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0406ba5 It was hidden inside another book. One Valentine was unlikely to ever open." Magnus smiled crookedly. "Simple Recipes for Housewives. No one can say your mother didn't have a sense of humor." magnus-bane Cassandra Clare
ab44976 Sometimes it comes down to a choice," Magnus said. "Between saving one person and saving the whole world. I've seen it happen, and I'm selfish enough to want the person who loves me to choose me. But Nephilim wil always choose the world. I look at Alec and I feel like Lucifer in Paradise Lost. 'Abashed the Devil stood, And felt how awful goodness is.' He meant it in the classical sense. 'Awful' as in inspiring awe. And awe is well and good,.. love malec Cassandra Clare
644da0b I've never seen anyone get so excited over books before. You'd think they were diamonds. Cassandra Clare
7eef384 Then again, it was Jace. He'd pick a fight with a Mack truck if the urge took him. Cassandra Clare
1d1855c Jace snorted so loudly that she turned on him with a frown. He wiggled his mud-caked fingers at her. His nails were black crescents. "Filthy inside and out." humor city-of-ashes jace mortal-instruments Cassandra Clare
bd889b7 Come back to me, Tessa. Henry said that perhaps, since you had touched the soul of an angel, that you dream of Heaven now, of fields of angels and flowers of fire. Perhaps you are happy in those dreams. But I ask this out of pure selfishness. Come back to me. For I cannot bear to lose all my heart. heaven page-479 clockwork-princess tessa-gray will-herondale Cassandra Clare
11adbaf Though Alec had never seen the occupants of the first floor loft, they seemed to be engaged in a tempestuous romance. Once there had been a bunch of someone's belongings strewn all over the landing with a note attached to a jacket lapel addressed to "A lying liar who lies." Right now there was a bouquet of flowers taped to the door with a card tucked among the blooms that read I'M SORRY. That was the thing about New York: you always knew mo.. funny humor neighbors romance-relationship city-of-lost-souls the-mortal-instruments apartment cassandra-clare new-york Cassandra Clare
f672e30 And what if I'm the one who kills him?" "My heart is your heart," he said, "My hands are your hands." Cassandra Clare
f54ff7b But--but..." Will sputtered. "Oh, leave it," said Jem, kicking Will, not without affection, lightly on the ankle. "She annexed my plan!" "Will," Tessa said firmly. "Do you care more about the plan being enacted or about getting credit for it?" Will pointed a finger at her. "That," he said. "The second one." infernal-devices Cassandra Clare
7036ec3 At the moment, he is in shock," said Magnus. "He has believed one thing for five years, and now he has realized that all this time he has been looking at the world through a faulty mechanism - that all the things he sacrificed in the name of what he thought was good and noble have been a waste, and that he has only hurt what he he loved." "Good God," said Woolsey. "Are you quite sure you've helped him?" -- Cassandra Clare
1d674f9 She looked across the room at , she wasn't sure why, only to find that They both glanced hastily away. Cassandra Clare
557f46e I know how you are with your words, and, Will- I love all of them. Every word you say. The silly ones, the mad ones, the beautiful ones, and the ones that are only for me. I love them, and I love you." - Tessa Gray" words love tessa Cassandra Clare
e048f7c I'm--sorry about being a lousy date," Alec muttered. "What are you talking about?" Magnus asked. "You're a fantastic date. You've only been here ten minutes, and I already got half of your clothes off." first-dates malec magnus-bane Cassandra Clare
c012948 Is this some manly bonding thing I can't be a part of? Are you getting matching haircuts? Cassandra Clare
d55b861 I have an idea," Simon said. "Remember how before, I was talking about Dungeons and Dragons?" "Vividly," Jace said. "It was a dark time." Cassandra Clare
86feaf2 Emma's gaze went from Alec to Jace, curious. "Do you worry about him?" she asked Alec, surprising a laugh out of him. "All the time," he said. "Jace could get himself killed putting his pants on in the morning. Being his parabatai is a full-time job." emma parabatai jace Cassandra Clare
979be12 I am here to determine my relationship." Simon goggled. She couldn't be talking about him. Could she? "Do you see that man?" Isabelle asked, pointing at Simon. Apparently she was talking about him. "That's Simon Lewis, and he is my boyfriend. So if any of you think about trying to hurt him because he's a mundie or--may the Angel have mercy on your soul--pursuing him romantically, I will come after you, I will hunt you down and I will crush .. mundie sizzy isabelle-lightwood simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
ebaf872 My heart is your heart," he said. "My hands are your hands." love jace Cassandra Clare
4f3b0b9 Magnus, we're going down to the lake," he said. "Do you want to come?" "Why?" Magnus inquired. Alec shrugged, "Clary says it's pretty," he said. "I mean, I've seen it before, but there was a huge angel rising out of it, and that was distracting." Cassandra Clare
8634aac Some lights were never meant to burn for long. Cassandra Clare
5834a5b You don't have to do this for me," Emma was saying, softly but earnestly, in a voice Cristina had never heard her use before. I think I do," said Julian. "I think I remember making a vow to that effect." "'Whither thou goest, I will go, whatever stupid thing you do, I will do also?'" Emma said. "Was that the vow?" parabatai julian-blackthorn Cassandra Clare
30383e6 Simon snorted. "If you ever meet the man who could take advantage of Isabelle, you'll have to let me know. I'd like to shake his hand. Or run away from him very fast, I'm not sure which." fun city-of-glass clary-fray the-mortal-instruments isabelle-lightwood simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
3abc1af Hiding here, are you? That's awkward." "Why?" "Because I had intended to hide here myself." "You may hide here with me, if you wish." gabriel-lightwood otp Cassandra Clare
e2e3c20 She realized that this scarred, sarcastic boy, was gentle with the things he loved. clary-fray jace-lightwood Cassandra Clare
418d2c0 Fire wants to burn Water wants to flow Air wants to rise Earth wants to bind Chaos wants to devour Cal wants to live magic humor flow cal elements rise burn fire devour power Cassandra Clare
02c10b9 I was just wondering if you were armed. You want anything? Dagger, maybe?" He opened his own suit jacket just a bit, and Simon saw something long an metallic glinting against the inside lining. "No wonder you and Jace like each other so much. You're both crazy walking arsenals." Cassandra Clare
9f6eb0c Change is not always accomplished peacefully, but that does not make it disadventageous. poilitics clockwork-prince infernal-devices Cassandra Clare
e790a5b He was gazing at her, the way one did when one felt one was unobserved. He had that look on his face, the look he usually got only when he was playing the violin, as if he were completely caught up and entranced. Cassandra Clare
0a352f6 Wo men shi jie bai xiong di-we are more than brothers, Will. page-245 clockwork-princess jem-carstairs will-herondale Cassandra Clare
6e22aa2 They belonged to each other totally, and always would, and that was that. But maybe everyone felt that way? Until the moment they realized they were just like everyone else, and everything they'd thought was real shattered apart. Cassandra Clare
2f92595 You sound as if you don't mind what happens to it," said Tessa. "Won't you miss it here? This place has been your home." His fingers stroked her wrist lightly, making her shiver. "You are home for me now." Cassandra Clare
94ee033 Clary: What are you doing here, anyway? clary-morgenstern city-of-bones jace-wayland mortal-instruments Cassandra Clare
7ade2c6 Isabelle was holding an umbrella. It was clear plastic, decorated with decals of colorful flowers. It was one of the girliest things Simon had ever seen, and he didn't blame Alec for ducking out from under it and taking his chances with the rain. friendship lgtbq simon Cassandra Clare
d4afbd4 Have you ever felt that your heart contained so much that it must surely break apart Cassandra Clare
29a4dce The dark prince sat astride his black steed, his sable cape flowing behind him. A golden circlet bound his blond locks, his handsome face was cold with the rage of battle, and... "And his arm looked like an eggplant," Clary muttered to herself in exasperation." funny simon-lewis mortal-instruments Cassandra Clare
4a355a8 Why are you wearing a T-shirt under your other T-shirt?" Livvy asked. "In case one of them is stolen," Marked said, as it were entirely normal." mark-blackthorn Cassandra Clare
5912259 It doesn't matter how many times you say it. It'll still be true.' 'And it doesn't matter what you won't let me say, that'll still be true too. Cassandra Clare
4cae966 Why all these paintings of you? Because I'm an artist, Emma. These pictures are my heart. And if my heart was a canvas, every square inch of it would be painted over with you. love julian-blackthorn Cassandra Clare
b6ebdc8 You tried to drink the East River,"Magnus said, and Alec saw, as if for the first time, that Magnus's clothes were soaking wet too, sticking to his body like a dark second skin." magnus-bane Cassandra Clare
627966b Your place is with me," Jem said. "It always will be." "What do you mean?" He flushed, the color dark against his pale skin. "I mean," he said, "Tessa Gray, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Tessa sat bolt upright. "Jem!" They stared at each other for a moment. At last he said, trying for lightness, though his voice cracked, "That was not a no, I suppose, though neither was it a yes." "You can't mean it." "I do mean it." "You c.. marriage love tessa-gray jem-carstairs Cassandra Clare
3d6da67 What would you give someone who likes to play the piano?" "A piano." "Simon." "A really huge metronome that could also double as a weapon?" simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
d39cd61 The door buzzer sounded again. The two boys exchanged a single look before both bolting down the narrow hallway to the door. Jordan got there first. He grabbed for the coatrack that stood by the door, ripped the coats off it, and flung the door wide, the rack held aboe his head like a javelin. On the other side of the door was Jace. He blinked. "Is that a coatrack?" Jordan slammed the coatrack down on the ground and sighed. "If you'd been .. funny humor coatrack coats jordan-kyle city-of-fallen-angels the-mortal-instruments jace-lightwood jace-wayland simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
1ecb211 Tell me, is he always really rude, or does he save that for mundanes?" "Oh, he's rude to everyone," said Isabelle airily. "It's what makes him so damn sexy. That and he's killed more demons than anyone else his age." Cassandra Clare
fdb66e1 Why are you such an asshat?" "An asshat?" Jace looked as if he were about to laugh." Cassandra Clare