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28468bd The crowd is his element, as the air is that of birds and water of fishes. His passion and his profession are to become one flesh with the crowd. For the perfect flaneur, for the passionate spectator, it is an immense joy to set up house in the heart of the multitude, amid the ebb and flow of movement, in the midst of the fugitive and the infinite. To be away from home and yet to feel oneself everywhere at home; to see the world, to be at t.. Charles Baudelaire
d1d1722 The study of beauty is a duel in which the artist cries out in terror before being vanquished. beauty artist Charles Baudelaire
64352b8 A friend of mine, the most innocuous dreamer who ever lived, once set a forest on fire to see, as he said, if it would catch as easily as people said. The first ten times the experiment was a failure; but on the eleventh it succeeded all too well. persistence Charles Baudelaire
c032f16 I sit in the sky like a sphinx misunderstood; My heart of snow is wed to the whiteness of swans; I hate the movement that displaces the rigid lines, With lips untaught neither tears nor laughter do I know. the-flowers-of-evil charles-baudelaire Charles Baudelaire
2fc99cc Viens, mon beau chat, sur mon coeur amoureux; Retiens les griffes de ta patte, Et laisse-moi plonger dans tes beaux yeux, Meles de metal et d'agate. Lorsque mes doigts caressent a loisir Ta tete et ton dos elastique, Et que ma main s'enivre du plaisir De palper ton corps electrique, Je vois ma femme en esprit. Son regard, Comme le tien, aimable bete, Profond et froid, coupe et fend comme un dard, Et, des pieds jusques a la tete, .. poems Charles Baudelaire
9ab453f Flesh is willing, but the Soul requires Sisyphean patience for its song, Time, Hippocrates remarked, is short and Art is long. time patience Charles Baudelaire
b9a3d00 and the lamp having at last resigned itself to death. There was nothing now but firelight in the room, And every time a flame uttered a gasp for breath It flushed her amber skin with the blood of its bloom. Charles Baudelaire
b0d2363 From his soft fur, golden and brown, Goes out so sweet a scent, one night I might have been embalmed in it By giving him one little pet. He is my household's guardian soul; He judges, he presides, inspires All matters in his royal realm; Might he be fairy? or a god? When my eyes, to this cat I love Drawn as by a magnet's force, Turn tamely back upon that appeal, And when I look within myself, I notice with astonishment The fire.. Charles Baudelaire
c42fce6 Nature is a temple, where the living Columns sometimes breathe confusing speech; Charles Baudelaire
9468d74 Be Drunken, Always. That is the point; nothing else matters. If you would not feel the horrible burden of Time weigh you down and crush you to the earth, be drunken continually. inspirational Charles Baudelaire
f014297 No renuncies jamas a tus suenos, los cuerdos nada saben del sueno admirable de un loco!>> madness poem crazy dreams-inspirational Charles Baudelaire
e445e36 Who among us has not dreamt, in moments of ambition, of the miracle of a poetic prose, musical without rhythm and rhyme, supple and staccato enough to adapt to the lyrical stirrings of the soul, the undulations of dreams, and sudden leaps of consciousness. Charles Baudelaire
65084c5 With heart at rest I climbed the citadel's Steep height, and saw the city as from a tower, Hospital, brothel, prison, and such hells, Where evil comes up softly like a flower. Thou knowest, O Satan, patron of my pain, Not for vain tears I went up at that hour; But like an old sad faithful lecher, fain To drink delight of that enormous trull Whose hellish beauty makes me young again. Whether thou sleep, with heavy vapors full, Sodden with da.. poetry Charles Baudelaire
193ea25 de satan ou de dieu, qu'importe! ange ou sirene, qu'importe, si tu rends -- fee aux yeux de velours, rythme, parfum, lueur, o mon unique reine! -- l'univers moins hideux et les instants moins lourds? Charles Baudelaire
3f03332 I know that pain is the one nobility / upon which Hell itself cannot encroach Charles Baudelaire
7c28029 If rape or arson, poison or the knife Has wove no pleasing patterns in the stuff poetry debauchery decadence Charles Baudelaire
76fe415 Acel ce-si strange lacom iubita-n brate pare Un muribund ce-n taina mormantul si-l dezmiarda. Charles Baudelaire
90209fa Abolishers of the soul (materialists) are necessarily abolishers of hell, they, certainly, are interested. At all events, they are people who fear to live again--lazy people. lazy soul Charles Baudelaire
d115d67 Que j'aime voir, chere indolente, De ton corps si beau, Comme une etoffe vacillante, Miroiter la peau! Sur ta chevelure profonde Aux acres parfums, Mer odorante et vagabonde Aux flots bleus et bruns, Comme un navire qui s'eveille Au vent du matin, Mon ame reveuse appareille Pour un ciel lointain. Tes yeux ou rien ne se revele De doux ni d'amer, Sont deux bijoux froids ou se melent L'or avec le fer. A te voir marcher en cadence, Belle d'aban.. poems snakes Charles Baudelaire
92c0a0b The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist. devil evil Charles Baudelaire
23d43e7 The child, in love with prints and maps, Holds the whole world in his vast appetite. How large the earth is under the lamplight! But in the eyes of memory, how the world is cramped! Charles Baudelaire
57e74ea Go then, a starveling girl With no perfume or pearls, Charles Baudelaire
8d7395c Fruit free of any bruises, not yet broken open, / With flesh so firm and smooth, it cried out to be eaten! Charles Baudelaire
0aa0f51 Je ne suis pas le Styx pour t'embrasser neuf fois. Charles Baudelaire
4291912 C'est l'Ennui! --l'oeil charge d'un pleur involontaire, Il reve d'echafauds en fumant son houka. Tu le connais, lecteur, ce monstre delicat, --Hypocrite lecteur,--mon semblable,--mon frere! Charles Baudelaire
5e9e43e Scent, sound or sight, beneficent, malign - Who cares if you're a blessing or a curse, So long as you bring light, Charles Baudelaire
0d737b8 Nations, like families, have great men only in spite of themselves. Charles Baudelaire
1a84cdc Ant swarming City City full of dreams city Charles Baudelaire
41bd237 La rue assourdissante autour de moi hurlait. Longue, mince, en grand deuil, douleur majestueuse, Une femme passa, d'une main fastueuse Soulevant, balancant le feston et l'ourlet; Agile et noble, avec sa jambe de statue. Moi, je buvais, crispe comme un extravagant, Dans son oeil, ciel livide ou germe l'ouragan, La douceur qui fascine et le plaisir qui tue. Un eclair . . . puis la nuit! -- Fugitive beaute Dont le regard m'a fait souda.. Charles Baudelaire
52f8e7d The old Paris is no more (the form of a city changes faster, alas! than a mortal's heart). Charles Baudelaire
a26b098 Bisogna sempre essere ubriachi. Tutto qui: e l'unico problema. Per non sentire l'orribile fardello del Tempo che vi spezza la schiena e vi tiene a terra, dovete ubriacarvi senza tregua. Ma di che cosa? Di vino, poesia o di virtu : come vi pare. Ma ubriacatevi. E se talvolta, sui gradini di un palazzo, sull'erba verde di un fosso, nella tetra solitudine della vostra stanza, vi risvegliate perche l'ebbrezza e diminuita o scomparsa, chiedete a.. Charles Baudelaire
05eb9fb Isn't it true that a pleasant house makes winter more poetic, and doesn't winter add to the poetry of a house? winter poetry intimacy Charles Baudelaire
586ad29 Le Poete est semblable au prince des nuees Qui hante la tempete et se rit de l'archer; Exile sur le sol au milieu des huees, Ses ailes de geant l'empechent de marcher. poets literature poetry mundane mundane-reality Charles Baudelaire
3a0ce5d Doubt, or the absence of faith and naivete, is a vice peculiar to this age, for no one is obedient nowadays; and naivete, which means the dominance of temperament in the manner, is a gift from God, possessed by very few. Charles Baudelaire
dc2a102 The saddest thing is that every love has an unhappy ending, and all the more unhappy in proportion to how divinely it began, with what wings it first took flight. sad Charles Baudelaire
5c239a0 Lost in this awful world, rubbing shoulders with the multitudes, I am like a tired man whose eye can't see behind him, in the deep years, anything but disillusion and bitterness, and in front of him, nothing but a storm which contains nothing new, neither learning nor pain. Charles Baudelaire
b3ee46d L'etude du beau est un duel ou l'artiste crie de frayeur avant d'etre vaincu. philosophy Charles Baudelaire
eb24781 Do not look for my heart any more; the beasts have eaten it. poetry Charles Baudelaire
243ddbc But how you'd please me, night! without those stars Whose light speaks in a language I have known! Since I seek for the black, the blank, the bare! Charles Baudelaire
876d328 God is a scandal, - a profitable scandal. Charles Baudelaire
4c0a11f La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, Luxe, calme et volupte. (L'Invitation au Voyage) Charles Baudelaire
1df988b believe I already wrote in my notes that love was very similar to torture or surgery. But this idea can be developed in a most bitter way. Even if two lovers are very much in love and full of mutual desires, one of the two will always be calmer or less possessed than the other. The former is the operator or the executioner; the latter is the subject, the victim. Do you hear these sighs, preludes to a tragedy of dishonor, these groans, these.. Charles Baudelaire
3b9f81b The room was filled with deep, raucous sighs, sudden sobs, silent floods of tears. The horrified musician stopped,and going up to the man whose bliss was expressing itself most noisily, he asked him if he was in great pain and what would help to relieve it. But the sick man, his eyes gleaming ecstatically, looked at him with unspeakable contempt. Fancy wanting to save a man sick with too much life, sick with joy! Charles Baudelaire
6b398f3 La Terre est un gateau plein de douceur. Charles Baudelaire
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