sh`wr blwHd@ , mndh mwldy. brGm l'sr@ , wwsT lzml, `l~ wjh lkhSwS , - sh`wr lmqdr lh n ykwn wHyd l~ lbd. m` dhlk, nzw` shdyd lHywy@ llHy@ wlmt`@
Charles Baudelaire |
Ange plein de gaiete, connaissez-vous l'angoisse, La honte, les remords, les sanglots, les ennuis, Et les vagues terreurs de ces affreuses nuits Qui compriment le coeur comme un papier qu'on froisse? Ange plein de gaiete, connaissez-vous l'angoisse?
Charles Baudelaire |
Regarding sleep, this sinister adventure of each night, one could say that people fall asleep daily with an audacity that would be incomprehensible if we didn't know that it results from their being oblivious of danger.
Charles Baudelaire |
The act of love greatly resembles torture or surgery.
Charles Baudelaire |
Cum altii prin iubire-ar vrea,sa stapaneasca viata ta,eu vreau s-o stapanesc prin groaza.
Charles Baudelaire |
L'oubli puissant habite sur ta bouche, Et le Lethe coule dans tes baisers.
Charles Baudelaire |
Dans ce trou noir ou lumineux vit la vie, reve la vie, souffre la vie.
Charles Baudelaire |
ENIVREZ-VOUS Il faut etre toujours ivre, tout est la ; c'est l'unique question. Pour ne pas sentir l'horrible fardeau du temps qui brise vos epaules et vous penche vers la terre, il faut vous enivrer sans treve. Mais de quoi? De vin, de poesie, ou de vertu a votre guise, mais enivrez-vous! Et si quelquefois, sur les marches d'un palais, sur l'herbe verte d'un fosse, vous vous reveillez, l'ivresse deja diminuee ou disparue, demandez au vent,..
Charles Baudelaire |
Folly, error, sin, avarice Occupy our minds and labor our bodies, And we feed our pleasant remorse As beggars nourish their vermin.
Charles Baudelaire |
the Devil's hand directs our every move the things we loathed become the things we love; day by day we drop through stinking shades quite undeterred on our descent to Hell.
Charles Baudelaire |
He sadly resumes his path toward a desert that he knows is similar to the one he just crossed, escorted by the pale phantom they call Reason, who lights up the aridity of his path with a weak lantern, and who, when the thirst of passion comes back from time to time, quenches it with the poison of ennui.
Charles Baudelaire |
I believe that the infinite and mysterious charm that lies in the contemplation of a moving vessel is caused, firstly, by the regularity and symmetry that are among the primordial needs of the human spirit, to the same degree as complication and harmony - and, secondly, by the multiplication and generation of all the imaginary curves and figures produced in space by the real elements of the object. The poetic idea released by this operation..
Charles Baudelaire |
No task is a long one but the task on which one dare not start. It becomes a nightmare.
Charles Baudelaire |
Who dares, in front of Love, to mention Hell? Curbed forever be that useless dreamer Who first imagined, in his brutish mind, Of sheer futility the fatuous schemer, Honour with Love could ever be combined. He who in mystic union would enmesh Shadow with warmth, and daytime with the night, Will never warm his paralytic flesh At the red sun of amorous delight. Go, if you wish, and seek some boorish lover: Offer your virgin heart to his ..
Charles Baudelaire |
A soul is a thing so impalpable, so often useless and sometimes such a nuisance, that the loss of it disturbed me less than if I had lost my visiting card while taking a walk.
Charles Baudelaire |
The sap rises and, itself a mixture of elements, flowers in a mixture of tones; the trees, the rocks, the granites cast their reflections in the mirror of the water; all the transparent objects seize and imprison colour reflections, both close and distant, as the light passes through them. As the star of day moves, the tones change in value, but always they respect their mutual sympathies and natural hatreds, and continue to live in harmony..
Charles Baudelaire |
Her voice makes perfume when she speaks, Her breath is music faint and low.
Charles Baudelaire |
Am cautat uitarea-n iubire: ce folos! Caci dragostea mi-e numai un pat cu spini, facut Sa dea acestor fete cumplite de baut!
Charles Baudelaire |
I worship you like night's pavilion, O vase of sadness, o great silent one, And love you more since you escape from me, And since you seem, my night's sublimity, To mock me and increase the leagues that lie Between my arms and blue immensity. I move to the attack, besiege, assail, Like eager worms after a funeral.
Charles Baudelaire |
Music pierces the sky.
Charles Baudelaire |
I'm not saying that the world will be reduced to expedient means and ridiculous disorder of the South American republics, - that we could maybe even return to savagery, and walk through the overgrown ruins of our civilization searching for food with a gun in our hand. No; - because such a destiny and such adventures would still presuppose a vital energy, an echo of primeval ages. As the new example and the new victims of inexorable moral la..
Charles Baudelaire |
Thanks be to God, Who gives us suffering as sacred remedy for all our sins, that best and purest essence which prepares the strong in spirit for divine delights!
Charles Baudelaire |
He whose thoughts, like skylarks, Toward the morning sky take flight --Who hovers over life and understands with ease The language of flowers and silent things!
Charles Baudelaire |
Mais qu'importe l'eternite de la damnation a qui a trouve dans une seconde l'infini de la jouissance!
Charles Baudelaire |
Celui qui regarde du dehors a travers une fenetre ouverte, ne voit jamais autant de choses que celui qui regarde une fenetre fermee.
Charles Baudelaire |
Do you come from Heaven or rise from the abyss, Beauty?
Charles Baudelaire |
Spleen Je suis comme le roi d'un pays pluvieux, Riche, mais impuissant, jeune et pourtant tres vieux, Qui, de ses precepteurs meprisant les courbettes, S'ennuie avec ses chiens comme avec d'autres betes. Rien ne peut l'egayer, ni gibier, ni faucon, Ni son peuple mourant en face du balcon. Du bouffon favori la grotesque ballade Ne distrait plus le front de ce cruel malade; Son lit fleurdelise se transforme en tombeau, Et les dames d'atour, p..
Charles Baudelaire |
Late night, and like a medal in the sky The harvest moon was beaming down, And, like a river, the solemnity Of night arranged on the sleeping town. -
Charles Baudelaire |
Iste onlar gibi biri, Venus heykelinin altligina buzulmus, olumsuz tanricaya bakip gozyaslari dokuyor... Gel gor ki insafsiz Venus, uzaklara bilmedigim bir seylere bakiyor mermer gozleriyle.
Charles Baudelaire |
Or poking through a house, in closets shut for years, Full of the scent of time - acrid, musky, dank, One comes, perhaps, upon a flask of memories In whose escaping scent a soul returns to life. -
Charles Baudelaire |
A cada minuto nos sentimos aplastados por la idea y la sensacion del tiempo. Y no hay mas que dos recursos para escapar a esa pesadilla, para olvidarla: el placer y el trabajo. El placer nos gasta. El trabajo nos fortifica. Elijamos
Charles Baudelaire |
evening harmony behold the times when trembling on their stems the flowers evaporate like thuribles the sounds and scents turn in the evening cool; sad waltz, languid intoxication! the flowers evaporate like thuribles the viol quivers like a heart that's torn sad waltz, languid intoxication! the sky is sad like some memorial. the viol quivers like a heart that's torn a heart that hates the void perpetual! the sky is sad like some memorial ..
Charles Baudelaire |
Les amants des prostituees Sont heureux, dispos et repus; Quant a moi, mes bras sont rompus Pour avoir etreint des nuees.
Charles Baudelaire |
Au-dessus des etangs, au-dessus des vallees, Des montagnes, des bois, des nuages, des mers, Par dela le soleil, par dela les ethers, Par dela les confins des spheres etoilees
Charles Baudelaire |
Dis-moi, ton coeur parfois s'envole-t-il, Agathe!
Charles Baudelaire |
But why is she weeping? She, the perfect beauty, Who could put at her feet the conquered human race, What secret malady gnaws at those sturdy flanks? --She is weeping, fool, because she has lived! And because she lives! But what she deplores Most, what makes her shudder down to her knees, Is that tomorrow, alas! she will still have to live! Tomorrow, after tomorrow, always!--like us!
Charles Baudelaire |
Lindo perro mio, buen perro, chucho querido, acercate y ven a respirar un excelente perfume, comprado en la mejor perfumeria de la ciudad. Y el perro, meneando la cola, signo, segun creo, que en esos mezquinos seres corresponde a la risa y a la sonrisa, se acerca y pone curioso la humeda nariz en el frasco destapado; luego, echandose atras con subito temor, me ladra, como si me reconviniera. --!Ah miserable can! Si te hubiera ofrecido un mo..
Charles Baudelaire |
He is at once a great lazybones, pitifully ambitious, and famous for unhappiness; for his entire life he has had practically nothing but half-baked ideas. The sun of laziness, which ceaselessly glows within him, vaporizes him and gnaws away that half-genius that heaven bestowed upon him.
Charles Baudelaire |
In this respect you, unworthy companion of my sad life, resemble the public, to whom one must never present the delicate scents that only exasperate them, but instead give them only dung, chosen with care.
Charles Baudelaire |
La Nature est un temple ou de vivants piliers Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles; L'homme y passe a travers des forets de symboles Qui l'observent avec des regards familiers.
Charles Baudelaire |
For every letter of creditors, write fifty lines on an extraterrestrial subject and you'll be saved.
Charles Baudelaire |
The beginning of a novel: start a subject, no matter where, and to have the desire to finish, start with very beautiful phrases.
Charles Baudelaire |
N'es-tu pas l'oasis ou je reve, et la gourde Ou je hume a long traits le vin du souvenir ?
Charles Baudelaire |
lHdhr yj`l lHb mn 'wl nZr@ mstHyl
Charles Baudelaire |