I saw the Old Moon with the New Moon in her arms, hovering above a row of poplars. The
Roger Zelazny |
Excuse me, please. You do not understand. You do not really understand who it was we talked with in the tent that night. He may have seemed an ordinary man to you - a handicapped one, at that. But this is not so. I fear Benedict. He is the Master of Arms for Amber. Can you conceive of a millennium? A thousand years? Several of them? Can you understand a man who, for almost every day of a lifetime like that, has spent some time dwelling with..
Roger Zelazny |
Amber casts an infinity of shadows, and my Avalon had cast many of its own, because of my presence there. I might be known on many earths that I had never trod, for shadows of myself had walked them, mimicking imperfectly my deeds and my thoughts.
Roger Zelazny |
Wishes, wishes," I told him, "Wish in one hand and do something else in the other, and squeeze them both and see which comes true."
Roger Zelazny |
We talked the moon out of heavens before either of us grew tired.
Roger Zelazny |
So I simply said one of the great trite truths: "There is generally more than one side to a story."
Roger Zelazny |
Of all my relations, I like sex the best and Eric the least.
Roger Zelazny |
Wheels turning, the motorcycle's roar grows steady, which, too, is a form of silence.
Roger Zelazny |
Predosjecaji su se igrali lovice u dubinama moga uma, ali niti jedan od njih nije mi se svidao dovoljno da bih ga poveo na rucak.
Roger Zelazny |
Beyond the River of the Blessed, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Avalon. Our swords were shattered in our hands and we hung our shields on the oak tree. The silver towers were fallen, into a sea of blood. How many miles to Avalon? None, I say, and all. The silver towers are fallen.
Roger Zelazny |
Blindspin. A single name of a multitude of practices centered about the auto-driven auto. Flashing across the country in the sure hands of an invisible chauffeur, windows all opaque, night dark, sky high, tires assailing the road below like four phantom buzzsaws--and starting from scratch and ending in the same place, and never knowing where you are going or where you have been--it is possible, for a moment, to kindle some feeling of indivi..
Roger Zelazny |
We crossed a small but sturdy wooden bridge a little later, but no trolls were taking tolls.
Roger Zelazny |
A single name of a multitude of practices centered about the auto-driven auto. Flashing across the country in the sure hands of an invisible chauffeur, windows all opaque, night dark, sky high, tires assailing the road below like four phantom buzzsaws--and starting from scratch and ending in the same place, and never knowing where you are going or where you have been--it is possible, for a moment, to kindle some feeling of individuality in ..
Roger Zelazny |
What an enormous chutzpah you possess," I told him. "What makes you better than the rest of us, and more fit to rule?" "The fact that I was able to occupy the throne," he replied. "Try and take it."
Roger Zelazny |
But that is the way it is with all oracles, Jack. When that which is foreseen comes to pass, the inquirer is no longer the same person he was when he posed the question. It is impossible to make a man understand what he will become with the passage of time; and it is only a future self to whom a prophecy is truly relevant.
Roger Zelazny |
Ponimat' sebia i vlastovat' nad soboiu - eto ne odno i to zhe.
Roger Zelazny |
As he was cast over the edge, he was able to turn and look upward. Falling, he saw a dark figure in the sky that grew even as his eyes passed over it. Of course, he thought, he has finally looked upon the sunrise and been freed ... Wings folded, his great, horned countenance impassive, Morningstar dropped like a black meteor. As he drew near, he extended his arms full length and opened his massive hands. Jack wondered whether he would arriv..
Roger Zelazny |
Stubama i dolje. Ni zvuka odozdo. Znaci kasno je. Dobro. Jos jedan dan, a jos smo zivi. Mozda cak i malo mudriji. Dovoljno mudri da bismo shvatili da mnoge stvari jos ne znamo. Doduse, imamo nadu.
Roger Zelazny |
While suggesting you repent, prophets very seldom predict the wrath of the gods in terms of landslides and hurricanes. No. Floods and fires are what you get for the rottenness of your ways. Primitive man was really on his way when he learned to kindle the one and had enough of the other nearby to put it out.
Roger Zelazny |
It would be an act of wisdom to depart immediately... but wisdom is itself the product of knowledge; and knowledge, unfortunately, is generally the product of foolish doings. So, to add to my own knowledge and to enhance my wisdom I shall remain another day, to see what occurs.
Roger Zelazny |
All roads lead to Amber," he said, as though it were an axiom."
Roger Zelazny |
Now, in every city into which I venture, uniforms rush upon me, dust dandruff from my collar, press a brochure into my hand, recite the latest weather report, pray for my soul, throw walk-shields over nearby puddles, wipe off my windshield, hold an umbrella over my head on sunny or rainy days, or shine an ultra-infra flashlight before me on cloudy ones, pick lint from my belly-button, scrub my back, shave my neck, zip up my fly, shine my sh..
Roger Zelazny |
While it shows the gods as no better than the rest of us," she said, "at least, it shows them as no worse. See here the sources of human morality."
Roger Zelazny |
Siddhartha considered the ways of the demon, and in that moment he struck.
Roger Zelazny |
Most people who daydream of transforming themselves into some vicious beast and going about tearing people's throats out, dismembering them, disfiguring them and perhaps devouring them tend mainly to dwell upon how much fun it would be and generally neglect the practicalities of the situation.
Roger Zelazny |
Trouble can be purchased cheaply, though the refund may be more than you can bear.
Roger Zelazny |
I'm very gullible when it comes to my own words. I believe everything I say, though I know I'm a liar.
Roger Zelazny |
I sucked on a blade of grass and watched the millwheel turn. I was lying on my stomach on the stream's opposite bank, my head propped in my hands. There was a tiny rainbow in the mist above the froth and boil at the foot of the waterfall, and an occasional droplet found its way to me. The steady splashing and the sound of the wheel drowned out all other noises in the wood. The mill was deserted today, and I contemplated it because I had not..
Roger Zelazny |
Hell, we make our own ifs. I had better things to think about than what could have happened
Roger Zelazny |
Spavati, mozda i sanjati...
Roger Zelazny |
Later, much later, I was to see this for the rationalization it was; my real reason for denying her the answers she desired was that I was not ready to trust her, or anyone, so close to me as I really am. Had I known her longer, better -- another year, say -- I might have answered her. I don't know. We never used the word "love," though it must have run through her mind on occasion, as it did through mine. It was, I suppose, that I didn't l..
Roger Zelazny |
The thing had been quite unpremeditated on my part. I had not even thought of her as a woman until she came into my arms and revised my thinking on the subject.
Roger Zelazny |
Poshchadata, kakto imakh v'zmozhnost da naucha ot lichen opit, e tochno onova, koeto ti otkazvat, kogato nai-mnogo se nuzhdaesh ot nego. Ala kogato ti samiiat d'rzhish kozovete, s'shchite tezi khora vdigat shum do nebeto za da ia poluchat.
Roger Zelazny |
Sve dok nisam dosao do carobne rijeci. Amber. (...) Rijec bijase nabijena strahovitom ceznjom i golemom nostalgijom. Imala je, zamotan u sebi, osjecaj zaboravljene ljepote, grandioznih dostignuca i moci uzasne i gotovo konacne. Nekako, ta je rijec pripadala mom rjecniku. I nekako, ja bijah dio nje, a ona dio mene. Bijase to ime mjesta, znao sam, mjesta koje sam nekoc poznavao. Ali nije izazivala nikakve slike, samo osjecaje.
Roger Zelazny |
child of Amber may walk among them, and such was my heritage. You may call them parallel worlds if you wish, alternate universes if you would, the products of a deranged mind if you care to. I call them shadows, as do all who possess the power to walk among them. We select a possibility and we walk until we reach it. So, in a sense, we create it.
Roger Zelazny |
And again, damn. Of troubles I considered myself amply possessed. But those who have do seem to get. Some spiritual form of compound interest, I suppose.
Roger Zelazny |
Thus did I bear Sir Lancelot du Lac to the Keep of Ganelon, whom I trusted like a brother. That is to say, not at all.
Roger Zelazny |
When you are going to die, a wombat is better than no company at all.
Roger Zelazny |
What should I do?' Coyote yelled. 'Cultivate philosophy and run like hell,' said Bear...
Roger Zelazny |
My books were all on their shelves. Nobody steals books but your friends.
Roger Zelazny |
And then the night wind, cool through arches of the years, came hounding after me.
Roger Zelazny |
Angel of the Forsaken Hope Wielder of the Sword of Wind and Obsidian Slice the Algorithms from our Foe. Mermaid Beneath the Seven Dancing Moons, Cantress of the Siren Song, Drown our Enemies in the Data-stream. Nymph of the Logic Tree, Child of the First Word, Give our Antagonist to Grief.
Roger Zelazny |
we avoided their swarms by putting one foot in front of another without pause and making noises of our own. We didn't step on anybody who squashed.
Roger Zelazny |
Dress Blacks mag-bind down the sides, leaving a smooth front whereon is displayed a green-blue-gray-white Earth insignia, about three inches in diameter, high up on the left breast; below, the symbol for one's department is worn, followed by the rank-sigil; on the right side goes every blessed bit of chicken manure that can be dreamt up to fake dignity--this, by the highly imaginative Office of Awards, Furbishments, Insig-niae, Symbols and ..
Roger Zelazny |