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4e46b21 Les moments de crise produsent un redoublement de vie chez les hommes. Moments of crisis produce a redoubled vitality in men. Or, more succinctly perhaps: Men don't begin to live fully until thier backs are against the wall. Paul Auster
b587251 Now that you are living on such intimate terms with her, Gwyn has emerged as a slightly different person... She is both funnier and more salacious than you imagined, more vulgar and idiosyncratic, more passionate, more playful, and you are startled to realize how deeply she exults in filthy language and the bizarre slang of sex... Common twentieth-century words do not interest her. She shuns the term , for example, in favor of older, more .. Paul Auster
f4b59e5 No one can ever amount to anything in this life without someone else to believe in him. life support Paul Auster
7ae8ba0 The whole scene had an imaginary quality to it. I knew that it was real, but at the same time it was better than reality, more nearly a projection of what I wanted from reality than anything I had experienced before. Paul Auster
6d05aca There were dozens of pictures similar to the one I had found in the Brooklyn Museum; the same forest, the same moon, the same silence. The moon was always full in these works, and it was always the same: small, perfectly round circle in the middle of the canvas, glowing with the palest white light. After I had looked at five or six of them, they gradually began to separate themselves from their surrounds, and I was no long able to see them .. Paul Auster
806ae9e Since all is plenum, all matter is connected and all movement in the plenum produces some effect on the distant bodies, in proportion to the distance. Hence every body is affected not only by those with which is in contact, and thus feels in some way everything that happens to them; but through them it also feels those that touch the ones with which it is in immediate contact. Hence it follows that the communication extends over any distanc.. Paul Auster
7666495 what at first had seemed to be no more than a small bump in the road was turned into a full-scale misfortune Paul Auster
e1dc1b0 n`m, hnk 'shy kthyr@ 'sh`r blkhjl mnh. 'Hyn l tbdw ly Hyty 'kthr mn slsl@ mn lndmt, wln`Tft lkhTy'@, wl'khT lty l tuGtafar. hdhh hy lmshkl@ `ndm tbd' blnZr l~ lwr. nka tr~ nfsk km kunta, wtsh`r blr`b. lknaW l'wn qd ft lan `l~ l`tdhr, 'n 'drku hdh. ft l'wn `l~'y shy m `d mwSl@ m '`ml. Paul Auster
20df577 That's how it is with want. As long as you lack something, you yearn for it without cease. If only I could have that one thing, you tell yourself, all my problems would be solved. But once you get it, once the object of your desires is thrust into your hands, it begins to lose its charm. Other wants assert themselves, other desires make themselves felt, and bit by bit you discover that you're right back where you started. knowledge wisdom Paul Auster
4284d02 The difference was not that one was a pessimist and the other an optimist, it was that one's pessimism had led to an ethos of fear, and the other's pessimism had led to a noisy, fractious disdain for Everything-That-Was. One shrank, the other flailed. One toed the line, the other crossed it out. Much of the time they were at loggerheads, and because Willy found it so easy to shock his mother, he rarely wasted an opportunity to provoke an ar.. optimism pessimism rebellion son Paul Auster
492db7e una vida rota por el exceso y la escasez de este mundo exceso vida Paul Auster
fb53d7d They have trapped Blue into doing nothing, into being so inactive as to reduce his life to almost no life at all. Yes, says Blue to himself, that's what it feels like: like nothing at all. He feels like a man who has been condemned to sit in a room and go on reading a book for the rest of his life. This is strange enough - to be only half alive at best, seeing the world only through words, living only through the lives of others. reader Paul Auster
5e48825 She seemed perfect to you, and even during her first attack of vertigo, which you happened to witness when you were six (the two of you climbing up the inner staircase of the Statue of Liberty), you were not alarmed, because she was a good and conscientious mother, and she managed to hide her fear from you by turning the descent into a game: sitting on the stairs together and going down one step at a time, asses on the rungs, laughing all t.. Paul Auster
11e62bd He realized that for Ponge there was no division between the work of writing and the work of seeing. For no word can be written without first having been seen, and before it finds its way to the page it must first have been part of the body, a physical presence that one has lived with in the same way one lives with one's heart, one's stomach, and one's brain. Memory, then, not so much as the past contained within us, but as proof of our lif.. Paul Auster
b70eb8d Hjm kfyh wljld ldhy khshwshn Hwl mfSlh y'kl lqshr@ lmtkwn@ `l~ sTH lshwkwl lskhn@ lshy bllymwn 'kwbh lmwz`@ Hwl lmnzl, 'kwbh blHwf lswd, Hwl HwD lGsyl, `l~ lTwlt. mshhdth yl`b ltns. lTryq@ lty tTqTq bh rkbth 'Hyn wjhh. shbhh bbrhm lynkn. shj`th m` lklb. wjhh mn jdyd. wjhh. lsmk@ lstwy'y@. Paul Auster
9d64f24 I have always been a plodder, a person who anguishes and struggles over each sentence, and even on my best days I do no more than inch along, crawling on my belly like a man lost in the desert. The smallest word is surrounded by acres of silence for me, and even after I manage to get that word down on the page, it seems to sit there like a mirage, a speck of doubt glimmering in the sand. Paul Auster
42da4c3 Everything is connected to everything else, every story overlaps with every other story. Paul Auster
528442f At fifty-seven, I felt old. Now, at seventy-four, I feel much younger than I did then. Paul Auster
c550a29 The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. Paul Auster
ec07e69 Such were the contradictions of manhood, Ferguson discovered. Your heart could be broken, but your gonads kept telling you to forget about your heart. Paul Auster
fa1588c I'm not going to apologize for things that need no apology. Paul Auster
fdc77fb And that's finally all anyone wants out of a book- to be amused Paul Auster
c6df980 In fifteen years, Sachs traveled from one end of himself to the other, and by the time he came to that last place, I doubt he even knew who he was anymore. So much distance had been covered by then, it wouldn't have been possible for him to remember where he had begun. Paul Auster
1d37120 ambition meant never being satisfied, to be always hungering for something more, constantly pushing forward because no success could ever be big enough to quell the need for new and even bigger successes, Paul Auster
1db6f25 but such is the price you pay for leaving home, and as long as you continue to travel, the nowhere that lies between the here of home and the there of somewhere else will continue to be one of the places where you live. Paul Auster
0f14203 It's just another word for the same thing. You want to believe in some hidden purpose. You're trying to persuade yourself there's a reason for what happens in the world. I don't care what you call it--God or luck or harmony-- it all comes down to the same bullshit. It's a way of avoiding the facts, of refusing to look at how things really work. Paul Auster
c42ea6d It was one of the most sublimely exhilarating moments of my life. I was half a step in front of the real, an inch or two beyond the confines of my body, and when the thing happened just as I thought it would, I felt my skin had become transparent. I wasn't occupying space anymore so much as melting into it. What was around me was also inside me, and I had only to look into myself in order to see the world. Paul Auster
0f58ad5 The sun is the past, the earth is the present, the moon is the future. Paul Auster
caa5aa8 Significa que no puedes vivir sin los demas -dije-. Cuando estan ahi en carne y hueso, el mundo real es suficiente. Cuando estas solo, tienes que inventarte personajes, los necesitas para que te hagan compania. Paul Auster
028f5d4 For the fact is that it takes a great deal of self-confidence for a person to poke fun at himself, and a person with that kind of self-confidence is rarely a fool or a bungler. Paul Auster
e3ffd4f The telephone was not his favorite object, and more than once he had considered getting rid of his. What he disliked most of all was its tyranny. Not only did it have the power to interrupt him against his will, but inevitably he would give in to its command. tyranny Paul Auster
470fb84 Without him, we are nothing, but the paradox is that we, the figments of another mind, will outlive the mind that made us, for once we are thrown into the world, we continue to exist forever, and our stories go on being told, even after we are dead. Paul Auster
0402c5e A lot of film people are like that- especially the ones below the line, the blue-collar guys, the grunts. They like putting their hands on the equipment and getting it to do things for them. It's not about art or ideas. It's about working at something and making it come out right. film filmmaking Paul Auster
30200f1 I am a man, not an angel, and if the grief that overtook me occasionally blurred my vision and led to certain lapses of conduct, that in no way should cast doubt on the truth of my story. Before anyone tries to discredit me by pointing to those stains on my record, I come forward of my own free will and openly pronounce my guilt to the world. These are treacherous times, and I know how easily perceptions can be twisted by a single word spok.. Paul Auster
2cf08ac We are not where we are . . . but in a false position. Through an infirmity of our natures, we suppose a case, and put ourselves into it, and hence are in two cases at the same time, and it is doubly difficult to get out. Paul Auster
ac5b5e1 Ferguson was naked in that bed, too, and everything felt so good to him, so perfectly in accord with how he imagined it would feel, that for once in his life the real and the imagined were identical, absolutely and as never before once and the same thing, which had to make it the happiest moment of his life so far, he believed, since Ferguson was not someone who subscribed to the notion that desire fulfilled was desire disappointed, at leas.. Paul Auster
208e072 As long as you're dreaming, there's always a way out. Paul Auster
e0a8582 That work was what appealed to him most about their conversations. Tom liked having to think fast, and he found it invigorating to push his mind in unaccustomed directions for a change, to be forced to stay on his toes. Paul Auster
23ca326 The Adlers were diminishing. They had begun to look like one of those families in which no one got to be very old. Paul Auster
bb2fa2b Cada hombre es distinto de todos los demas, y cuando ocurren cosas horribles, cada cual reacciona a su manera. reacción Paul Auster
9ae89c1 Our hearts know what is in them, even if our mouths remain silent. And the world will know what it is, even when nothing remains in our hearts. Paul Auster
33f7512 If some saw the Indians as living in prelapsarian innocence, there were others who judged them to be savage beasts, devils in the form of men. The discovery of cannibals in the Caribbean did nothing to assuage this opinion. The Spaniards used it as a justification to exploit the natives mercilessly for their own mercantile ends. For if you do not consider the man before you to be human, there are few restraints of conscience on your behavio.. carribean indians native-americans spanish-colonial-period Paul Auster
181cda5 Leer por puro placer, por la hermosa quietud que te envuelve cuando resuenan en la cabeza las palabras de un autor. Paul Auster
5c371d6 There's an imp inside me, and if I don't let him out to make some mischief now and then, the world just gets too damned dull. I hate feeling grumpy and bored. I'm an enthusiast, and the more dangerous my life becomes, the happier I am. Paul Auster
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