Tomas turned the key and switched on the ceiling light. Teraza saw two beds pushed together, one of them flanked by a bedside table and a lamp. Up out of the lampshade, startled by the overhead light, flew a large nocturnal butterfly that began circling the room. The strains of the piano and violin rose up weakly from below.
Milan Kundera |
to have compassion (co-feeling) means not only to be able to live with other's misfortune but also to feel with him any emotion -joy , anxiety, happiness, pain
Milan Kundera |
thmW `ly b`d dhlk 'n 'tsl `n Tby`@ l`lm ldhy sy`ysh fyh Tfly. fsr`n m stntz`h lmdrs@ mny ltshHn r'sh b'kdhyb 'fnyt Hyty fy mqwmth. ''trk bny ySyr 'mm `ynyW Gbyan khn`an? 'm 'lqWnh 'fkry, w'nZr lyh yt`dhb whw ykhwD lSr`t nfsh lty khDth qblh?
Milan Kundera |
El amor empieza por una metafora. Dicho de otro modo; el amor empieza en el momento en que una mujer inscribe su primera palabra en nuestra memoria poetica.
Milan kundera |
No peace is possible between the novelist and the agelaste [those who do not laugh]. Never having heard God's laughter, the agelastes are convinced that the truth is obvious, that all men necessarily think the same thing, and that they themselves are exactly what they think they are. But it is precisely in losing the certainty of truth and the unanimous agreement of others that man becomes an individual. The novel is the imaginary paradise ..
Milan Kundera |
Keep this in mind: it is our religion to praise life. The word "life" is the king of words. The kingword surrounded by other grand words. The word "adventure"! The word "future"! And the word "hope"! By the way, do you know the code name for the atomic bomb they dropped on Hiroshima? "Little Boy"! That's a genius, the fellow who invented that code! They couldn't have dreamed up a better one. Little boy, kid, tyke, tot - there's no word that..
Milan Kundera |
However much he may tell her he loves her and thinks her beautiful, his loving gaze could never console her. Because the gaze of love is the gaze that isolates. Jean-Marc thought about the loving solitude of two old persons become invisible to other people: a sad solitude that prefigures death. No, what she needs is not a loving gaze but a flood of alien, crude, lustful looks settling on her with no good will, no discrimination, no tenderne..
Milan Kundera |
Our dreams prove that to imagine-to dream about things that have not happened-is among mankind's deepest needs.
Milan Kundera |
to be absolutely modern means: never to question the content of modernity and to serve it as one serves the absolute, that is, without hesitation.
Milan Kundera |
mother] belonged to a realm of other creatures: smaller, lighter, more easily blown away.
Milan Kundera |
The physical contact with people who struck and trampled and killed one another seemed far worse to him than a solitary death in the purity of the waters.
Milan Kundera |
Svijetla kosa i tamna kosa, to su dva pola ljudskog karaktera. Tamna kosa znaci muzevnost, odvaznost, otvorenost i poduzetnost, dok je svijetla kosa simbol zenstvenosti, njeznosti, bespomocnosti i pasivnosti. Plavusa je, prema tome, dvostruka zena. Princeza mora biti plavokosa. Zato zene, da bi bile zenstvenije, boje kosu u zuto, a nikad u crno.
Milan Kundera |
Da se liubish s zhena i da spish s neia sa dve ne samo razlichni, no edva li ne protivopolozhni strasti. Liubovta se proiaviava ne chrez pl'tsko zhelanie(tova zhelanie mozhe da se otnasia za ogromen broi zheni), a chrez zhelanie da spodelish s'nia si (tova zhelanie biva nasocheno samo k'm edna-edinstvena zhena).
Milan Kundera |
Nunca se pode saber o que se deve querer, pois so se tem uma vida e nao se pode nem compara-la com as vidas anteriores nem corrigi-la nas vidas posteriores.
Milan Kundera |
jmy` l'Hlm tnth~ ywm...
Milan Kundera |
Al final del verdadero amor esta la muerte y solo un amor que termina en muerte es amor
Milan Kundera |
lshbb mkhyf : nh msrH ytHrk fyh 'Tfl `l~ `kzt `ly@ wb'kthr l'lbs@ tnw`an , wydlwn bSyG mt`lm@ yfhmwnh nSf fhm , w lknhm ytmskwn bh bt`Sb . ltrykh mkhyf 'yDan , whw ldhy Glban m ystkhdm mydn l`b lGyr lnDjyn , mydn l`b lnyrwn ft~ , lbwnbrt ft~ , lHshwd l'Tfl lmkhrb@ lty ttHwl `wTfh lmqld@ w'dwrh lmbsT@ l~ Hqyq@ wq`y@ krthyan.
Milan Kundera |
Jedino sto nam preostaje pobuna je protiv sudbine koju nismo izabrali.
Milan Kundera |
If I imagine the genesis of a novelist in the form of an exemplary tale, a "myth," that genesis looks to me like a conversion story: Saul becoming Paul; the novelist being born from the ruins of his lyrical world."
Milan Kundera |
z khshwry myamd khh dr anj pndrhy nqlby z mdth pysh pjmrdh shdh bwd wly anchh dr nqlbh byshtr z hmh stysh myshd, hnwz bqymndh bwd: bh khTr fkhndn zndgy t trsawrtryn mrHlh, t anjyy khh shj`t w mrg bh bzy grfth shwd.
Milan Kundera |
By stablishing an acquaintance with Lucie, I too had set my destiny in motion; but I did not lose sight of it. Though we didn't meet very often, at least our mettings were fairly regular, and I knew she was capable of waiting several weeks and then greeting me as if we'd seen each other the day before
Milan Kundera |
Si, de repente lo vi asi: la mayoria de la gente se engana mediante una doble creencia erronea: cree en el eterno recuerdo (de la gente, de las cosas, de los actos, de las naciones) y en la posibilidad de reparacion (de los actos, de los errores, de los pecados, de las injusticias.Ambas creencias son falsas. La realidad es precisamente al contrario: todo sera olvidado y nada sera reparado. El papel de la reparacion (de la venganza y el perd..
Milan Kundera |
Hyn yHwl rjl lm` Gw mr'@, ytwld ldyh nTb` 'nh tdkhl fy mnfs@, wtDTr hy 'yDan llt'lq, wl tmnH nfsh dwn mqwm@. bynm ltfh@ tHrrh, tjrdh mn Hdhrh. l ttTlb 'y HDwr llnbh@, tj`lh l mbly@ wmn thm shl@ lmnl
Milan Kundera |
wHsrth! ffy Hl@ lHb ykfy lqlyl jdan lzr` ly's fy lnfs!.
Milan Kundera |
Promatra njihova usta koja se otvaraju sva istodobno, usta koja melju, izbacuju rijeci i bez prestanka praskaju u smijeh (zagonetka: kako se zene koje se medusobno ne slusaju mogu smijati onome sto govore?).
Milan Kundera |
l'sy'l@ lt~ tbq~ dwn jwb hy lty tshyr l~ Hdwd lmknt lnsny@ why lty trsm Hdwd wjwdn
Milan Kundera |
n lshGf bltTrf sw fy lfn 'w fy lsys@ rGb@ mqn`@ fy lmwt
Milan Kundera |
In times when history still moved slowly, events were few and far between and easily committed to memory. They formed a commonly accepted for thrilling scenes of adventure in private life. Nowadays, history moves at a brisk clip. A historical event, though soon forgotten, sparkles the morning after with the dew of novelty. No longer a backdrop, it is now the itself, an adventure enacted before the backdrop of the commonly accepted banal..
Milan Kundera |
Dieu c'est l'essence meme, tandis qu'Edouard n'a jamais rien trouve d'essentiel ni dans ses amours, ni dans son metier, ni dans ses idees. Il est trop honnete pour admettre qu'il trouve l'essentiel dans l'inessentiel, mais il est trop faible pour ne pas desirer secretement l'essentiel. Ah, mesdames et messieurs, comme il est triste de vivre quand on ne peut rein prendre au serieux, rien ni personne ! C'est pourquoi Edouard eprouve le desir ..
Milan Kundera |
Horror is a shock, a time of utter blindness. Horror lacks every hint of beauty. All we can see is the piercing light of an unknown event awaiting us. Sadness, on the other hand, assumes we are in the know... The light of horror thus lost its harshness, and the world was bathed in a gentle, bluish light that actually beautified it.
Milan Kundera |
She felt attracted by their weakness as by vertigo. She felt attracted by it because she felt weak herself. Again she began to feel jealous and again her hands shook. When Tomas noticed it, he did what he usually did: he took her hands in his and tried to calm them by pressing hard. She tore them away from him. "What's the matter?" he asked. "Nothing." "What do you want me to do for you?" "I want you to be old. Ten years older. Twenty years..
Milan Kundera |
Dokato khorata sa oshche mladi i ot muzikalnata kompozitsiia na tekhniia zhivot sa napisani edva p'rvite taktove, te mogat da ia dos'chiniat zaedno i da si razmeniat motivi(...); no kogato se sreshchnat v po-zriala v'zrast, muzikalnata kompozitsiia na vseki ot tiakh e poveche ili po-malko zav'rshena i vsiaka duma, vseki predmet oznachava neshcho razlichno v partiturata na ediniia i na drugiia.
Milan Kundera |
The ostriches were like messengers who had learned their vital message by heart, but whose vocal chords had been slit by the enemy, so that when they finally reached their goal, all they could do was move their mouths.
Milan Kundera |
The uniform is that which we do not choose, that which is assigned to us; it is the certitude of the universal against the precariousness of the individual. When the values that were once so solid come under challenge and withdraw, heads bowed, he who cannot live without them (without fidelity, family, country, discipline, without love) buttons himself up in the universality of his uniform as if that uniform were the last shred of transcend..
Milan Kundera |
Liuboi shkol'nik na urokakh fiziki mozhet postavit' opyt, chtoby ubedit'sia v pravil'nosti toi ili inoi nauchnoi gipotezy. No chelovek, prozhivaiushchii odnu-edinstvennuiu zhizn', lishion vozmozhnosti proverit' gipotezu opytnym putiom, i emu ne dano uznat', dolzhen byl on ili ne dolzhen byl podchinit'sia svoemu chuvstvu.
Milan Kundera |
The question that arises is this: had father hated the people on the ship, just as she now hates the motorcyclist and the man who mocked her because she covered her ears? No, Agnes cannot imagine that Father was capable of hatred. Hate traps us by binding us too tightly to our adversary. This is the obscenity of war: the intimacy of mutually shed blood, the lascivious proximity of two soldiers who, eye to eye, bayonet each other. Agnes was ..
Milan Kundera |
Tomas ne savait pas, alors, que les metaphores sont une chose dangereuse. On ne badine pas avec les metaphores. L'amour peut naitre d'une seule metaphore.
Milan Kundera |
lkny l 'ryd shyy' 'kthr mn lslm.
Milan Kundera |
lmwt qryb l~ drj@ nml m`h mn lnZr lyh. wySyr km fy lsbq b`yd `n lnZr wGyr mry'y. b`yd `n lnZr mthl l'shy l'lyf@ jd wlm`rwf@ jd.
Milan Kundera |
hl snkwn wHdn 'm Dmn Hshd. ah, lwHd@ 'mrun qlyl ltwq` l~ Hd kbyr, lqd knt ndr@ fy lHy@, fm blk b`d lmwt! l'mwt 'kthr bkthyr mn l'Hy! wfy 'Hsn lfrDyt, fn lky'n b`d lmwt syshbh m t`yshh anyys lan fy q`@ lrH@: nh tsm` mn kl Swb thrthr@ lns lty l ttwqf. l'bdy@ kthrthr@in l nhy'y@: llSrH@, ymkn 'n ntkhyWl m hw 'sw', lkn fkr@ lDTrr lsm` 'Swt lnsw@, dwn hdn@ wl~ l'bd, hdhh lfkr@ bldht hy blnsb@ lanyys sbb kfin lltmsk blHy@ bDrw@, wlt'khyr lmwt l~ ..
Milan Kundera |
Ya saben ustedes lo que ocurre cuando dos personas estan charlando. Uno habla y el otro le interrumpe. Eso es lo mismo que me pasa a mi, yo... y comienza a hablar de si mismo hasta que el otro no logre de nuevo decir: eso es lo mismo que me pasa a mi, yo... La frase eso es lo mismo que me pasa a mi, yo... parece como si continuase los pensamientos del otro, como si enlazase con ellos dandoles la razon, pero eso es falso: en realidad se t..
Milan Kundera |
lqd blG l`lm Hdan Hyn yjtzh sytHwl kl shy l~ jnwn: sysyr lns fy lshwr` Hmlyn 'zhr lmywzwtys, 'w syTlqwn lnr `l~ b`Dhm Hyn yr~ b`Dhm lakhr. wsykfy lqlyl jdan, nqT@ m tj`l ln yfyD: syr@ mthlan 'w rjl 'w 'y Swt zy'd fy lshr`. hnk Hd kmy yjb `dm tkhTyh, lkn hdh lHd l 'Hd yrqbh, wrbm l y`rf 'Hd bwjwdh
Milan Kundera |
lmr'@ wHdh tstTy` 'n tHtfZ fy dkhlh b'ml l ybrrh shy.
Milan Kundera |
La felicidad es el deseo de repetir.
Milan Kundera |