And this knowledge you say you've acquired--are you conscious of an increase in it since your ill-fated visit to the library?" Fed nodded. "I know more than ever."
Richard Matheson |
They said he used to cackle and bark in his crib after dark. They said he walked at two months and sat staring at the moon whenever it shone. Those were things that people said. His parents were always worried about him. An only child, they noticed his flaws quickly. They thought he was blind until the doctor told them it was just a vacuous stare.
Richard Matheson |
Emily Post mincing through the graveyard. Etiquette for Young Vampires.
Richard Matheson |
They thought he was blind until the doctor told them it was just a vacuous stare. He told them that Jules, with his large head, might be a genius or an idiot. It turned out he was an idiot. He never spoke a word until he was five. Then, one night coming up to supper, he sat down at the table and said "Death." --
Richard Matheson |
Anyone who couldn't understand that what's important is a man's soul, not the color of his skin, would never be content here.
Richard Matheson |
After the first few weeks of building up intense hope about the dog, it had slowly dawned on him that intense hope was not the answer and never had been. In a world of monotonous horror there could be no salvation in wild dreaming. Horror he had adjusted to. But monotony was the greater obstacle, and he realized it now, understood it at long last. And understanding it seemed to give him a sort of quiet peace, a sense of having spread all th..
Richard Matheson |
Rather than go on suffering, he had learned to stultify himself to introspection. Time had lost its multidimensional scope. There was only the present for Robert Neville; a present based on day-to-day survival marked by neither heights of joy nor depths of despair. I am predominantly vegetable, he often thought to himself. That was the way he wanted it.
Richard Matheson |
There were no servants to maintain the house; they were indistinguishable from the guests by then.
Richard Matheson |
Each man's life is a tome of episodes. Consider all the moments of your life enumerated one by one with full description.
Richard Matheson |
Of only one thing I am certain. If the manuscript is true, all of us had better examine our lives. Carefully.
Richard Matheson |
They sat there in the evening of the last day. And, though there was no actual point to it, they loved each other.
Richard Matheson |
Cornered again, Mr. Cook reluctantly made a third duplicate; then a fourth, a fifth. The city, albeit large, soon became thick with William O. Cooks. He would come upon himself at corners, discover himself asking himself for lights, end up, quite literally, beside himself.
Richard Matheson |
He leaned back against the brick step, puffing out slow clouds of smoke. Far out across that field he knew there was still a depression in the ground where he had buried Virginia, where she had unburied herself. But knowing it brought no glimmer of reflective sorrow to his eyes. Rather than go on suffering, he had learned to stultify himself to introspection. Time had lost its multidimensional scope. There was only the present for Robert Ne..
Richard Matheson |
I'd been in the densest part of the earth's aura he told me, an aqueous region which was the source of myths about the waters of Lethe, the River Styx.
Richard Matheson |
I loved Ann and would help her. Nothing in the depths of Hell would keep me from it.
Richard Matheson |
Did you know, Robert, that, in extreme unction, the seven centers of the body--covering the vital organs--are anointed to assist the dying person to withdraw vitality from those organs in preparation for complete withdrawal through the silver cord? And absolution of the dead was established to make certain that the silver cord is severed and all etheric matter withdrawn from the body.
Richard Matheson |
Literally, it was inconceivable to us; as though, by divorcing, we would voluntarily permit ourselves to be torn in half.
Richard Matheson |
All without knowing what it was to love and be loved. That was a tragedy more terrible than becoming a vampire.
Richard Matheson |
Memory was such a worthless thing, really. Nothing it dealt with was attainable. It was concerned with phantom acts and feelings, with all that was uncapturable except in thought. It was without satisfaction. Mostly it hurt....
Richard Matheson |
The gift?" "An ability to utilize the etheric sense despite their encapsulation in the physical body."
Richard Matheson |
Poi un giorno il cane non si presento. Neville entro in agitazione. Si era talmente abituato a quelle visite da trasformarle nel centro della sua routine quotidiana, che aveva riorganizzato intorno ai pasti dell'animale, tralasciando le indagini, accantonando tutto il resto, preso com'era dal desiderio di averlo in casa. Passo il pomeriggio a setacciare il vicinato con i nervi a fior di pelle, chiamandolo a squarciagola. Ma tutte le ricerch..
Richard Matheson |
The essence of it all--this is the important part--was the knowledge that my thoughts had been real. Not just the things I said and did. What went on in my mind as well, positive or negative.
Richard Matheson |
I'm an animal! he exulted. I'm a dumb, stupid animal and I'm going to drink!
Richard Matheson |
And he wonders, deep in the self-isolated recesses of his mind whether he is killing himself with anger, whether he is destroying his system with fury.
Richard Matheson |
The atmosphere in here--
Richard Matheson |
Miro hacia la biblioteca. Aquella sabiduria no calmaria nunca su fuego; siglos y siglos de palabras no podian satisfacer aquel deseo imperativo e irracional.
Richard Matheson |
I will try to be consistent, no longer oscillating like some planet that has lost its way. For, at long last, I have found my sun.
Richard Matheson |
We are meant for one another and none else. I know that to be true. I seem, tonight, to know exactly what love is. (I could play Juliet to perfection at this moment!) It is the key to all hearts and your love has opened mine forever. For me, this world begins and ends with you.
Richard Matheson |
Siempre, a pesar de todo, habia deseado encontrar a un semejante: hombre, mujer, nino, no importaba. Sin la incesante influencia de las masas, el sexo perdia rapidamente importancia. En cambio, la soledad seguia en primera linea.
Richard Matheson |
I can get pissed off very easily.
Richard Matheson |
I thought what father said. Oh god he said. And only eight.
Richard Matheson |
Life is a risk; so is writing. You have to love it.
Richard Matheson |