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c7bfcb6 Il reparto pediatrico e in una grande clinica privata che si chiama St John e che paghiamo grazie all'assicurazione del papa. Ci ho passato sei settimane quando i miei genitori si sono resi conto che in me c'era veramente qualcosa che non andava. Il guaio e che la depressione non arriva con comodi sintomi tipo macchioline e febbre, percio uno non se ne accorge subito. Continui a dire:"Sto benissimo" a tutti anche quando non stai bene per ni.. citazioni depression finding-audrey italiano quotes sophie-kinsella tristezza Sophie Kinsella
a73770a I bet Obama had a great one prepared," says Seb. "I almost wish we'd been invaded by Martians, just so I could have heard it." -- Sophie Kinsella
25a1891 OK. The trick is when you've said something embarrassing by mistake is not to overreact. Instead, keep your chin up and pretend nothing happened. humor-inspirational humorous Sophie Kinsella
4aad5f5 But they can't just "get rid" of people! Their" Sophie Kinsella
6b76f3a Mum's suddenly become interested in LOC, Sophie Kinsella
37df967 Hundreds?" I stare at her. "Why did you keep hundreds of email printouts?" "Don't you start!" says Demeter defensively. "I suppose I thought I might need them one day." Sophie Kinsella
9469bcd If love is easy, then you're not doing it right. Tilda love-is-not-easy Sophie Kinsella
541e6b4 I've seen bright, intelligent girls, waiting and hoping..." She shakes her head. "They know deep down he'll never come back." "So why do they hope?" I can't help asking. "Because it's human nature to hope for impossible things." Sophie Kinsella
703dd1c I think I've finally worked out how to feel good about life. Every time you see someone's bright-and-shiny, remember: They have their own crappy truths too. Sophie Kinsella
0821bce Maybe that's what emojis were invented for in the first place, and I've just been using them wrong. They're not there to convey thoughts in a fun way; they're there to lie to your mum.) Sophie Kinsella
6dfeaf4 The worst thing a girl can do is trail after a boy when a love affair is dead, Sophie Kinsella
dd99ee7 For him life has to go the certain way, otherwise he's not interested. Sophie Kinsella
1c28865 didn't dare to peer into the future. Sophie Kinsella
2e5000b I think your smile looks like an orange segment. Sophie Kinsella
8057fe9 I feel a blinding shaft of terror, which I tell myself to ignore, as my brain will often try to send me messages that are untrue and I do not have to listen to them. This is lesson one at St. John's: your brain is an idiot. Sophie Kinsella
1cbb6c1 Eye contact is a big deal. It's the biggest deal. Just the thought makes me feel sick, right down to my core. I know in my rational head that eyes are not frightening. They're tiny little harmless blobs of jelly. They're, like, a minuscule fraction of our whole body area. We all have them. So why should they bother me? But I've had a lot of time to think about this, and if you ask me, most people underestimate eyes. For a start, they're pow.. Sophie Kinsella
b522796 Well, I don't howl. Not quite. But I feel like howling. Sophie Kinsella
c4dca79 You still want to know, don't you? You're still curious. I mean, I don't blame you. Here's the thing: does it matter exactly what happened and why those girls were excluded? It's irrelevant. It happened. Done. Over. I'd rather not go into it. We don't have to reveal everything to each other. That's another thing I've learned in therapy: it's OK to be private. It's OK to say no. It's OK to say, "I'm not going to share that." So, if you don't.. Sophie Kinsella
ac0297a Nicole looks surprised. 'All of them. They were left in your old Sophie Kinsella
f7e15d5 Double advantage points! I mean, it's just free money, isn't it? Sophie Kinsella
93e272f I've lost it. The only thing in the world I wasn't supposed to lose. My engagement ring. To say this is a special ring is an understatement. Sophie Kinsella
ef58c3e Every promotion requires you to do less of the thing you originally wanted to do Sophie Kinsella
568bf74 Leila always reminds me of Bambi. She has long spindly legs and she wears high wedged sandals that clip-clop like hooves and she peers at the world through her long eyelashes as though she's not sure if it's about to shoot her. Sophie Kinsella
6ecc65b Mum's like one of those dressage riders on TV. She changes her voice an iota and we all obey her instantly, like trained Olympic horses. Sophie Kinsella
c72d82e She looked like a mean newsreader." I put on an exaggerated TV voice. "Hello. This is the Mean News. You're all rubbish and I despise you." Sophie Kinsella
3eec3b9 Some time in the early hours of the morning, I find myself staring at him in the dim bedroom light, at the strong, lithe form of him. His back has a curve to it like the sweep of a boat. I steal out a hand to stroke it, wondering whether he's awake, when he turns and his eyes glint at me. "Do you sail?" I say, half sleepily. "No. Used to row, though." "Huh." I nod my head: That makes sense." Sophie Kinsella
91e5aed no one seems to socialize at all. Unless you count working late as "socializing." Sophie Kinsella
3e9cfd6 Family bloody first. I'm not saying Dad was wrong, I'll never say that, but maybe I'm starting to see "family"differently. It's not just the people you share genes with; it's the people you share loyalty and friendship and respect with. It's the people you love." Sophie Kinsella
537673d We look at each other silently and I feel like we have more in common right now than I can ever remember. We met guys and we fell in love and everything seemed to work out. Until it didn't. Sophie Kinsella
b5fb6ba He's listening silently to his mother, leaning against the front doorway, his hands shoved in his pockets, his expression distant. Toby could be really good-looking, but he's got one of those beards. There are sexy beards and there are stupid beards, and his is stupid. It's so straggly and unformed, it makes me suck in breath. I mean, just trim it. Shape it. Do something with it.... Sophie Kinsella
6a8558d The law doesn't always know what it's doing," he adds for good measure. "Humans have a far greater instinct for what's right in life than lawyers do." Sophie Kinsella
3e34787 I'm suddenly seeing the other side of me; the side I thought had disappeared forever. All this time, all my stuff was here. Suddenly I have a memory of Eric's words, that first time I asked him about Jon. 'You'd trust Jon with your life.' Maybe that's what I did. Trusted him with my life. Sophie Kinsella
0116d68 When they expect you to give up, that's when you should put your foot down and double speed. wisdom Sophie Kinsella
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