At times people who are extremely sad become lighthearted for the most trivial reasons, merely to obtain the relief furnished by the exactly opposite condition.
Naguib Mahfouz |
l tbn amlk fy lHy@ `l~ mwt nsn
Naguib Mahfouz |
wm jdw~ l'ml dh kn dhlk l`dhb klh lm yzknW lrHm@ mn nuHb ?
Naguib Mahfouz |
n lGDb yj`l mnk shyy'an Hqyran t`fh lnfs
Naguib Mahfouz |
fy hdhh lHwry mn Hwln l yHlm l lmjnyn.
Naguib Mahfouz |
qlt lkm mrran n lSbr `l~ m nlq~ khyr mn ltsk` byn Grb sykrhwnn
Naguib Mahfouz |
lys 'khTr mn mr'@ wHyd@
Naguib Mahfouz |
Beauty itself is a painful convulsion in the heart, an abundance of vitality in the soul, and a mad chase undertaken by the spirit until it encounters the heavens.
Naguib Mahfouz |
Run after truth until you're breathless. Accept the pain involved in re-creating yourself afresh. These ideas will take a life to comprehend, a hard one interspersed with drunken moments.
Naguib Mahfouz |
ntSf llyl, wkhym lskwn, wshml lSmt ldwr wlTrqt, wntshrt 'nwr lmSbyH lbht@ k'nh tw'ns wHsh@ l'shjr lmGrws@ fy l'fryz
Naguib Mahfouz |
ll`n@ `l~ lftwt. w`l~ lqTT Hyn tlfZ lfy'rn 'nfsh byn 'snnh. w`l~ kl nZr@ skhr@ 'w DHk@ brd@. w`l~ mn ystqbl 'khh l`y'd bqwlh : l mhrb mny `nd lGDb.
Naguib Mahfouz |
n llhw l yuGyr m bqlwb lrjl !
Naguib Mahfouz |
Despite dissimilarities in our luck and success at looking after ourselves, we are all human beings.
Naguib Mahfouz |
What a lot of graves there are laid out as far as the eye can see!. Their headstones are like hands raised in surrender, though they are beyond being threatened by anything. A city of silence and truth, where success and failure, murderer and victim come together, where thieves and policeman lie side by side in peace for the first and last time.
Naguib Mahfouz |
sm`t mr@ rjlan ytHdth `nh fyqwl: "hw 'Sl Hrtn, wHrtn 'Sl mSr 'mW ldny, `sh fyh wHdh why khl khrb, thm mtlkh bqw@ s`dh wmnzlth `nd lwly, kn rjlan l yjwd lzmn bmthlh, wftw@ thb lwHwsh dhkrh" wsm`t akhr yqwl `nh : "kn ftw@ Hqan, wlknh lm ykn klftwt lakhryn, flm yfrD `l~ 'Hd tw@, wlm ystkbr fy l'rD, wkn blD`f rHyman", thm j zmn ftnwlth ql@ mn lns bklm l ylyq bqdrh wmknth, whkdh Hl ldny."
Naguib Mahfouz |
wknt wm zlt 'jd lHdyth `nh shy'q l yml. wkm df`ny dhk l~ lTwf bbyth lkbyr l`ly 'fwz bnZr@ mnh wlkn dwn jdw~. wkm wqft 'mm bbh lDkhm 'rnw l~ ltmsH lmHnT lmrkb '`lh, wkm jlst fy SHr lmqTm Gyr b`yd `n swrh lkbyr fl 'r~ l rw'ws 'shjr ltwt wljmyz wlnkhyl tktnf lbyt, wnwfdh mGlq@ l tnm `l~ 'y 'thr lHy@. 'lys mn lmHzn 'n ykwn ln jdW mthl hdh ljd dwn 'n nrh 'w yrn ? 'lys mn lGryb 'n ykhtfy hw fy hdh lbyt lkbyr lmGlq w'n n`ysh nHn fy ltrb ?!
Naguib Mahfouz |
lTrb Tl qSyr l'jl fwq mwl lfrq
Naguib Mahfouz |
Isn't it sad that a man of no significance like this marriage clerk should impede the progress of your life? But a lowly worm eats the corpses of the most exalted individuals.
Naguib Mahfouz |
wlys blkhbz wHdh yHy lnsn
Naguib Mahfouz |
'l tkhsh~ `l~ lHDr@? - mn Hsn lHZ 'nn lm ndkhl lHDr@ b`d, fm khwfn mn lbll?
Naguib Mahfouz |
n shhwtn l tqn` l b'n tbny fwqn tlan mn ldhry@ lSkhb@.
Naguib Mahfouz |
ftsl jwd whw yhz r'sh bHzn : - wkyf ytsn~ llHb wlslm 'n y`ysh byn lfqr wnbbyt lftwt.
Naguib Mahfouz |
n 'Hkm m fy `mlk 'nk thzmyn lshr blTyb ljmyl.
Naguib Mahfouz |
We usually exchange bare civilities at breakfast and then settle back to loathe each other cordially in silence.
Naguib Mahfouz |
hl t`ny lHy@ 'n nstwSy bljbn wl`m ?
Naguib Mahfouz |
He shook his head sadly. "What a fool you are. You've wasted your ability searching for something that doesn't exist." "When will you realize you don't exist?"
Naguib Mahfouz |
wtbtsm kthyran f'qwl l'my: -tyz@ wlyd@ khfyf@ wtHb lDHk fttmt 'my: -rbn m`h wm` kl jryH
Naguib Mahfouz |
l`ql y`ny lHkm@ wl'nny@ wljbn
Naguib Mahfouz |
nstTy` 'n n`ysh dwn mbl@ bm yqwl lns
Naguib Mahfouz |
lkdhb ynqlb fDyl@ fy HDr@ lns
Naguib Mahfouz |
ldny mn Gyr Tl`@ mHyh l tswy dhrh mn rmd
Naguib Mahfouz |
lkn myld nsn qd yjy blkwrth, fwq rw'wsn l`n@ mn qbl 'n nwld, w'`jb `dw@ hy l tjd lh mn mbrr l 'nh byn 'khwyn.
Naguib Mahfouz |
sm` y jbl, lkhwf shdyd lydh, wlth`bn l yldG l `nd lkhwf !
Naguib Mahfouz |
Calatoria pare sa fie destul de lunga. Tanarul pare sa se fi imbarcat in trenul lui Auguste Compte, sa fi trecut prin statia teologiei, a carei deviza era: ,,Da! Crede si nu cerceta" pentru a poposi si a scormoni acum in taramurile metafizicii a carei deviza este: ,,Nu!", iar in departare se intrezareste realismul, pe al carui frontispiciu sta scris: ,,Deschide ochii si intdrazneste!"." --
Naguib Mahfouz |
After living for a month in his home, her character had been infected with the virus of submission to his will, which terrified everyone in the house.
Naguib Mahfouz |
det ar bra for en manniska att meditera over de drommar hon haft. Da framstar den passiva tron pa vetenskapen som en verklighetsflykt lika mycket som mysticismen. Darfor ar arbete och handling nodvandiga. Men de maste vara grundade pa tro. Fragan ar hur vi kan skaffa oss en tro vardig livet. ... 'Jag tror pa livet och manniskorna', hade Ahmed sagt. 'Jag anser det vara min plikt att stodja deras ideal, sa lange de ar riktiga, for passivitet..
Naguib Mahfouz |
lm 'jd f~ `qlny@ 'stdh~ lshykh mGG@ '~ jdw~ fy sjn~ ldy'm wlkn~ wjdt fy qdry@ 'm~ lsdhj@ rH@ ly's
Naguib Mahfouz |
tSwr 'n 'bq~ Ht~ 'shhd zwl dnyy. ydhhb lns rjl wns, w'bq~ Gryb wsT Grb, 'fr mn mkn l~ mkn, 'byt mTrd 'bdy, 'jn, 'tmn~ lmwt...
Naguib Mahfouz |
ql lshykh `bd rbh lty'h: khfq y qlby w`shq kl jmyl wbk bdm` Gzyr dh shy't wlkn l tndm
Naguib Mahfouz |
Kamal was distressed and angry, not merely at the insult to the honor of teachers but first and foremost for the sake of learning itself, for what he felt was true learning. He did not think well of occupations that shook the earth. He had often found that the writers who inspired him applied derogatory epithets to them, referring, for example, to their counterfeit grandeur and ephemeral glory. Basing his opinion on what they had said, he b..
Naguib Mahfouz |
m 'Hb lmwd lyk? fyjyb bSrH@ m`hwd@: lmHfwZt, mthl: 'yh lTy'r ljmyl 'hlan, bmHyk wshl Ht~ fy tlk lsn lmbkr@ bd' yHb lsh`r wyHfZh, wrbm wjd sh`ran fy mjl@ mm ywjd fy lfyll fys'l mmth 'n tshrHh lh thm sr`n m yHfZh wys`d lbsh bdhlk wyqwl lHrmh: lwld dhky wsykwn Tbyban mdhshan
Naguib Mahfouz |
Every inch a person's body travels on the road of separation seems like miles to the heart.
Naguib Mahfouz |
Perhaps boredom was an irrelevant concept for a life as monotonous as hers.
Naguib Mahfouz |
How could the prisoner break his chains? I pictured a world, a righteous world, with no sin, no bonds, no social obligations; a world throbbing with creativity, innovation, and thought, nothing else; a world of dedicated solitude, without father, mother, wife, or child; a world where a man could travel lightly, immersed in art alone.
Naguib Mahfouz |