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a6a4c92 She asked me, "Was your divorce nasty?" "Not at all. The marriage was nasty." Nelson DeMille
346d440 Never have sex with a woman who has more problems than you do. Nelson DeMille
053bbd0 The American dream was not supposed to look like this, and when men went off the war, too often other men came in the night to the bedroom at the back of the long, narrow trailers. In fact, I had lived there and had gone off to war, and someone took of my place in the bed and took of my young wife. But that was few wars ago, and so much has happened since , that the only lingering bitterness left is that the bastard also took my dog. Nelson DeMille
c049c4f anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. And if your shooting stance is good, you're probably not moving fast enough. Nelson DeMille
5cf78b6 Indeed we all try to raise our children as if our past experiences are important for their future, but they rarely are. Nelson DeMille
c6d1752 But that's all hindsight. That evening, my mind was cloudy, and my good judgment was influenced by my need to prove something. It goes to show you, you shouldn't stay out too late during the week. Nelson DeMille
d89b2b6 The Cubans say that sex is the only thing that Castro hasn't rationed. Nelson DeMille
eb6745a talented wisecracker.... Nelson DeMille
6e2d4f2 The good news was that the streets were litter-free, maybe because no one had anything to throw away. Nelson DeMille
d0d096f Amicitia sine fraude--to friendship without deceit. Nelson DeMille
8e5a3ed Fate whispered to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the coming storm." And the warrior whispered back, "I am the storm." Nelson DeMille
6018db3 ATTF) represented in this novel is based on the actual Joint Terrorism Task Force, though I have taken some literary license where necessary. The Joint Terrorism Task Force is an organization of dedicated, professional, and hardworking men and women who are in the front line in the war Nelson DeMille
95a73fb and some other shit, and the wife--can't remember her name--would cry a lot. The kids were young. Three of them. They were okay, but they always talked about the big house they had in Cuba. And servants. So I guess they all felt like they got fucked." He smiled. "Hey, I was born fucked in New Jersey." There were two kinds of history: the kind you read about, and the kind you lived through--or were actually part of. For Jack, the Cuban Revol.. Nelson DeMille
99e8115 And they looked like poor fishermen. But this was Cuba, where everyone had a second job. Nelson DeMille
993f38c It's a problem, you know, Paul, dealing with stupid people. You project your own intelligence and rationality onto a person who is a complete idiot, and he lets you down. Nelson DeMille
8868d0e The journey home is never a direct route; it is, in fact, always circuitous, and somewhere along the way, we discover that the journey is more significant than the destination and that the people we meet along the way will be the traveling companions of our memories forever. Nelson DeMille
b2ffbe2 Tutte le strade conducono a Roma. All roads lead to Rome. Nelson DeMille
38347b0 Most of the MacCormicks and Bedells are college grads and according to my father the youngsters have all been educated beyond their intelligence. Nelson DeMille
9b16812 I suppose you could say that the Russians had a big appetite for life, or you could say they were dissolute and decadent, which was the opposite side of the same ruble. Nelson DeMille
3f5ed82 We entered the house, and there was that pregnant silence in the air, the silence between a husband and wife who have just had words, and it is unlike any other silence except perhaps the awful stillness you hear between the flash of an atomic bomb and the blast. Nelson DeMille
f5bbe6c In our pursuit of fidelity within a twenty-year-old marriage, Susan and I, in addition to the historical romances, sometimes talk about a premarital lover as part of our foreplay. I read in a book once that it was all right to do this, to get the juices going, but afterward, as you're both lying there, one partner is usually sullen and the other is sorry he or she was so graphic. Well, if you play with fire to get heat, you can also get bur.. Nelson DeMille
be7c2ea We're not thieves. We're repatriating money that rich Cubans stole from poor Cubans so it can be returned to the rich Cubans who stole it. Nelson DeMille
ee021bc So, this guy walks into the bar and says to the bartender, 'You know, all lawyers are assholes.' And a guy at the end of the bar says, 'Hey, I heard that. I resent that.' And the first guy says, 'Why? Are you a lawyer?' And the other guy says, 'No, I'm an asshole. Nelson DeMille
9f91140 Do you know why Italians don't like Jehovah's Witnesses?" "No... why?" "Italians don't like any witnesses." Nelson DeMille
1913cfd I'm trying to modify my NYPD piggishness. I have not hit on one single--or married--female in the ATTF. I was actually getting a reputation as a man who was either devoted to duty, or was devoted to some off-scene girlfriend, or was gay, or who had a low libido, or who perhaps had been hit below the belt by one of those bullets. In any case, a whole new world was opening up to me now. Women in the office talked to me about their boyfriends .. Nelson DeMille
73b3305 The short-timers, who'd gone through hell without even a small pee in their pants, were all jittery that something was going to happen before they boarded the freedom bird home. I mean, after you've cheated death for so long, you become paranoid, sure that death had just remembered you were leaving. Nelson DeMille
a8f927e willful ignorance. Nelson DeMille
e1f2744 When Jack Colby first came aboard The Maine looking for a job, wearing a T-shirt that said: "Wounded Combat Vet--Some Reassembly Required" Nelson DeMille
3676b5f You can get away with a bad decision, but not a bad mistake. Nelson DeMille
9e0825f Old guys have seen too much, and they trust no one. Nelson DeMille
d87fe51 Tad and Alison, according to the itinerary, would be giving lectures on Cuban culture, time and place TBA, which I think means To Be Avoided. Nelson DeMille
5e4c9ed They brought with them seventeen American POWs who were secretly imprisoned in Villa Marista for advanced experiments with drugs." It was hard to imagine being taken prisoner in Vietnam, tortured there, then being shipped to Cuba for more of the same." Nelson DeMille
d8ab2e7 more complicated, and that awaited further Intel. Nelson DeMille
d7219dc Americans lived in the moment, without history and thus without prophecy. Nelson DeMille
01882be What do you do, Jack, when any move you make is the wrong move?" "You hope the other guy makes a bad move." Nelson DeMille
e5ecd02 Thoreau's philosophy: If you read about one train wreck, you've read about them all. Nelson DeMille
2a4682b You're smarter than you look. Did you ever have anti-terrorist training?" "Sort of. I was married." Nelson DeMille
846b2bd The danger's passed, the wrong is righted; the veteran's ignored, the soldier's slighted. Nelson DeMille
548438c When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Nelson DeMille
52030b7 humoring me. Nelson DeMille
ce7e02d When you cheat at poker, life, or taxes, you've taken the honor and fun out of winning, and ultimately you've cheated yourself out of the finest pleasure in life: beating the other guy fair and square. That's what I was taught in school. Nelson DeMille
49fc59a I regarded Novac a moment. He had on an awful gray poplin cotton suit, the sort of thing that prisons issue when they set you free. He wore shoes that actually had gum soles, and the uppers were made of a miracle synthetic that could be safely cleaned with Brillo. His shirt, his tie, socks, watch, even his haircut, were all bargain basement, and I found myself irrationally offended by the man because of the air of sensible frugality about h.. Nelson DeMille
912920c Confrontational is when I pull my gun. Argumentative is when I pull the trigger. Nelson DeMille
90571d4 they don't want their thinking or attitudes changed. They want their values and beliefs endorsed, and they want government and society to reflect their values and beliefs, not yours. Nelson DeMille
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