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cc244fd In America if you're poor, you're worse than a criminal. You're nobody. Nelson DeMille
5f4c222 I was starting to get to know the city, and when that happens in a screwed-up place, it's time to leave. Nelson DeMille
7961e88 I read about a John Shelby of Thackham, England, who in 1672 was thrown from his horse into a thicket where he found an iron pot containing more than five hundred gold coins. According to the treasure trove laws of England, all hidden or lost property belonged to the Crown. However, Shelby refused to give the gold to the king's officers, and he was arrested, tried for treason, and beheaded. This was probably a favorite story of the IRS. Nelson DeMille
7765882 We're all Nelson DeMille
c8f7436 A boat is sort of a litmus test for relationships, the close quarters and solitude compelling people into either a warm bond or into mutiny and murder. As Nelson DeMille
c0f6fe6 I thought again of how Tobin had already killed five good people and was about to be the cause of two more dying. I couldn't believe that this little turd had actually caused all this death and misery. The only explanation I had for it was that short people with beady eyes and big appetites were ruthless and dangerous. Nelson DeMille
6d0d702 Psychology is a soft weapon but you can take out more enemy battalions with leaflets and radio broadcasts than with high explosives. war Nelson DeMille
f36e157 Every veteran since the first war got fucked big-time. Maybe you should stop feeling sorry for yourself. There's no war long enough or bad enough to mess up your head as bad as you messed it up yourself. Nelson DeMille
c383207 The guy did okay for himself. Nelson DeMille
65aa767 Me, Mia. Mama mia, Mia. Otis is rigor mortis. murder humor Nelson DeMille
ea8898a The sharpening of the steel was less about the cutting edge of the blade than it was about the cutting edge of the soul and psyche; it was an ancient communion with every man who ever faced battle and death, and who stood with his comrades, but stood alone, with his own thoughts and his own fears, waiting for the signal to meet the enemy, and to meet himself. Nelson DeMille
08ab0a3 never ceased to amaze him how a discredited philosophy and a repressive nation still attracted idealists. Nelson DeMille
562222f But, you know, shit happens even when you have a shit shield with you. Nelson DeMille
345e127 When I was in boarding school, which is English-run, I read a very beautiful passage---something that George VI said in his Christmas message to the English people, in the darkest year of the war, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown. And he replied, Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a knownew way." Nelson DeMille
6a9f8e6 concurring.' But now we know what I suspected. Two people on the board voted for acquittal, which means there are Nelson DeMille
5cd8aeb I know who didn't kill her." "Don't" Nelson DeMille
9150135 and there was that pregnant silence in the air, the silence between a husband and wife who have just had words, and it is unlike any other silence except perhaps the awful stillness you hear between the flash of an atomic bomb and the blast. Five, four, three, two, one. Nelson DeMille
9547a96 When you have excluded the impossible, said Sherlock Holmes, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Nelson DeMille
7de98aa Buck next brought up the subject of the Nelson DeMille
7a38b51 of themselves. At least until the next glacier came through. Sloan looked up from his newspaper, apparently Nelson DeMille
1fae46e asked me, Nelson DeMille
9351afd Oddly enough, I didn't recall feeling that way the week before. I wasn't certain how this revelation came about, but revelations are like that; they just smack you across the face one day, and you know you've arrived at the truth without even knowing you were looking for it. What you do about it is another matter. I Nelson DeMille
7f9132d USIS Nelson DeMille
2e114c7 there are brief enchanted moments in history and in the short lives of men and women, there is wonder and there is cynicism, there are dreams that can come true, and dreams that can't. And there was a time, you know, not so long ago, as recently as my own childhood in fact, when everyone believed in the future and eagerly awaited it or rushed to meet it. But now nearly everyone I know or used to know is trying to slow the speed of the world.. Nelson DeMille
592e0ac This guy I know went into a sex shop and asked the proprietor for a blow-up sex doll." "Is this a joke?" "So the proprietor asks, 'You want a Christian doll, a Jewish doll, or a Muslim doll?' And the guy says, 'What difference does it make?' And the proprietor says, 'Well, the Muslim dolls blow themselves up." Nelson DeMille
8d560a7 A lot of who you were in middle age was determined before you had a chance to manipulate, control, or eve understand the things around you. It was no mystery, he thought, why some old people's minds returned to their youth; the wonder of those years, the discoveries, the first experience with the dirty secret of death, and the first stirrings of lust and love were indelible, drawn in luminous colors on clean canvas. Indeed, the first sex ac.. sex romance science humor life love wisdom inspirational old lust Nelson DeMille
268782f Use a gun that works every time. As George Washington said, 'All skill is in vain when an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket. Nelson DeMille
28e9d4c You don't bother to hate what you think is contemptible. Nelson DeMille
0bfe1f9 Pravda, as you know, means 'truth,' and Izvestia means 'news,' and I've heard it said that there is no news in the Truth and no truth in the News. Nelson DeMille
5c0e088 We are finding it- first in our heads, then in our hearts." He reminded Purcell. "This is a spiritual journey before it becomes a physical journey." -- Nelson DeMille
76a723a arms, and the other pulled the camera from Nelson DeMille
8076409 Mr. Stanley if you had stayed for your entire time in Hue at the mini-motel where they do not ask for passports or visas." "Right. We should have done that. Anything else?" "Yes. How does your lady friend," Nelson DeMille
7ab66ba There were two display windows, one on each side of the door, and in the windows were...well, books. What this street really needed was a bar. Nelson DeMille
a229f49 experienced Nelson DeMille
a5831d9 Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery Nelson DeMille
62eba31 As he'd thought, and as he'd always known, Henry and Vivian were better suited for each other. But better is not best, and though he was angry-- and hurt-- he was also concerned about Vivian. He still liked Henry, but not as much as Henry liked himself. He would have told Vivian this-- as a friend-- but she might think it was coming from a jealous ex-lover. So he wasn't going to say anything now. Nelson DeMille
2caa01f possible they Nelson DeMille
8b1925e And there was a time, you know, not so long ago, as recently as my own childhood in fact, when everyone believed in the future and eagerly awaited it or rushed to meet it. But now nearly everyone I know or used to know is trying to slow the speed of the world as the future starts to look more and more like someplace you don't want to be. Nelson DeMille
d19382b Better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it. Nelson DeMille
e0df1dd As we say, if your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail. Nelson DeMille
58ef873 Most accidents, I'm convinced, are God's way of getting rid of stupid people. Or if you believe in Darwinism, you wonder why there are any stupid people left in the world. Well, I guess they can reproduce before they remove themselves from the gene pool. Nelson DeMille
9e63c05 Definitely a bit sassy. Maybe I bring that out in women. I advised her, Nelson DeMille
e6fc6c1 There's hell, there's darkness, there is the sulphurous pit; burning, scalding, stench, consumption! Nelson DeMille
70c7a6b Buck thanked the sheik and his trusted Nelson DeMille
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