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538a33d la libertad formal precede a la libertad real, creando las condiciones para esta ultima. Slavoj Žižek
fb0d6e7 I]n so far as postmodern politics involves a '[t]heoretical retreat from the problem of domination within capitalism,' it is here, in this silent suspension of class analysis, that we are dealing with an exemplary case of the mechanism of ideological displacement: when class antagonism is disavowed, when its key structuring role is suspended, 'other markers of social difference may come to bear an inordinate weight; indeed, they may bear al.. philosopy political-theory postmodernism Slavoj Žižek
5cdbaa6 Debemos abandonar inexorablemente el juicio preconcebido de que el tiempo lineal de la evolucion esta <>, de que la historia <>, Slavoj Žižek
5754271 The Deleuzian philosopher Brian Massumi clearly formulated how today's capitalism has already overcome the logic of totalizing normality and adopts instead a logic of erratic excess: the more varied, and even erratic, the better. Normalcy starts to lose its hold. The regularities start to loosen, This loosening of normalcy is part of capitalism's dynamic. It's not a simple liberation. It's capitalism's own form of power. It's no longer disc.. normality Slavoj Žižek
b91bad1 No wonder that tantra is so popular today in the West: it offers the ultimate "spiritual logic of late capitalism" uniting spirituality and earthly pleasures, transcendence and material benefits, divine experience and unlimited shopping. It propagates the permanent transgression of all rules, the violation of all taboos, instant gratification as the path to enlightenment; it overcomes old-fashioned "binary" thought, the dualism of mind and .. Slavoj Žižek
2f114b2 surprised at seeing a horse-shoe above the door of Bohr's country house, a fellow scientist exclaimed that he did not share the superstitious belief that horse-shoes kept evil spirits away, to which Bohr snapped back, 'I don't believe in it either. I have it there because I was told that it works even when one doesn't believe in it'. This is indeed how ideology functions today: nobody takes democracy or justice seriously, we are all aware .. Slavoj Žižek
e0549e3 el proletariado queda dividido en tres partes, cada una de ellas opuesta a las otras: los trabajadores intelectuales, llenos de prejuicios culturales contra los trabajadores poco cultivados; los obreros, que despliegan un odio populista hacia los intelectuales y los marginados, que como tales son antagonistas de la sociedad. El viejo grito <> es, por ello, mas pertinente que nunca: Slavoj Žižek
4789957 For Lacan, psychoanalysis at its most fundamental is not a theory and technique of treating psychic disturbances, but a theory and practice that confronts individuals with the most radical dimension of human existence. It does not show an individual the way to accommodate him- or herself to the demands of social reality; instead it explains how something like 'reality' constitutes itself in the first place. It does not merely enable a human.. Slavoj Žižek
d9b616d Recall Marx's fundamental insight about the "bourgeois" limitation of the logic of equality: capitalist inequalities ("exploitation") are not the "unprincipled violations of the principle of equality," but are absolutely inherent to the logic of equality, they are the paradoxical result of its consistent realization. What we have in mind here is not only the wearisome old motif of how market exchange presupposes formally/legally equal subje.. equality freedom marx terror Slavoj Žižek
586d09d art is not just a heightened procedure of providing sensual pleasures, but a medium of Truth; Slavoj Žižek
c97b50a the act is by definition partial, it involves guilt, but the judging consciousness does not admit that its judging is also an act, it refuses to include itself in what it judges. It ignores the fact that the true evil lies in the neutral gaze which sees evil everywhere around itself, so that it is no less tainted than the acting consciousness. Slavoj Žižek
f8b02ba Nosotros somos aquellos a quienes hemos estado esperando>> no significa que hayamos descubierto que somos el agente predestinado por la suerte (la necesidad historica) para desempenar la tarea; significa totalmente lo opuesto, que no hay ningun gran Otro en quien apoyarse. Slavoj Žižek
e5fdb30 Reality is for those who cannot face their dream. reality symptom psychoanalysis Slavoj Žižek
e271cc6 if we only change reality in order to realize our dreams, and do not change these dreams themselves, sooner or later we regress back to the old reality. Slavoj Žižek
abba2e4 Antigone Don't you realise that you're talking to a dead woman alive? Chorus It's because you run yourself out in a grief with no cure , no time limit, no measure. It is a knot no one can untie. Why are you so in love with things unbearable? Slavoj Žižek
0285b87 But the excluded don't need sympathy and compassion from the privileged, they don't want others to speak for them, they themselves should speak and articulate their plight. So in speaking for them, you betrayed them even more than your uncle - you deprived them of their voice. Slavoj Žižek
33d6190 Dvije stavke odreduju danasnji liberalan tolerantni stav prema drugima: postivanje drugih, otvorenost spram njih i opsesivni strah od uznemiravanja. Drugi je OK toliko dugo dok njegovo prisustvo nije nametljivo, toliko dugo dok drugi nije doista drugi. Tolerancija se podudara sa svojom suprotnoscu: moja duznost da budem tolerantan spram drugog u biti znaci da mu ne smijem doci preblizu, da ne smijem uci u njegov/njezin prostor - ukratko, da.. Slavoj Žižek
5ed0cf0 Thus 2t Grams confronts us with the same interpretive dilemma as the one in The Wings of the Dove: is the suicidal sacrificial gesture a true ethical act or not? In contrast to Wings, the answer here is yes: there is no narcissistic staging of one's death at work when Paul shoots himself, no manipulative strategy of using one's death as a gift destined to secretly sabotage what it appears to make possible. Slavoj Žižek
f7fdea9 What if eternity is a sterile, impotent, lifeless domain of pure potentialities, which, in order fully to actualize itself, has to pass through temporal existence? Slavoj Žižek
645cff6 Fundamentalist Islamic terror is not grounded in the terrorists' conviction of their superiority and in their desire to safeguard their cultural-religious identity from the onslaught of global consumerist civilization. Slavoj Žižek
ef137df bzwG Hrk@ tZhr dwly@ bdwn brnmj mtmsk hy bltly lyst mSdf@, nh t`ks 'zm@ '`mq, 'zm@ bdwn Hl wDH. ldymqrTy@ mw'ss@ `l~ Hkm lqnwn. ldymqrTy@ t`ml fHsb dkhl Hdwd wDH@ wbyn 'ns ysh`rwn b'nfshm kjz mn ldwl@ nfsh. "mjtm` dwly" ymkn 'n tTlb lwf bmHfZ@ wqy'y@ `lmy@ mn mlyr dwr, bqydth lmHtmyn bmldh mn lDry'b wmwZfyh lmtnthryn Hwl l`lm." Slavoj Žižek
ca01e82 Fundamentalist Islamic terror is not grounded in the terrorists' conviction of their superiority and in their desire to safeguard their cultural-religious identity from the onslaught of global consumerist civilization. The problem with fundamentalists is not that we consider them inferior to us, but, rather, that they themselves secretly consider themselves inferior. Slavoj Žižek
606c9c0 When the subject goes behind the curtain of appearance to search for the hidden essence, he thinks he will discover something that was always there; he does not realize that in passing behind the curtain, he is bringing with him the very thing that he will find. Slavoj Žižek
e9d09c8 kyf nstTy` m'ss@ Sn`@ lqrr ljm`y fym wr Tr `ml lnZm mt`dd Hzb ldymqrTy? 'w lnql dhlk bshkl fZ: mn y`lm m ynbGy f`lh lywm? twjd dht t`rf, fy shkl lmthqfyn w lns l`dyyn. hl hnk m'dhq dhn, Hl@ `m~ ldhy yqwd '`m~, 'w bdq@ 'kbr, '`m~ yqwd '`m~ fy Hyn 'n kl mnhm yftrD 'n khr bmknh lrw'y@? , n ljhl lmzdwj lys symtry. nhm lns ldhyn ymlkwn ljbt, nhm fqT y`rfwn sy'l@ lty ymlkwn -'w bHr~ hm- jbth. Slavoj Žižek
27b8953 Als Prasident Obama den Aufstand als legitime Meinungsausserung begrusste, die von der Regierung anerkannt werden musse, war die Verwirrung komplett. Die Massen in Kairo und Alexandria wollten keine Anerkennung ihrer Forderungen durch die Regierung, deren Rechtmassigkeit sie rundweg ablehnten. Sie wunschten sich das Mubarak-Regime nicht als Gesprachspartner, sie wollten, dass Mubarak verschwand. Ihr Ziel war nicht nur eine neue Regierung, d.. mubarak zizek revolution egypt Slavoj Žižek
988fb06 lfsd byn lsysyyn wrjl `ml wlbnkywn ytrkn b Hyl@ Slavoj Žižek
1bba84e European civilisation finds it easier to tolerate differ- ent ways of life precisely on account of what its critics usually denounce as its weakness and failure, namely the alienation of social life. One of the things alienation means is that distance is woven into the very social texture of everyday life. Even if I live side by side with others, in my normal state I ignore them. I am allowed not to get too close to others. I move in a s.. Slavoj Žižek
36a9f63 Money is precisely an object whose status depends on how we 'think' about it: if people no longer treat this piece of metal as money, if they no longer 'believe' in it as money, it no longer is money. money metal status object Slavoj Žižek
b9ca71a Because just as in more confused times, like today, we don't just need experts. We also need people who will think more radically to arrive at the real root of problems. So the first thing to fight for, I think, is simply to make people, the experts in certain domains, be aware of not just accepting that there are problems, but of thinking more deeply. It is an attempt to make them see more. I think it can be done. I believe this may be the.. Slavoj Žižek
1eb7a7f IN AN OLD YUGOSLAV JOKE mocking police corruption, a policeman returns home unexpectedly and finds his wife naked in their marital bed, obviously hot and excited. Suspecting that he surprised her with a lover, he starts to look around the room for a hidden man. The wife goes pale when he leans down to look under the bed; but after some brief whispering, the husband rises with a satisfied, smug smile and says "Sorry, my love, false alarm. Th.. Slavoj Žižek
07ae355 We all know the elementary form of politeness, that of the empty symbolic gesture, a gesture-an offer-which is meant to be rejected. In John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany, after the little boy Owen accidentally kills John's-his best friend's, the narrator's-mother, he is, of course, terribly upset, so, to show how sorry he is, he discreetly delivers to John a gift of the complete collection of color photos of baseball stars, his most pre.. Slavoj Žižek
9a90164 there is nothing arrogant about mentioning ordinary people's material concerns: the poor have the right to do it, and to talk about a readiness for great sacrifices, or suffering 'whatever the price', is as a rule the ideology of the privileged, who are quite content to let the people suffer for them. Slavoj Žižek
bd2e2bc What if, however, humans exceed animals in their capacity for violence precisely because they speak? As Hegel was already well aware, there is something violent in the very symbolisation of a thing, which equals its mortification. This violence operates at multiple levels. Language simplifies the designated thing, reducing it to a single feature. It dismembers the thing, destroying its organic unity, treating its parts and properties as aut.. Slavoj Žižek
28a9015 Se no passado fingimos publicamente acreditar enquanto permaneciamos ceticos na vida privada, ou ainda envolvidos na troca obscena de nossas crencas publicas, hoje tendemos publicamente a professar nossa atitude cetica, hedonista e relaxada, enquanto na vida privada continuamos acossados pelas crencas e proibicoes severas. Nisso consiste, para Jacques Lacan, a consequencia paradoxal da experiencia de que "Deus esta morto". (...) O ateu mode.. Slavoj Žižek
76d5386 There is an irreducible scandal, something traumatic and unexpected, in the encounter with another subject, in the fact that the subject (a self-consciousness) encounters outside itself, in front of it, another living being there in the world, among things, which also claims to be a subject (a self-consciousness). As a subject, I am by definition alone, a singularity opposed to the entire world of things, a punctuality to which all the worl.. Slavoj Žižek
9a53ff9 First --we should restrain our anti-colonialist joy here-- the question to be raised is: if Europe is in gradual decay, what is replacing its hegemony? The answer is: 'capitalism with Asian values' (which, of course, has nothing to do with Asian people and everything to do with the clear and present tendency of contemporary capitalism as such to suspend democracy). From Marx on, the truly radical Left was never simply 'progressist'. It was .. Slavoj Žižek
d75ae15 When Zeno the Cynic was confronted with Eleatic proofs of the non-existence of movement, he simply raised and moved his middle finger, or so the story goes ... Slavoj Žižek
f215e6c the only choice is that between direct or indirect relations of domination and exploitation, with any alternative dismissed as utopian. Slavoj Žižek
ed96b7e By what right can we call this a system of "corrections"? Is it not, rather, the rubric for a slavishly obedient, oppressed, and humiliated existence?" Slavoj Žižek
cbd8ebf Every civilisation that disavows its barbarian potential has already capitulated to barbarism. Slavoj Žižek
8842fa4 Someone asked Herr Keuner if there is a God. Herr Keuner said: I advise you to think about how your behaviour would change with regard to the answer to this question. If it would not change, then we can drop the question. If it would change, then I can help you at least insofar as I can tell you: You already decided: You need a God." (Brecht) Brecht is right here: we are never in a position directly to choose between theism and atheism, sin.. Slavoj Žižek
c34d9a8 Postmodern politics definitely has the great merit that it 'repoliticizes' a series of domains previously considered 'apolitical' or 'private'; the fact remains, however, that it does not in fact repoliticize capitalism, because the very notion and form of the 'political' within which it operates is grounded in the 'depoliticization' of the economy. Slavoj Žižek
18ba3be So when the ruling ideology enjoins us to enjoy sex, not to feel guilty about it, since we are not bound by any prohibitions whose violations should make us feel guilty, the price we pay for this absence of guilt is anxiety. philosophy nonfiction philosophy-of-life theology psychology Slavoj Žižek
c866cb0 What this means is that we should reject not only all manifestations of 'alternative modernity' (which amount to a 'capitalism without capitalism', without its destructive aspect), but also all attempts to rely on particular traditional life-worlds (local cultures) as potential 'sites of resistance' against global capitalism. The only path to freedom leads through the zero-point of the brutal loss of roots, i.e., the bringing to an end the .. Slavoj Žižek
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