Fear could break a line faster than any enemy charge.
Sarah J. Maas |
Before you start yelling . . . ,
Sarah J. Maas |
No going back now," Cassian said to Rhys, gesturing to his wings. Rhys slid his hands into his pockets. "I figure it's time for the world to know who really has the largest wingspan." Cassian laughed, and even Azriel smiled. Mor gave me a look that had me biting my lip to keep from howling."
Sarah J. Maas |
In the silence of her bedroom, she swore an oath to the moonlight that if Sam were hurt, no force in the world would hold her back from slaughtering everyone responsible.
Sarah J. Maas |
The sunlight gilded the balcony as Asterin whispered, so softly that only Manon could hear, "Bring my body back to the cabin." Something in Manon's chest broke--broke so violently that she wondered if it was possible for no one to have heard it."
Sarah J. Maas |
Females and males watched Rhysand throughout the hall--and the shadowsinger and I made a game of betting on who, exactly, would work up the nerve to invite the High Lord home.
Sarah J. Maas |
He'd been about to turn away when she lifted her face to the moon and sang. It was not in any language that he knew. Not in the common tongue, or in Eyllwe, or in the languages of Fenharrow or Melisande, or anywhere else on the continent This language was ancient, each word full of power and rage and agony. She did not have a beautiful voice. And many of the words sounded like half sobs, the vowels stretched by the pangs of sorrow, the cons..
Sarah J. Maas |
Gods help him when Hasar and Aedion met.
Sarah J. Maas |
Lorcan's onyx eyes were unreadable as he scanned her face. And then he said quietly, "I wanted to go to Perranth with you." Lorcan dropped the shield."
Sarah J. Maas |
We shall create wonders that will make the world tremble.
Sarah J. Maas |
Well," Lucien said, his remaining russet eye fixed on me, "you don't look half as bad now. A relief, I suppose, since you're to live with us. Though the tunic isn't as pretty as a dress." Wolves ready to pounce - that's what they were, just like their friend. I was all to aware of my diction, of the very breath I took as I said, "I'd prefer not to wear that dress" "And why not?" Lucien crooned. It was Tamlin who answered for me. "Because ki..
Sarah J. Maas |
We don't look back. It helps no one and nothing to look back.
Sarah J. Maas |
I'll come back," she said quietly. "I'll come back for you." And he knew that there was more that she wasn't saying, some bigger meaning behind those words. But Dorian still believed her."
Sarah J. Maas |
That cocky smile widened. "Hello, bitch," Ansel purred. "Hello, traitor," Aelin purred right back... "Meet Ansel of Briarcliff, assassin and Queen of the Western Wastes."
Sarah J. Maas |
Be happy, Feyre.
Sarah J. Maas |
Then she smiled with every last shred of courage, of desperation, of hope for the glimmer of that glorious future. "Let's go rattle the stars."
Sarah J. Maas |
Aelin frightens everyone...But not him. I think that's why she fell in love with him, against her best intentions. Rowan beheld all Aelin was and is, and he was not afraid
Sarah J. Maas |
The queen looked at the nails, the teeth, and grinned. Honestly-it was a shame that Manon had to kill her.
Sarah J. Maas |
Sam smiled, his brown eyes turning golden in the dawn. It was such a Sam look, the twinkle of mischief, the hint of exasperation, the kindness that would always, always make him a better person than she was. Before she knew what she was doing, Celaena threw her arms around him and held him close. Sam stiffened, but after a heartbeat, his arms came around her. She breathed him in--the smell of his sweat, the tang of the dust and rock, the m..
Sarah J. Maas |
Rowan had not possessed an army of his own to give to Aelin. To give to Terrasen. So he had won an army for her.
Sarah J. Maas |
Maybe this city did deserve Aelin Galathynius's flames. Maybe Chaol deserved to burn, too.
Sarah J. Maas |
I know you two are old and up past your bedtime so ill keep this quick.
Sarah J. Maas |
Rhys's lip pulled back from his teeth. "I dare you." Temper--he had to be in some mood today to let his temper show this much. Good. That made two of us. I flung my other shoe right at his head, as swift and hard as the first one." --
Sarah J. Maas |
Who do you wish to be?
Sarah J. Maas |
What if we go on," he said, "only to more pain and despair? What if we go on, only to find a horrible end waiting for us?" Aelin looked northward, as if she could see all the way to Terrasen. "Then it is not the end."
Sarah J. Maas |
I have no name," she purred. "I'm whoever the keepers of my fate tell me to be."
Sarah J. Maas |
Sam smiled, his brown eyes turning golden in the dawn. It was such a Sam look, the twinkle of mischief, the hint of exasperation, the kindness that would always, always make him a better person than she was.
Sarah J. Maas |
Why bother when a dramatic entrance is so much more fun?
Sarah J. Maas |
I think my heart knew you were mine long before I ever realized it.
Sarah J. Maas |
The Crown Prince of Adarlan stared him down. "And consider where your true loyalties lie." Once, Chaol might have argued. Once, he might have protested that his loyalty to the crown was his greatest asset. But that blind loyalty and obedience had started this descent. And it had destroyed everything."
Sarah J. Maas |
See what you want, Aelin, and seize it. Don't ask for it; don't wish for it. Take it.
Sarah J. Maas |
You and I... We will always stand apart. We will always have..." She searched for the word. "Responsibilities. We will always have burdens that no one else can ever understand. That they"-she inclined her head toward Chaol and Celaena-"will never understand. And if they did, then they would not want them."
Sarah J. Maas |
She was indeed a bit terrified of the icy rage rippling from him as Dorian said, "Because she died. And even before she did, this world saw to it that she suffered, and was afraid, and alone. And even though no one will remember who she was, I do. I will never forget the color of her eyes, the way she smiled. And I will never forgive them for taking it away."
Sarah J. Maas |
Maeve stirs across the sea. Two goddesses walk hand in hand with Aelin. More than that, Mala and Deanna have watched over her the entirety of her life. But perhaps it wasn't watching. Perhaps it was ... shaping. So they might one day unleash her, too. And I wonder if the gods have weighed the costs of that storm. And deemed the casualties worth it.
Sarah J. Maas |
Dangerous words, Rhysand," Amren warned, strutting through the door, nearly swallowed up by the enormous white fur coat she wore. Only her chin-length dark hair and solid silver eyes were visible above the collar. She looked-- "You look like an angry snowball," Cassian said."
Sarah J. Maas |
I like the new scar Captain.
Sarah J. Maas |
The heart he'd offered and had been left to drop on the wooden planks of the river docks. An assassin who had sailed away and a queen who had returned.
Sarah J. Maas |
Slowly, she turned to him. It was her face--or it would be in a few years. When she Settled. But it wasn't the slightly older features that knocked the breath from him. It was the hand on her rounded belly. She stared toward him, hair still flowing. Behind her, four small figures emerged. Rowan fell to his knees. The tallest: a girl with golden hair and pine-green eyes, solemn-faced and as proud as her mother. The boy beside her, nearly her..
Sarah J. Maas |
Sam's hand brushed her shoulder, and she almost jumped out of her skin as he brought his mouth close to her ear and murmured, "You look beautiful. Though I bet you already know that." She most certainly did."
Sarah J. Maas |
Hush. Your hair was so pretty. I was hoping you'd let me braid it one day. I suppose I'll have to buy a pony instead.
Sarah J. Maas |
It'll be dangerous" "Good. It would be boring otherwise."
Sarah J. Maas |
He had come for her. She held his gaze as she grabbed her own dagger and cut her palm, right over the scar she'd given herself at Nehemia's grave. And though she knew he could read the words on her face, she said, "To what ever end?" He nodded, and she joined hands with him, blood to blood and soul to soul, his other arm coming around to grip her tightly. Their hands clasped between them, he whispered into her ear, "I claim you, too, Aelin ..
Sarah J. Maas |
If you'd like to unwrap me," he said, lifting the large wicker basket onto the table, "we still have an hour until the temple service."
Sarah J. Maas |
To keep Velaris safe, to keep Mor and Amren and Cassian and Azriel and... Rhys safe. I said to Lucien, low and quiet and as vicious as the talons that formed at the tips of my fingers, as vicious as the wondrous weight between my shoulder blades, "When you spend so long trapped in darkness, Lucien, you find that the darkness begins to stare back." A pulse of surprise, of wicked delight against my mental shields, at the dark, membranous ..
Sarah J. Maas |