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80ec2bc whenever we hired someone, they would receive a couple of LSD sessions as part of their training Michael Pollan
e68e24e What opened up before me was, for lack of a better word, a space, but not our ordinary concept of space, just the pure awareness of a realm without form and void of content. And into that realm came a celestial entity, which was the emergence of the physical world. It was like the big bang, but without the boom or the blinding light. It was the birth of the physical universe. In Michael Pollan
1344981 pile, I started to see the golden kernels everywhere, ground into the mud by tires and boots, floating in the puddles of rainwater, pancaked on the steel rails. Most of this grain is destined for factory farms and processing plants, so no one worries much about keeping it particularly clean. Even so, it was hard not to register something deeply amiss in the sight of so much food lying around on the wet ground. Michael Pollan
e86e871 People feel they have been let in on a deep secret of the universe, and they cannot be shaken from that conviction. Michael Pollan
df44a05 If you hadn't done what you did," he told Weil, "I would never have become Ram Dass." Michael Pollan
b3b704e ordained Zen monk, Michael Pollan
370a023 Curtis Wright, a new administrator at the FDA (and, as it happens, a former student of Roland Griffiths's at Hopkins), had signaled that research protocols for psychedelics would be treated like any other--judged on their merits. Michael Pollan
367bb7f Traditional diets are more than the sum of their food parts. Michael Pollan
e559647 Americans today spend less on food, as a percentage of disposable income (10%), than any other industrialized nation... meaning that we could afford to spend more on food if we chose to. Michael Pollan
d128110 I realized that the answer to the supposedly incredibly complicated question of what we should eat wasn't so complicated after all, and in fact could be boiled down to just seven words: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants Michael Pollan
d327f7b The healthiest food in the supermarket - the fresh produce- doesn't boast about its healthfulness, because the growers don't have budget or packaging. Don't take the silence of the yams as a sign they have nothing valuable to say about your health. Michael Pollan
2221c25 So don't drink your sweets, and remember : There is no such thing as a healthy soda. Michael Pollan
7c6aa6e Also, by demonizing one nutrient -fat- we inevitably give a free pass to anther , supposedly "good", nutrient -carbohydrates in this case - and then proceed to eat much of that instead." Michael Pollan
96e21f4 How do the alchemies of the kitchen transform the raw stuffs of nature into some of the great delights of human culture? Michael Pollan
eb68171 How a people eats is one of the most powerful ways they have to express, and preserve, their cultural identity...To make food choices more scientific is to empty them of their ethnic content and history; food-culture Michael Pollan
3fe0dfc When eating sonewhere other than at a tablem stick to fruits and vegetables. Michael Pollan
d07e7ff Cooking gave us not just the meal but also the occasion: the practice of eating together at an appointed time and place. This was something new under the sun, for the forager of raw food would have likely fed himself on the go and alone, like all the other animals. (Or, come to think of it, like the industrial eaters we've more recently become, grazing at gas stations and eating by ourselves whenever and wherever.) But sitting down to commo.. culture eating food history Michael Pollan
484326f For as you go on, you'll be getting more calories, but not necessarily more pleasure. Michael Pollan
9b449c1 Food is a costly antidepressant. Michael Pollan
7bb34cb The quest for an ever-whiter shade of bread, which goes all the way back to the Greeks and Romans, is a parable about the folly of human ingenuity -- about how our species can sometimes be too smart for its own good. After figuring out an ingenious system for transforming an all but nutritionally worthless grass into a wholesome food, humanity pushed on intrepidly until it had figured out a way to make that food all but nutritionally worthl.. food Michael Pollan
b97db1b So: Ask yourself not, Am I full ? but, Is my hunger gone? That moment will arrive several bites sooner. Michael Pollan
120d40a The kernels of wheat entered the aperture virtually in single file, as if passing between a thumb and an index finger. To mill any faster risked overheating the stone, which in turn risked damaging the flour. In this fact, Dave explained, lies the origin of the phrase "nose to the grindstone": a scrupulous miller leans in frequently to smell his grindstone for signs of flour beginning to overheat. (So the saying does not signify hard work a.. flour food wheat Michael Pollan
dcef7d6 We're in the explanation business, and if the answers to the questions we explore got too simple, we'd be out of work. Michael Pollan
699259f Eating industrial meat takes an almost heroic act of not knowing or, Michael Pollan
ae19889 Madison, Deborah. Local Flavors: Cooking and Eating from America's Farmer's Markets (New York: Broadway Books, 2002). Nabhan, Michael Pollan
25493e8 The healthiest food in the supermarket - the fresh produce - doesn't boast about its healthfulness, because the growers don't have the budget or the packaging. Michael Pollan
961086f There is a lot more religion in science than you might expect. Michael Pollan
59e0842 raising Michael Pollan
f662863 A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared the "energy cost" of different foods in the supermarket. The researchers found that a dollar could buy 1,200 calories of potato chips and cookies; spent on a whole food like carrots, the same dollar buys only 250 calories. On the beverage aisle, you can buy 875 calories of soda for a dollar, or 170 calories of fruit juice from concentrate." Michael Pollan
9b70f4d HAVE A GLASS OF WINE WITH DINNER. Michael Pollan
099f741 Since nutrients, as compared with foods, are invisible and therefore slightly mysterious, it falls to the scientists (and to the journalists through whom the scientists reach the public) to explain the hidden reality of foods to us. In form this is a quasireligious idea, suggesting the visible world is not the one that really matters, which implies the need for a priesthood. For to enter a world where your dietary salvation depends on unsee.. Michael Pollan
37a9a83 seems to be a rule of nutritionism that for every good nutrient, there must be a bad nutrient to serve as its foil, the latter a focus for our food fears and the former for our enthusiasms. A backlash against protein arose in America at the turn of the last century as diet gurus like John Harvey Kellogg and Horace Fletcher (about whom more later) railed against the deleterious effects of protein on digestion (it supposedly led to the prolif.. Michael Pollan
d25d621 It's astonishing, actually, how much anger an animal's assault on your garden can incite. Michael Pollan
1e19e64 You can't regulate integrity Michael Pollan
2c6cf83 When we mistake what we can know for all there is to know, a healthy appreciation of one's ignorance in the face of a mystery like soil fertility gives way to the hubris that we can treat nature as a machine. Michael Pollan
9cee0fc What should we have for dinner? Michael Pollan
54b9d2c Quanto mais branco o pao, mais depressa voce vai para o caixao. Michael Pollan
0903677 How did we ever get to a point where we need investigative journalists to tell us where our food comes from and nutritionists to determine the dinner menu? Michael Pollan
b9466ad Wes Jackson calls our species "homo the homogenizer.")" Michael Pollan
728fcfc Food processing began as a way to extend the shelf life of food by protecting it from these competitors. This is often accomplished by making the food less appealing to them, by removing nutrients from it Michael Pollan
2ea99ab Americans spend less time cooking than people in any other nation, but the general downward trend is global.) Michael Pollan
285db7c As fire's presence in our everyday lives has diminished, the social magnetism of the cook fire seems, if anything, to have only grown more powerful. Michael Pollan
654a323 The microwave is as antisocial as the cook fire is communal. Michael Pollan