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9098583 I love you: You imagine hearing the words from someone not related to you, someone not your best friend, but when someone you love, someone you dream about, actually says them, it makes your body melt and your breath get caught in your chest. Sarah Mlynowski
886ff30 Sometimes you don't need lightning to start a fire. Sometimes, it builds on its own. Sarah Mlynowski
d899942 No one was perfect. But we all did the best we could. I guessed you had to forgive when you could, move on when you couldn't, and love your family and friends for who they were instead of punishing them for who they weren't. Sarah Mlynowski
7e49b76 Just because a relationship ends, it doesn't mean it's not worth having. relationships love Sarah Mlynowski
6660fc8 We're all crazy. What's your specific form of crazy? Sarah Mlynowski
990e515 I love you." You imagine hearing the words from someone related not related to you, someone not your best friend, but when someone you love, you dream about, actually says them, it makes your body melt and your breath get caught in your chest. "You love me?" I asked, leaning toward him. He nodded. "Say it again" I said. I let my knee bump against his. "I love you," he repeated." Sarah Mlynowski
f2ebef1 They write songs about California girls for a reason. Sarah Mlynowski
bbc8782 How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck chlamydia? ten-things-we-did sarah-mlynowski std Sarah Mlynowski
8f31869 She said people found running to something easier than running from something. Sarah Mlynowski
cf5744c You can tell a lot about a person not just by their successes, but by how they deal with their setbacks Sarah Mlynowski
7190766 Biological clock? I don't even own a watch. Sarah Mlynowski
4a1d326 Funny how life messed with you. Sarah Mlynowski
1b52a39 Why do you think people cheat?," I asked. "Because they're bored? Because they can? Because they're selfish and think they're entitled to anything they want? Because they don't think they'll get caught?" Sarah Mlynowski
cf2d51d Part of me could do it. Run off and get married. But another part... Another part of me wondered if I could really trust anyone. If all relationships were all doomed. Sarah Mlynowski
5000d12 Dad? Um, listen. I have kind of a crazy story for you.... Sarah Mlynowski
f27e1a5 Yup, believe it: I was born on March 28, yet my name is April. metaphorical Sarah Mlynowski
7f65234 You don't just decide to have sex because you feel like having sex. You decide to have sex once you realize you're in love with someone and want to express that love physically. Sarah Mlynowski
ce2ea01 Liking someone doesn't make you weak. ten-things-we-did Sarah Mlynowski
965c9c0 A guy who treats his mom well, treats his wife well. Sarah Mlynowski
c254443 I wonder-maybe the key is balance. Maybe it's about living in the moment while still keeping your eye on the big picture-on all the pictures. Sarah Mlynowski
e015465 Getting married is forever, no matter what my spouse does. Sarah mlynowski
11d1eb5 A friendship can't survive on childhood memories alone. We have to create new experiences, or the friendship will shrivel up. sarah-mlynowski Sarah Mlynowski
149fc9f Lightning only strikes once," my dad said. "And when it hits, you know." Sarah Mlynowski
8d60287 That's our story. How we became a we. And that's what we are these day. A we. When you're a group that can hear each other's thoughts, the line between I and We gets kind of blurry. Sarah Mlynowski
af763a2 you had to forgive when you could, move on when you couldn't, and love your family and friends for who they were instead of punishing them for who they weren't. Sarah Mlynowski
32046a9 What house do you belong to?" "Ravenclaw," I say. The clever one. The woman hands me the blue Ravenclaw scarf. "You're also kind of a Hufflepuff, don't you think?" Leela asks. "Hardworking, loyal . . . Although last night you were a total Gryffindor. So brave." "Maybe I'm Divergent," I say. I pose under the Platform 9 3/4 sign, point my wand, and smile for Leela's photo." Sarah Mlynowski
7954f64 Normal is boring. Who wants that? sarah-mlynowski mgg normal Sarah Mlynowski
b2ceaf6 You don't really have to fallin love with him, but he's not a terrible option for a fling. As long as you use a condom. Two condoms, even. Sarah Mlynowski
c505eb1 I think we -- well, I -- messed up the story. Sarah Mlynowski
f43784d Such a sensitive dog. Or maybe he just needs to go outside for other reasons. Sarah Mlynowski
ee923b5 Although, if they did find out, then at least I wouldn't have to lie about it anymore. But I bet they'd be pretty freaked out. Maybe they would give the mirror away. Although it's bolted to the wall. If they couldn't get it off, maybe they would want to move. I'd have to go to another school. I bet Robin would miss me then. I hear another creak. The sound is coming from right next to my room. Which means it's my brother's door, and not my p.. Sarah Mlynowski
f98495e snow angel? Sarah Mlynowski
d7feefb land. Sarah Mlynowski
bc2d879 We keep a safe distance. We only whisper. We duck into the shadows whenever Cinderella turns around. We're really good at this sneaky thing. I bet we could be spies when we grow up. We'd be the cool brother-and-sister team that gets to go to exotic Sarah Mlynowski
0aab4c9 Do you think she's still here?" Jonah asks." Sarah Mlynowski
272b62d again, right? But how will they know to save us? Hmm. Yopopa's supposedly a genius. That's probably Sarah Mlynowski
3d20c2a dogsicle! Sarah Mlynowski
0bf7b2b The school didn't want us mixing with the rest of the senior class. Which was ridiculous. We had ESP, not Ebola. A curriculum had been tailored just for us, to help us prepare for what lay ahead. Not that anyone knew what lay ahead. It's not like there had ever been an entire class of telepaths before. Yup. Sarah Mlynowski
021172a I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves --" "I'm going to" -- Sarah Mlynowski
8386d9e Just to make sure it wasn't cancer. Or a heart attack. Or lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Which, sure, only affected one out of a million people, but it started with a cough, and if you were the one out of a million, then you were done-like-dinner within the year. Sarah Mlynowski
3c911ce We don't have clairvoyance or precognition. At least, I don't. Does anyone else?" "I don't even know what those mean," Jordana said. "Telepathy is when you can hear other people's thoughts. Clairvoyance is when you are aware of something happening in another location. Precognition is when you can tell the future. And then there's telekinesis, which is when you can move objects with your mind." "No, I'm just having the first one," Tess said... Sarah Mlynowski
00a30bf She looks at me strangely. "Um, no. I'm frozen." Sarah Mlynowski
9d73ecf Oh, I can find Matt anywhere. I have perfect Matt-dar. I used to be able to spot him across campus in a group of a thousand. I'm like Edward sniffing out Bella. I'm a vampire. I can smell him in any room. Sarah Mlynowski
87eacce Department, 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. Sarah Mlynowski
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