell you one thing you didn't learn from him: talking the way you're talking now. There are things that have to be done and you do them and you never talk about them. You don't try to justify them. They can't be justified. You just do them. Then you forget it." Michael"
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Softly, reassuringly, he comforted his friend, as they waited for death together. As if the Don could truly snatch the life of Genco Abbandando back from that most foul and criminal traitor to man.
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It pleased him to see the hurt look on her face, the tears springing into her eyes. She might be a daughter of the Great Don but she was his wife, she was his property now and he could treat her as he pleased. It made him feel powerful that one of the Corleones was his doormat.
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jak wlasciwie nalezalo zyc - szczesliwie czy moralnie?
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Drop the gun, pick up the cannoli
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He knew that if he did not inform to the police a warm welcome would be his when he left prison. There would be a party waiting in his home, the best of food, homemade ravioli, wine, pastries, with all his friends and relatives gathered to rejoice in his freedom. And sometime during the night the Consigliori, Genco Abbandando, or perhaps even the Don himself, would drop by to pay his respects to such a stalwart, take a glass of wine in his ..
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Chang co gi kho hieu, khi nhung ke chay theo dong tien hon dam me nghe thuat lai keo dai duoc su nghiep hon, thanh nhung nguoi dang gia trong xa hoi, hon han nhung nghe si co gang trinh bay cai tia sang thanh thien cua con nguoi. Dang buon la nguoi ta khong the dung mot cuon phim ve nhung dieu do, ve cai dieu dong tien dang qui hon nghe thuat va tinh yeu. Nhung neu cuon phim duoc lam thi cung chang ai mua.
Mario Puzo |
What's past is past," Gronevelt said. "Never go back. Not for excuses. Not for justification, not for happiness. You are what you are, the world is what it is." "
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Don Corleone had promised his godson he would get the part and Don Corleone had never, to Hagen's knowledge, broken his word in such matters.
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But his Godfather had never said such and such a thing could be done without having it done.
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With a great effort the Don opened his eyes to see his son once more. ... He smelled the garden, the yellow shield of light smote his eyes, and he whispered, "Life is so beautiful." ... Yet, he thought, if I can die saying, "Life is so beautiful," then nothing else is important. If I can believe in myself that much, nothing else matters."
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These things have to happen once every ten years or so. It gets rid of the bad blood. And then if we let them push us around on the little things they wanta take over everything. You gotta stop them at the beginning. Like they shoulda stopped Hitler at Munich, they should never let him get away with that, they were just asking for big trouble when they let him get away with that." Michael"
Mario Puzo |
Is It possible to live in such a world where everyone does what he pleases? No one is punished by God or man and no one has to earn a living? Are there such women who follow every whim? Men such foolish weaklings, who succumb to every little desire, every little dream of happiness? Where are the honest husbands who work to earn their bread, who think of the best ways to protect their children from fate and the cruel world? Where are the peo..
Mario Puzo |
Raw brilliance needs long years of hard work to develop properly.
Mario Puzo |
Brasi left the room. Two of his men assisted the midwife and the baby was born, the mother was exhausted and went into a deep sleep. Brasi was summoned and Filomena, who had wrapped the newborn child in an extra blanket, extended the bundle to him and said, "If you're the father, take her. My work is finished." Brasi glared at her, malevolent, insanity stamped on his face. "Yes, I'm the father," he said. "But I don't want any of that race t..
Mario Puzo |
I'll tell you one thing you didn't learn from him: talking the way you're talking now. There are things that have to be done and you do them and you never talk about them. You don't try to justify them. They can't be justified. You just do them. Then you forget it.
Mario Puzo |
At that moment Sonny noticed that the other car had not kept going but had parked a few feet ahead, still blocking his way. At that same moment his lateral vision caught sight of another man in the darkened tollbooth to his right. But he did not have time to think about that because two men came out of the car parked in front and walked toward him. The toll collector still had not appeared. And then in the fraction of a second before anythi..
Mario Puzo |
He had asked Hagen one final question. "Does this man have real balls?" Hagen translated the question properly in his mind. Did Jack Woltz have the balls to risk everything, to run the chance of losing all on a matter of principle, on a matter of honor; for revenge?"
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Nunca se aborreca -- Don Corleone o havia instruido. -- Nunca faca uma ameaca. Argumente com as pessoas.
Mario Puzo |
Vy, zhenshchiny, khotite ravenstva, no dazhe ne ponimaete mekhanizma vlasti. Vasha kozyrnaia karta -- manda, i vy triasete eiu pered vashimi opponentami. Predlagaete ee. Esli b ne polovoi organ, vas by voobshche nikto ne slushal. Muzhchiny mogut zhit' bez liubvi, no ne bez seksa. Zhenshchinam neobkhodima liubov', a bez seksa oni mogut i oboitis'. -- Okruzhaiushchie ego zhenshchiny druzhno zaprotestovali, no Ozano stoial na svoem: -- Zhenshc..
Mario Puzo |
Ozano, vy pokorili ogromnoe kolichestvo zhenshchin. V chem sekret vashego uspekha? -- sprosila odna iz zhenshchin. Vse rassmeialis', v tom chisle i Ozano. Etim on eshche bol'she voskhitil menia: muzhchina, piat' raz zhenivshiisia, kotoryi mog pozvolit' sebe smeiat'sia. -- Prezhde chem ia podpuskaiu ikh k sebe, ia govoriu, chto vse dolzhno byt' na sto protsentov tak, kak schitaiu ia, i ne inache. Oni ponimaiut moiu pozitsiiu i prinimaiut ee...
Mario Puzo |
On ukazyval, chto avtomaticheskaia korobka peredach pozvolila sest' za rul' millionam zhenshchin, kotorye ne mogli spravit'sia s perekliucheniem skorostei.
Mario Puzo |
they would never shame a statue of the Virgin Mary, but in the hot blood of vendetta they would shotgun the Pope himself for breaking omerta,
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V bol'shinstve na fabrike rabotali chernye. <>
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