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42f5d1c Just for the record, being smeared with shit and naked in the wilderness, spattered with pink vomit, this does not necessarily make you a real artist. Chuck Palahniuk
78d0ad3 Tell the world what scares you most. Save the world with some advice from the future. Chuck Palahniuk
af8abe4 According to Plato, we don't learn anything. Our soul has lived so many lives that we know everything. Teachers and education can only remind us of what we already know. Chuck Palahniuk
23929dd If emotion can create a physical action, then duplicating the physical action can re-create the emotion. Chuck Palahniuk
3c2a5fe Every time we burn a gallon of gas or an acre of rain forest, aren't we killing the future to preserve the present? Chuck Palahniuk
f029619 This is passive-aggression in action. Chuck Palahniuk
bfe0ab9 You're not getting this back you know. Consider it an asshole tax. Chuck Palahniuk
8838bc9 I am nothing, and not even that. Chuck Palahniuk
9feaf68 Also consider that someday, when you're dead and rotted, kids with their baby teeth will sit in their time-geography class and laugh about how stupid you were. Chuck Palahniuk
b46af6a The books on plastic surgery, the pamphlets and brochures all promised to help me live a more normal, happy life; but less and less, this looked like what I'd want. What I wanted looked more and more like what I'd always been trained to want. What everybody wants. Give me attention. Flash. Give me beauty. Flash. Give me peace and happiness, a loving relationship, and a perfect home. Flash. Brandy says, "The best way is not to fight it, just.. Chuck Palahniuk
a3d3f84 Actually, watching television and surfing the Internet are really excellent practice for being dead. death-and-dying humor humorous humorous-quotations internet television wisdom wisdom-in-fiction Chuck Palahniuk
ff77353 We just had a near-life experience Chuck Palahniuk
d996687 Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can hurt like hell. Chuck Palahniuk
6447031 And it's funny how when somebody saves you, the first thing you want to do is save other people. All other people. Everybody. The kid never knew the man's name. But he never forgot that smile. "Hero" isn't the first word, but it's the first word that comes to mind." -- save saved saving Chuck Palahniuk
53f268c The air will always be to filled with something. Your body too sore or tired. Your father too drunk. Your wife too cold. You will always have some excuse not to live your life. Chuck Palahniuk
4ae2481 We come from a generation of people who need their TV or stereo playing all the time. These people so scared of silence. These soundaholics, these quietophobics. Chuck Palahniuk
16ff440 This is why I loved the support groups so much, if people thought you were dying, they gave you their full attention. If this might be the last time they saw you, they really saw you. Everything else about their checkbook balance and radio songs and messy hair went out the window. You had their full attention. People listened instead of just waiting for their turn to speak. And when they spoke, they weren't just telling you a story. When th.. Chuck Palahniuk
2ed574c As young people we want something to slow us down and keep us trapped in one place long enough to look below the surface of the world. That disaster is a car crash or a war. To make us sit still. It can be getting cancer or getting pregnant. The important part is how it seems to catch us by surprise. That disaster stops us from living the life we'd planned as children - a life of constant dashing around. Chuck Palahniuk
d2a374f All you can do is hope for a pattern to emerge, and sometimes it never does. Still, with a plan, you only get the best you can imagine. I'd always hoped for something better than that. Chuck Palahniuk
45467f1 some soap opera, you know, real people pretending to be fake people with made-up problems being watched by real people to forget their real problems. movies problems reality soap-opera truth tv Chuck Palahniuk
50a813a No, I say, it's fine. Put a gun to my head and paint the wall with my brains. Just great, I say. Really. Chuck Palahniuk
aae679a Help me give up my addiction to Hope. fiction prayer Chuck Palahniuk
d170202 Death is a long process," Archer says. "Your body is just the first part of you that croaks." Meaning: Beyond that, your dreams have to die. Then your expectations. And your anger about investing a lifetime in learning shit and loving people and earning money, only to have all that crap come to basically nothing. Really, your physical body dying is the easy part. Beyond that, your memories must die. And your ego. Your pride and shame and am.. Chuck Palahniuk
22d17be you can't escape the world, and you're not responsible for how you look, if you look beauticious or butt ugly. you're not responsible for how you feel or what you say or how you act or anything you do. it's all out of your hands. Chuck Palahniuk
8d3be99 So maybe I'll spend some years in prison, but you'll have a big head start on me in hell! Chuck Palahniuk
7a53a2d Life is short, death is forever Chuck Palahniuk
d997615 Nothing shows you the straight line from here to death like a list. humor Chuck Palahniuk
5facf4c These days, most of the people you hear laughing are dead. Chuck Palahniuk
bd305d7 In truth, the degree of anyone's success depends on how often they can say the word yes and hear the word no. Chuck Palahniuk
d1d97d0 Hope is something really tough and tenacious you have to give up. It's an addiction to break. fiction Chuck Palahniuk
638710a Any time some well-meaning person forces you to demonstrate you have no talent and rubs your nose in the fact you're a failure at the only dream you ever had, take another drink. Chuck Palahniuk
4276c6b To repeat, the way you get to the huge, impossible yes is, you start collecting a lot of easy, small yeses. Chuck Palahniuk
5662b57 Maybe humans are just the pet alligators that God flushed down the toilet. Chuck Palahniuk
1216551 We went sailing one time, and he wore a Speedo, and any smart woman should know that means bisexual at least. Chuck Palahniuk
eb0b170 The police are asking through the bedroom door, why did I make a batch of strawberry daiquiris before I called them? Because we were out of raspberries. Because, can't they see, it just does not matter. Time was not of the essence. Chuck Palahniuk
cd0fd41 You turn up your music to hide the noise. Other people turn up their music to hide yours. You turn up yours again. Everyone buy s a bigger stereo system. This is the arms race of sound. You don't win with a lot of treble. Chuck Palahniuk
bc4cb5d Its only after you've lost everything," Tyler says, "that you're free to do anything." Chuck Palahniuk
dcafc8a The problem with educating stupid people was that they didn't know they were stupid. The same went for curing crazy people. crazy crazy-people phoenix stupid stupid-people stupidity Chuck Palahniuk
0c32143 Crying is right at hand in the smothering dark, closed inside someone else, when you see how everything you can ever accomplish will end up as trash. loved-ones trash Chuck Palahniuk
c392703 It's so quiet this high up, the feeling you get is that you're one of those space monkeys. You do the little job you're trained to do. Pull a lever. Push a button. You don't understand any of it, and then you just die. Chuck Palahniuk
4b42a18 Inside me is the same desperate hope I have watching the ravenous dead and thinking, Oh please, oh please, oh please. The craving inside of me is to be clutched at by some dead girl. To put my ear to her chest and hear nothing. Even getting munched on by zombies beats the idea that I'm only flesh and blood, skin and bone. Demon or angel or evil spirit, I just need something to show itself. Ghoulie or ghosty or long-legged beastie, I just wa.. Chuck Palahniuk
aeb6034 Waiters will always pee in soup, people will always fall in love. Chuck Palahniuk
0da821d Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed. Still, I'm doing the little FAX thing. I write little HAIKU things and FAX them around to everyone. When I pass people in the hall at work, I get totally ZEN right in everyone's hostile little FACE. Chuck Palahniuk
3fccad2 The problem with every story is you tell it after the fact. Chuck Palahniuk