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a5fb3e5 Don't be a fool, you've let yourself fall apart, the pieces have got lost, and now there's nothing left to give, you can't hide it forever, sooner or later she'll figure out the truth: you're a shell of a man, all she has to do is knock against you to find out you're empty. Nicole Krauss
9e10cae These things were lost to oblivion like so much about so many who are born and die without anyone ever taking the time to write it all down. Nicole Krauss
b73d185 At the moment the postman rang the bell, Litvinoff's pen has been poised above a blank piece of paper, his eyes watery with revelation, filled with the feeling that he was on the verge o understanding the essence of something. But when the bell rang the thought was lost, and Litvinoff, ordinary again, dragged his feet down the dark hallway and opened the door where the mailman stood in the sunlight. Nicole Krauss
581c09e Staring out the window, Litvinoff imagined the two thousand copies of The History of Love as a flock of two thousand homing pigeons that could flap their wings and return to him to report on how many tears shed, how many laughs, ho many passages read aloud, how many cruel closings of the cover after reading barely a page, how many never opened at all. Nicole Krauss
4dbbbe1 It's barely alive, but it is alive. More brown than green. There are parts that have withered. But still it lives, leaning always to the left. Even when I rotate it so that what faced the sun no longer faces the sun, it stubbornly leans to the left, choosing against physical need in favor of an act of creativity. I poured the rest of my water into its pot. What does it mean, anyway, to flourish? Nicole Krauss
e4b3057 And then I thought: Perhaps that is what it means to be a father--to teach your child to live without you. Nicole Krauss
bd37f55 When people spoke to him, he heard less and less of what they were saying, and more and more of what they were not. He learned to decipher the meaning of certain silences, which is like solving a tough case without any clues, with only intuition. Nicole Krauss
85dba6d Her laugh was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering Nicole Krauss
635e790 Only after they charged him with the crime of silence did Babel discover how many kinds of silences existed. When he heard music he no longer listened to the notes, but the silences in between. When he read a book he gave himself over entirely to commas and semicolons, to the space after the period and before the capital letter of the next sentence. He discovered the places in a room where silence gathered; the folds of curtain drapes, the .. Nicole Krauss
897f610 Perhaps that is what it means to be a father--to teach your child to live without you. If so, no one was a greater father than I. Nicole Krauss
c99e634 I took a drink, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, repeating the gesture that was made a hundred times by my father and his father and his father's father, eyes half closed as the sharpness of the alcohol replaced the sharpness of grief. Nicole Krauss
b491266 Three taps means "Are you alive?" Two means "Yes," one "No." Nicole Krauss
f653810 Peleaba por descubrir sentimientos nuevos (...). Se creaban nuevas formas de alegria al tiempo que nuevas clases de tristeza. La eterna decepcion de lo que es la vida, el alivio de un respiro inesperado, el miedo a la muerte"." sentimientos Nicole Krauss
30d33e5 Sentir en las piernas las vibraciones de su voz, es percibir la realidad en toda su extension Nicole Krauss
97e0ab6 Es mejor que sea un secreto. --?Por que? --Porque asi no podran quitarnoslo"." secreto Nicole Krauss
a05821c From then on, I was terrified that I or one of my parents were going to die. My mother worried me the most. She was the force around which our world turned. Unlike our father, who spent his life in the clouds, my mother was propelled through the universe by the brute force of reason. She was the judge in all of our arguments. One disapproving word from her was enough to send us off to hide in a corner, where we would cry and fantasize our o.. chaos father growing-up life mother motherhood parents Nicole Krauss
4ffd544 Su that la doi khi nguoi ta cam thay duoc mot so cam xuc va vi khong co tu ngu dien ta chung, chung troi di ma khong duoc nhac den. Cam xuc lau doi nhat tren the gioi co le la xuc dong; nhung de mo ta no - chi goi ten no thoi - cung chang khac nao co nam lay mot thu vo hinh. (Nghi lai thi, cam xuc lau doi nhat tren the gioi co le don gian la cam giac hoang mang.) Nicole Krauss
24d0636 Exista nenumarate feluri de a fi viu, dar un singur fel de a fi mort. Nicole Krauss
f5386bf 7. Co mot tam anh cua me chua ai tung nhin thay Vao mua thu, me toi tro lai Anh de bat dau hoc dai hoc. Cai tui cua ba day nhung cat tu noi thap nhap tren Trai dat. Me nang 47 can. Co mot cau chuyen thi thoang me ke, tren chuyen tau tu ga Paddington toi Oxford, me gap mot nguoi tho chup anh hau nhu mu han. Ong deo kinh den, ong bao rang vong mac bi hong mot thap ky truoc, trong mot chuyen toi Nam Cuc. Bo vest cua ong duoc la phang phiu den.. Nicole Krauss
7ca2ef6 At times I believed that the last page of my book and the last page of my life were one and the same. (9) Nicole Krauss
48933cb My son's mother, the girl I fell in love with when I was ten, died five years ago. I expect to join her soon, at least in that. Tomorrow. Or the next day. Of that I am convinced. I thought it would be strange to live in the world without her in it. And yet. I'd gotten used to living with her memory a long time ago. Only at the very end did I see her again. I snuck into her room in the hospital and sat with her every day. Nicole Krauss
2c4fd6c Family! So sorry, forgive me. I thought I'd met all the mispocheh! Nicole Krauss
40f3035 c'era una volta un ragazzo che amava una ragazza, e la sua risata era una domanda a cui lui avrebbe voluto rispondere per il resto della sua vita. Nicole Krauss
6f6955c Bird asked what a paleontologist was and Mom said that if he took a complete, illustrated guide to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, shred it into a hundred pieces, cast them into the wind from the museum's steps, let a few weeks pass, went back and scoured Fifth Avenue and Central Park for as many surviving scraps as he could find, then tried to reconstruct the history of painting, including schools, styles, genres, and names of painters fro.. paleontology reconstruction Nicole Krauss
7041305 If you remember the first time you saw Alma, you also remember the last. Nicole Krauss
b3cd114 Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering. When they were ten he asked her to marry him. When they were eleven he kissed her for the first time. When they were thirteen they got into a fight and for three weeks they didn't talk. When they were fifteen she showed him the scar on her left breast. Their love was a secret they told no one. He promised her he wo.. Nicole Krauss
11bea1a Of the two thousand original copies printed of The History of Love, some were bought and read, many were bought and not read, some were given as gifts, some sat fading in bookstore windows serving as landing docks for flies, some were marked up with pencil, and a good many were shredded to pulp along with other unread or unwanted books, their sentences parsed and minced in the machine's spinning blades. books-without-homes endings Nicole Krauss
ccd45d8 tre colpi significano: sei vivo?, due significano: si, uno: no. Nicole Krauss
ba8cd73 When your pants are down around your ankles, that's when everyone arrives. Nicole Krauss
9c846b1 I knew how to raise my own child, what did he think it was, a game of Scrabble or Monopoly, there are no rules, was she so blind that she couldn't see that all that mental midget had done was turn her into a nervous wreck, full of doubt about something that had come naturally to her from the beginning, something any idiot could see, which was that she was a wonderful mother, full of love and patience? Nicole Krauss
e99791c I had left my anger somewhere long ago. Put it down on a park bench and walked away. And yet. It had been so long, I didn't know any other way of being. One day I woke up and said to myself: It's not too late. The first days were strange. I had to practice smiling in front of the mirror. But it came back to me. It was as if a weight had been lifted. I let go, and something let go of me. forgiveness happiness inspirational Nicole Krauss
7f2852f Doesn't part of the awe that fills us when we confront the unknown come from understanding that, should it at last flood into us and become known, we would be altered? In our view of the stars, we find a measure of our own incompleteness, our still-yet unfinishedness, which is to say, our potential for change, even transformation. That our species is distinguished from others by our hunger and capacity for change has everything to do with o.. Nicole Krauss
f2651dc Me toi da duy tri tinh yeu voi cha nguyen ven nhu mua he ho gap nhau lan dau. De lam duoc dieu nay, me quay lung lai voi cuoc song. Thi thoang me co gang song vai ngay chi bang nuoc va khong khi. Me la sinh vat phuc tap duy nhat lam viec nay, nen co mot loai moi dat ten theo me moi dung. Mot lan cau Julian giai thich cho toi dieu ma nha dieu khac, hoa si Alberto Giacometti noi, rang doi khi chi de ve mot cai dau, ta phai bo di toan bo co th.. Nicole Krauss
bbfbec9 27. Mot viec toi se khong bao gio lam khi lon len Do la yeu, bo hoc dai hoc, hoc cach song bang nuoc va khong khi, co mot loai dat theo ten minh, huy hoai cuoc song cua minh. Khi toi con nho, me thuong nhin toi bang mot anh mat ky la roi noi, "Mot ngay nao do con se yeu." Toi muon noi nhung lai chua bao gio noi: Khong, mot trieu nam nua cung khong." Nicole Krauss
eea5cba Asi pues, el hizo lo mas dificil que habia hecho en su vida: cogio el sombrero y se fue. Y si el hombre que una vez fue el chico que prometio no enamorarse de ninguna otra muchacha mientras viviera cumplio su promesa, no fue por terquedad, ni siquiera por lealtad. No pudo evitarlo. desamor olvido Nicole Krauss
2803196 No se que decir de el sino que me ha conmovido del modo en que uno desea que lo conmueva cada libro que empieza a leer. Quiero decir que, de algun modo que casi no sabria describir, me ha transformado. Nicole Krauss
bcd8d54 Se habia ido, y lo unico que quedaba era el espacio en que habias crecido en torno a ella, rodeandola, como crece un arbol rodeando una cerca. amor desamor Nicole Krauss
645d606 You have to stick up for yourself,"he told me. Nicole Krauss
203de58 Deslizo los dedos por su espalda de arriba abajo, sobre la fina blusa y, durante un momento, se olvido del peligro, agradeciendo que el mundo marque divisiones, para que podamos superarlas sintiendo la dicha de acercarnos al otro mas y mas, aun reconociendo en el fondo, con tristeza, que hay diferencias insuperables. Nicole Krauss
59a84c7 en el momento mas importante de su vida no habia sabido elegir las palabras. palabras vida Nicole Krauss
6006bc0 The third movement is one of the most moving passages ever written, and I've never listened to it without feeling as if I alone have been lifted up on the shoulders of some giant creature touring the charred landscape of all human feeling. Nicole Krauss
ce543fd My child, My love and my regret, as you were when I first laid eyes on you, a tiny old man who hadn't the time to brush off his ancient expression, naked and misshapen in the nurse's arms. Nicole Krauss
b6a3d91 I was familiar with the little mating rituals of getting to know each other, of dragging out the stories from childhood, summer camp, and high school, the famous humiliations, and the adorable things you said as a child, the familial dramas--of having a portrait of yourself, all the while making yourself out to be a little brighter, a little more deep than deep down you knew you actually were. And though I hadn't had more than three or four.. identity love nicole-krauss relationships Nicole Krauss
7018f90 How little needs to stay the same for you to continue the effort they call, for lack of a better word, being human. Nicole Krauss
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