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13e6cee The first pan-European peace organization was established in Geneva in 1830, but Mark Kurlansky
a04c5d3 Quakers Mark Kurlansky
8e5cc14 International League of Peace and Freedom, was formed in 1867 in Geneva. Its Mark Kurlansky
b215ace Diggers, Mark Kurlansky
0b9ac26 All Quiet on the Western Front, Mark Kurlansky
e018a5d Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication. --MARSHALL MCLUHAN AND QUENTIN FIORE, The Medium Is the Massage, 1967 Mark Kurlansky
81ee5fb History teaches over and over again that a conflict between a violent and a nonviolent force is a moral argument. The lesson is that if the nonviolent side can be led to violence, they have lost the argument and they are destroyed. Mark Kurlansky
16c185a la violencia es real y la no violencia no lo es. Pero cuando la no violencia se hace real es una fuerza poderosa. Mark Kurlansky
f639a44 During World War I, British soldiers were fed cans of pressed caviar, which they called "fish jam" and mostly loathed. A soldier would pay for cans of sardines rather than eat the free fish jam that was issued. For" Mark Kurlansky
7354724 anyone who attempts any thing original in this world must expect a bit of ridicule." The" Mark Kurlansky
18a4500 THE ROMANS SALTED their greens, believing this to counteract the natural bitterness, which is the origin of the word salad, salted. The Mark Kurlansky
9db388e If someone were to come along who would not compromise, a rebel who insisted on taking the only moral path, rejecting violence in all its forms, such a person would seem so menacing that he would be killed, and after his death he would be canonized or deified, because a saint is less dangerous than a rebel. This has happened numerous times, but the first prominent example was a Jew named Jesus. Mark Kurlansky
7d74710 Jesus was seen as dangerous because he rejected not only warfare and killing but any kind of force. Those in authority saw this as a challenge. How could there be authority without force? Mark Kurlansky
39db581 When a peasant has a baby girl, the family puts up a vegetable every year and gives the jars to her when she's married. This Mark Kurlansky
cc5559d Europe needed printing because it was bursting with creativity. New ideas in the arts and sciences, as well as in social justice and religion, desperately needed to be expressed and disseminated. The Chinese and Muslim eras of innovation were mostly behind them. Mark Kurlansky
b7536ca Often the inventor that history remembers is not the true inventor, but the one who made the idea commercially successful. Thomas Edison didn't invent the lightbulb either. Mark Kurlansky
1b9426d In some parts of Sweden it was "a dream porridge," in others a pancake, that was made in silence and heavily salted. The custom was that the girl would eat this salty food and then go to sleep without drinking anything. As she slept, her future husband would come to her in a dream and give her water to quench her thirst. No data are available on the success rate of Swedish girls using this system to find a mate." Mark Kurlansky
921a622 One of history's greatest lessons is that once the state embraces a religion, the nature of that religion changes radically. It loses its nonviolent component and becomes a force for war rather than peace. The state must make war, because without war it would have to drop its power politics and renege on its mission to seek advantage over other nations, enhancing itself at the expense of others. And so a religion that is in the service of a.. Mark Kurlansky
2635320 Then in the fifth century an Algerian bishop, Augustine of Hippo, wrote the enduring apologia for murder on the battlefield, the concept of "just war." Augustine, considered one of the fathers of the Catholic Church, declared that the validity of war was a question of inner motive. If a pious man believed in a just cause and truly loved his enemies, it was permissible to go to war and to kill the enemies he loved because he was doing it in .. Mark Kurlansky
1e9fb6a The Roman army required salt for its soldiers and for its horses and livestock. At times soldiers were even paid in salt, which was the origin of the word salary and the expression "worth his salt" or "earning his salt." In fact, the Latin word sal became the French word solde, meaning pay, which is the origin of the word, soldier. To" -- Mark Kurlansky
7f7527d weak as water. Mark Kurlansky
3fcda29 To eat surstromming, the bloated, bluish-white, little headless fish is slit in the belly and the roe removed. None but the brave eat the roe. The splayed fish is mashed hard on the spine with a fork and turned over. The bones can then be easily lifted off. The wine-colored fermented flesh inside is then placed on a buttered krisp, a Swedish cracker, with mashed potatoes. Swedes use a small long yellow fingerling potato with a floury textur.. Mark Kurlansky
54bf2ca What stronger denunciation of an agrarian society than the charge of bestiality? Even in modern times, when Basque peasants engage in the duel by insults known as xikito, the accusation of bestiality remains a classic attack. And though to most people, sex with a goat would seem sufficiently perverted, it was not even conceded that they had conventional goat sex. It was group sex, and the goat sometimes used an artificial phallus, with the .. Mark Kurlansky
e2ad842 the Poor Men of Lyons, Mark Kurlansky
efc5ce8 It was one thing to talk of using technology to topple the authority of the aristocracy and the Church, but who or what would replace them? Diderot and the French revolutionaries had assumed it would be "the people." But as the nineteenth-century French historian Jules Michelet once wryly observed, "The people, in its highest ideal, is difficult to find in the people." As" Mark Kurlansky
7a74343 Ketchup derives its name from the Indonesian fish and soy sauce kecap ikan. The names of several other Indonesian sauces also include the word kecap, pronounced KETCHUP, which means a base of dark, thick soy sauce. Why Mark Kurlansky
103776c Ketchup became a tomato sauce, originally called "tomato ketchup" in America, which is appropriate since the tomato is an American plant, brought to Europe by Hernan Cortes, embraced in the Mediterranean, and regarded with great suspicion in the North. The" Mark Kurlansky
e78dac4 Herodotus, Mark Kurlansky
caba8f9 The first of the great Roman roads, the Via Salaria, Salt Road, was built to bring this salt not only to Rome but across the interior of the peninsula. This worked well in the Roman part of the Italian peninsula. But as Rome expanded, transporting salt longer distances by road became too costly. Not only did Rome want salt to be affordable for the people, but, more importantly as the Romans became ambitious empire builders, they needed it t.. Mark Kurlansky
d656abc Thirty Years War Mark Kurlansky
a34c414 Philosophie du progres, "We are" Mark Kurlansky
dca3b10 THE ROMANS PAID homage to democracy, the rights of the common citizen and, for a time, republicanism. But Mark Kurlansky
29e47dd Romans often took family names from agriculture, Cato Mark Kurlansky
39e69e9 For a time, the Hanseatics were well appreciated as honorable merchants who ensured quality and fought against unscrupulous practices. They were known as Easterlings because they came from the east, and this is the origin of the word sterling, which meant "of assured value." The" Mark Kurlansky
25111af One of humankind's most enduring misconceptions is that of nature's bounty... the belief that nature is such a powerful force that it is indestructible. nature misconceptions oceans fishing Mark Kurlansky
e0ff8a9 ahimsa, or nonviolence, Mark Kurlansky
ccc03f7 Through these documents, many Japanese can trace their family as far back as 700. By Mark Kurlansky
b5639bb Segundo's best friend Silvio traded appliances for clothes, designer clothes--well, not really, but he thought they were--Chinese-made Armani suits and Italian silk shirts from Vietnam, all with designer labels occasionally misspelled. As in the "Versache" pants." Mark Kurlansky
134c1d9 nuclear deterrents. Mark Kurlansky
a0c95c4 nunna daul Tsuny in the Cherokee language, Mark Kurlansky
5badefb Herzl had said that attracting the Jewish diaspora would be a slow process, but after a half century as a nation, according to the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, only 17 percent of American Jews have ever visited Israel. Mark Kurlansky
bb8ad18 Cherokee faction of fewer than 500 people in a nation of 17,000 who were agreeable to removal. Mark Kurlansky
890f552 Manichaeism Mark Kurlansky
cc4d918 Cathars Mark Kurlansky
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