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7dea29a The trick was not simply to write the code that turned information into pictures but to find the best pictures to draw--shapes and colors that led the mind to meaning. Michael Lewis
4da6b9e Why had so much conventional wisdom been bullshit? And not just in sports but across the whole society. Why had so many industries been ripe for disruption? Why was there so much to be undone? Michael Lewis
f5a99f1 With every stroke of their keyboards they hacked a path through the forest that others would be required to follow. Michael Lewis
cb97605 The computer programmer creates the only path available to the computer user; the effect of his decisions on others is masked by their abstraction. Michael Lewis
381f55f Shining a light creates shadows Michael Lewis
140c936 Microsoft was twelve years old before people started talking about Microsoft millionaires; Netscape was one and a half. Michael Lewis
46a85ea They appeared to know enough to justify their jobs, and nothing more. Michael Lewis
376523c Inside a dark pool, no one but the broker who ran it had any idea what was happening. Michael Lewis
f6d563d What do you tell your mother when she asks you where to put her money?" I asked. "Guns and gold," -- Michael Lewis
7f9332b This gorgeous financial myopia was common in the Valley, and one of the chief sources of its success. Michael Lewis
7e4bd77 The technologist's tendency to commit all his resources to new technology, Michael Lewis
1b10f6b Textbooks in economics, which explain the economic purpose of money (a unit of account, a store of value, and a means of exchange), usually neglect to mention the chief role of money in America: a source of entertainment. Michael Lewis
1a56630 Inside every alienated hacker who thinks he stands for the "good things that ultimately don't matter to most businesses" there is a tycoon struggling to get out." Michael Lewis
ee446e9 And who would deny that the consumer demand for ever more stuff at ever cheaper prices is one of the great deterministic forces in history? Michael Lewis
c182441 Thousands upon thousands of government employees take to the streets to protest the bill. Here is Greece's version of the Tea Party: tax collectors on the take, public-school teachers who don't really teach, well-paid employees of bankrupt state railroads whose trains never run on time, state hospital workers bribed to buy overpriced supplies. Michael Lewis
ba7f65a It's the worldview in which if people tip in a restaurant to which they will never return it counts as a puzzle. Michael Lewis
ea14c2b I'm doing something I always dreamed about doing, and it was about the most depressing moment I've ever had in my life, Michael Lewis
e0246ef For a technology company to succeed, he argued, it needed always to be looking to destroy itself. If it didn't, someone else would. Michael Lewis
b39624d He wondered, often, what it would look like if and when the shit in question hit the fan: The stock market at bottom was rigged. The icon of global capitalism was a fraud. How would enterprising politicians and plaintiffs' lawyers and state attorneys general respond to that news? Michael Lewis
3b23ae5 It actually went pretty well, until they got onto the topic of marijuana. "So you got caught smoking weed your freshman and sophomore years," said the Rockets interviewer. "What happened your junior year?" Williams just shook his head and said, "They stopped testing me. And if you're not going to test me, I'm gonna smoke!" Michael Lewis
066f8b4 The general idea was to sell their software first to rich technophiles and then, gradually, infiltrate the minds of the middle-class owners of suburban tract houses. Michael Lewis
47dedd6 In context the computer programmers appeared idle. They sat quietly, stared into their screens and sipped cappuccinos. And yet they were by far the most important people on board Hyperion. Michael Lewis
ecba89b Los psicologos de finales de los anos cuarenta habian detectado, o afirmaban haber detectado, que la mente tenia la capacidad para defenderse de lo que en apariencia no queria percibir. economía racionalidad-acotada economy Michael Lewis
8713f3c How many people can pick up a book and find an instruction manual for their life? Michael Lewis
d442a30 Moore's law came with a social corollary: high-tech could not remain high-tech for long. Michael Lewis
5c006a6 Every day, the markets were driven less directly by human beings and more directly by machines. The machines were overseen by people, of course, but few of them knew how the machines worked. He knew that RBC's machines--not the computers themselves, but the instructions to run them--were third-rate, but he had assumed it was because the company's new electronic trading unit was bumbling and inept. As he interviewed people from the major ban.. Michael Lewis
d3b220f Anti-intellectual resentment is common in all of American life and it has many diverse expressions, Michael Lewis
86b9c81 In 1980 only 23 percent of state pension money had been invested in the stock market; by 2008 the number had risen to 60 percent. Michael Lewis
12c3184 Crucial decisions are made, today as thousands of years ago, in terms of the intuitive guesses and preferences of a few men in positions of authority...[it is] quite likely that the fate of entire societies may be sealed by a series of avoidable mistakes committed by their leaders. tversky intuition fallibility Michael Lewis
18fd659 The American Home of the Future, it went without saying, would be controlled and monitored by a computer. The computer would permit the owner to enter into a new, fantastic relationship with his dwelling. Michael Lewis
c9ae8bb the risk we should most fear is not the risk we easily imagine. It is the risk that we don't. Which brought us to the fifth risk. Michael Lewis
c3809ad The sense of identity as Citizen has been replaced by Consumer. The idea that government should serve the citizens like a waiter or concierge, rather than in a 'collective good' sense. Michael Lewis
c25b382 Los sujetos no elegian entre cosas. Elegian entre descripciones de cosas. Michael Lewis
974cb1f I remember his words," recalled Amnon. "He said, 'There is nothing we can do in philosophy. Plato solved too many of the problems. We can't have any impact in this area. There are too many smart guys and too few problems left, and the problems have no solutions.'" The mind-body problem was a good example. How are our various mental events--what you believe, what you think--related to our physical states? What is the relationship between our.. science plato Michael Lewis
921a959 Resistance to understanding a threat grows with proximity," writes Kate Brown.)" Michael Lewis
5782e53 There is another way to think of John MacWilliams's fifth risk: the risk a society runs when it falls into the habit of responding to long-term risks with short-term solutions. "Program management" is not just program management. "Program management" is the existential threat that you never really even imagine as a risk." Michael Lewis
f25d8c2 Psychologists have long known that people see patterns where none exist. Michael Lewis
cb5b14a After all, what is a marriage if not an agreement to distort one's perception of another, in relation to everyone else? Michael Lewis
da793e1 It's what you fail to imagine that kills you. Michael Lewis
b9c9138 It's the places in our government where the cameras never roll that you have to worry about most. Michael Lewis
72522a4 Boys Will Be Boys: Gender, Overconfidence, and Common Stock Investment." The authors, Brad Barber and Terrance Odean," Michael Lewis
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