The hands of the artificer," Paul said, "had wu, and allowed that wu to flow into this piece. Possibly he himself knows only that this piece satisfies. It is complete, Robert. By contemplating it, we gain more wu ourselves."
Philip K. Dick |
To inspire himself, he lit up a marijuana cigarette, excellent Land-O-Smiles brand.
Philip K. Dick |
We really do see astigmatically, in fundamental sense: our space and our time creations of our own psyche, and when these momentarily falter--like acute disturbance of middle ear. Occasionally we list eccentrically, all sense of balance gone.
Philip K. Dick |
The Tao is that which first lets the light, then the dark. Occasions the interplay of the two primal forces so that there is always renewal. It is that which keeps it all from wearing down. The universe will never be extinguished because just when the darkness seems to have smothered all, to be truly transcendent, the new seeds of light are reborn in the very depths. That is the Way. When the seed falls, it falls into the earth, into the so..
Philip K. Dick |
If I'm an andy," Phil Resch said, "and you kill me, you can have my squirrel. Here; I'll write it out, willing it to you."
Philip K. Dick |
How long that part of the cycle had lasted he did not now know; nothing had happened, generally, so it had been measureless.
Philip K. Dick |
Yet, the dark fire waned: the life force oozed out of her, as he had so often witnessed before with other androids. The classic resignation. Mechanical, intellectual acceptance of that which a genuine organism - with two billion years of the pressure to live and evolve hagriding it - could never have reconciled itself to.
Philip K. Dick |
there was once only the dust particles in space, the hot hydrogen gases, nothing more, and it will come again. This is an interval, ein Augenblick. The cosmic process is hurrying on, crushing life back into the granite and methane; the wheel turns for all life. It is all temporary. And they--these madmen--respond to the granite, the dust, the longing of the inanimate; they want to aid Natur. And, he thought, I know why. They want to be the ..
Philip K. Dick |
But reality cannot be ignored; we must grow up.
Philip K. Dick |
She smiled innocuously--at variance with her words. At this point he could not discern her degree of seriousness. A topic of world-shaking importance, yet dealt with facetiously; an android trait, possibly, he thought. No emotional awareness, no feeling-sense of the actual meaning of what she said. Only the hollow, formal, intellectual definitions of the separate terms. And, more, Rachael had begun to tease him. Imperceptibly she had passed..
Philip K. Dick |
The weather is schon, so schon. But there is nothing to breathe...
Philip K. Dick |
Oracle, why did you write The Grasshopper Lies Heavy? What are we supposed to learn?
Philip K. Dick |
After her initial fear had diminished, something else had begun to emerge from her. Something more strange. And, he thought, deplorable. A coldness. Like, he thought, a breath from the vacuum between inhabited worlds, in fact from nowhere: it was not what she did or said but what she did not do and say. "Some other time," the girl said, and moved back toward her apartment door."
Philip K. Dick |
It is the basic condition of life, to be required to violate your own identity.
Philip K. Dick |
Isn't a beautiful dream better than a cruel reality?
Philip K. Dick |
You stupid bastard, does what you're fighting for look so real now? Skin pigment. What a laugh! Why not eye color? Too bad nobody ever thought of that. It cuts it a little finer, but basically it's the same thing.
Philip K. Dick |
When you had hopes once,' Hadley explained after a pause, 'it's always hard to go on after you give them up. It's not so hard to give them up; that part is easy. After all, you've got to, sometimes. But afterward . . .' He gestured, grunting, '. . . What takes their place? Nothing. And the emptiness is frightening. It's so big. It sort of absorbs everything else; sometimes it's bigger than the whole world. It grows. It becomes bottomless.
Philip K. Dick |
Dovunque andrai, ti si richiedera di fare qualcosa di sbagliato. E la condizione fondamentale della vita essere costretti a far violenza alla propria personalita. Prima o poi, tutte le creature viventi devono farlo. E l'ombra estrema, il difetto della creazione; e la maledizione che si compie, la maledizione che si nutre della vita. In tutto l'universo.>>
Philip K. Dick |
You're an unusual person," she said. "Bill didn't like you, but he never likes anything different. He's so--so prosaic. Don't you think that when a person gets older he should become--broadened in his outlook?"
Philip K. Dick |
I didn't choose to get entangled in my domestic life, my boxer's clinch with Kathy. And if you think I did or do, it's because you're morbidly young. You've failed to pass from adolescent freedom into the land which I inhabit: married to a woman who is economically, intellectually, and even this, too, even erotically my superior.
Philip K. Dick |
One more in a long line, a dreary entity among many others like him, an almost endless number of brain-damaged retards. Biological life goes on, he thought. But the soul, the mind--everything else is dead. A reflex machine. Like some insect. Repeating doomed patterns, a single pattern, over and over now. Appropriate or not.
Philip K. Dick |
Benteley: - Biliyorum, dedi. Hasta bir adamim. Ne kadar cok sey gorursem o kadar cok hastalaniyorum, oylesine hastayim ki kendimden baska her kesi hasta goruyorum. Cok kotu bir anlayis degil mi? Eleanor bir solukta: - Evet, dedi. - Butun bunlari bir cekiste yikmak istiyorum, fakat buna luzum gormuyorum, cunku nasil olsa kendi kendisine cokuyor. Her sey cok zayif ve kopmak uzere. Oyunlar, Lotari... bunlarin hepsi cocuk oyuncaklari! Butun bun..
Philip K. Dick |
We live in a society where detachment is almost essential.
Philip K. Dick |
If they had won, all they'd have thought about was making more money, the upper class. Abendsen, he's wrong; there would be no social reform, no welfare public works plans--the Anglo-Saxon plutocrats wouldn't have permitted it." Juliana thought, Spoken like a devout Fascist."
Philip K. Dick |
It is not hubris, not pride; it is inflation of the ego to its ultimate - confusion between him who worships and that which is worshipped. Man has not eaten God; God has eaten man.
Philip K. Dick |
Flow my tears, fall from your springs! Exiled forever let me mourn; Where night's black bird her sad infamy sings, There let me live forlorn.
Philip K. Dick |
Life is short, he thought. Art, or something not life, is long, stretching out endless, like concrete worm. Flat, white, unsmoothed by any passage over or across it. Here I stand. But no longer. Taking the small box, he put the Edfrank jewellery piece away in his coat pocket.
Philip K. Dick |
36:...Something has happened to our intelligence. My reasoning is this: arrangements of part of the Brain is a language. We are parts of the Brain; therefore, we are language. Why, then, do we not know this?
Philip K. Dick |
I could see why she felt attracted to Sam K. Barrows. Birds of a feather, or rather lizards of a scale.
Philip K. Dick |
If you'll remember, helping people was one of the two basic things Fat has been told long ago to give up; helping people and taking dope. He had stopped taking dope, but all his energy and enthusiasm were now totally channeled into saving people. Better he had kept on with the dope.
Philip K. Dick |
That's because you're a highly moral person. I'm not. I don't judge, not even myself.
Philip K. Dick |
Dr Stone wasn't insane; Stone was a healer. He held down the right job. Probably he healed many people and in many ways. He adapted his therapy to the individual, not the individual to the therapy.
Philip K. Dick |
It will end, Childan thought. Someday. The very idea of place. Not governed and governing, but people. And
Philip K. Dick |
If this place were closer to Terra there'd be empty beer cans and plastic plates strewn around. The trees would be gone. There'd be old jet motors in the water. The beaches would stink to high heaven. Terran Development would have a couple of million little plastic houses set up everywhere.
Philip K. Dick |
When I was a child I thought as a child. But now I have put away childish things. Now I must seek in other realms.
Philip K. Dick |
Perhaps, deformed as it was, Earth remained familiar, to be clung to. Or possibly the non-emigrant imagined that the tent of dust would deplete itself finally.
Philip K. Dick |
But we cannot do it all at once; it is a sequence. An unfolding process. We can only control the end by making a choice at each step. He
Philip K. Dick |
His projected face bony and intense, Garth peered out of his booth like an aroused turtle.
Philip K. Dick |
For years, the Pacific had been trying to get basic assistance in the synthetics field from the Reich. However, the big German chemical cartels, I. G. Farben in particular, had harbored their patents; had, in fact, created a world monopoly in plastics, especially in the developments of the polyesters. By this means, Reich trade had kept an edge over Pacific trade, and in technology the Reich was at least ten years ahead. The interplanetary ..
Philip K. Dick |
Are--you dying?" she asked. "Just can't breathe. This air." "Poor, poor--good lord. I've forgotten your name." "Hell of a thing." "Barney!" He clutched her. "No! Don't stop!" She arched her back. Her teeth chattered. "I wasn't going to," he said. "Oooaugh!" He laughed. "Don't please laugh at me." "Not meant unkindly." A long silence, then. Then, "Oof."
Philip K. Dick |
Okay? You'll be a knockout. Listen, we'll buy a bottle of high-price Scotch and take it along. That Vat 69.' Frank,
Philip K. Dick |
Fakat zaten cokmek uzere olan bir toplumda ne yapabilirsiniz? Cokmus kanunlara mi uyarsiniz? Kotu bir kanunu saymamak suc mu? Ya da kotuluge kullanilan bir yemini bozmak suc mu?
Philip K. Dick |
I love you," Rachael said. "If I entered a room and found a sofa covered with your hide I'd score very high on the Voigt-Kampff test."
Philip K. Dick |
The linking and relinking of objects by the Brain is actually a language, but not a language like ours (since it is addressing itself and not someone or something outside itself.)
Philip K. Dick |