Recently I have been attacked in newspapers by two 'fabulist' writers, as far as I can make out for the ordinariness of the worlds I portray. To which the most obvious reply is that it's all very well writing about elves and dragons and goddesses rising out of the ground and the rest of it--who couldn't do that and make it colorful? (Readable, of course, is another matter...) But writing about pubs and struggling singer-songwriters--well, t..
Nick Hornby |
Sometimes you can see car crashes from a long way off, if the road is straight and both vehicles are heading towards each other in the same lane.
Nick Hornby |
There was an important and essential truth contained in the idea, and the truth was that these things matter, and it's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently, or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party.
Nick Hornby |
So, have you split up now?
Nick Hornby |
not even sex, especially not sex, please God not sex, the filthiest and most terrifying invention of the early seventies.
Nick Hornby |
Here's how not to plan a career: (a) split up with girlfriend; (b) junk college; (c) go to work in record shop; (d) stay in record shops for rest of life.
Nick Hornby |
Charlie on omandanud sellise tahtsuse, et mul on tunne, nagu peaks ta elama Marsil, nii et katsed temaga suhelda maksakasid miljoneid naelu ja jouaksid temani alles valgusaastate parast. Ta on maavaline olend, vaim, muut, mitte inimene, kellel on automaatvastaja ja roostes wok-pann ja kahe metrootsooni kuukaart.
Nick Hornby |
This, it seems, is what you get for sleeping with an American, all this up-front goodwill. You wouldn't catch a decent British woman marching in here after a one-night stand. We understand that these things are, on the whole, best forgotten. But I suppose Marie wants to talk about it, explore what went wrong; there's probably some some group-counseling workshop she wants us to go to, with lots of other couples who spent a misguided one-off ..
Nick Hornby |
Walbourne's fluid, tasteful, beautiful solos drop the jaw, stop the heart, and smack the gob, all at the same time.
Nick Hornby |
They had flown from England to Minneapolis to look at a toilet.
Nick Hornby |
The other dancers were embarrassed themselves, which meant that they weren't actually embarrassing; they weren't doing much more than tapping their feet, and the only way you could tell they were dancing at all was that they were facing each other but not looking at each other and not talking.
Nick Hornby |
And mostly all I have to say about these songs is that I love them, and want to sing along to them, and force other people to listen to them, and get cross when other people don't like them as much as I do.
Nick Hornby |
I was thinking about you. About how you have to be fairly tough in your head to do what you do." "What?" For a moment Will was completely bewildered. "Tough in your head", "Do what you do"... These were not phrases that anyone used about him too often. What the fuck was it he'd told Rachel he did? Work in a coalmine? Teach young offenders? But then he remembered he'd never actually told Rachel any lies, and his bewilderment took a different..
Nick Hornby |
I don't normally read reviews of children's books, mostly because I can't be bothered, and because kids - my kids, anyway - are not interested in what the Guardian thinks they might enjoy. One of my two-year-old's favourite pieces of night-time reading, for example, is the promotional flyer advertising the Incredibles that I was sent, a flyer outlining some of the marketing plans for the film. If you end up having to read that out loud ever..
Nick Hornby |
There were about seventy-nine squillion people in the world, and if you were very lucky, you would end up being loved by fifteen or twenty of them. So
Nick Hornby |
If she came into my shop, I might really get to like her, and then I'd be waiting for her to come in all the time, and then when she did come in I'd be nervous and stupid, and probably end up asking her out for a drink in some cackhanded roundabout way, and either she wouldn't catch my drift, and I'd feel like an idiot, or she'd turn me down flat, and I'd feel like an idiot.
Nick Hornby |
Fuck. I hate all this stuff. How old do you have to get before it stops?
Nick Hornby |
Is it so wrong, wanting to be at home with your record collection?
Nick Hornby |
Berdua saja tidaklah cukup, itu adalah masalahnya. Ia selalu berpikir bahwa dua adalah angka yang tepat, dan ia benci untuk hidup dalam keluarga berjumlah tiga, empat, atau lima. Tapi, sekarang ia bisa melihat alasan dibalik hal itu: Jika seseorang menghilang, maka kau tidak akan tinggal sendiri.
Nick Hornby |
Bagaimana kau bisa membuat sebuah keluarga jika tak ada seorang pun berada disisimu, kau tahu, untuk membantumu?
Nick Hornby |
The artistic temperament is particularly unhelpful if it is just that, with no end product. (I
Nick Hornby |
The truth about life was that nothing ever ended until you died, and even then you just left a whole bunch of unresolved narratives behind you. He
Nick Hornby |
Tapi, ini adalah hal paling mengerikan yang pernah ia lihat bahkan dari kejauhan sekalipun, dan ia menyadarinya pada momen ketika ia berjalan masuk, hal itu adalah sesuatu yang akan terus terngiang di benaknya, selamanya.
Nick Hornby |
la musica sentimentale ha un grande potere: ti riporta indietro nel momento stesso in cui ti porta avanti, cosi che provi, contemporaneamente, nostalgia e speranza.
Nick Hornby |
Se mi vedevate appoggiata al muretto che guardavo in giu, l'acqua, avreste detto: Toh, sta pensando. Ma non era vero. Cioe, avevo delle parole in testa, ma solo perche una ha delle parole in testa non vuol dire che sta pensando, come avere una tasca piena di monetine non vuol dire che sei ricca. Le parole che avevo in testa erano, cioe, cagate, bastardo, troia, merda, fanculo, tiraseghe, e mi giravano dentro tanto in fretta, troppo in frett..
Nick Hornby |
Kau harus hidup dalam gelembungmu sendiri. Kau tidak bisa memaksa masuk ke dalam gelembung milik orang lain, karena dengan begitu, itu tak lagi menjadi gelembung.
Nick Hornby |
Noi che viviamo in questo quartiere e con questo reddito crediamo molto al potere delle parole: leggiamo, parliamo, scriviamo, abbiamo terapisti e consulenti e persino sacerdoti che sono felici di starci a sentire e dirci che cosa fare.
Nick Hornby |
She would go home and marry a man who owned carpet shops, and she would bear his children, and he would take other women to nightclubs, and she would get old and die and hope for better luck next time around.
Nick Hornby |
This script was like a dish made from things you'd found in your larder and had to use up before they went off: a Welsh mountain, a casino, a blonde with a big bust.
Nick Hornby |
So it's not about what you do. It can't be, can it? It has to be about how you are, how you love, how you treat yourself and those around you, and
Nick Hornby |
And if you never go anywhere or do anything, life is cheap.
Nick Hornby |
Zasto je to najveci greh od svih grehova? Ceo zivot govorite sebi kako cete kada umrete otici na to predivno mesto. I jedino sto mozete da ucinite da biste tamo stigli malo brze je nesto sto vas sprecava da tamo ikada dospete. Koliko mi se cini to je neka vrsta uskakanja preko reda. Ali ukoliko nekoga preskocite ko ceka red u posti, ljudi negoduju. Takode ponekad kazu "Izvinite ali stigao sam pre vas." Nikada ne kazu "Gorecete u vecnom pakl..
Nick Hornby |
Much of my knowledge of locations in Britain and Europe comes not from school, but from away games or the sports pages, and hooliganism has given me both a taste for sociology and a degree of fieldwork experience.
Nick Hornby |
She didn't want her father to die. She would mourn him. She owed him . . . not everything, exactly, because there were lots of things she'd had to obtain for herself, but enough. If, however, the choice was between a brief good-bye and a new life, then it was no choice at all.
Nick Hornby |
At hun er i live er bra, men det er ikke det det handler om.
Nick Hornby |
magazines. He was disappointed about something else, she thought; he was disappointed that he'd never quite added up to as much as the results of his own calculations. The trouble was that he'd got his sums all wrong, but she didn't want to be the one to tell him that.
Nick Hornby |
Can I be a good person and spend that much money on overpriced consumer goods? I don't know. But I do know this: I'd be no good without them.
Nick Hornby |
Inilah hidup, Marcus. Kau harus berjuang untuk apa yang kau percayai, dan kemudian menetap padanya. Itu sulit, tapi itu bukannya tidak ada. Dan setidaknya, itu mudah untuk dimengerti.
Nick Hornby |
Ada sesuatu yang salah dengan hal ini, tapi ia tidak tahu apakah itu. Yang ia mengerti hanyalah tidak semua orang berpikir demikian. Mereka berpikir satu hal, dan melakukan hal lain.
Nick Hornby |
Mengapa orang-orang ini ingin membuat hal menjadi rumit bagi mereka? Ini adalah hidup yang mudah, seperti sebuah persoalan matematika yang sederhana; Resiko menyukai seseorang dan membiarkan dirimu dicintai hanya pantas diambil jika situasi berpihak padamu, tapi mereka dengan jelas tidak berpihak padamu.
Nick Hornby |
Life was about to begin, so Arsenal had to go.
Nick Hornby |
Seseorang yang tidak terlalu berbeda dariku," jawab Marcus diplomatis. "Baiklah, semoga beruntung," kata Katrina. "Banyak dari kita yang menghabiskan separuh hidup untuk mencari seseorang yang tidak terlalu berbeda dari mereka sejauh ini." "Apakah itu sulit?" tanya Marcus. "Itu adalah hal tersulit di dunia," sahut Fiona lebih dalam daripada yang Will ingin renungkan. "Kau pikir, mengapa kami semua single?" kata Katrina. Apakah itu sunggu..
Nick Hornby |
Hal tentang mencari seseorang yang tak jauh berbeda darimu... Itu hanya berfungsi, ia menyadarinya, jika kau mempercayai bahwa kau tidaklah terlalu buruk sebelumnya.
Nick Hornby |
Merea bertiga harus kehilangan sesuatu dalam rangka untuk memperoleh hal lainnya.
Nick Hornby |