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4e692f5 Okay," I said. "Just a normal afternoon and two normal people." She nodded. "And so...hypothetically, if these to people likes each other, what would it take to get the stupid guy to kiss the girl, huh?" "Oh..." I felt like one of Apollo's sacred cows-slow, dumb, and bright red. "Um..." humor flirting rachel-dare percy-jackson Rick Riordan
70f0240 I couldn't miss Percy's fifteenth birthday," Poseidon said. "Why, if this were Sparta, Percy would be a man today!" "That's true," Paul said. "I used to teach ancient history." Poseidon's eyes twinkled. "That's me. Ancient history." poseidon Rick Riordan
393954c THAT'S IT!" Terminus cried. "That's AGAINST THE RULES!" Polybotes frowned, obviously confused that he was being told off by a statue. "What are you?" he growled. "Shut up!" He pushed the statue over and turned back to Percy. "Now I'm MAD!" Terminus shrieked. "I'm strangling you. Feel that? Those are my hands around your neck, you big bully. Get over here! I'm going to head-butt you so hard--" humour fiction-fantasy terminus polybotes the-son-of-neptune percy-jackson rick-riordan Rick Riordan
c9123a0 Naturally, Coach Hedge went ballistic; but Percy found it hard to take the satyr seriously since he was barely five feet tall. "Never in my life!" Coach bellowed, waving his bat and knocking over a plate of apples. "Against the rules! Irresponsible!" "Coach," Annabeth said, "it was an accident. We were talking, and we fell asleep." "Besides," Percy said, "you're starting to sound like Terminus." Hedge narrowed his eyes. "Is that an insult, .. coach-hedge terminus heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
f1bdfda Vulcan?" Leo demanded. "I don't even LIKE Star Trek!" Rick Riordan
3ce7003 Daddy will explain. Come, he is blowing up monsters. Rick Riordan
95e716b Stupid rock gods!" Leo yelled from the helm. "That's the time I've had to replace that mast! You think they grow on trees?" Nico frowned. "Masts from trees." "That's not the point!" Rick Riordan
51b897e Being a hero doesn't mean you're invincible. It just means that you're brave enough to stand up and do what's needed. piper-mclean heroes-of-olympus the-mark-of-athena rick-riordan Rick Riordan
6a4b29f Once the others were below, Hazel and Leo faced each other awkwardly. They were alone except for Coach Hedge, who was back on the quarterdeck singing the theme song. The coach had changed the words to: , and Leo really didn't want to know why. humor pokemon heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena hazel-levesque leo-valdez Rick Riordan
3ae9a15 Meat!" he said scornfully. "I'm a vegetarian." You eat cheese enchiladas and aluminum cans," I reminded him. Those are vegetables." -- percy-jackson Rick Riordan
449642b Meat!" he said scornfully. "I'm a vegetarian." You eat cheese enchiladas and aluminum cans," I reminded him. Those are vegetables." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
9d541e2 Fair means everyone gets what they need. And the only way to get what you need is to make it happen yourself. inspirational fair Rick Riordan
fe019e0 And, whoa!" He turned to Mr.D. "Your the wine dude? No way!" Mr.D turned hi eyes away from me and gave Nico a look of loathing. "The wine dude?" "Dionysus, right? Oh, wow! I've got your figurine!" "My figurine." "In my game, Mythomagic. And holofoil card, too! And even though you've only got like five hundred attack points and everybody thinks your the lamest god card, I totally think your powers are sweet!" "Ah." Mr.D seemed truly perplexe.. humor mythomagic nico-diangelo dionysus Rick Riordan
dcdee52 Ah, Mastery of the Five Elements!" "Is that the one we want?" I asked. "No, but a good one. How to tame the five essential elements of the universe - earth, air, water, fire, and cheese!" "Cheese?" Rick Riordan
5568531 I'm not good with children," the god confessed. "Or people. Well, any organic life forms, really." Rick Riordan
1818727 Annabeth's voice caught on the word friend. Percy was a lot more than that. Even boyfriend really didn't cover it. They'd been through so much together, at this point Percy was part of her--a sometimes annoying part, sure, but definitely a part she could not live without. percabeth percy Rick Riordan
f93ef76 In person, if possible, Anubis was even more drop-dead gorgeous. [Oh . . . ha, ha. I didn't catch the pun, but thank you, Carter. God of the dead, drop-dead gorgeous. Yes, hilarious. Now, may I continue?] Rick Riordan
bc661d4 But beauty is about finding the right fit, the most natural fit, To be perfect, you have to feel perfect about yourself --- avoid trying to be something you're not. For a goddess, that's especially hard. We can change so easily beauty love inspirational Rick Riordan
9fa4148 But beauty is about finding the right fit, the most natural fit, To be perfect, you have to feel perfect about yourself --- avoid trying to be something you're not. For a goddess, that's especially hard. We can change so easily. -Aphrodite love inspirational Rick Riordan
ab3d0ba What I did next was so impulsive and dangerous I should've been named ADHD poster child of the year. Rick Riordan
afeb182 This is so cool!" Nico said, jumping up and down in the driver's seat. "Is this really the sun? I thought Helios and Selene were the sun and moon gods. How come sometimes it's them and sometimes it's you and Artemis?" "Downsizing," Apollo said. "The Romans started it. They couldn't afford all those temple sacrifices, so they laid off Helios and Selene and folded their duties into our job descriptions. My sis got the moon. I got the sun. It .. artemis nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
7127472 He forced his fists to unclench. "Look, lady, we're not going to go all Hunger Games on each other. Isn't going to happen." rick-riordan leo-valdez Rick Riordan
2c42a9f Part of their problem was Percy. He fought like a demon, whirling through the defender's ranks in a completely unorthodox style, rolling under their feet, slashing with his sword instead of stabbing like a Roman would, whacking campers with the flat of his blade, and generally causing mass panic. son-of-neptune heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson hazel-levesque Rick Riordan
d30d21c Aretmis gripped her bow. "Let us pray I am wrong." Can goddesses pray?" goddess goddesses gods percy-jackson rick riordan
1dcc3c8 Good fighting with you, Seaweed Brain." Ditto." percy-jackson Rick Riordan
49e9a76 Huh," Leo said. "Well, if you ever get off this island and want a job, let me know. You're not a total klutz." She smirked. "A job, eh?" Making things in your forge?" "Nah, we could start our own shop," Leo said, surprising himself. Starting a machine shop had always been one of his dreams, but he'd never told anyone about it. "Leo and Calypso's Garage: Auto Repair and Mechanical Monsters." funny humor love leo-valdez Rick Riordan
31f0c7b She studied me with concern. She touched the new streak of gray in my hair that matched hers exactly--our painful souvenir from holding Atlas's burden. There was a lot I'd wanted to say to Annabeth, but Athena had taken the confidence out of me. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. "So," Annabeth said. "What did you want to tell me earlier?" The music was playing. People were dancing in the streets. I said, "I, uh, was thinking we got i.. athena percy-jackson Rick Riordan
2849bec Nico," I said at last, "shouldn't you be sitting at the Hades table?" He shrugged. "Technically, yes. But if I sit alone at my table, strange things happen. Cracks open in the floor. Zombies crawl out and start roaming around. It's a mood disorder. I can't control it. That's what I told Chiron. " "And is it true?" I asked. Nico smiled thinly. "I have a note from my doctor." Will raised his hand. "I'm his doctor." solangelo will-solace Rick Riordan
905263e Mr. D, wearing his leopard-skin jogging suit and rummaging through the refrigerator. He looked up lazily. "Do you mind?" Where's Chiron!" I shouted. How rude." Mr. D took a swig from a jug of grape juice. "Is that how you say hello?" Hello," I amended. "We're about to die! Where's Chiron?" Rick Riordan
940d53c I ... what? Why would you want a son of Hades in the same room with people you're trying to heal? Why would anyone want that?' 'You can't help out a friend? Maybe cut bandages? Bring me a soda or a snack? Or just a simple How's it going, Will? You don't think I could stand to see a friendly face?' 'What ... my face?' The words simply didn't make sense together: Friendly face. Nico di Angelo. will-solace Rick Riordan
6b11da3 Juno: "All roads lead there child. You should know that." Percy: "Detention?" rick riordan
3448612 Akhlys lunged at Percy, and for a split second he thought: Well, hey, I'm just smoke. She can't touch me, right? He imagined the Fates up in Olympus, laughing at his wishful thinking: LOL, NOOB! Rick Riordan
8219869 Remake the world, a little at a time, each in your own corner of the world. world inspirational incrementalism Rick Riordan
f296f00 Oh, I wouldn't say Love always makes you happy. Sometimes it makes you incredibly sad. Rick Riordan
5f35cc8 I'm so glad you're here," Aphrodite said. "War is coming. Bloodshed is inevitable. So there's really only one thing to do." "Uh... and that is?" Annabeth ventured. "Why, have tea and chat, obviously" aphrodite the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
b3319ce I looked down at my clothes. They were slashed to pieces and full of bullet holes, but I was fine. Not a mark on me. Nico's mouth hung open. "You just . . . with a sword . . . you just--" "I think the river thing worked," I said. "Oh gee," he said sarcastically. "You think?" percy-jackson nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
25137be Look," Percy continued, "I know I'm new here. I know you guys don't like to mention the massacre in the nineteen eighties-" "He mentioned it!" one of the ghosts whimpered." son-of-neptune rick-riordan rome Rick Riordan
bff1884 Dude! said a party pony as he unloaded his gear. Did you see that bear guy? He was all like: 'Whoa, I have an arrow in my mouth! Rick Riordan
99df7b9 Right," she said, "We're going to the Land of the Dead and I shouldn't think negative." positive humor negative underworld percy-jackson Rick Riordan
0058b6a Gabe scratched his double chin. "Maybe if you hurry with the seven-layer dip...And maybe if the kid apologizes for interrupting my poker game." Maybe if I kick you in your soft spot, I thought. And make you sing Soprano for a week." negotiation percy-jackson Rick Riordan
2ad648b Everyone thinks you've been kidnapped," he said. "We've been scouring the ship. When Coach Hedge finds out- oh, gods, you've been here all night?" "Frank!" Annabeth's ears were as red as strawberries. "We just came down here to talk. We fell asleep. Accidentally. That's it." "Kissed a couple of times," Percy said. Annabeth glared at him. "Not helping!" kissing funny humor oh-my-god-percy otp-foreva lol Rick Riordan
643a7c7 There were a lot of answers I might've given, from "I knew that" to "LIAR!" to "Yeah right, and I'm Zeus." - Percy, after Quintus says that he is Daedalus" Rick Riordan
3a7f8e3 Piper] rushed to get dressed. By the time she got up on deck, the others had already gathered--all hastily dressed except for Coach Hedge, who had pulled the night watch. Frank's Vancouver Winter Olympics shirt was inside out. Percy wore pajama pants and a bronze breastplate, which was an interesting fashion statement. Hazel's hair was all blown to one side as though she'd walked through a cyclone; and Leo had accidentally set himself on f.. piper-mclean percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena frank-zhang hazel-levesque the-heroes-of-olympus leo-valdez fashion Rick Riordan
70eda02 A demigod!" one snarled. "Eat it!" yelled another. But that's as far as they got before I slashed a wide arc with Riptide and vaporized the entire front row of monsters. "Back off!" I yelled at the rest, trying to sound fierce. Behind them stood their instructor--a six-foot tall telekhine with Doberman fangs snarling at me. I did my best to stare him down. "New lesson, class," I announced. "Most monsters will vaporize when sliced with a cel.. Rick Riordan