Several do math on their fingers. Then they raise their hands as one. "Can we see it?" "No." "Not even open the first door?" "No." "Have you seen it?" "I have not." "So how do you know it's really there?" "You have to believe the story." "How much is it worth, Monsieur? Could"
Anthony Doerr |
speed, to hear their skates clapping along, then
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Four years of occupation, and the roar of oncoming bombers is the roar of what? Deliverance? Extirpation? The clack-clack of small-arms fire. The gravelly snare drums of flak. A dozen pigeons roosting on the cathedral spire cataract down its length and wheel out over the sea.
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So how, children, does the brain, which lives without a spark of light, build for us a world full of light? Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever.
Anthony Doerr |
Malouins send up oaths: Lord God safeguard this
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they stand.
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The eggs taste like clouds. Like spun gold.
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Quem sabia que o amor poderia matar?
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There is the humility of being a father to someone so powerful, as if he were only a narrow conduit for another, greater think.
Anthony Doerr |
Even the heart, which in higher animals, when agitated, pulsates with increased energy, in the snail under similar excitement, throbs with a slower motion.
Anthony Doerr |
Open your eyes, concluded the man, and see what you can with them before they close forever
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straining insects above a roadside ditch.
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That something so small could be so beautiful. Worth so much. Only strongest people can turn away from feelings like that.
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Life: it's happening beyond the mills, beyond the gates. Out there people chase questions of great importance.
Anthony Doerr |
When the wind is blowing, which it almost always is, with the walls groaning and the shutters banging, the rooms overloaded and the staircase wound tightly up through its center, the house seems the material equivalent of her uncle's inner being: apprehensive, isolated, but full of cobwebby wonders.
Anthony Doerr |
The war drops its question mark.
Anthony Doerr |
light of the moon?" She almost smiles. We all come into existence as a single cell, smaller than a speck of dust. Much smaller. Divide. Multiply. Add and subtract. Matter changes hands, atoms flow in and out, molecules pivot, proteins stitch together, mitochondria send out their oxidative dictates; we begin as a microscopic electrical swarm. The lungs the brain the heart. Forty weeks later, six trillion cells get crushed in the vise of our ..
Anthony Doerr |
Anthony Doerr |
To shut your eyes is to guess nothing of blindness. Beneath your world of skies and faces and buildings exists a rawer and older world, a place where surface planes disintegrate and sounds ribbon in shoals through the air. Marie-Laure can sit in an attic high
Anthony Doerr |
Werner turns the fine-tune dial fractionally, and abruptly the voice booms into his ears, Dvee-nat-set, shayst-nat-set, davt-set-adeen, nonsense, terrible nonsense, pipelined directly into his head; it's like reaching into a sack full of cotton and finding a razor blade inside, everything constant and undeviating and then that one dangerous thing, so sharp you can hardly feel it open your skin.
Anthony Doerr |
Marie-Laure says, "I heard that the diamond is like a piece of light from the original world. Before it fell. A piece of light rained to earth from God."
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Every hour, she thinks, someone for whom the war was memory falls out of the world. We
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Every outcome has its cause, and every predicament has its solution. Every lock its key.
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smoking in the cold and frost-dusted vineyards:
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But what Marie-Laure remembered, standing at the rail as it whistled past, was her father saying that Foucault's pendulum would never stop. It would keep swinging, she understood, after she and her father left the Pantheon, after she had fallen asleep that night. After she had forgotten about it, and lived her entire life, and died.
Anthony Doerr |
Marie-Laure lee a Julio Verne en la conserjeria, en el bano, en los corredores. Lee en los bancos que hay en la galeria central y en cualquiera de los cientos de senderos de grava que hay en los ajrdines. Lee tantas veces la primera parte de Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino qu epracticamente se la acaba sabiendo de memoria
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A una chica la han echado hoy de la piscina. A inge Hachmann. Nos han dicho que no podemos nadar con mestizas, que es poco higienico. Una mestiza, Werner. ?No somos nosotro stamiben mestizos? ?La mitad de nuestra madre y la otra mitad de nuestro padre?
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Sabes cual es la leccion mas importante d ela historia? Que solo la escriben los vencedores. Esa es la leccion. El que decide el rumbo de la historia es el que gana.
Anthony Doerr |
reading again: Who could possibly calculate the minimum time required for us to get out? Might we not be asphyxiated before the Nautilus could surface? Was it destined to perish in this tomb of ice along with all those on board? The situation seemed terrible. But everyone faced it squarely and decided to do their duty to the end . . . Werner listens. The crew chops through the icebergs that have trapped their submarine; it cruises
Anthony Doerr |
Don't you miss the world?" He is quiet; so is she. Both ride spirals of memory. "I have the whole world right here," he says, and taps the cover of Darwin, "And in my radios. Right at my fingertips." Her uncle seems almost a child, monastic in the modesty of his needs and wholly independent of any sort of temporal obligations. And yet she can tell he is visited by fears so immense, so multiple, that she can almost feel the terror pulsing i..
Anthony Doerr |
and he laughs a pure, contagious laugh, one she will try to remember all her life, father and daughter turning in circles on the sidewalk in front of their apartment house, laughing together while snow sifts through the branches above.
Anthony Doerr |
If there are fireflies this summer, they do not come down the rue Vauborel. Now it seems there are only shadows and silence. Silence is the fruit of the occupation; it hangs in branches, seeps from gutters. ... So many windows are dark. It's as if the city has become a library of books in an unknown language, the houses great shelves of illegible volumes, the lamps all extinguished.
Anthony Doerr |
For a split second, the space around Werner tears in half, as though the last molecules of oxygen have been ripped out of it. Then shards of stone and wood and metal streak past, ringing against his helmet, sizzling into the wall behind them, and Volkheimer's barricade collapses, and everywhere in the darkness, things scuttle and slide, and he cannot find any air to breathe. But the detonation creates some tectonic shift in the building's r..
Anthony Doerr |
Iz zatianutykh pautinoi dnei v voskresnoi shkole zvuchat vetkhozavetnye slova: <>.
Anthony Doerr |
Mari-Lora uzhe nichego v svoei zhizni ne uvidit. Samye znakomye mesta - ikh s papoi chetyrekhkomnatnaia kvartira, skverik v kontse ulitsy - prevratilis' v opasnye labirinty. Shkafy ne tam, gde dumaesh'. Unitaz - bezdonnaia iama. Stakan s vodoi to slishkom blizko, to slishkom daleko, pal'tsy slishkom bol'shie, vsegda slishkom bol'shie. Chto takoe slepota? Tam, gde dolzhna byt' stena, ruki provalivaiutsia v pustotu. Tam, gde dolzhna byt' pust..
Anthony Doerr |
vozdukh - biblioteka i patefonnaia plastinka vsiakoi prozhitoi zhizni, vsiakoi prozvuchavshei frazy, i v nem po-prezhnemu otdaiutsia vse kogda-libo skazannye slova.
Anthony Doerr |
purposefully in twos and threes into the streets:
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A portrait of the fuhrer glowers over every classroom. Learning happens on backless benches, at wooden tables grooved by the boredom of countless boys before them--squires, monks, conscripts, cadets.
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Chrysoberyl. Among them twinkle hundreds upon
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To really touch something, is to love it.
Anthony Doerr |
fashion spears,
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A single bed with blood in it. Blood on the pillow and on the sheets and even on the enameled metal of the bed frame. Pink rags in a basin. Half-unrolled bandage on the floor. The nurse bustles over and grimaces at Werner. Outside of the kitchens, she is the only woman at the school.
Anthony Doerr |
At night she'd close her eyes and imagine: over a hundred million billion insects hatching and dying every year--all those bristling, pointed, winged lifetimes: murderers and egg raiders, cooperators and queens. There were the glamorous dragonflies and fearsome widows; slave-holding ants; migrating monarchs; the delicate mantid chewing down her lover; dragonflies making love at thirty miles an hour--all the flagships of entomology. But
Anthony Doerr |
At night she runs her fingertips over her father's model: the bell tower, the display windows. She imagines Jules Verne's characters walking along the streets, chatting in shops; a half-inch-tall baker slides speck-sized loaves in and out of his ovens; three minuscule burglars hatch plans as they drive slowly past the jeweler's; little grumbling cars throng the rue de Mirbel, wipers sliding back and forth. Behind a fourth-floor window on th..
Anthony Doerr |