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a254869 It is always easier to promote war than peace, easier to end the peace than end the war, because peace is fragile and war is durable. war peace Mark Kurlansky
ec14cd5 At about this time the Asiatic wolf, a fierce predator that despite its small size would eat a human if it had the opportunity, came under human control because its friendly young cubs could be fed and trained. A dangerous adversary was turned into a dedicated helper--the dog. Mark Kurlansky
71cb1e3 On the one side were Confucians, inspired by Mencius, who, when asked how a state should raise profits, replied, "Why must Your Majesty use the word profit? All I am concerned with are the good and the right. If Your Majesty says, 'How can I profit my state?' your officials will say, 'How can I profit my family?' and officers and common people will say, 'How can I profit myself?' Once superiors and inferiors are competing for profit, the st.. Mark Kurlansky
6c79ab0 Europeans started wearing linen underwear instead of wool. There is no record indicating that this made the Europeans less irritable, but it did make a lot more rags available. Mark Kurlansky
c545832 General Motors, ITT, and Ford come most readily to mind as having plants protected by Hitler, Mark Kurlansky
b831af1 The painstakingly extracted purple dye was a luxury item of such prestige that the color purple became a way of showing wealth and power. Julius Mark Kurlansky
4364ccb nonviolence is more effective than violence, that violence does not work. Mark Kurlansky
433738c while every major language has a word for violence, there is no word to express the idea of nonviolence Mark Kurlansky
d22e6e9 Baby formula contains three salts: magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride. Mark Kurlansky
c2ca08b The real price of every thing, what every thing really costs to the man who wants to acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it. --Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776 All our invention and progress seem to result in endowing material forces with intellectual life, and in stultifying human life into a material force. --Karl Marx, speech, 1856 Dreams are not so different from deeds as some may think. All the deeds of men are only.. Mark Kurlansky
072b3e0 They leaned over and scooped up handfuls of salt. The police tried to forcibly remove the salt from their hands. A crowd of dissidents ran onto the beach, picked up salt, and were taken away by the police. The protests went on for days, with waves of salt makers followed by waves of police followed by more salt makers. The police called in reinforcements. Soon the jails were filled, and more and more police and protesters were rushing into .. Mark Kurlansky
6995d27 Toward the end of the first century A.D., a Confucian government minister had them once more abolished, declaring, "Government sale of salt means competing with subjects for profit. These are not measures fit for wise rulers." Mark Kurlansky
d78aa0c It had all been predicted in Herzl's 1902 novel, Old New Land, in which he imagines visiting the new Jewish state in 1923 and finding the Jews not only exploiting the Dead Sea's mineral wealth but making the desert green through irrigation and living in farm collectives that exported produce to Europe. However, he also predicted that Israel would be a German-speaking nation and that Arabs would eagerly welcome Jews for the economic developm.. Mark Kurlansky
d290a85 There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part, you can't even tacitly take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you are free, the machine will be prevented from worki.. Mark Kurlansky
cee2290 Now, at peace, Jordan has few resources but is full of plans. Mohammed Noufal observed with a smile, "All we need is Israel's technology, Egypt's workers, Turkey's water, and Saudi Arabia's oil, and I am sure we can build a paradise here." Mark Kurlansky
48ae790 At the time when Pope Pius VII had to leave Rome, which had been conquered by revolutionary French, the committee of the Chamber of Commerce in London was considering the herring fishery. One member of the committee observed that, since the Pope had been forced to leave Rome, Italy was probably going to become a Protestant country. "Heaven help us," cried another member. "What," responded the first, "would you be upset to see the number of .. Mark Kurlansky
dd4dd34 Under English law the penalty for eating meat on Friday was hanging. The law remained on the books until the sixteenth century, when Henry VIII broke with the Vatican. Mark Kurlansky
93979fe A modern revolutionary group, explained Abbie Hoffman, headed for the television station, not the factory. influence evangelism media technology Mark Kurlansky
29b82cd Unique to Sichuan, ma is the spicy flavor of a wild tree peppercorn called huajiao--with a taste between peppercorn, caraway, and clove, but so strong that too much will numb the mouth. Two varieties grow in Sichuan, clay red peppercorns and the more perfumey brown ones. La means "hot spice" and is accomplished with small burning red peppers. The combined seasoning, ma-la, defines the taste of Sichuan food." Mark Kurlansky
3794309 Theoretically, pickling can be accomplished without salt, but the carbohydrates and proteins in the vegetables tend to putrefy too quickly to be saved by the emerging lactic acid. Without salt, yeast forms, and the fermentation process leads to alcohol rather than pickles. Mark Kurlansky
4acf9ca The true expression of nonviolence is compassion, which is not just a passive emotional response, but a rational stimulus to action. Mark Kurlansky
4651078 The only possible explanation for the absence of a proactive word to express nonviolence is that not only the political establishments but the cultural and intellectual establishments of all societies have viewed nonviolence as a marginal point of view, a fanciful rejection of one of society's key components, a repudiation of something important but not a serious force in itself. It is not an authentic concept but simply the abnegation of s.. Mark Kurlansky
af47ac1 Literary Teas are constantly in a state of flux. The uninitiated gravitates toward the author, the author toward the editor or publisher, the publisher toward the reviewer, and the reviewer, in desperation, toward another drink. Mark Kurlansky
d02b74d Don't you sense the enormity of your mistake - you invade a country without understanding its music. - Norman Mailer even-with heritage relevance engagement Mark Kurlansky
4e1269e It turned out that salt was a microcosm for one of the oldest concepts of nature and the order of the universe. From the fourth-century-B.C. Chinese belief in the forces of yin and yang, to most of the world's religions, to modern science, to the basic principles of cooking, there has always been a belief that two opposing forces find completion - one receiving a missing part and the other shedding an extra one. A salt is a small but perfec.. Mark Kurlansky
20c81cd The nature of the precious liquid from which purple came would not be entirely understood for another two millennia. In 1826, a twenty-three-year-old student at the Ecole de Pharmacie, Antoine Jerome Balard, after studying the composition of salt marshes, concluded that the blackish-purplish, foul-smelling liquid present in marsh water, the residue water from which salt crystals had formed, was a previously unidentified chemical element. Be.. Mark Kurlansky
6007566 Anthimus's pronouncement on garum has echoed through Western cooking: "Nam liquamen ex omni parte prohibemus," We ban the use of garum from every culinary role." Mark Kurlansky
e3cc9ca The Romans, Jones pointed out, called a man in love salax, in a salted state, which is the origin of the word salacious. Mark Kurlansky
dd1e0b3 This is New York: skyscraper champion of the world where slickers and know-it-alls peddle gold bricks to each other and where the truth, crushed to earth, rises again more phony than a glass eye. --BEN HECHT, Nothing Sacred, 1937 Mark Kurlansky
6248757 I did not realize at the time, as I have discovered since, that anyone who attempts any thing original in this world must expect a bit of ridicule. Mark Kurlansky
f43cb09 Chloride is essential for digestion and in respiration. Without sodium, which the body cannot manufacture, the body would be unable to transport nutrients or oxygen, transmit nerve impulses, or move muscles, including the heart. An adult human being contains about 250 grams of salt, which would fill three or four salt-shakers, but is constantly losing it through bodily functions. It is essential to replace this lost salt. A Mark Kurlansky
f05b4ac In eighteenth-century England, anchovy sauce became known as ketchup, katchup, or catsup. Mark Kurlansky
7cbea9e Paocai that is eaten in two days is obviously more about flavor than preserving. After two days the vegetables are still very crisp, and the salt maintains, even brightens, the color. Zhacai is made with salt instead of brine, alternating layers of vegetables with layers of salt crystals. In time a brine is formed from the juices the salt pulls out of the vegetables. When a peasant has a baby girl, the family puts up a vegetable every year .. Mark Kurlansky
7e30726 In 1928, Celulosa Cubana, S.A., founded by sugar tycoon Manuel Rionda, began making bagasse paper in Tuinucu, Cuba. Mark Kurlansky
d54f8c2 Peace at Once, Mark Kurlansky
11052f4 Te Whiti Mark Kurlansky
a3dfb7f Saracens Mark Kurlansky
a806053 Hobomok: Mark Kurlansky
84b26a6 An Appeal Mark Kurlansky
65e3dfc Garrison Mark Kurlansky
36d2ba1 Hillel Mark Kurlansky
82ab4ea Chanukah. Mark Kurlansky
a00a0ad Hamdanid Mark Kurlansky
2b9c25c port of Sexi Mark Kurlansky
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