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dee8924 L'amore, evidentemente, e antidemocratico come il denaro: si accumula attorno a persone che ne hanno gia fin troppo: i sani di mente, i sani nel corpo, gli amabili Nick Hornby
a1a5c4a names are really fascist and don't allow us to express ourselves as human beings, and turn us into one thing. Nick Hornby
41656bb Perche vi siete lasciati? Nick Hornby
9730984 Probaltam nem gondolni ra. Megtortent, es kivantam, hogy barcsak ne tortent volna meg, de hat ilyen az elet, nem? Nick Hornby
2cbae7e It had never occurred to Sophie that she would be forgiven so readily for her trespasses and she wasn't sure that she liked it. She had refused to visit her dangerously ill father in hospital because her career was more important to her, and the least he could do was judge her. You could get away with anything, it seemed, if you were on the telly. Nick Hornby
ffd65de He accused her of being bourgeois, whatever that was--it seemed to involve engagement rings and babies and all sorts of things she wasn't interested in. He got so heated about them that for a moment she thought he might actually be proposing, in an angry, cack-handed fashion. Nick Hornby
4bf57b3 Mint ahogy az az atlagnal szerencsesebb embereket sujto depresszio eseteben lenni szokott, en is szegyelltem a magamet, mivel nem lattam ra semmilyen meggyozo okot; egyszeruen csak ugy ereztem, mintha valahol kisiklottam volna a sinekrol. Nick Hornby
c390cc2 Ella paso por una especie de Kramer contra Kramer en su dia. Ya sabes, una de esas chaladuras presuntuosas en las que uno trata de averiguar quien demonios es. - ?Y al final averiguo quien era? - No, no lo creo. Dudo mucho que alguien llegue a saber quien es de verdad, ?no te parece? Nick Hornby
ec169ca Marcus tenia razon, por supuesto, pero tener razon no servia de nada si el resto del mundo estaba equivocado Nick Hornby
53cc3b0 1) Fate a meno di scrivermi che spendo troppi soldi per libri che in gran parte non leggero mai. Questo lo so gia. Perche comunque ho intenzione di leggerli...piu o meno. Le mie intenzioni sono buone. In ogni caso, i soldi sono miei. E poi scommetto che fate anche voi come me. Nick Hornby
7564786 Non ci dimentichiamo mai che alcuni libri sono scritti male; pero dovremmo ricordarci che a volte sono anche letti male. Nick Hornby
debc483 It was strange, however, failing to belong even at a party full of outsiders. Nick Hornby
f1a09a6 Ma mentre trovavo loro una casa nella sezione "saggistica d'arte e letteratura" (personalmente trovo che agli scopi domestici il sistema di archiviazione Trivial Pursuit funzioni meglio del Dewey), d'un tratto ho avuto una piccola epifania: tutti i libri che possediamo, letti e no, sono l'espressione piu piena che abbiamo a disposizione della nostra personalita." Nick Hornby
d661766 E comunque, leggere per diletto e una cosa che dovremmo fare tutti. Non intendo che tutti dovremmo leggere romanzi rosa o thriller (pero se e questo che volete leggere, per me va benissimo, perche...Ascoltate, vi confessero una cosa che nessuno vi dira mai: se non leggete i classici o il romanzo che ha vinto l'ultimo Booker Prize, non vi succedera niente di male; e soprattutto, se li leggete non vi succedera niente di straordinario); voglio.. Nick Hornby
662297f I libri, ammettiamolo, sono meglio di qualunque altra cosa. Se organizzassimo un campionato di fantaboxe culturale, schierando sul ring i libri contro il meglio che qualunque altra forma d'arte abbia da offrire, sulla distanza di quindici', i libri vincerebbero praticamente sempre. Nick Hornby
7511431 I've never done anything like this before." "None of us had, until we did," Nick Hornby
468b153 She'd always suspected that she was the sort of girl who wouldn't go home to see a sick father if she had a shot at a television series, but she'd rather hoped that the news would be revealed slowly, and not for a while yet. Nick Hornby
88bdd88 La coerenza e l'estremo rifugio degli uomini privi di fantasia, sono intervenuto io. Ancora Wilde, non sapevo resistere. Nick Hornby
2eebe9e If there wasn't an English word for it, though, then it was probably work best avoided, at least until she was really desperate. The Nick Hornby
a36e259 He knew he had only himself to blame; but it was more or less entirely her fault. Nick Hornby
fda9a12 Taking your husband's name when you became his wife was one thing. Taking your town's name when you became its beauty queen was something else again. Nick Hornby
10a17d8 Faktum var att han inte kunde vara den sortens pappa langre. Den tiden var forbi. Det var som om Gud plotsligt skulle bestamma sig for att vara Gud igen flera kvadriljoner ar efter att han skapat varlden. Han kunde inte bara dimpa ner fran himlen och saga: A nej, ni borde inte ha placerat Empire State Building dar, och ni borde inte ha ordnat det sa att de afrikanska folken far mindre pengar, och ni borde inte ha latit dem tillverka karnvap.. parenting Nick Hornby
82b8cdd Being at the top of your career was like being at the top of a Ferris wheel: you knew that you had to keep moving, and you knew which way you were going. You had no choice. Nick Hornby
f1f5d9c Cherez mnogo let do Toni doshlo, chto pisatel' vsegda obrechion na neprikaiannost'. Pochemu-to neprikaiannye chasto stanoviatsia pisateliami. Nick Hornby
bdd2feb Fifteen years was a long time in the life of a woman, though, when those fifteen years had been disappointing. Nick Hornby
114413b Perhaps he would wake up the next morning realizing that he'd made an utter ass of himself, but there were worse animals than the ass. And in London you saw asses wandering around everywhere. Nobody seemed to mind, much. Dennis had spent an awful lot of time not making an ass of himself, and he didn't have anything to show for it. The Nick Hornby
f9941d5 She and Duncan had ended up together because they were the last two people to be picked for a sports team, and she felt she was better at sports than that. nick hornby
63e61cc What a terrible thing an education was, he thought, if it produced the kind of mind that despised entertainment and the people who valued it. Edith Nick Hornby
5d400d0 Sapete com'e quando si hanno dei figli. Di loro si pensa il peggio solo quando non c'e scelta. italiano Nick Hornby
51a95f4 It is not the act of reading itself that I miss, the opportunity to retreat further and further from the world until I have found some space, some air that isn't stale, that hasn't been breathed by my family a thousand times already. Janet's bedsit seemed enormous when I moved into it, enormous and quiet, but this book is so much bigger than that. And when I've finished it I'll start another one, and that might be even bigger, and then anot.. Nick Hornby
cf3d08b I've been thinking with my guts since I was fourteen years old, and frankly speaking, between you and me, I have come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains. I Nick Hornby
1b2c71a I can't believe I told you all those things and we've ended up talking about how great I am.' 'But we're not. You've confused the two thnigs again. You're not great. You're a shallow, feckless, self-indulgent... wanker.' 'Thanks. Nick Hornby
6d5049a I can't believe I told you all those things and we've ended up talking about how great I am.' 'But we're not. You've confused the two things again. You're not great. You're a shallow, feckless, self-indulgent... wanker.' 'Thanks. Nick Hornby
531353a All my life I wanted to go to bed with an American, and now I had, and I'm beginning to see why people don't do it more often. sex Nick Hornby
3e03525 to father) Aren't you glad that you've never had to buy vegeterian cookery books as the first small step on the road to getting inside someone's knickers? (father) ...however vegeterian recepies you have read, you still have more fun than we were ever allowed. Nick Hornby
181b3e1 This is a song by Emmylou Harris called 'Boulder to Birmingham,'" she announces. "It's on the album Pieces of the Sky, which Rob is selling this afternoon for the unbelievable price of five pounds and ninety-nine pence, and you can find it right over there in the 'Country Artists (Female)' section." Nick Hornby
8181afd Non potevano dare alla gente quel che voleva, se non c'era gente li a ricevere il dono Nick Hornby
4964898 Sophie was beginning to realize that there was nothing to be done about actors: they would always end up sleeping with each other. They had always done so, and they probably always would. Nick Hornby
0f8ed38 He was beginning to wonder whether June's facility, and their shared interest, might serve them better in the long run than a passionate sexual relationship that would eventually die on them. Nick Hornby
fbe787c She was so clever, Dennis thought, and so kind, and he found the familiar gloom descend upon him. Nick Hornby
6e18723 Problema della mia generazione e che ci sentiamo tutti dei geni del cazzo. Far qualcosa per noi non e abbastanza, e neanche vendere qualcosa, o insegnare qualcosa o solamente combinare qualcosa: no, noi dobbiamo essere qualcosa. Nick Hornby
1140063 Io, voi, non vi conosco. L'unica cosa che so di voi e che state leggendo questa pagina. Non so se siete felici o no; non so se siete giovani o no. Ma... cioe; spero che siete giovani e tristi. Se siete vecchi e felici, mi posso immaginare che magari leggete sotto i baffi leggendo quando dico; Mi ha spezzato il cuore. Ricorderete qualcuno che ha spezzato il cuore a voi, e penserete: Oh si, ricordo come ci si sente. Ma non e vero, vecchi gufi.. Nick Hornby
c09fef3 You were going to take me bikini shopping?" "Not me, dear. Patsy. I'm not interested in looking at curvy young women in bikinis. I'm deeply in love with my wife and I'm only interested in money." Nick Hornby
1bbc3a8 Are o cronica lunara de carte intr-o revista de fitnes pentru barbati si in consecinta este, probabil, cel mai putin citit critic literar din lume. Bineinteles, mai scrie si altceva - din fericire, nu un roman, ci un scenariu, asa ca David poate sa-si exprime compasiunea in loc sa se simta amenintat - , iar impreuna cei doi pot (sau ar putea) sa-si bata joc fericiti atat de filmele groaznice pe care le-au vazut, cat si de romanele cumplite .. Nick Hornby