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446449d So you'll forget her and move on." I suppose I will. As soon as I forget how to breathe." -- Suzanne Enoch
c21c1b7 How many of us have gazed at a man and thought, 'yes, him,' only to have him pay his attentions to someone else? And how many of us have sighed and waited for some other gentleman to come forward? All I wish to ask is, why? Why not strike up a conversation? Why not determine for ourselves whether 'he' is the one? Why leave it to fate?" A LADY'S GUIDE TO PROPER BEHAVIOR, 2ND EDITION" Suzanne Enoch
f5e0485 Love is a word we use for the desire to fornicate so that we seem more refined than farm animals." ~Lucian Balfour" Suzanne Enoch
db19c35 Did you hear that?" the duke asked with a wide grin, turning to Dare. "She said 'papa.'" The viscount returned the candy dish and tea tray to the relocated end table. "I distinctly heard 'baboon.'" "Hm, well, you're distinctly deaf." Suzanne Enoch
07dce47 I told you I didn't have a heart. I do have one. I just didn't know it until I met you. You are my light. My soul craves you, and I love you with every ounce of the heart you've awakened in me. I...I could live without you but I wouldn't want to. Will you marry me, Evelyn Marie? Suzanne Enoch
50384e1 Never interrupt a lady when she is speaking to you, as if what you have to say is more important. Suzanne Enoch
be9de27 For a long moment the butler sat in silence, his jaw hanging open. "I . . . my lord, I simply don't feel qualified to advise you about such matters." "Don't tell me that," Saint protested. "Tell me whether you can imagine me as a married man or not." To his surprise, the butler set aside his brandy snifter and sat forward. "My lord, I do not wish to overstep my bounds, but I have noticed a change in your demeanor of late. The question of wh.. marriage Suzanne Enoch
8f0f861 Saint took a seat at the main faro table at the Society club. "What the devil is a ladies' political tea?" Tristan Carroway, Viscount Dare, finished placing his wager, then sat back, reaching for his glass of port. "Do I look like a dictionary?" "You're domesticated." Saint motioned for a glass of his own, despite unfriendly looks from the tables' other players. "What is it?" "I'm not domesticated; I'm in love. You should try it. Does wonde.. Suzanne Enoch
09f6519 I had a thought," Bradshaw said into the silence. "Amazing," Tristan returned dryly." Suzanne Enoch
687e649 I am a duke, you know. If I can't perform a miracle here and there I might as well be a butler in expesive clothes." He brushed at the sleeve of his well-tailored brown coat. "And butlers don't get to dance with attractive women." Suzanne Enoch
187fd1a It amazes me, Saint, that you can own so few redeemable qualities and still be so likable. Suzanne Enoch
5bfab1b I don't think there'll be a next time, my lady." Saint smiled. "But thank you for the offer." Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. "You're welcome. My, my, manners. Where have you been--church?" Suzanne Enoch
d60b226 Someone was absolutely going to get punched in the head today. Suzanne Enoch
399a51e I'll be back at sea by then," Bradshaw put in, "so I'll comfort myself with the knowledge that you'll name the infant after me." "I don't think 'Half-wit' will pass muster with Georgie, but I'll let her know that's your suggestion." Suzanne Enoch
bb79300 If you ask for an opinion, expect to receive one, and don't make fun of it. Suzanne Enoch
55528a5 Roses," Georgiana repeated, her thoughtful gaze touching his. "It's about time one of the Carroway men decided to cultivate something other than their poor reputations." Suzanne Enoch
164aefa Gentlemanly behavior isn't just opening doors: to make an impression, you have to be concerned over a lady's needs at least as much as your own. Suzanne Enoch
ec37969 I would die again for you, Lucinda," he murmured. "I don't want you to die for me. I want you to live." Pulling his face down, she kissed him. Again and again, until he kissed her back with growing passion and until his body stopped shuddering. "I love you," she whispered against his mouth, knowing he wouldn't--couldn't--say it, himself. And then he surprised her. "I love you, Lucinda," he whispered back. "I wish I could be what you want.".. love Suzanne Enoch
b1a43d3 Reg: Speaking of blunt, dinner is on my bill tonight, mes amis. Alex: What's the occasion? Augustus: Lady Caroline's agreed to venture out on a picnic with out intrepid hero. Kit: I don't know why you keep insisting she's smitten with me. I've barely spoken five sentences to her. Augustus: It's very simple. Reg has thrown his entire being into pleasing Caroline. She knows every nuance of his thought and character. You, however, are a myste.. romance Suzanne Enoch
69de3a5 You've gone mad. What's driven you to this nonsense?" "You have," he snarled. "You, with your pretty gray eyes and your smile and the way you speak your mind. The sound of your laugh, your tears when something makes you sad." He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to imagine anyone else who had ever made him feel the way he did when he was with her. Emptiness looked back at him. There wasn't anyone else. "You're the only woman I've ever..... Suzanne Enoch
d049eae I don't want a well-ordered life.... I would die from boredom in a fortnight. Suzanne Enoch
cbaa5a5 So you intend to spend the remainder of your life whoring, drinking, wagering, and being as outrageous as you can manage?" Bram shook himself. He made it a point to be serious as little as possible, and neither did he want to argue with two newly married men about the meruts of being leg-shackled."Please Phin," he said aloud. "I would never think so small. You know my ultimate goal is to lower the standards of morality enough that everythin.. Suzanne Enoch
4f619aa Sin was a powerful temptation, indeed Suzanne Enoch
97e60ad I wish you'd tell me when we're having friends over for luncheon." "I would, if they would tell me." Suzanne Enoch
417772f I'm glad you decided to come." "It doesn't mean anything." He grinned. "Everything means something." Suzanne Enoch
b3dfa1e There's quite a difference between skirting the rules and putting musket balls through them. Suzanne Enoch
c58c0c2 I could live without you, but I wouldn't want to romance Suzanne Enoch
9555632 He lowered his head toward her, so she could feel his breath warm against her skin, their mouths only inches apart. "You're panting for it, aren't you, Princess?" he murmured." Suzanne Enoch
6c38230 Don't assume, when a lady wants to take up a task or a cause, that is just a hobby. Suzanne Enoch
fcea2f0 He wrote you a poem?" Evelyn looped her hand around Georgiana's arm and led the way to the chairs lining one side of the room. "He did." Grateful to see Luxley select one of the debutantes as his next victim, Georgiana accepted a glass of Madeira from one of the footman. After three hours of quadrilles, waltzes, and country dances, her feet ached. "And you know what rhymes with Georgiana, don't you?" Evelyn wrinkled her brow, her gray eyes .. Suzanne Enoch
b2f0486 Has anyone ever told you that you're unbearably rude?" she returned, facing him again. "Why, yes. You have on several occasions, as I recall. If you care to apologize for that, however, I'll be happy to escort you wherever you wish to go." A flush crept up her cheeks, coloring her delicate, ivory skin. "I will never apologize to you," she snapped. "And you may go straight to Hades." He hadn't expected her to apologize, yet he couldn't help .. couple hilarious Suzanne Enoch
673c85f You're a damn dog," Adam finally snapped. "If you're good enough to fuck someone, be a man enough to take responsibility for the result" favorite-quotes-ever make-me-weep snappy-dialogue Suzanne Enoch
e1f56bf Increase of knowledge only discovered to me more clearly what a wretched outcast I was. --The Monster, Frankenstein Suzanne Enoch
db92799 Perhaps his next task should be to concoct an eighth deadly sin. Or he could work toward finding even a dozen. The devil knew he'd worn out the original seven. Suzanne Enoch
871b5ef Phillipa, my heart, my blood, my everything, will you for God's and my sake marry me? propose-marriage Suzanne Enoch
04b21a1 The animal is making quite a mess," the butler droned. "Are you referring to the monkey, or to my nephew?" Fennington drawled, strolling into the room. "Hm. How long did you lurk outside the room waiting forthat opportunity?" Bennett asked" Suzanne Enoch
9961ba2 Valentine lifted Rose to look her in the eye. "You are staying away from men, my sugar cake. Men are evil, wicked, and devious. I know this, because I am one." Suzanne Enoch
a41de80 Do you have nicknames for any of your other brothers?" The youngster squinted his dark gray eyes in concentration. "Well, Tristan is Dare, and sometimes he's Tris; and Bradshaw is Shaw; and sometimes we call Andrew, Drew, but he doesn't like that very much." "Why not?" "He says it's a girls' name, and then Shaw calls him Drusilla." hilarious Suzanne Enoch
3ede2d7 Talking to yourself?" Her father turned the corner of the house to join her amid the rows of roses. Sneaking was evil, she decided. "No. I was... just conversing with the new rosebush," she stammered, feeling her cheeks warm. "Ah. And did it answer?" "I believe it to be shy." "If it everdoesanswer, you will inform me, won't you ?" "Very amusing." Suzanne Enoch
7762709 Blue eyes held hers. "I have the oddest desire to learn what you want from life," he continued." -- Suzanne Enoch
1d159b1 Don't cry,nyonda," he murmured. Phillipa took a deep breath. "What does that mean, anyway? Nyonda?" His green gaze held hers. "It's Swahili. It means 'beloved.'" A small smile touched his mouth, and he brushed her cheek again. "You do know I love you, Phillipa. To an alarming degree." love Suzanne Enoch
813252b He had no breath, no being, but in hers, she was his voice; he did not speak to her. But trembled on her words; She was his sight, For his eye followed hers, and saw hers, Which colored all his objects-he had crease to live within himself; She was his life, The ocean to the river of his thoughts... Suzanne Enoch
bea0345 To his surprise and suspicion, she smiled. Suzanne Enoch
9143559 Don't compliment me in the middle of an argument. It won't make me stammer or blush, and it just makes you look desperate. Suzanne Enoch
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