Finalmente, te quedas atrapado en tu precioso nido y los objetos que poseias ahora te poseen a ti.
Chuck Palahniuk |
The liberator who destroyed my property has realigned my perceptions.
Chuck Palahniuk |
With a gun barrel pressed between you're teeth, you speak only in vowels.
Chuck Palahniuk |
The same as if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, you realize, if no one had been there to witness the agony of Christ, would we be saved? The key to salvation is how much attention you get. How high a profile you get. Your audience share. Your exposure. Your name recognition. Your press following.
Chuck Palahniuk |
We dance past states of saints in somebody else's religion. To m they're just rock shaped into glorified nobodies.
Chuck Palahniuk |
Maybe what I liked most about dancing is the rules. In a world where anything goes, here are solid arbitrary rules.
Chuck Palahniuk |
The truth is you can be orphaned again and again.
Chuck Palahniuk |
If your body is a temple, you can pile up too much deferred maintenance.
Chuck Palahniuk |
These days, people aren't going to fill stadiums to get preached at by somebody who isn't beautiful.
Chuck Palahniuk |
Why do the impulsive notions of a would-be do-gooder always translate into the ideals of the next civilization?
Chuck Palahniuk |
maybe you don't go to hell for the things you do. Maybe you go to hell for the things you don't do.
Chuck Palahniuk |
It's worth noting up front that I have always conceived of my mind as a digestive organ. A stomach for processing knowledge, if you will. As a looping, wrinkled mass, a human brain unmistakably looks like gray intestines, and it's within these thinking bowels that my experiences are broken down, consumed to become my life story. My thoughts occur as flavorful burps or acrid barf. The indigestible gristle and bone of my memories are expelled..
Chuck Palahniuk |
and the things you used to own, now they own you.
Chuck Palahniuk |
no, this wasn't about money. Not everything is about money
Chuck Palahniuk |
La publicidad hace que compren ropas y coches que no necesitan. Generaciones y generaciones han desempenado trabajos que odiaban para poder comprar cosas que en realidad no necesitan. Nuestra generacion no ha vivido una gran guerra ni una gran crisis, pero nosotros si que estamos librando una gran guerra espiritual. Hemos emprendido una gran revolucion contra la cultura. La gran crisis esta en nuestras vidas. Sufrimos una crisis espirirual..
Chuck Palahniuk |
Personas que conozco y que solian llevarse pornografia al cuarto de bano, ahora se llevan el catalogo de muebles de IKEA.
Chuck Palahniuk |
she's confused and afraid to commit to the wrong thing so she won't commit to anything.
Chuck Palahniuk |
It's airline policy not to imply ownership in the event of a dildo. Use the indefinite article. A dildo. Never your dildo. Never say the dildo accidentally turned itself on.
Chuck Palahniuk |
In all seriousness, Archer claims that if you, as a living, alive person, hear the song "You're the One That I Want" from the musical Grease three times in a single day--seemingly by accident, whether in an elevator, on a radio, a telephone hold button, or wherever--it indicates that you'll surely die before sunset. In contrast, the phantom odor of scorched toast merely means that a deceased loved one continues to watch over you and protect..
Chuck Palahniuk |
hdh m yf`lh lbshr dy'm: yHwlwn l'shy l~ ns, wlns l~ 'shy.
Chuck Palahniuk |
The police think maybe it was the gas. Maybe the pilot light on the stove went out or a burner was left on, leaking gas, and the gas rose to the ceiling, and the gas filled the condo from ceiling to floor in every room. The condo was seventeen hundred square feet with high ceilings and for days and days, the gas must've leaked until every room was full. When the rooms were filled to the floor, the compressor at the base of the refrigerator ..
Chuck Palahniuk |
Marla's heart looked the way my face was. The crap and the trash of the world. Post-consumer human butt wipe that no one would ever go to the trouble to recycle.
Chuck Palahniuk |
A veces la muerte de una sola persona puede justificar la muerte de una cultura entera.
Chuck Palahniuk |
You just pay your filthy money, and somewhere else, the ax falls.
Chuck Palahniuk |
That's why the bran muffins and the colonoscopies.
Chuck Palahniuk |
My best work is not behind me! He yells, You know, "nobody does a better split-reed standing anal with an on-demand hands-free pop-shot release."
Chuck Palahniuk |
Then he went on to bore me with a lot of details about jet engines, the venturi effect, increasing lift by increasing camber with the flaps, and how after all four engines flame out the plane will turn into a 450,000-pound glider. Then since the autopilot will have trimmed out to fly a straight line, the glider will begin what the pilot calls a controlled descent. That kind of descent, I tell him, would be nice for a change. You just don't ..
Chuck Palahniuk |
El consenso mas importante de la sociedad moderna es la organizacion del transito. La manera como puede interrelacionarse una marea de desconocidos que comparten un mismo camino y viajan casi todos sin incidentes. Con un conductor disidente hay suficiente para crear anarquia.
Chuck Palahniuk |
We ourselves, will resurrect the memory in order to savor it and carry it forth into the world. We will fling it at one another for laughs. Distort it. We will toss the story into the air at parties and howl over its ripeness. Degraded as it was, we will degrade it further. Make it more swollen. We shall render it impossibly awful, making of it the mythology of ourselves. A comfort. Proof of the trials we've survived.
Chuck Palahniuk |
I don't know who to believe, all I know is my feathers are on fire.
Chuck Palahniuk |
Stink for privacy, the new way to protect personal space. Intimidation by odor.
Chuck Palahniuk |
Todos nos crescemos vendo os mesmos programas de TV. E como se tivessemos os mesmos implantes artificiais de memoria. Nao nos recordamos de quase nada da nossa verdadeira infancia, mas nos lembramos de tudo o que aconteceu com as mesmas familias dos seriados de comedia. Temos os mesmos objetivos basicos. Todos nos temos os mesmos medos.
Chuck Palahniuk |
The left half of your brain deals with logic, language, calculation, and reason. This is the half people perceive as their personal identity. This is the conscious, rational, everyday basis of reality. The right side of your brain is the center of your intuition, emotion, insight, and pattern recognition skills. Your subconscious. Your left brain is a scientist. Your right brain is an artist. People live their lives out of the left half of ..
Chuck Palahniuk |
Art, inspiration, love, they're all so easy to dissect. To explain away.
Chuck Palahniuk |
What she's learned is what she always learns. Plate was right. We're all of us immortal. We couldn't die if we wanted to. Every day of her life, every minute of her life, if she could just remember that.
Chuck Palahniuk |
Because sponges never have a bad day.
Chuck Palahniuk |
Want to talk third-wave feminism, you could cite Ariel Levy and the idea that women have internalized male oppression. Going to spring break at Fort Lauderdale, getting drunk, and flashing your breasts isn't an act of personal empowerment. It's you, so fashioned and programmed by the construct of patriarchal society that you no longer know what's best for yourself. A damsel too dumb to even know she's in distress.
Chuck Palahniuk |
These chicken chokers. Didn't bother to read any feminist theory beyond that outdated Andrea Dworkin tripe. Nothing sex-positive. Nothing along the lines of Naomi Wolf. I come, therefore I am... No, whether a woman is a concubine to fuck or a damsel to redeem, she's always just some passive object to fulfill a man's purpose.
Chuck Palahniuk |
It's easy to attack and destroy an act of creation. It's a lot more difficult to perform one.
Chuck Palahniuk |
No detail is too minor to note.
Chuck Palahniuk |
The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close-up.
Chuck Palahniuk |
These distraction-oholics. These focus-ophobics."
Chuck Palahniuk |
Until you deal with your real personal issues, you'll never be able to control yourself.
Chuck Palahniuk |
Sure, everybody wants to play God, but for me it's a full-time job.
Chuck Palahniuk |