Surfing?" he asked. She laughed, and the sound sent a shock wave through the water. The wailing faded to background noise. Annabeth wondered if anyone had ever laughed in Tartarus before--just a pure, simple laugh of pleasure. She doubted it."
Rick Riordan |
Now, I figured that the built-up gas in most boys' locker rooms was enough to cause an explosion, so I wasn't surprised when the flaming dodgeball ignited a huge WHOOOOOOOM!
Rick Riordan |
Oh, yeah?" Leo growled. "Well, maybe you got the smoke, buddy, but I've got the fire."
Rick Riordan |
Sam again demonstrated her affection for me by not clubbing my brains out. We were having a friendship fest here at the Thinking Cup.
Rick Riordan |
Thankfully,two old friends stood next to the throne. Horus wore full battle armor and a khopesh sword at his side.is kohl-lined eyes-one gold, one silver-were as piercing as ever. At his side stood Isis in a shimmering white gown, with wings of light. "Welcome," Horus said. "Um, hi," I said. "He has a way with words," Isis muttered, which made Sadie snort."
Rick Riordan |
Besides," I said, "you don't want my soul. It's really small. I don't use it much. I doubt it even works anymore."
Rick Riordan |
Percy stormed over to the magical cooler. No one tried to stop him. He knocked open the lid and rummaged throught the ice. There had to be one. Please. He was rewarded with s silver-and-red can of soda. He brandished it at the dolphin warriors as if spraying them with bug repellent. "Behold!" Percy shouted. "The god's chosen beverage. Tremble before the horror of Diet Coke!"
Rick Riordan |
All da cows love Leo.
Rick Riordan |
When Nico had woken up at Barrachina and found the Hunters' note about kidnapping Reyna, he'd torn apart the courtyard in rage. He didn't want the Hunters stealing another important person from him. Fortunately, he'd got Reyna back, but he didn't like how brooding she had become. Every time he tried to ask her about the incident on the Calle San Jose - those ghosts on the balcony, all staring at her, whispering accusations - Reyna shut him ..
Rick Riordan |
Annabeth jogged towards us, giving me one of those annoyed expressions like, If you get yourself killed, I'm going to murder you.
Rick Riordan |
Dang! Snake people know how to make bundt cake.
Rick Riordan |
The coach could do a goat-hoof tap dance around Nico's head and the son of Hades wouldn't even budge.
Rick Riordan |
Freak is easily spooked. Flesh-eating monsters tend to scare him away. So do fireworks, clowns, and the smell of Sadie's weird British Ribena drink. (Can't blame him on that last one. Sadie grew up in London and developed some pretty strange tastes.
Rick Riordan |
Suit yourself.' Sadie shouldered her pack, then helped Annabeth up. 'You say Carter drew a hieroglyph on your boyfriend's hand. All well and good, but I'd rather stay in touch with you directly.' Annabeth smirked. 'You're right. Can't trust boys to communicate.' They exchanged cell-phone numbers. 'Just don't call unless it's urgent,' Annabeth warned. 'Cell-phone activity attracts monsters.' Sadie looked surprised. 'Really? Never noticed. I ..
Rick Riordan |
Just Leo's luck. A super-hot immortal girl was waiting for him on Ogygia, but he couldn't figure out how to wire a stupid chunk of rock into the three-thousand-year-old navigation device. Some problems even duct tape couldn't solve.
Rick Riordan |
Actually," he said, "you're not far off. Uncle Leo brought some toys for all you good little demigods."
Rick Riordan |
THEY FOUND LEO AT THE TOP of the city fortifications. He was sitting at an open-air cafe, overlooking the sea, drinking a cup of coffee and dressed in...wow. Time warp. Leo's outfit was identical to the one he'd worn the day they first arrived at Camp Half-Blood--jeans, a white shirt, and an old army jacket. Except that jacket had burned up months ago. Piper nearly knocked him out of his chair with a hug. "Leo! Gods, where have you been?" "..
Rick Riordan |
Its our loot. If you don't like it, you can kiss my quiver
Rick Riordan |
Frank grabbed a tourist brochure stuck under the napkin dispenser. He began to read it. Piper patted Leo's arm, like she couldn't believe he was really here. Nico stood at the edge of the group, eyeing the passing pedestrians as if they might be enemies. Coach Hedge munched on the salt and pepper shakers. Despite the happy reunion, everybody seemed more subdued than usual--like they were picking up on Leo's mood. Jason had never really cons..
Rick Riordan |
Everyone knows that when advancing into danger, the soprano goes first. They are your infantry, while the altos and tenors are your cavalry, and the bass your artillery.
Rick Riordan |
Kekrops leaned away from Hazel as if she somehow offended him. 'Millennia ago, we were driven underground by the two-legged humans, but I know the ways of the city better than any. I came to warn you. If you try to approach the Acropolis aboveground, you will be destroyed.' Jason stopped nibbling his cake. 'You mean ... by you?' 'By Porphyrion's armies,' said the snake king. 'The Acropolis is ringed with great siege weapons - onagers.' ' o..
Rick Riordan |
Nico twisted his skull ring. Around him, bones began to quiver as if they were trying to form a new skeleton. Whenever he got moody, Nico had that effect on the dead, kind of like Hazel's curse. Between them, they represented Pluto's two spheres of control: death and riches. Sometimes Hazel thought Nico had gotten the better end of the deal.
Rick Riordan |
Welcome, praetor!" he said. "You need any giants' faces smashed while you're in town, just let me know." "Thanks, Terminus," Percy said. "I'll keep that in mind." "Yes, good. Your praetor's cape is an inch too low on the left. There--that's better. Where is my assistant? Julia!" The little girl ran out from behind the pedestal. She was wearing a green dress tonight, and her hair was still in pigtails. When she smiled, Percy saw that her fro..
Rick Riordan |
Meg, what I'm about to do - never, ever try this on your own." I felt a bit silly giving this advice to a girl who regulartly fought monsters with golden swords, but I had promised Bill Nye the Science Guy I would always promote safe laboratory practices."
Rick Riordan |
Meg, what I'm about to do - never, ever try this on your own." I felt a bit silly giving this advice to a girl who regularly fought monsters with golden swords, but I had promised Bill Nye the Science Guy I would always promote safe laboratory practices."
Rick Riordan |
I scanned the bookshelves: my favourite fantasy and horror authors from when I was younger - Stephen King, Darren Shan, Neal Shusterman, Michael Grant, Joe Hill;
Rick Riordan |
This potato - is this potato named Steve?" She rolled her eyes. "No, stupid. That's Phil. The bread is Steve."
Rick Riordan |
The parrot eyed me cautiously, like he was forming a vague memory of unhappier times, before Jimmy Buffett and ganja. "Noisy bastard," he decided."
Rick Riordan |
No stupid. That's Phil. The bread is Steve.
Rick Riordan |
Rick Riordan |