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8d0d115 Lacan define como 'heroe' al sujeto que (a diferencia de Caddell pero como Edipo, por ejemplo) asume plenamente las consecuencias de su acto, es decir, que no da un paso al costado cuando la flecha que dispara completa su circulo y vuela de regreso a el, a diferencia del resto de nosotros, que nos empenamos en realizar nuestro deseo sin pagar su precio. Slavoj Žižek
766c1f3 Let's think about the fake sense of urgency that pervades the left-liberal humanitarian discourse on violence: in it, abstraction and graphic (pseudo)concreteness coexist in the staging of the scene of violence-against women, blacks, the homeless, gays . . . "A woman is rpaed every six seconds in this country" and "In the time it takes you to read this paragraph, ten children will die of hunger" are just two examples. Underlying all this is.. Slavoj Žižek
bab143b Are, however, the terrorist fundamentalists, be they Christian or Muslim, really fundamentalists in the authentic sense of the term? Do they really believe? What they lack is a feature that is easy to discern in all authentic fundamentalists, from Tibetan Buddhists to the Amish in the US: the absence of resentment and envy, deep indifference towards the non-believer's way of life. Slavoj Žižek
d34d420 Here is an old phrase I like: "The only way to the universal good is that we all become strangers to ourselves." You imagine looking at yourself with a foreign gaze, through foreign eyes. I think this is something that could be the greatest thing in humanity. You are never really limited just to your own perspective. I don't like the false identity politics of multiculturalism which says that "you are enclosed in your culture." No, we have .. Slavoj Žižek
2ec17ca But what about the apparent absurdity of the idea of dignity, freedom, and reason, sustained by extreme military discipline, including of the practice of discarding weak children? This "absurdity" is simply the price of freedom--freedom is not free, as they put it in the film [300]. Freedom is not something given, it is regained through a hard struggle in which one should be ready to risk everything. Spartan ruthless military discipline is .. freedom Slavoj Žižek
77031eb La misma dinamica del capitalismo nubla la frontera entre inversion 'legitima' y especulacion 'salvaje' porque la inversion capitalista es, en su misma esencia, una apuesta de riesgo(...), un acto consistente en tomar prestado del futuro"." Slavoj Žižek
cc7c480 En el mercado actual, encontramos toda una serie de productos libres de sus propiedades perjudiciales: cafe sin cafeina, nata sin grasa, cerveza sin alcohol... Y la lista es larga: ?no podriamos considerar el sexo virtual como sexo sin sexo, la teoria de Colin Powell de la guerra sin bajas (en nuestro bando, por supuesto) como guerra sin guerra, la redefinicion contemporanea de la politica como el arte de la administracion experta como poli.. Slavoj Žižek
dcbf13f 'wl drs yjb t`lmh hw `dm lwm l'frd wmwqfhm, lmshkl@ lyst fsd lfrd wjsh`h, wlkn lnZm ldhy yshj`h `l~ lfsd. lHl lys sh`r "fy lshwr` lry'ysy@ wlys wwl stryt", wlkn fy tGyyr lnZm ldhy yj`l lshwr` lry'ysy@ m`tmd@ `l~ wwl stryt." Slavoj Žižek
b2adec7 This, then, is the truth of the discourse of universal human rights: the Wall separating those covered by the umbrella of Human Rights and those excluded from its protective cover. Any reference to universal human rights as an 'unfinished project' to be gradually extended to all people is here a vain ideological chimera - and, faced with this prospect, do we, in the West, have any right to condemn the excluded when they use any means, inclu.. Slavoj Žižek
780dcae as in Heinrich Heine's (a contemporary of Kierkegaard's) well-known saying that one should value above everything else 'freedom, equality and crab soup'. 'Crab soup' stands here for all the small pleasures in the absence of which we become (mental, if not real) terrorists, Slavoj Žižek
11f3c26 As every close observer of the deadlocks arising from the political correctness knows, the separation of legal justice from moral Goodness -which should be relativized and historicized- ends up in an oppressive moralism brimming with resentment. Without any "organic" social substance grounding the standards of what Orwell approvingly called "common decency" (all such standards having been dismissed as subordinating individual freedoms to pr.. Slavoj Žižek
64d73ab In Kant's description, ethical duty functions like a foreign traumatic intruder that from the outside disturbs the subject's homeostatic balance, its unbearable pressure forcing the subject to act "beyond the pleasure principle," ignoring the pursuit of pleasures. For Lacan, exactly the same description holds for desire, which is why enjoyment is not something that comes naturally to the subject, as a realization of her inner potential, but.. happiness duty trauma Slavoj Žižek
cb28847 It is the ultimate irony of history that radical individualism serves as the ideological justification of the unconstrained power of what the large majority of individuals experience as a vast anonymous power, which, without any democratic public control, regulates their lives. Slavoj Žižek
018d070 On 11 September 2001 the Twin Towers were hit. Twelve years earlier, on 9 November 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. That date heralded the "happy 90's," the Francis Fukuyama dream of the "end of history" -the belief that liberal democracy had, in principle, won; that the search was over; that the advent of a global, liberal world community lurked just around the corner; that the obstacles to this ultra-Hollywood happy ending were merely empirica.. Slavoj Žižek
1446294 T]aking the Third into account does not bring us into the position of pragmatic consideration, of comparing different Others; the task is rather to learn to distinguish between "false" conflicts and the "true" conflict. For example, today's conflict between Western liberalism and religious fundamentalism is a "false" one, since it is based on the exclusion of the third term which is its "truth": the Leftist emancipatory position." religion philosophy Slavoj Žižek
99d2348 The primary vice of a bad person is precisely that he is more preoccupied with others than himself. Rousseau is describing a precise libidinal mechanism: the inversion which generates the shift of the libidinal investment from the object to the obstacle itself. This could well be applied to fundamentalist violence - be it Oklahoma City Federal Building, the Twin Towers - was what really mattered, not achieving the noble goal of a truly Chri.. Slavoj Žižek
94e5e7b hl lmtZhrwn `nyfwn? Hqyqy 'n lGthm rbm tbdw mHrb@ "Htlw! whkdh.." wlknhm `nyfwn fqT bTryq@ lmhtm Gndy nfsh, nhm `nyfwn blqdr ldhy yrydwn fyh 'n yD`w `y'q fy lTryq ldhy tmDy `lyh shy." Slavoj Žižek
06b24a3 The Christian motto 'All men are brothers', however, also means that those who do not accept brotherhood are not men. doctrine christian Slavoj Žižek
f094978 It is as if, in today's permissive society, transgressive violations are allowed only in a "privatized" form, as a personal idiosyncrasy deprived of any public, spectacular, or ritualistic dimension. We can thus publicly confess all our weird private practices, but they remain simply private idiosyncrasies. Perhaps we should also invert here the standard formula of fetishistic disavowal: "I know very well (that I should obey the rules), but.. Slavoj Žižek
5ea3d09 If the secret core of potlatch is the reciprocity of exchange, why is this reciprocity not asserted directly, why does it assume the "mystified" form of two consecutive acts each of which is staged as a free voluntary display of generosity? Here we encounter the paradoxes of forced choice, of freedom to do what is necessary, at its most elementary: I have to do freely what I am expected to do. (If, upon receiving a gift, I immediately retur.. revenge freedom potlatch generosity politeness gifts vengeance Slavoj Žižek
5119384 La ilusion es provocada por una especie de 'cortocircuito' entre un lugar en la red simbolica y el elemento simbolico que lo ocupa: quienquiera se encuentre en ese lugar es el destinatario, dado que este no se define por sus cualidades positivas sino por el propio hecho contingente de encontrarse en este lugar. Slavoj Žižek
fc08244 Why are so many problems today perceived as problems of intolerance, rather than as problems of inequality, exploitation, or injustice? Why is the proposed remedy tolerance, rather than emancipation, political struggle, or even armed struggle? Slavoj Žižek
3ec919f lqd khlq lmtZhrwn frG - frG fy Hq l'ydwlwjy lmhymn@, whnk Hj@ l~ lwqt lml msH@ hdhh lmwD@ lyjby@. hdh hw sbb 'nn lsn bHj@ l'n nqlq kthyr mn lhjmt lmwjh@ l "Htlw wwl stryt", fntqdt lmHfZyn lmtwq`@ shl@ bm ykfy llrd `lyh; hl lmtZhrwn m`dwn l'mryk? `ndm yz`m l'Swlywn lmHfZwn b'n 'mryk dwl@ msyHy@, f`lyn 'n ndhkr m hy lmsyHy@ fy lHqyq@: lrwH lqds, mjtm` lmw'mnyn lHr lmtswy lmtHd blHb. nhm lmtZhrwn hm mn ymthlwn lrwH lqds, fy Hyn 'n wwl stryt lw.. Slavoj Žižek
4152d60 Numa entrevista, afirmou o seguinte, a proposito de Solaris: <> Slavoj Žižek
824fddf a truly radical change is self-relating: it changes the very coordinates by means of which we measure change. In other words, a true change sets its own standards: it can only be measured by criteria that result from it. Slavoj Žižek
1955f86 We can understand an attempt to ignore power as being just for the right of the people when conditions demand it. It's a very forceful weapon - maybe it will become more and more forceful. And you should never forget that the state is not 'up there'. The state functions only as far as it is recognized as functioning. I mean, people have tremendous power in organizing themselves just to ignore power. Slavoj Žižek
717bd49 The limitation of the standard liberal attitude towards Muslim women wearing a veil is visible here, too. Women are permitted to wear the veil if this is their free choice and not an option imposed on them by their husbands or family. However, the moment women wear a veil to exercise a free individual choice, the meaning of wearing a veil changes completely. It is no longer a sign of belonging to the Muslim community, but an expression of t.. Slavoj Žižek
f6d2862 What is "true" thinking? Thinking is not solving problems. The first step in thinking is to ask these sorts of questions: "Is this really a problem?" "Is this the right way to formulate the problem?" "How did we arrive at this?" This is the ability we need in thinking." Slavoj Žižek
ddaeed9 it is far too simplistic to claim that the specter of this self-engendering monster pursuing its ends regardless of any human or environmental concern is an ideological abstraction, and to insist that one should never forget that, behind this abstraction, lie real people and natural objects on whose productive capacities and resources capital's circulation is based and on which it feeds like a gigantic parasite. (...) the fate of whole swat.. Slavoj Žižek
22b3f0c Like love, ideology is blind, even if people caught up in it are not Slavoj Žižek
71d7ff2 I am an anti-capitalist because I believe we can improve on it. I believe that we can create the vision I have for a totalized system, a unified system, that can effectively do things. Stop global warming. Feed everybody. Settle disputes diplomatically, and when necessary, quash disputes militarily with proportional measure. This may sound unnecessarily harsh, but it needs to be said, because it is part and parcel of any type of system, if .. Slavoj Žižek
1e18f8b A little poison now and then: that makes for pleasant dreams. And much poison at the end, for a pleasant death. Slavoj Žižek
c3ea311 lmtZhrwn bbsT@ yd`wn mn hm fy lslT@ llnZr l~ 'sfl, l~ lhwy@ lmftwH@ tHt 'qdmhm Slavoj Žižek
cb725fa Nobody takes democracy or justice seriously, we are all aware of their corrupted nature, but we participate in them, we display our belief in Slavoj Žižek
2b15acb an entity is free when it can deploy its immanent potential without being impeded by any external obstacle. Slavoj Žižek
df6f969 ffy lmjtm` lsthlky lr'smly lmt'khr, tktsb "lHy@ ljtm`y@ lwq`y@" dhth `l~ nHw m smt zyf mumsrH, fyh ytSrf jyrnn fy lHy@ "lwq`y@" mthl mmthly wkwmbrs `l~ khshb@ lmsrH.. mr@ 'khr~, njd 'n lHqyq@ lnhy'y@ ll`lm lr'smly lnf`y lmnzw` lrwH hy nz` mdy@ "lHy@ lwq`y@" dhth, qlbuh l~ `rD shbHy." الليبرالية-الجديدة Slavoj Žižek
2385b87 In short, one who loves the illusion of the good is eventually won over to actually loving the good. But how can love of the illusion of the good lead to love of the good itself? If one loves the illusion of the good and enacts this illusion in social intercourse, one might come to appreciate its worth and to love the good itself for its own sake. Correlatively, from the point of view of the spectator, loving the illusion of the good in oth.. Slavoj Žižek
c3971ce one cannot look "objectively" at oneself and locate oneself in reality; and the task is to think this impossibility itself as an ontological fact, not only as an epistemological limitation. In other words, the task is to think this impossibility not as a limit, but as a positive fact--and this, perhaps, is what at his most radical Hegel does." Slavoj Žižek
87ee02d The performative dimension at work here consists of the symbolic efficiency of the "mask": wearing a mask actually makes us what we feign to be. In other words, the conclusion to be drawn from this dialectic is the exact opposite of the common wisdom by which every human act (achievement, deed) is ultimately just an act (posture, pretense): the only authenticity at our disposal is that of impersonation, of "taking our act (posture) seriousl.. Slavoj Žižek
8bc27ef Another blatant case of regress as part of the capitalist progress is the enormous rise of precarious work. Precarious work deprives workers of a whole series of rights that, till recently, were taken as self-evident in any country which perceived itself as a welfare state: precarious workers have to take care themselves of their health insurance and retirement options; there is no paid leave; the future becomes much more uncertain. Precari.. Slavoj Žižek
76d55b9 Se ena sumpan opou oloi anazetame to alethino prosopo kato apo to prosopeio, o kaluteros tropos na paraplanesoume einai na phoresoume to prosopeio tes idias tes aletheias psychoanalysis psychology Slavoj Žižek
9c3759a in contrast to modern art, which causes displeasure-modern art, by definition, hurts. In this precise sense, modern art is sublime: it causes pleasure-in-pain, it produces its effect through its own failure, insofar as it refers to the impossible Things. Slavoj Žižek
61835be God's recounting of the wonders of nature can be seen in one of two ways. One possibility is that the immensity of the natural world, in its merciless indifference, has nothing to do with the concerns of human beings. The desert does not care if you pray, and the rushing cataract will not pause for pity. Nature shows its blank, grand face to us, and we are nothing. Indeed Job recants of his protest, proclaiming 'for I am but dust and ashes... Slavoj Žižek
25b38d1 If, in other religions, we pray to God, only in Christianity does God himself pray, that is to say, address an external unfathomable authority. Slavoj Žižek
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