That's who I want to be when I grow up.
Mitch Albom |
Ethan had told the world, the world sympathized, and Sarah Lemon was now and forever (because wasn't cyberspace instantly forever?) someone you had to be 'nice' to, a pathetic girl who just didn't get it, the scourge of her generation, the lowest rung on the ladder, a loser.
Mitch Albom |
Some of them she had seen for four years without exchanging a word. But that was how high school worked; it issued a verdict and you behaved accordingly.
Mitch Albom |
For many of us, the curtain has just come down on childhood.
Mitch Albom |
He ran down the heart of the old midway, where the weight guessers, fortune-tellers, and dancing gypsies had once worked. He lowered his chin and held his arms out like a glider, and every few steps he would jump, the way children do, hoping running will turn to flying. It might have seemed ridiculous to anyone watching, this white-haired maintenaance worker, all alone, making like an airplane. But the running boy is inside every man, no ma..
Mitch Albom |
Eddie admitted that some of his life he'd spent hiding from God, and the rest of the time he thought he went unnoticed.
Mitch Albom |
He could not feel agony. He could not feel sadness. His consciousness felt smoky, wisplike, incapable of anything but calm
Mitch Albom |
I mourn my dwindling time, but i cherish the chance it gives me to make things right.
Mitch Albom |
You are born into your first one. Your mother plays the lead. She shares the stage with your father and siblings. Or perhaps your father is absent, an empty stool under a spotlight. But he is still a founding member, and if he surfaces one day, you will have to make room for him.
Mitch Albom |
No life is a waste .
Mitch Albom |
Aging is not just decay, you know. It's growth. It's more than the negative that you're going to die, it's also the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better life because of it.
Mitch Albom |
My friends, if we tend to the things that are important in life, if we are right with those we love and behave in line with our faith, our lives will not be cursed with the aching throb of unfulfilled business. Our words will always be sincere, our embraces will be tight. We will never wallow in the agony of 'I could have, I should have.' We can sleep in a storm.
Mitch Albom |
no religion was superior because they all brought people closer to God
Mitch Albom |
The telephone voice is but a seduction, a bread crumb to an appetite.
Mitch Albom |
Every person on the planet-including Grace, Lorraine, Victor and Sarah- will instantly stop aging. And one person with start.
Mitch Albom |
Bila kita diberi waktu tak terbatas, tidak ada lagi yang istimewa. Tanpa kehilangan atau pengorbanan, kita tidak bisa menghargai apa yang kita punya
Mitch Albom |
The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.
Mitch Albom |
Alexander Bell met the love of his life, Mabel, when she came to him as a deaf student. She was ten years his junior, but Bell fell for her hard, and over the years, her encouragement spurred him on his work. Had her tears not drown him onto that train car to Philadelphia, his greatest invention might never have blossomed. Yet the telephone remained something that Mabel, who'd lost her hearing from scarlet fever, would never be able to shar..
Mitch Albom |
What do you do when you lose a loved one too quickly? When you have no time to prepare before, suddenly, that soul is gone?
Mitch Albom |
Kadang-kadang, kalau tidak mendapatkan cinta yang kau inginkan, dengan memberi kau pikir kau akan mendapatkannya.
Mitch Albom |
One must indeed test the strings in this life, bounce the bow, wet the mouthpiece, prepare for the deeper music that follows.
Mitch Albom |
How do people choose their final words? Do they realize their gravity? Are they fated to be wise? By his 83rd birthday, Eddie had lost nearly everyone he'd cared about. Some had died young, and some had been given a chance to grow old before a disease or an accident took them away. At their funerals, Eddie listened as mourners recalled their final conversations. "It's as if he knew he was going to die. . . ." some would say. Eddie never bel..
Mitch Albom |
He would close his eyes and with a blissful smile begin to move to his own sense of rhythm. It wasn't always pretty. But then, he didn't worry about a partner. Morrie danced by himself.
Mitch Albom |
He had a way of looking you in the eye and making you feel the world had stopped and you were all that was in it.
Mitch Albom |
So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things.
Mitch Albom |
As usual, he saves his wife's for last. He leans on the cane and he looks at the headstone and he thinks about many things. Taffy. He thinks about taffy. He thinks it would take his teeth out now, but he would eat it anyhow, if it meant eating it with her.
Mitch Albom |
When people don't believe in something, they're lost.
Mitch Albom |
There is a time for hello and a time for good-bye. It's why the act of burying things seems natural, but the act of digging them up does not.
Mitch Albom |
Adam hid in the Garden of Eden. Moses tried to substitute his brother. Jonah jumped a boat and was swallowed by a whale. Man likes to run from God.
Mitch Albom |
Morrie might have died without ever seeing me again. I had no good excuse for this, except the one that everyone these days seems to have. I had become too wrapped up in the siren song of my own life. I was busy.
Mitch Albom |
You know how it is- you get used to something, people rely on you, one day you wake up and you can't tell Tuesday from Thursday. You're doing the same boring stuff.
Mitch Albom |
Before newborns open their eyes, we circle them, appearing as brilliant colors, and when they clench their tiny hands for the first time, they are actually grabbing the colors they find most appealing.
Mitch Albom |
And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too--even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling.
Mitch Albom |
Catholic ritual of Sancta Missa: " 'Come in haste to assist them, you saints of God. Come in haste to meet them, you angels of the Lord. Enfold in your arms these souls, and take your burden heavenward to the most high."
Mitch Albom |
the mystery of death is why it chooses a particular moment. With no earthly answer, coincidence can become conspiracy.
Mitch Albom |
My old professor, meanwhile, was stunned by the normalcy of the day around him. Shouldn't the world stop? Don't they know what has happened to me? But the world did not stop, it took no notice at all Morrie's doctors guessed he had two years left. Morrie knew it was less. But my old professor had made a profound decision, one he began to construct the day he came out of the doctor's office with a sword hanging over his head. Do I wither up ..
Mitch Albom |
I came to love the way Morrie lit up when I entered the room. He did this for many people, I know, but it was his special talent to make each visitor feel that the smile was unique. "Ahhhh, it's my buddy," he would say when he saw me, in that foggy, high-pitched voice. And it didn't stop with the greeting. When Morrie was with you, he was really with you. He looked you straight in the eye, and he listened as if you were the only person in t..
Mitch Albom |
Morrie closed his eyes to absorb the notes. As my wife's loving voice filled the room, a crescent smile appeared 0n his face. And while his body was stiff as a sandbag, you could almost see him dancing inside it.
Mitch Albom |
It's a quiet theft, how time lures people away.
Mitch Albom |
Morrie, I said softly. "Coach," he corrected. Coach, I said. I felt a shiver. He spoke in short bursts, inhaling air, exhaling words. His voice was thin and raspy. He smelled of ointment. "You ... are a good soul." A good soul. "Touched me ..." he whispered. He moved my hands to his heart. "Here." It felt as if I had a pit in my throat. Coach? "Ahh?" I don't know how to say good-bye. He patted my hand weakly, keeping it on his chest. "This ..
Mitch Albom |
But the poor kids today, either they're too selfish to take part in a real loving relationship, or they rush into marriage and then six months later, they get divorced. They don't know what they want in a partner. They don't know who they are themselves-so how can they know who they're marrying?
Mitch Albom |
In the beginning of life, when we are infants, we need others to survive, right? And at the end of life, when you get like me, you need others to survive, right?" His voice dropped to a whisper. "But here's the secret: in between, we need others as well."
Mitch Albom |
It is 1979, a basketball game in the Brandeis gym. The team is doing well, and the student section begins a chant, "We're number one! We're number one!" Morrie is sitting nearby. He is puzzled by the cheer. At one point, in the midst of "We're number one!" he rises and yells, "What's wrong with being number two?" The students look at him. They stop chanting. He sits down, smiling and triumphant."
Mitch Albom |
there is no such thing as "too late" in life."
Mitch Albom |