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69b6777 There are rules," he interrupted, scowling. Before she could move, he had both her hands in his, their faces inches apart. "Don't put me off, Phillipa. I've given you my one warning; I am after you. If you wish me to proceed your way, I will. To a point. But if you continue throwing up that damned--blasted--'you can't do that' protest and still look at me with that same...passion in your eyes, I will put you back in that phaeton and not sto.. Suzanne Enoch
37d6d8f Reg: Furth's in London. And yes, I know, it's my fault. But as long as I'ver roused the lion, I was going to ask you to speak to him on my behalf. Alex: You wish me to speak to Furth. Reg: Well, yes. He's always like you. Just tell him what a noble, upright fellow I am, and how I have always upheld my position with dignity and respect. Alex: Lie, you mean. REg: Whatever it takes. romance Suzanne Enoch
2da6415 One can only hope." He took a step toward her, so only a few scant inches separated them. A white cascade of glittering light lit the night above his head and made his eyes sparkle. "Do you mean there is no charity in your heart for a poor, misguided soul such as myself? "You've guided yourself astray," she informed him, backing up, "and my poor brother, as well." Her thoughts and her wits seemed to have scattered, and she fought to keep an.. Suzanne Enoch
49d3077 Even the way he was the only man she'd ever met who both could and dared to hold up his side of a conversation with her. Suzanne Enoch
2ba1697 I've found that it's easier to be pleasant when there's less need to be so. Suzanne Enoch
a7f930d Shaw grinned again, wishing mightily that he and she were alone by the fire. "I never claimed to be much of a gentleman. But whether you tote about a parasol or not, you are every inch a lady. Quite possibly the finest I've ever met." "Goodness. If you continue saying such things, I'll begin to think you're smitten with me." "I'd describe it more as being clubbed into submission," he murmured, aware both that her palm had come to rest just.. Suzanne Enoch
d6d9b37 Does that mean there'll be no engagement ball?" "There will be," he said, "once I convince Josefina to say yes." "She turned you down?" Zachary asked skeptically. "She kicked me, actually. My timing did leave something to be desired." "Josefina kicked you," Eleanor repeated. At his nod, she pursed her lips. "Perhaps I do like her after all." Suzanne Enoch
8b4db53 That explained a great many things he'd observed about Lilith Benton. No wonder she came near to throwing a blue fit every time he approached. He threatened to collapse the carefully respectablility she'd worked nonstop for six years to build. On the oter hand, he couldn't forget the way she'd responded to his kiss,, or the way she'd shivered at his light caresses. She liked being touched. She liked his touch. Jack gave a slight smile. Perh.. Suzanne Enoch
2aa67d2 Until the battle with the Revanche he hadn't thought he would ever tire of gazing at the horizon. Only since then had he noticed that the view was . . . empty. Suzanne Enoch
c0f3ea4 Yes, it is." Bennett blew out his breath. "You can't expect me to...sit in the morning room and chat Suzanne Enoch
6fd609f You might at least acknowledge that I put my self in harm's way on your behalf, Evie' the deeper voice of Viscount Dare came from her other side. Georgina stiffened. ' No you didn't. Go away now.' 'No, I didn't,' he repeated amiably, and nodded. ' Goodbye.' 'Wait!' Evelyn caught his arm. ' What do you mean, on my behalf?' 'I...ah...' He glanced over her head at his wife. 'I don't mean anything. I have a mental disability. humour tristan Suzanne Enoch
2046eca And even though he enjoyed being around her, he resisted her, because he was supremely aware that he wasn't the old Robert any longer; he was Bit, a piece of what he'd once been. Suzanne Enoch
e3c8310 Everton" (Francis) Alex turned his head to view a rainbow peacock mask bobbing toward him. "Good Lord, Francis, you are replendent," he said admiringly. The peacock stopped beside him. "Dash it, Everton, how'd you know it was me?" You're still wearing your faux ruby ring." romance masquerade Suzanne Enoch
634cbac If you ask me to leave now, I will." Slowly his mouth curved into that heart-stopping smile. "And then you'll miss what comes next." She shut her eyes for a heartbeat, trying to regain some control over her thoughts and her spread, wanton body. "What comes next?" "You do." He lowered his head again." Suzanne Enoch
35a01e6 Phillipa blew out her breath. Running a finger along the soft flower petals, she unfolded the note. For Phillipa, she read to herself, She snorted. love note Suzanne Enoch
ba3d205 He was so easygoing, she forgot he could be deadly. And startling as his anger was, it gave her another key to understanding him. Suzanne Enoch
0302044 I haven't heard a woman say my name in a long time, Theresa. Say my name." She pulled in a hard breath, pretending to be annoyed rather than unsettled and excited by the intimacy. "Very well. Tolly. Better?" "Infinitely." Slowly he ran his fingertips along her cheek, making her shiver. "So many handsome gentlemen courting you, Tess," he whispered, "and yet here you are." Suzanne Enoch
d9ab10c He smiled. "Happy anniversary, Samantha Jellicoe. So, Godzilla, or sex?" Samantha laughed. "How about both?" "I like that. I get to be Godzilla." "I guess that makes me Tokyo." Suzanne Enoch
4e11440 I would like to point out, though, Lady Georgiana," he continued, "that you have decided to stay in a household with five single gentlemen, three of them adults." "Four," Andrew broke in, coloring. "I'm seventeen. That's older than Romeo was when he married Juliet." "And it's younger than I am, which is what counts," Tristan countered, sending his brother a stern look." family hilarious Suzanne Enoch
7b2b61b Well, sometimes Reginald tries to ride Waya, and his pipe sticks out when he does it." In the doorway behind him Rebecca made a choking sound. "His pipe?" she asked faintly. "That's what Pogue says it's called. A pipe and bags. Like a bagpipe. All boys have them." Suzanne Enoch
057f8ca On nights like this, when he rode out from the dark, silent house to the dark, deserted park, he could forget. He could be nothing but a solitary rider on a fast horse, wind in his face and the world open around him. No walls, no bars, no quiet weeping or screams or death. None of that could catch him. On a night like this, none of it could find him. Suzanne Enoch
81f5c8e What?" she asked, eyeing him in the mirror. He shook himself. "What what?" "You're smiling. That scares me." Suzanne Enoch
99d16e9 She wants you back." Her gaze held his for a half-dozen heartbeats before she broke away, increasing her pace through the lobby and into the warm air of eastern Florida in January. Richard followed her, a dozen denials and rebuttals fighting for position. "She does not." "Ooh, good retort. Prove it." "She needs someone to cosign her paperwork, and I'm the only one she could think of to do it. I spend time here. Hence, Palm Beach." "She need.. Suzanne Enoch
5ec57d5 She shifted gears as they left Worth Avenue, hurtling them along the beach at just sublight speed. "Jesus, Addison, you are so blind," she finally exploded. "She comes in playing the damsel in distress, and you buy all of it." "She did n--" "'Oh, Richard, I need your help,'" she mimicked, doing a startlingly good impression of Patricia's soft, cultured Brit--especially since the two women had barely spoken a total of five words to one anoth.. Suzanne Enoch
ccb96eb I'm going to say a word, just for your general opinion and consideration," he said, his light blue gaze touching hers. "I'm listening." "Marriage." Zephyr blinked. Had he actually just suggested a proposal? A marriage? With her? A thousand thoughts all flitted through her mind, none of them making any sense, but several of them centering on whether she was reading too much or too little into one blasted word. "I think"--she stumbled, backin.. Suzanne Enoch
b35df06 Come below for a moment. Please." "Zephyr, I don't have time t--" "Bradshaw, do me the courtesy of at least looking at me when I'm talking to you, or I shall punch you in the nose." His lean jaw twitched, but he folded his arms across his chest and faced her. "What is it, then?" She took a deep breath. This would have been so much easier in a more intimate setting and if he wasn't glaring at her. "Shaw, I just wanted to say--that is, I mean.. Suzanne Enoch
b617927 He sighed. "You've chosen poorly, you know. When we return to England you'll be celebrated, just as I will be. If you've decided to abandon me, you might have netted someone titled, someone with enough wealth to see you esteemed and me able to continue my botanical studies. That would have been the aim of a dutiful daughter." "I'm not abandoning you, and I chose Shaw. You're the one who declined to attend your daughter's wedding." "You neve.. Suzanne Enoch
c24d5e2 That was the thing about courage, she was discovering. It opened so much more of the world to her than she'd expected. A Suzanne Enoch
887ab5f Excuse me," a breathy female voice came from beside her, and she lifted her head. A stunning blonde in a dress cut down to her belly button and up to her crotch hovered beside the table. "Yes?" she asked, not certain whether to scream or laugh. "Are you Richard Addison?" the woman breathed, ignoring Sam. Rick blinked. "Oh, me. I thought you were talking to her. Yes, I am." "Could I have your autograph?" "Certainly. Do you have a pen?" The w.. Suzanne Enoch
0df463b Wouldn't you be pleased if I decided I'm becoming too old for adventuring?" Viscount Dare frowned. "You're not too old for it. But I'd like to think you're becoming too wise for it." Suzanne Enoch
06a4cc3 If he needed an answer about how much he'd changed, that provided it. He didn't want Fatima Hynes or any other nameless female with vacant eyes and an ample bosom. He didn't want anyone else, ever. He wanted Evelyn Marie Ruddick--and he'd be damned if he was going to let Neckcloth Alvington have her without a fight. And if there was one thing he knew how to do better than anyone else in London, it was how to fight dirty love Suzanne Enoch
42d7fec She pursed her lips. "Satisfied I'm not carrying a concealed weapon?" "I have no idea where you'd keep one, if you were," he returned, sliding his gaze along the length of her. "Thanks for noticing." Suzanne Enoch
7404a00 I don't know what you said to my chef," Rick's voice came from the doorway, "but he's now creating a dessert of some kind in your honor." She grinned. "Just so it's not Jellicoe Jell-O or something." "How charming were you?" "I just asked for a sandwich," she said, licking mayonnaise off her finger and turning a page, "and complimented him on his culinary skills. I'd heard somewhere that his coffee won an award." Suzanne Enoch
101b4d4 When he strolled into the kitchen with Samantha, he couldn't help grinning at the adoring look on Hans's face. "Hans, a cup of coffee and a Diet Coke, please." "Of course. But I have found a new cafe mocha you might like, Miss Sam. Much less coffee aftertaste. Would you care to try it?" "I trust you, Hans," she replied, smiling at the chef. "Splendid. And might I suggest omelets for breakfast?" "Sounds good. Rick?" He nodded, wondering just.. Suzanne Enoch
2ce606d Is there anything else ye require, aside from yer freedom and a coach with four white horses to carry ye away from here?" "The horses don't have to be white," she returned. "I'm not particular." Suzanne Enoch
64cbe2b Slowly he put his arms around her, holding her close against him. 'We are two bullheaded, wicked people who have lived very unconventional lives,' he murmured into her hair. 'Personally I think we belong together. Suzanne Enoch
8be8ceb I couldn't allow you to reside at a place where such poor spelling is tolerated. Suzanne Enoch
1933cac Yeah," Stoney muttered, "easy. Except for all the guns and the running around and the chance that somebody might try to follow you. Or that somebody might recognize you. You've been on TV, if you'll recall." "Ah, but I thought of that," she returned, reaching into a sack beside her and pulling out a blonde wig. "I hope that thing's bulletproof," her former fence said dourly. She smiled at Rick. "Is it true, Mr. Addison?" she chirped, pullin.. Suzanne Enoch
bd17b5c The book jolted loose from her arm and fell to the ground. Opening her mouth to apologize to the man she'd bumped into, Rose turned around. And stopped. "A History of the New World," he read, straightening with the book in his hands. Eyes black as pitch regarded her. She'd never seen eyes like that before. The effect of their direct, level gaze was... unsettling. Beside her, Maggie gave a small gasp. "Thank you for retrieving my book, sir,".. rose-and-bram Suzanne Enoch
97bbcfa Peanut butter, or turkey?" "Turkey. Soft on the mayo, extra mustard." Rick lifted an eyebrow at her. "Do I look like a cook?" "You do until Vilseau comes back. Because anything beyond microwave pizza is your territory, sweetheart." With a grin he began slathering mustard on one of the slices of bread. "Wonderful. So now I have to negotiate a multimillion-dollar deal and cook? Do you want tomatoes?" "Hell, yes, my darlin'." "Ahem. Innocent b.. Suzanne Enoch
7e2f04e Obsidian eyes met hers, unreadable and assessing. Men didn't generally pay her much attention except to make an even number in a dance. And now she had a secret nearly-betrothed and a supposed teacher, one who looked like an angel and one a devil, and both with awful reputations. Best to remember that neither of them likely had anything good in mind for her. king-cosgrove love-triangle rosamund-davies Suzanne Enoch
dfd028c If a marriage is valued at ten thousand, surely I might have a waltz for three hundred." Her fingers clenched into very determined-looking fists. "So you know about the debt." He nodded. "If I'd known the prize, I might have wagered a larger sum against your brother." "I am not for sale." Clearly he could argue with that, but from the abrupt horror in her grass green eyes, she'd realized that at the same moment she'd spoken. 'Horror.' He'd .. Suzanne Enoch
374ee69 You are a very interesting man," Rosamund stated. "And you have female friends. Actual friends. I don't think Lord Cosgrove can claim that." He smiled, sincerely complimented. "Why thank you, my lady. So, as long as I'm here, shall we kiss again, or do you wish to proceed along the garden path a bit further?" She backed up a step. "That's not very romantic." It took more control than he expected to remain where he was and not pursue her. "N.. Suzanne Enoch
2f197ce I think those girls on the left side with the signs are members of Rick's Chicks," she returned, mostly to see if she could rattle him. "So are you, if you get the newsletter." Sam smiled. She couldn't help it, even when the volume of camera flashes increased in response. "That's right. Ooh, Mr. Addison, you're so hot, sign my tit, will you?" He leaned over, kissing her ear. "I am going to fuck you all night," he whispered. Shivers went all.. Suzanne Enoch
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