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eff3216 She had often wished for adventure, for old spells and wicked kings. Sarah J. Maas
888e1f5 Faster than lightening, his hand shot out and she gagged, jolting as he grabbed her tongue between his fingers...He released her tongue, and she gasped for breath. She swore at him, a filthy, foul name, and spat at his feet. And that's when he bit her. She cried out as those canines pierced the spot between her neck and shoulder, a primal act of aggression--the bite so strong and claiming that she was too stunned to move. He had her pinned .. rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
e2845e6 Aedion Ashryer let himself be led into the darkness... He did not mind dying. Though he still wished he'd gotten a chance to see her--just once. Sarah J. Maas
389c393 I believe you. And I believe in peace. I believe in a better world. Sarah J. Maas
66df7fc And Elide sobbed as Manon Blackbeak emerged, smiling faintly. As Manon Blackbeak saw her and Aelin, knee-to-knee in the grass, and mouthed one word. . pg542 elide-lochan manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas
332f2fd But I forgot to tell him," I said quietly, opening the door, "that the villain is usually the person who locks up the maiden and throws away the key." acomaf rhysand feyre Sarah J. Maas
5beabc3 You can't go." "Give me a reason why I shouldn't." "Because I'll miss you, damn it!" she hissed, splaying her arms. "Because what's the point in anything if you just disappear forever?" "The point in what, Celaena?" How could he be so calm when she was so frantic? "The point in Skull's Bay, and the point in getting me that music, and the point in... the point in telling Arobynn that you'd forgive him if he never hurt me again." "You said y.. sam Sarah J. Maas
e1c6420 She was surprised that her hands had not forgotten, that somewhere in her mind, after a year of darkness and slavery, music was still alive and breathing. That somewhere, between the notes, was Sam. She forgot about time as she drifted between pieces, voicing the unspeakable, opening old wounds, playing and playing as the sound forgave and saved her. Sarah J. Maas
7c99190 Words had become as foreign and hard to reach as the stars. Sarah J. Maas
686c6fe Everything has a price. Sarah J. Maas
84ea821 Live, Manon. Sarah J. Maas
9b9cb2f Hide from fate all you like," Baba Yellowlegs said as they turned away. "But it shall soon find you!" fate crown-of-midnight Sarah J. Maas
0b08a2b But her attention was on the prince across from her, who seemed utterly ignored by his father and his own court, shoved down near the end with her and Aedion. He ate so beautifully, she thought, watching him cut into his roast chicken. Not a drop moved out of place, not a scrap fell on the table. She had decent manners, while Aedion was hopeless, his plate littered with bones and crumbs scattered everywhere, even some on her own dress. She'.. Sarah J. Maas
2711e10 I can't tell if I should be ashamed of wanting to hold you on this day, or grateful that, despite what happened before now, it somehow brought me to you. love hold Sarah J. Maas
b6bb9a1 I moaned then, tilting my head back to give him better access. His hands clamped on my waist, then moved--one going to cup my rear, the other sliding between us. This--this moment, when it was him and me and nothing between our bodies ... His tongue scraped the roof of my mouth as he dragged a finger down the center of me, and I gasped, my back arching. "Feyre," he said against my lips, my name like a prayer more devout than any Ianthe had .. erotic-romance-novellas orgasms erotic-fiction new-adult-fantasy new-adult-lit new-adult-romance smut new-adult erotic erotica Sarah J. Maas
6002333 A gold coin says he misses," Fenrys rasped. "Save your breath for healing," Aelin snapped. "Make it two," Aedion said behind them. "I say he hits." "You can all go to hell," Aelin snarled. But then added, "Make it five. Ten says he downs it with the first shot." Sarah J. Maas
19ed58f Maeve had lied. Or lied by omission. But she knew. She knew what the girl had gone through-knew she'd been a slave. That day-that day early on, he'd threatened to the girl, gods above. And she had lost it. He'd been such a proud fool that he'd assumed she'd lashed out because she was nothing more than a child. He should have known better-should have known that when she react to something like that, it meant the scars went deep. And then.. Sarah J. Maas
ff5df84 Windows were shuttered as they passed, probably because of Rowan, who looked like nothing short of death incarnate. But he was surprisingly calm with the villagers they approached. He didn't raise his voice, didn't snarl, didn't threaten. He didn't smile, but for Rowan, he was downright cheerful. Sarah J. Maas
b715570 I'm impressed you got up here so quickly - and without a pack of court ladies hounding after you. Perhaps you should try your hand at being an assassin." He shook the hair out of his face. "I'm not interested in court ladies," he said thickly, and kissed her." crown-of-midnight dorian throne-of-glass dorian-havilliard sarah-j-maas celaena-sardothien Sarah J. Maas
14e9fc2 And it was not darkness, but light--light, bright and pure as the sun on snow, that erupted from Asterin. Light, as Asterin made the Yielding. As the Thirteen, their broken bodies scattered around the tower in a near-circle, made the Yielding as well. Light. They all burned with it. Radiated it. Light that flowed from their souls, their fierce hearts as they gave themselves over to that power. Became incandescent with it. Sarah J. Maas
868afb8 Aelin Galathynius looked at Manon Blackbeak over their crossed swords and let out a low, vicious snarl. manon-blackbeak queen-of-shadows Sarah J. Maas
ad01a26 Rhys had just said, Sarah J. Maas
7354a42 Why," he asked. "Why did you save her?" She dragged a hand through her hair. [...] "Because that golden-haired witch, Asterin ...," Aelin said. "She screamed Manon's name the way I screamed yours." -- manon-blackbeak rowan-whitethorn celaena-sardothien Sarah J. Maas
761a7f6 One second, he was in my mouth, my tongue flicking over the broad head of him; the next, his hands were on my waist and I flipped onto my front. He nudged my legs apart with his knees, spreading me as he gripped my hips, tugging them up, up before he sheathed himself deep in me with a single stroke. I moaned into the pillow at every glorious inch of him, rising onto my forearms as my fingers grappled into the sheets. sex erotic-paranormal-romance fantasy-erotica graphic-sexualscenes misleading-marketing erotic-fiction erotic-content erotic-fantasy fellatio mature-content new-adult-fiction erotic-scenes fake-marketing new-adult-fantasy new-adult-paranormal-romance pornographic new-adult-romance erotica-romance erotica-bdsm eroticism nudity rough-sex new-adult erotic erotic-romance erotica Sarah J. Maas
e03176f Aelin was no savior to rally behind, but a cataclysm to be weathered. Sarah J. Maas
d5025be I am going to destroy everything you love. Sarah J. Maas
ac1634f Rowan's head was still angled as he asked, "Your mothers were cousins, Prince, but who sired you?" Aedion lounged in his chair. "Does it matter?" "Do you know?" Rowan pressed. Aedion shrugged. "She never told me--or anyone." "I'm guessing you have some idea?" Aelin asked. Rowan said, "He doesn't look familiar to you?" "He looks like me." "Yes, but--" He sighed. "You met his father. A few weeks ago. Gavriel" celeana-sardothien rowan-whitethorn queen-of-shadows sarah-j-maas Sarah J. Maas
2ef8479 I did not mind stepping out of the shadows, did not mind even being in the shadows to begin with, so long as he was with m Sarah J. Maas
95ae3e9 So I said, "He is lucky to have all of you." "No," she said softly--more gently than I'd ever heard. " are lucky to have him, Feyre." I turned from the door. "I have known many High Lord," Amren continued, studying her paper. "Cruel ones, cunning ones, weak ones, powerful ones. But never one that dreamed. Not as he does." "Dreams of what?" I breathed. "Of peace. Of freedom. Of a world united, a world thriving, Of something better--for all .. pg427 rhysand feyre Sarah J. Maas
3038c71 A gift. A gift from a queen who had seen another woman in hell and thought to reach back a hand. With no thought of it ever being returned. A moment of kindness, a tug on a thread. kindness Sarah J. Maas
a32e2df You're remarkably judgmental." "What's the point in having a mind if you don't use it to make judgments?" "What's the point in having a heart if you don't use it to spare others from the harsh judgments of your mind?" Sarah J. Maas
01f34a0 Her salary as King's Champion was considerable, and Celaena spent every last copper of it. Shoes, hats, tunics, dresses, jewelry, weapons, baubles for her hair, and books. Books and books and books. So many books that Philippa had to bring up another bookcase for her room. Sarah J. Maas
a02e70a She would tuck Sam into her heart, a bright light for her to take out whenever things were darkest. And then she would remember how it had felt to be loved, when the world held nothing but possibility. No matter what they did to her, they could never take that away. She would not break. And someday ... someday, even it took her until her last breath, she'd find out who had done this to her. To Sam. Sarah J. Maas
f900fb7 I was loosened, a top whirling around and around, and I didn't know who I danced with or what they looked like, only that I had become the music and the fire and the night, and there was nothing that could slow me down. Sarah J. Maas
8c50df8 Yet the songs would mention this--that the Lion fell before the western gate of Orynth, defending the city and his son. throne-of-glas Sarah J. Maas
3acc8a2 How can I take away somebody who means the world to someone else? Even if she is my enemy. asterin manon-blackbeak rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
cb9afb7 Remember who you are. Every step of the way down, and every step of the way back. Remember who you are. And that you're mine. Sarah J. Maas
0357e46 Lorcan had been born from and gifted with darkness. Returning to it was not a difficult task. But letting that glimmering, lovely light before him die out . . . In his ancient, bitter bones, he could not accept it. She had been forgotten--by everyone and everything. And still she had hoped. And still she had been kind to him. And still she had offered him a glimpse of peace in the time he'd known her. She had offered him a home. pg537 lorcan-salvatarre Sarah J. Maas
14c2c49 We moved together, unending and wild and burning, and when I went over the edge the next time, he roared and went with me. sexy-times tamlin Sarah J. Maas
75254a3 When you do, I want you to remember that it wouldn't have made any difference to me. It's never made any difference to me when it came to you. I'd still pick you. I'll always pick you. Sarah J. Maas
62e9e4c Her hand rose to her lips and she stared up at the stars, feeling her heart grow, and grow, and grow. stars heart love Sarah J. Maas
6524a10 A princess who was to live for a Thousand years. Longer. That had been her gift. It was now her curse. koa sjm throne-of-glass tog Sarah J. Maas
9859b20 Rowan beheld all Aelin was and is, and he was not afraid. Sarah J. Maas
0e91348 No matter what happens," she said quietly, "I want to thank you." Chaol tilted his head to the side. "For what?" Her eyes stung, but she blamed it on the fierce wind and blinked away the dampness. "For making my freedom mean something." He didn't say anything; he just took the fingers of her right hand and held them in his, his thumb brushing the ring she wore." Sarah J. Maas