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ab04fb3 I want to kiss you one more time before I die. Cassandra Clare
405d8d7 To lose an arm or a leg would be painful, but to lose the central truth of your life felt--fatal. Cassandra Clare
bfa1290 I loved you recklessly from the moment I knew you. I never cared about the consequences. I told myself I did, I told myself you wanted me to, and so I tried, but I never did. I wanted you more than I wanted to be good. I wanted you more than I wanted anything, ever. Cassandra Clare
65b7387 They confused beauty with innocence and harmlessness. Cassandra Clare
3907436 Jem's knees gave out, and he sank to the trunk at the foot of his bed, still playing. He played Will breathing the name Cecily, and he played himself watching the glint of his own ring on Tessa's hand on the train from York, knowing it was all a charade, knowing, too, that he wished that it wasn't. He played the sorrow in Tessa's eyes when she had come into the music room after Will had told her she would never have children. Unforgivable, .. clockwork-prince jem-carstairs Cassandra Clare
29bb718 She had wondered, when he'd looked into her eyes and said that he'd had to learn to make do without mirrors in the Wild Hunt, whose eyes he'd been looking into for all those years. Who'd been his mirror. Now she knew. Cassandra Clare
662b2e3 We needn't talk about Tessa if you don't want to, you know." "It's not Tessa." This was true. Will hadn't been thinking of Tessa. He was getting good at not thinking about her, really; all it took was determination and practice." Cassandra Clare
bc9bafb Yes...and I'm worried that if you get into the habit of making out with your instructors, you'll wind up making out with him too." "Don't be sexist. They could find me a female instructor." "In that case, you have my permission to make out with her as long as I can watch." romantic humor mrotal-instruments clary-and-jace Cassandra Clare
db5b2d8 Do you remember when we stood together on Blackfriars Bridge?" he asked softly, and his eyes were like that night had been, all black and silver. "Of course I remember." "It was the moment I first knew I loved you," Jem said. "I will make you a promise. Every year, Tessa, on one day, I will meet you on that bridge. I will come from the Silent City and I will meet you, and we will be together, if only for an hour. But you must tell no one... james-carstairs tessa-gray jem-carstairs Cassandra Clare
cfbf97d Thank you, Simon, I appreciate that." Luke opened the pizza box and, finding it empty, shut it with a sigh. "Though you did eat all the pizza." "I only had five slices," Simon protested, leaning his chair backward so it balanced precariously on its two back legs. "How many slices did you think were in a pizza, dork?" Clary wanted to know. "Less than five slices isn't a meal. It's a snack." Simon looked apprehensively at Luke. "Does this mea.. simon-lewis luke Cassandra Clare
4c7bb1b Hope is not an illusion. Cassandra Clare
10f5780 Every time you almost die, I almost die myself. Cassandra Clare
2048741 I didn't know," he said. "I didn't know you needed me." Her voice shook. "I always need you" jace-herondale Cassandra Clare
a9c9167 Women do not think with logic and discretion but with emotions of the heart charlotte institute lightwood Cassandra Clare
c9d15d0 Jem drew the bow back and let the arrow fly; it struck the creature in the side. The massive demon worm writhed in agony, undulating as it swept its great, blind head from side to side, uprooting shrubbery with its thrashings. Leaves filled the air and the boys choked on dust, Gideon backing up with his seraph blade in his hand, trying to see by its light. "It's coming toward us," he said in a low voice. And indeed it was, the arrow still.. Cassandra Clare
81442e2 I screwed her over. I didn't want to see her screwed over by someone else. love screwed-up jordan-kyle city-of-fallen-angels simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
fdead87 Everyone knows that quote because of the Doors." Jace looked at her blankly. "The Doors. They were a band." "If you say so," he said. "I suppose you don't have much time for enjoying music," Clary said, thinking of Simon, for whom music was his entire life, "in your line of work." He shrugged. "Maybe the occasional wailing chorus of the damned." -- Cassandra Clare
40231a8 Jace was probably the safest boyfriend in the world since he was pretty much banned from (1) getting angry, (2) making sexual advances, and (3) doing anything that would produce an adrenaline rush. Cassandra Clare
746c317 The world is terrible," said Mark tonelessly. "And some are drawn down into it and drown there, and some rise above and carry others with them." world life peace Cassandra Clare
5b8d91b Mene mene tekel upsharin,' Jace said with a faint smile. 'You don't recognize it? It's from the Bible, vampire. The old one. That's your book, isn't it?' Just because I'm Jewish doesn't mean I've memorized the Old Testament.' It's the Writing on the Wall. "God hath numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end; thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting." It's a portent of doom--it means the end of an empire." Cassandra Clare
32dfc44 You couldnt erase everything that caused you pain with recollection.Every memory was valuable; even the bad ones Cassandra Clare
8831684 You're a heartbreaker, Isabelle Lightwood," he said, as lightly as he could with her blood still running through him like fire. "Jace told Clary once you'd walk all over me in high-heeled boots." "That was then. You're different now." She eyed him. "You're not scared of me." He touched her face. "A nd you're not scared of anything." "I don't know." Her hair fell forward. "Maybe you'll b r eak my heart." Before he could say anything, she kis.. isabelle-lightwood simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
b519584 Mr. Lightwood," she said, raising herself up on her elbows. "Are those under your bed?" Cassandra Clare
460e2b2 Did you know we were leaving for Idris?" "Catarina told me she'd been summoned to make a portal. I guessed," Magnus said wryly. "I was a little surprised you hadn't called or texted to tell me you were going away." "You never answer my calls or texts," said Alec. "That hasn't stopped you before." "Everyone gives up eventually," Alec said. "Besides, Jace broke my phone." Magnus huffed a laughter. "Oh, Alexander." "What?" alec asked, honestly.. malec Cassandra Clare
34dadef Rage flared up in Tessa and she considered belting Woolsey with the poker whether he came near her or not. He had moved awfully quickly while fighting Will, though, and she didn't fancy her chances. "You don't know James Carstairs. Don't speak about him." "Love him, do you?" Woolsey managed to make it sound unpleasant. "But you love Will, too." Tessa froze. She had known that Magnus knew of Will's affection for her, but the idea that what .. tessa jem will Cassandra Clare
8fff4d1 I don't want the world. I want you. Cassandra Clare
48d50c0 I should have known what you would do," Jem said in a low voice. "I always know what you will do. I should have known you would put your hands into the fire." "And I should have known you would throw that packet away," said Will, without rancor. "It was--it was a madly noble thing to do. I understand why you did it." "I was thinking of Tessa." Jem drew his knees up and rested his chin on them, then laughed softly. "Madly noble. Isn't that m.. parabatai will-herondale Cassandra Clare
f15d01b I'm pure at heart. It repels the dirt. isabelle-lightwood Cassandra Clare
d335e65 It was stupid to hope, she knew. But sometimes hope was all you had. romantic hope love inspirational Cassandra Clare
3b26ac6 You cannot reduce the situation to worm jokes, Will. This is Gabriel and Gideon's father we're discussing." "We're not just discussing him; we're chasing him through an ornamental sculpture garden because he's turned into a worm." will-herondale Cassandra Clare
89f0e77 He knew in the way that she was a part of him, the way her breathing was his breathing, and her dreams were his dreams, and her blood was his blood, and when her heart stopped he knew that his would too, and he would be glad, because he wouldn't want to live one second in a world that didn't have her in it. love lady-midnight julian-blackthorn Cassandra Clare
961da83 Okay. I've got a good one." Simon stroked Isabelle's hair feeling her lashes flutter against his neck as she closed her eyes. "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away." Cassandra Clare
5c56779 Every time I annoy him he retreats into his No Mundanes Allowed tree house." Simon pointed at Jace." Cassandra Clare
da261b8 Who am I?" he whispered. "For years I pretended I was other than I was, and then I gloried that I might return to the truth of myself, only to find there is no truth to return to. I was an ordinary child, and then I was a not very good man, and now I do not know how to be either of those things any longer. I do not know what I am, and when Jem is gone, there will be no one to show me." Cassandra Clare
1a2d684 I don't care what you think. You're not my brother," Clary said. "You're a murderer." "I really don't see how those things cancel each other out," said Sebastian." sebastian Cassandra Clare
1f61f9d Can I touch your mango? jace Cassandra Clare
7de209b Wherever we are, we are as one parabatai will-herondale Cassandra Clare
e02f214 My mother always told me if I rode a motorcycle with a boy, she'd kill me." ... She couldn't hear him laugh, but she felt his body shake. "She wouldn't say that if she knew me," he called back to her confidently. "I'm an excellent driver." -Clary & Jace, pg.289-" Cassandra Clare
4e9a60e Every decision you make, makes you. Never let other people choose who you're going to be. simon-lewis choose decision Cassandra Clare
499fb85 For a moment she just stared, wondering if there were another girl staying here, or if Sebastian had taken to cross-dressing. sebastian Cassandra Clare
4f32263 But he would understand," he said dazedly. "If we explained it to him. If we told him...he would understand." She made her voice as cold as she could. As calm. "Told him what?" Will only looked at her. There had been light in his eyes on the stairs... And it was going now, fading like the last breath of someone dying. She felt as if she were watching the life bleed out of Will Herondale. "Jem would forgive me," Will said, but there was hop.. Cassandra Clare
f31b34c I know there are monsters on this earth,' said Tessa. 'You cannot tell me otherwise. I have seen them. Cassandra Clare
cef5865 He was the one she was doing all this for, but sometimes she missed him so much it felt like she swallowed broken glass. Cassandra Clare
186af4c Those of us who do not live forever do not like change perhaps as much as those of you who do. will-herondale goodbye Cassandra Clare