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a8cb553 What did I do now?' It was getting to the point where she didn't know any longer, but she was certain it couldn't be proper. 'Don't waste sugar,' she improvised. 'I'm not wasting it; I'm drinking it,' May countered. Suzanne Enoch
3d428a3 Shh, May,' Felicity said soothingly, glancing behind her. She absolutely did not want Rafe to come out and say something stupidly noble. They were on their own - again - and they would simply have to make do. Suzanne Enoch
6b5aa17 Falling in love wouldn't have been such a disaster if she'd been curious or even willing to travel. But no, he'd fallen for a woman with roots so deep into an estate that she was willing to stay on even when she no longer had any claim to it. Suzanne Enoch
6cf22ec There isn't a necklace, is there?' 'You'll only find out if you answer my question.' 'You're mean.' 'I'm learning to be so.' She preferred to think of it as taking more of a hand in her own destiny, but she didn't much care what anyone else might call it. Suzanne Enoch
1d37f77 You want Felicity. And you're trying to buy her.' Deerhurst shoved him backward. 'What if I am? How is that different from you keeping a place you don't want just so you can hang about her? I've seen how you look at her.' Rafe shoved back, hard enough to send the earl staggering against the wall. 'Don't start something you won't be conscious for at the finish. Suzanne Enoch
c649cd1 Tiny white flowers sprinkled the upper part of the gown like glimpses of stars at dusk, while the gathered waist and skirt darkened into solid twilight. Suzanne Enoch
6c29734 What the devil are you doing here?' Rafe demanded, eyeing him suspiciously. Warefield raised his eyebrows. 'You asked for help.' 'I asked for money.' 'It's the same thing.' 'No, it's not. You-' 'And who might this be? Suzanne Enoch
4f64324 They watched the turning colors of the sky until they faded to gray. 'Are the sunsets in Africa as beautiful?' Felicity asked. He stirred. 'Hm? Oh. They're different. The heat rises from the ground in waves.' He motioned with his hand. 'The lower the sun gets, the more the horizon seems to ripple and move, like it's alive. It's mesmerizing.' She freed her fingers and started back toward the house. 'I'm sorry all Cheshire sunsets have to off.. Suzanne Enoch
738f618 I had no idea," she panted, "that being ruined could be so invigorating." -- scottish-romance Suzanne Enoch
4f85487 Ye should see my massive claymore." "Oh, good heavens," Jane muttered from behind them. "What now?" he asked. "A claymore's a fine weapon, long and heavy, and a wonder when ye ken how to use it correctly." Abruptly Amelia-Rose didn't think they were talking about swords. "And you know how to use yours correctly?" "Aye. I'm something of an artist, ye might say. I'd like to show it to ye, lass." scottish-romance Suzanne Enoch
acbc0c3 Before she could face forward again, he caught her gaze with those impossibly light-green eyes of his. "Too late. I'm already charmed, adae. Whether ye dunnae wish me to tell ye so or not." And she was charmed, as well. If only he'd been the oldest MacTaggert. If only her mother wasn't mad for a title in the family. If only, if only, if only." scottish-romance Suzanne Enoch
dd3f060 Because of you, I am me. scottish-romance Suzanne Enoch
26f6fa9 I didn't have much notice, either, and you don't see me stomping about or trying to encourage people to faint or cry." Oh, she likely shouldn't have said that, either. "Ye've a slightly better hold of yer temper than Coll does." "A dragon would seem to have an easier temper than your brother," she blurted, then put a hand over her mouth. What was wrong with her tonight? He snorted. "I cannae argue with that." scottish-romance Suzanne Enoch
1d88faa Well, a chaperone would protect good little me from big bad you. I choose to think that you see us on more equal footing than that." "A nice way of saying that I have no teeth." To her surprise, he didn't seem offended by the notion. Lord Geoffrey, if he ever offered to take her anywhere, would more than likely make some comment that she would need a chaperone to protect her maidenly virtue from his manly rakishness. "It's not that," she re.. Suzanne Enoch
05d6b19 She supposed a properly bred London lady would be expected to faint in shock at the sight of a shirtless gentleman, but he looked far too delicious for her to close her eyes. Suzanne Enoch
4e4caee I am James Burlough, the Earl of Deerhurst.' The earl's pleasant smile capsized into not-quite-polite puzzlement. 'And who might you be, sir? Suzanne Enoch
01e1374 No class in boarding school or finishing school had ever dealt with how to avoid or fight against a kidnapping. And wrestling and fighting were so completely unacceptable they weren't even mentioned. Several headmistresses would be receiving a sternly worded letter if she survived this. Suzanne Enoch
22f34cf Ha. She'd jump out the window first. Suzanne Enoch
71d1535 She demanded to see ye and then turned her back on me. Now she willnae speak, and she's better at silence than ye ever were." Marjorie allowed herself a brief smile. "Oh, dear. She's given you the cut direct. It's the greatest show of disdain a lady can give a gentleman." He lifted a straight eyebrow. "Ye've nae cut-directed me," he returned. "I recall a slap direct, though." She'd begun to wonder if he was baiting her on purpose. "There's .. Suzanne Enoch
64c9329 Well, once ye ask me to grant ye a wish, lass, there's nae stopping me." "You haven't let me go," she reminded him. "That's because ye being here is the one thing wish," he muttered, resuming his walk through the foyer." Suzanne Enoch
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